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Out of Pod Experience

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What is the avatar above you thinking?

First post First post First post
Faulker Gath'nor
The Gold Angels
Sixth Empire
#9561 - 2017-01-11 01:32:38 UTC
I spy with my bugged out frog eyes...

Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#9562 - 2017-01-11 01:43:42 UTC
"And hosting the TransparencyWear(tm) catwalk for us tonight, the one and only: Faulker Gath'nor!"

~ Gariushi YC110 // Midular YC115 // Yanala YC115 ~

"Orte Jaitovalte sitasuyti ne obuetsa useuut ishu. Ketsiak ishiulyn." -Yakiya Tovil-Toba-taisoka

Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#9563 - 2017-01-11 02:15:18 UTC
The perfect disguise. People think I'm a Min barbarian with a wrench in my pocket. Liittle do that know, I wrote my Ph.D. dissertation in a Caldari dialect. The footnotes alone scared one prof crapless.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#9564 - 2017-01-11 15:22:04 UTC
Cool! I got the welding goggles and the matching outfit. Now all I need to do is learn how to weld.

The voices in my head told me to post this. Mind you they also tell me to buy chocolate, so it can't all be bad.

Sventhena Kado
The Forsakened Few
We Forsakened Few
#9565 - 2017-01-11 16:51:25 UTC
If I stare in this mirror long enough, they say I can summon a goddess to do my bidding. My eyes are starting to hurt now.
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#9566 - 2017-01-12 09:41:04 UTC
It's dark, I've got 300 systems to fly through and I'm wearing sunglasses.

The voices in my head told me to post this. Mind you they also tell me to buy chocolate, so it can't all be bad.

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#9567 - 2017-01-12 15:02:11 UTC
I am holding my hairdo in place with the power of my mind... hair... by... hair.
Lasisha Mishi
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#9568 - 2017-01-12 15:18:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Lasisha Mishi
am i wearing anything? guess you'll need to look down to check

but the moment you break eye contact with me, you die.

so how will you ever know
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#9569 - 2017-01-12 15:30:52 UTC
I am the toaster of love.

The voices in my head told me to post this. Mind you they also tell me to buy chocolate, so it can't all be bad.

HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#9570 - 2017-01-12 16:05:00 UTC
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#9571 - 2017-01-12 16:11:27 UTC
By the power of my blondeness, I am Spandex Man!

The voices in my head told me to post this. Mind you they also tell me to buy chocolate, so it can't all be bad.

Window Licker McTard
#9572 - 2017-01-14 17:07:07 UTC
sniff sniff I smell old man smell, oh that's me......SadEvil

I'm a special elite ganker, Codes finest warrior bard druid. I gank as much as possible cause I'm good. Don't mess with me minor, i'll mess with you harder. I have no honor. Dommy and Sasha are my wingmen and have my backside.

Sriracha Nighthawk
Caldari State
#9573 - 2017-01-17 07:22:56 UTC
Oh, I will make you regret that decision.
*throws 1 ISK at individual standing before him*

"Kind of like the Caldari version of Adama I guess." -Kairavi Mrithyakara

78 Aster
Caldari State
#9574 - 2017-01-17 07:55:35 UTC
When you least expect it I will dominate the world and make you all my slaves

Born Caldari, Raised Minmatar

Val Kaleth
Realm of Mischief
#9575 - 2017-01-17 11:27:21 UTC
I only look this friendly so I can rip you off without you noticing.

You can trust me, I look legit.

Feel free to join me in game in the "Realm of Mischief" channel.


disappears in a cloud of rust

Zindzhi Ezekwesili
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9576 - 2017-01-17 11:35:25 UTC
It's time for "surgery".
Lasisha Mishi
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#9577 - 2017-01-17 14:08:21 UTC
camo camo camouflage

camo camo camouflage

Indahmawar Fazmarai
#9578 - 2017-01-17 14:26:01 UTC
I live in a well. I live like smoke in the well. Like vapor in a stone throat. I don't move. I don't do anything but wait. Overhead I see the cold stars of night and morning, and I see the sun. And sometimes I sing old songs of this world when it was young. How can I tell you what I am when I don't know? I cannot. I am simply waiting.
ISD Max Trix
ISD Community Communications Liaisons
ISD Alliance
#9579 - 2017-01-17 14:28:59 UTC
Do you want ants? Because thats how you get ants.

ISD Max Trix


Community Communication Liaisons (CCLs)

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE mails about forum moderation.

Dom Arkaral
Cuttlefish Collective
#9580 - 2017-01-17 14:51:17 UTC
Oh god... *sigh* not another C&P thread that needs cleansing

Tear Gatherer. Quebecker. Has no Honer. Salt Harvester.

Broadcast 4 Reps -- YOU ARE NOT ALONE, EVER

Instigator of the First ISD Thunderdome

CCL Loyalist