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Explosions during warping?

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#1 - 2017-01-15 21:26:47 UTC
Do I have a buggy client or have I missed something in the patch notes, but about 75% of the warps I make are now accompanied by random, loud explosions during the warp sequence, some times its just a single explosion, but i've instances when its been 2 or 3.

Gave me one hell of a jolt awake the first time it happened as I have my sound on quite loud and the explosion took it right up to 11.

Amanda Creire-Geng
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2017-01-15 21:44:55 UTC
Sounds like your warp core's subspace exhaust filter is clogged, might wanna get that checked before you start getting capacitor leaks, unless you like paying ludicrous repair bills.
Trasch Taranogas
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3 - 2017-01-15 21:58:03 UTC
This might be a different thing but during exploring
it takes a long time for a dualfailed hack to make the
target explode. Usually Im already warping when it happens.

If you always stay ready you don't have to get ready.

Trasch Taranogas
State War Academy
Caldari State
#4 - 2017-01-15 21:59:03 UTC
Amanda Creire-Geng wrote:
Sounds like your warp core's subspace exhaust filter is clogged, might wanna get that checked before you start getting capacitor leaks, unless you like paying ludicrous repair bills.

Mr Scott will sort that out.

If you always stay ready you don't have to get ready.

#5 - 2017-01-15 22:04:07 UTC
But i just bought this ship from a reputable second hand dealer, he promised me it was as great...grrrr

ValentineMichael Smith
Farnham's Freehold
#6 - 2017-01-15 22:09:41 UTC
Amanada, that's awesome! Lol
Shiloh Templeton
Cheyenne HET Co
#7 - 2017-01-15 22:35:02 UTC
Under "audio" check the volume of '3rd party warp'.

#8 - 2017-01-15 22:41:10 UTC
I told you that if you use a Minmatar warp core, you have to add rust to the surrounding systems.
Tuttomenui II
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2017-01-15 23:03:21 UTC
Sonic booms in space. Also your warp fluid is low, you need to get some helium and put it in your cargo hold the ship will know what to do with it.
Ice Fire Warriors
#10 - 2017-01-15 23:28:31 UTC
Damn Fedos chewing up the insulation panels...
Cien Banchiere
Extrinsic Arcadia Distribution
#11 - 2017-01-15 23:36:25 UTC
Trasch Taranogas wrote:
This might be a different thing but during exploring
it takes a long time for a dualfailed hack to make the
target explode. Usually Im already warping when it happens.

Even after finishing a site the sound will trigger half way to my next site or gate. It stutters a bit but it's definitely the site exploding.
Kenneth Endashi
Kor-Azor Slave Holdings
#12 - 2017-01-15 23:39:16 UTC
witchking42 wrote:
Do I have a buggy client or have I missed something in the patch notes, but about 75% of the warps I make are now accompanied by random, loud explosions during the warp sequence, some times its just a single explosion, but i've instances when its been 2 or 3.

Gave me one hell of a jolt awake the first time it happened as I have my sound on quite loud and the explosion took it right up to 11.


This has been happening to me too, usually as I come out of warp. At first I thought it was a new feature to emphasize coming out of warp, but the inconsistency has me convinced it's only a bug.
#13 - 2017-01-16 08:44:51 UTC
Kenneth Endashi wrote:
witchking42 wrote:
Do I have a buggy client or have I missed something in the patch notes, but about 75% of the warps I make are now accompanied by random, loud explosions during the warp sequence, some times its just a single explosion, but i've instances when its been 2 or 3.

Gave me one hell of a jolt awake the first time it happened as I have my sound on quite loud and the explosion took it right up to 11.


This has been happening to me too, usually as I come out of warp. At first I thought it was a new feature to emphasize coming out of warp, but the inconsistency has me convinced it's only a bug.

At least I'm not alone, let hope its fixed in the next patchday.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#14 - 2017-01-16 11:43:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
Amanda Creire-Geng wrote:
Sounds like your warp core's subspace exhaust filter is clogged, might wanna get that checked before you start getting capacitor leaks, unless you like paying ludicrous repair bills.

Tell Aura to check for organic matter in filter.

I heard that sometimes someone from crew can have deal with repairshop in station where you make repairs and they put potatoes in system. Surprisingly people dont check for this kind of obvious matter in high tech mechanical engineering.
Sergey Hawk
The Sith Syndicate
#15 - 2017-01-16 12:24:37 UTC
At first I thought it was a new feature to emphasize coming out of warp, but the inconsistency has me convinced it's only a bug.

This ↑
Last year's very difficult to identify it is a bug or a feature. For me explosions in midwarp it is a bug. But maybe it is a feature for CCP dev teams Ugh

Aura: "You need to be within range to execute this function."

Kimi Räikkönen: “Leave me alone, I know what I’m doing.”

#16 - 2017-01-16 12:36:05 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
Tell Aura to check for organic matter in filter.

I heard that sometimes someone from crew can have deal with repairshop in station where you make repairs and they put potatoes in system. Surprisingly people dont check for this kind of obvious matter in high tech mechanical engineering.

I don't think it can be that, I have the Spherical Tuber Detection implant currently installed in slot 10, that should detect a spud in the pipe?
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#17 - 2017-01-16 14:32:35 UTC
witchking42 wrote:

I don't think it can be that, I have the Spherical Tuber Detection implant currently installed in slot 10, that should detect a spud in the pipe?

02, 04 or 06 version? Gotta watch those version numbers for those small spuds.
Jacques d'Orleans
#18 - 2017-01-16 14:36:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Jacques d'Orleans
witchking42 wrote:
But i just bought this ship from a reputable second hand dealer, he promised me it was as great...grrrr

You really bought your ship at Ralph Williams?
Davian Thule Pirkibo
Arquebus Co.
Crimson Inquisicion
#19 - 2017-01-16 14:46:21 UTC
I believe this "bug" (its not a bug, its a mechanic of the server) occurs in certain exploration sites, basically when you leave grid everything on it explodes, this used to be mute past 20km , but now with the new explosions you can hear explosions up to 1km away, ive noted that in battles that i heard battleships exploding hundreds of km away. You will note especially this occurs with profession sites which have alot of objects that don't have the explosion animation and therefore explode instantly with the explosion noise.
Nalia White
#20 - 2017-01-16 19:07:57 UTC
oh man i had this too... as a multiboxer that additional adrenalin is not needed, thank you :P

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