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Need help! Complicated issue!!

Tiberius Greer
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2017-01-13 18:59:05 UTC
Hey there folks,

So, I'm a newbie, been playing a couple months.

Joined my first real corp today. Now, it's 57 jumps away and in deep nullsec. -0.7.

They want me to join them. I'm happy to relocate but I have questions.

(Also I have no idea where to put this post)

1: I have one ship I care for, an Algos, and I want to take it with me. Now, is it a fast enough ship to go with or should I just sell it and go down in something else?

2: I've been told I'll get shot at on the way down. Chances of me getting blown up? And if I do how the hell will I ever make it to their HQ if I get blown up every time I attempt the trip?

3: When I'm living down there, as I'm newish and can only really use an Algos ATM, will I find it too hard to carry out missions or even traveling to nearby star systems?

4: What essential things do I need to know before relocating to their nullsec base? Essential stuff, tips or tricks you've learned, big no no's.... Basically anything you think will help.

Thank you for reading and sorry if I've posted this totally wrong.

Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#2 - 2017-01-13 22:00:04 UTC
Create a jump clone where your stuff is in highsec and set your home station to your new corporation base. (search for it in "people and places", right click "set home station"

Undock in your pod and self destruct - you will be resurrected in your new corp base station.

The recruiter should have explained all this or pointed you to a web site that explained it.

You can fly down but I recommend using a speed fit interceptor. If you don't have the skills for that use the "pod express"
Perkin Warbeck
Higher Than Everest
#3 - 2017-01-13 22:45:43 UTC
Giving advice to a Goon on the forums Smile

Use the 'pod express' described above. The Goons will have set fleet doctrines and a training plan for you to become useful in their fleets as soon as possible. Train for them as a priority.

Destroyers and frigates are generally in a bad place in null as they are slow and get wrecked by rapid light ships. Use the Algos as a salvager. Ask a carrier or super carrier ratter if you can salvage the wrecks in their sites after they have finished. It's good income for a newbie.

The main thing is don't be bad. Be on comms when active, report intel in the appropriate channel, listen to your FCs in fleets, don't be afraid to ask questions and learn from older players, pvp as much as you can in small gangs and fleets so you can learn the mechanics of null sec warfare. Also Goons have a wealth of information on their websites. Absorb as much as you can. The one big no-no is not following FC orders in a fleet (you will die and so could the fleet).

See you in space. I meant it. I live in the region next door.
Ion Kirst
#4 - 2017-01-14 01:22:24 UTC

You should be asking your new corp those questions.


Always remember Tovil-Toba, and what was done there.

Loutro Fift
Hoplite Brigade
#5 - 2017-01-14 01:25:07 UTC
Tiberius Greer wrote:
Hey there folks,

So, I'm a newbie, been playing a couple months.

Joined my first real corp today. Now, it's 57 jumps away and in deep nullsec. -0.7.

They want me to join them. I'm happy to relocate but I have questions.

(Also I have no idea where to put this post)

1: I have one ship I care for, an Algos, and I want to take it with me. Now, is it a fast enough ship to go with or should I just sell it and go down in something else?

2: I've been told I'll get shot at on the way down. Chances of me getting blown up? And if I do how the hell will I ever make it to their HQ if I get blown up every time I attempt the trip?

3: When I'm living down there, as I'm newish and can only really use an Algos ATM, will I find it too hard to carry out missions or even traveling to nearby star systems?

4: What essential things do I need to know before relocating to their nullsec base? Essential stuff, tips or tricks you've learned, big no no's.... Basically anything you think will help.

Thank you for reading and sorry if I've posted this totally wrong.


And your Corp should have bookmarks, at least, in the immediate (new) area.
RaVeN Alliance
#6 - 2017-01-14 03:57:21 UTC
Next they will ask you to buy a bunch of ships, and contract them over for delivery.....

Ehh don't join.
Granth Sutreides
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2017-01-14 05:41:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Granth Sutreides
It kind of depends where you are and how good you are at escaping gate camps. But if your corp says you'll die, I'd take their word for it.

Usually the best thing to do is just sell all your stuff and go through in a shuttle. Don't get too attached to any one ship, especially a destroyer. Keep the attachment thing for a Stratios or something. :) If you're that attached to it, leave it there and come back for it later, or have it shipped to you (my corp has a shipping service that ships anything from the high sec hubs).

ETA: Oh, I didn't realize you're a Goon. I should have told you to deliver all of your valuables to MB-NKE. :)
Shayla Etherodyne
Delta Laroth Industries
#8 - 2017-01-14 07:35:56 UTC
Them not giving you indication on how to reach their base of operations seem a bit fishy.
Years ago some Goons were doing that as a practical joke. Convince a player that he had been accepted and invite him in 0.0 with all his stuff and then blow him up for giggles and loot. I don't know if someone is still doing it.

Ask if there is a market or there are already fitted ships on contract where you are going , and what are the ships (or look in contracts, my corporation/alliance)
Buy and inject the skillbooks you will need in the near future. If you have a jump clone you can always return in high sec to learn new skills, but it is annoying to be struck there for 24 hours if you corp/alliance is doing something.
Get a jump clone (or more than one) and use the pod express as cited above.


Never, never, put all your eggs in a basket. I.e. don't bring all your stuff in 0.0. soone or later you will be on the losing side for a time. always keep enough in high sec so that you can restart over if needed.
As your isk increase that will become less and less important, but you need to have a reserve to start over.
Tiberius Greer
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2017-01-14 15:41:26 UTC
Is there some sort of reputation about the goons that I'm oblivious to?
Shayla Etherodyne
Delta Laroth Industries
#10 - 2017-01-14 23:32:41 UTC  |  Edited by: Shayla Etherodyne
Tiberius Greer wrote:
Is there some sort of reputation about the goons that I'm oblivious to?

I have been away for 3 years and now they seem a bit different. But for a time part of the group enjoyed playing the Evil Villain role, playing some nasty trick on unsuspecting people. Some of it was pose, some not.
So old players and forum goers like me remember threads about tricking players into going into Goons territory, with everything they had, to join them, and then ambushing them and looting the remains, with Goons gloating and complimenting themselves for a job well done in the threads.

The simple thing that you are already a member of Goonswarm Federation mean that probably that is not happening here, but for people like me that is a reputation that is hard to overcome.
Josef Djugashvilis
#11 - 2017-01-15 11:07:36 UTC
Tiberius Greer wrote:
Is there some sort of reputation about the goons that I'm oblivious to?

Goons have a well deserved reputation for scamming new players.

It may not be the case for you, but be careful.

This is not a signature.

Vartan Sarkisian
Tannhauser C-Beam
#12 - 2017-01-16 13:07:58 UTC
It probably would have been better had you spoken to the recruiter about your concerns as it those sorts of things that you would use to decide whether or not to join a corp. What made you choose taht corp over another for example, you may move there and have a blast, at the same time you may move thre and think you have bitten off more than you can chew.
CMD Ishikawa
New Eden Public Security Section 9
#13 - 2017-01-16 14:26:42 UTC
Null Alliances and Corporations have rules and procedures for new players joining and moving to Null space.

It's very suspicious, to say the least, that they just got you in and didn't give you instructions.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#14 - 2017-01-16 19:45:57 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
Tiberius Greer wrote:
Is there some sort of reputation about the goons that I'm oblivious to?

Goons have a well deserved reputation for scamming new players.

It may not be the case for you, but be careful.

They have gone from being a major player in null to a bunch of washed up has been types clinging to the deeds of prior goons that no longer play the game. You're hopping on a sinking raft. There are better choices out there.

Their rep is because as a group they didn't have a white knight code of conduct. They were OK with their members scamming and awoxing. It was all in good fun and only folks that take their internet spaceships took offense to their antics. They were very good at Eve on many levels - from recruitment and ensuring the newbro had fun while playing their part up to the end game meta hoo haw. Again, that's all past tense. BOB was their nemesis and once gone they kind of floundered. The fun and exciting leadership lost interest in the game and moved on. The replacement leadership was all corporate and about piling isk really high (not fun) so more folks left. In the end they were a shell of their former glory and would only log in for important timers and events. Then that got to be too much of a bother. World War Bee exposed them as an empty husk. Now they are attempting to get back to relevant in fits and starts in various parts of Eve with little to no success.

Not sure how their training department is, but based on your post - 'NOT GOOD' comes to mind. The hallmark of a great corp/alliance is how they bring their newbros in and help them along to greatness. If the current Goon training program ends you at the forums.... you need to think about what that really means.

The difference between this game being awesome and sucking has a lot to do with how compatible you are w/ the guy you choose to hang out with.
Huttan Funaila
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#15 - 2017-01-18 00:50:55 UTC
Check the wiki at

You should be able to set your medical clone to your corp office in nullsec and take a "pod express".

Plenty of stuff for sale in D-W.

Leave your Algos in high sec, I don't think you can make it without getting blown up (probably in highsec due to war decs).

Tiberius Greer wrote:

3: When I'm living down there, as I'm newish and can only really use an Algos ATM, will I find it too hard to carry out missions or even traveling to nearby star systems?

Fit salvagers and tractors on your destroyer. Ask in corp or standing fleet if there is someone ratting that you can follow around and hoover stuffs up.

I've got terrible internet connectivity so I won't try to recommend ratting ships of any kind. Since mining helps with the activity index and defense, don't totally rule out mining.