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Pirating and Awoxing

#1 - 2017-01-13 09:37:53 UTC
Hi all,

This is not my primary toon.... I've created this to mess up a bit in space!

I'm looking for ways to use this char as a pirate or an awoxer. Now I don't have experience with this, but I was thinking about the following:
1) Join a corp and provide a character only API
2) Fly to a POS and start shooting it (will it shoot back?)
3) Steal all the ****
4) Try to do it again or drop the toon and create a new one.

Other possibilities are join a corp fleet, scram ships like an Orca and get some buddies to help out.

I'm looking for some advice and possible groups of people (shared channels?) where we can meet up, help eachother etc..

All information is welcome and many thanks in advance!
YeuxVerts Belle
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2017-01-13 10:03:56 UTC  |  Edited by: YeuxVerts Belle
Mandro wrote:
This is not my primary toon.... I've created this to mess up a bit in space!

This might not end well, as an unwritten rule of this forum sub-section is that only mains are deserving of respecting. Even if you intend to do all that you describe, it's probably better to ask the questions with your main. It's not like we're all pure and innocent here Pirate

Grey-area sheneningans you describe basically fall into three categories : murder, theft, and betrayal.

All of these are based on a simple premise : you can only do what others allow you to do.

For murder, it usually requires joining a corporation that operates in highsec with friendly-fire allowed (murdering people in other space doesn't happen a lot because you usually end up losing more, for various reasons).
For theft, it's about gaining enough trust to be given access to valuable toys, or to join a corp of naive directors. It can work very well if you're good at talking and convincing.
Betrayal is the playground of spies, more frequent in nullsec than highsec ; usually, spies do their job for strategic reasons, working for the opposition. Mercenary spies are not something that works well in Eve.

Would you like to know more?

The above message presents my opinions on the topic at hand. If there is a conflict between my views and reality, consider reality to be correct until proven otherwise.

Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#3 - 2017-01-13 10:31:10 UTC
Mandro wrote:
I'm looking for ways to use this char as a pirate or an awoxer.

Mandro wrote:
I'm looking for some advice and possible groups of people (shared channels?) where we can meet up, help eachother etc..

Creates forum alt to hide main from concequences - check
Creates forum post on public forum with forum alt explaining he would like to awox with forum alt - check
Asks for help to help awox.

thats not how this works, thats not how any of this works.

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#4 - 2017-01-13 14:31:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
YeuxVerts Belle wrote:
an unwritten rule of this forum sub-section is that only mains are deserving of respecting.

thats not true , we wrote it down.
just we dont have any authority here beyond what we can inflict in-game.

On topic , Op Belligerent Undesirables would be the place to startBlink.
the channel "belligerent undesirables" would be another, dunno if theres any one still there though
Dom Arkaral
Cuttlefish Collective
#5 - 2017-01-13 17:14:36 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
YeuxVerts Belle wrote:
an unwritten rule of this forum sub-section is that only mains are deserving of respecting.

thats not true , we wrote it down.
just we dont have any authority here beyond what we can inflict in-game.

On topic , Op Belligerent Undesirables would be the place to startBlink.
the channel "belligerent undesirables" would be another, dunno if theres any one still there though

Channel's still pretty active ^_^
Although not many awoxes lately lol

Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.

Broadcast 4 Reps -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER

Instigator of the First ISD Thunderdome

CCL Loyalist

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#6 - 2017-01-13 17:44:40 UTC
Dom Arkaral wrote:
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
YeuxVerts Belle wrote:
an unwritten rule of this forum sub-section is that only mains are deserving of respecting.

thats not true , we wrote it down.
just we dont have any authority here beyond what we can inflict in-game.

On topic , Op Belligerent Undesirables would be the place to startBlink.
the channel "belligerent undesirables" would be another, dunno if theres any one still there though

Channel's still pretty active ^_^
Although not many awoxes lately lol

Oh yeah?
Last time I poked around all that was happening was market typhoon linking .gif's perpetually.
Window Licker McTard
#7 - 2017-01-13 17:55:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Window Licker McTard
Speaking of poking around Dommy, I asked Sasha if he still held my backside. I confronted him with my 20 sided dise and scroll. 18 and he said nuthen. You were write as per usual. He broke the ganker circle so now what??!! Evil

I'm a special elite ganker, Codes finest warrior bard druid. I gank as much as possible cause I'm good. Don't mess with me minor, i'll mess with you harder. I have no honor. Dommy and Sasha are my wingmen and have my backside.

Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#8 - 2017-01-14 00:14:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Vimsy Vortis
BU is the the best channel in the game.

Found some dude with a killright on him and need help to neut out his marauder? Ping in BU and someone will show up in a Armageddon. Need reps for your awox? BU. Found a carebear that will bite when you shoot his MTU but can't tank him? BU will save you.

If you want to do evil and need impromptu assistance it's the best channel.
Clockwork Robot
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#9 - 2017-01-15 02:54:24 UTC
B.U. is still a thing? Hmm. Couldnt tell from all the... "content" posted on their website.

(DISCLAIMER: There is no content posted on that site.)
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#10 - 2017-01-16 01:32:44 UTC
Floppie (the main contributor to that blog) has always been sporadically active.
Bronson Hughes
The Knights of the Blessed Mother of Acceleration
#11 - 2017-01-16 14:09:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Bronson Hughes
Since CCP let corps disable friendly fire, AWOXing has gotten more difficult, albeit far more satisfying. If FF is off, you'll need to coax someone into a duel "to test your fit", get assigned to web freighters into warp, etc.

If you're trying to steal loot from a POS that belongs to the same corp as you, shooting it is the very last thing you want to do. Aside from taking a ridiculous amount of time to actually destroy it (you have to destroy the control tower before you can shoot any loot-containing structures), corp leadership is notified any time the POS is attacked. Get roles, steal loot, and drop them a little note as you abscond with your booty.

This kind of gameplay is all about social engineering, mind-fuckery, and generally being a devious buggar, not so much shooting at things.

Plan accordingly.

Relatively Notorious By Association

My Many Misadventures

I predicted FAUXs

Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#12 - 2017-01-16 14:11:50 UTC
if you want to kill the pos, get an army of dread alts and contact me, ill help out

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Wanda Fayne
#13 - 2017-01-17 07:33:33 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
if you want to kill the pos, get an army of dread alts and contact me, ill help out

Let the recruiting begin!

"your comments just confirms this whole idea is totally pathetic" -Lan Wang-

  • - "hub humping station gamey neutral logi warspam wankery" -Ralph King-Griffin-
Sonya Corvinus
Grant Village
#14 - 2017-01-18 16:03:31 UTC
Hey, I can teach you how to scam and awox. Shoot me a corp invite in game and I'll train you. I only require a 500 mil good faith deposit when people join. You'll get it back as soon as the corp invitation is accepted.
#15 - 2017-01-18 17:49:08 UTC
Sonya Corvinus wrote:
Hey, I can teach you how to scam and awox. Shoot me a corp invite in game and I'll train you. I only require a 500 mil good faith deposit when people join. You'll get it back as soon as the corp invitation is accepted.

Oh, Accidently transfered 5b. Can you please refund? I've send my application!
Tengu Grib
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2017-01-18 18:24:49 UTC
Good hunting. The advice already listed here is solid.

Rabble Rabble Rabble

Praise James, Supreme Protector of High Sec.

Clockwork Robot
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#17 - 2017-01-20 15:28:43 UTC
Vimsy Vortis wrote:
Floppie (the main contributor to that blog) has always been sporadically active.

The man has been inactive for years.

MMO'S have an extreme nostalgia problem. We tend to venerate the Tales of Them What Did Them Cool Things Long Ago, far past the point of it still being relevant or fresh. See forum threads with variations of:

Anyone from XXXX Guild/Corp/Server still play?
XXXX Guild/Corp is back!!
Remember When These Two Forumdudes Argued?

Don't get me wrong here. I enjoyed B.U.s blog, as well as Feyds and M.B. (I even liked Jesters Trek!) But the simple truth of it is that almost all of those people aren't updating anymore. Miner bumping updates every day, but it is the exact same update every single day. Feyd updates a tiny little bit, but most of his posts are all childish tantrums about "The Gweat and Ebil Cawebeaws". ( which I find ironic. The man spent an inordinate amount of time crying about a class of player he accused of spending an inordinate amount of time crying.)
Vimsy Vortis
Shoulda Checked Local
Break-A-Wish Foundation
#18 - 2017-01-23 23:23:45 UTC
Floppie came back a while back, I put an alt in a corp with him by total accident.
SmellyOld Fart Rehoboam
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#19 - 2017-01-25 05:13:31 UTC
Yar I remembers ol floppie, til I took some Viagra to put some lead in tha pencil.Lol

Now let me tweek yar dials on yar chesty radio. LolLol
Don Purple
Snuggle Society
Snuggle Society.
#20 - 2017-01-31 02:44:16 UTC
How Fun!

I am just here to snuggle and do spy stuff.

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