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Is the Alpha clone a problem?

First post
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#201 - 2017-01-10 01:07:18 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
No, no. You are totally right. I too demand that Scipio explain why that apple won't come back down?

Smile You are both right. I should have by now realised that an analogy would be analysed beyond it's intent and I should have used a simpler example. That was my error, and my apology for it.

What I should have instead said was:

I appreciate that there are many things that are theoretically possible. However if the theory doesn't turn into practice, then it doesn't necessarily mean much.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#202 - 2017-01-10 01:30:09 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
No, no. You are totally right. I too demand that Scipio explain why that apple won't come back down?

Smile You are both right. I should have by now realised that an analogy would be analysed beyond it's intent and I should have used a simpler example. That was my error, and my apology for it.

What I should have instead said was:

I appreciate that there are many things that are theoretically possible. However if the theory doesn't turn into practice, then it doesn't necessarily mean much.

Ahhh yes, but you admit to a theoretical possibility and therefore there is an epistemic possibility which clearly demonstrates your bourgeois semantic nihilism within this dematerialistic conciousness we call EVE Online.

So take that Scipio!

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#203 - 2017-01-10 02:06:09 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
So take that Scipio!

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#204 - 2017-01-10 06:49:42 UTC
Zoe Chu wrote:
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Zoe Chu wrote:
Suicide ganking miners and haulers in high sec or extorting ISK from them is allowing other players to dictate how those miners and haulers play. Especially when the cost to the gankers is so extremely low. A few million for a desty suicide ganker vs. 18 mill just for the hull of a mining barge, let alone an exhumer or freighter. No other game allows one customer to completely dictate how another customer plays the game, and this is why EVE struggles to attract and retain new blood.

Have you any evidence for this other than your gut feelings and the imaginary friend you will cite? Because CCP looked into this and they found that new players who where ganked are actually the most likely to stick with EVE and those who did not die at all where most likely to quit.

That is a poor attempt at understanding the retention on new players TBH. 15 days? really? What kind of investment do you have in 15 days? Unless you spend a grip load of real money you aren't flying much more than a T1 cruiser semi-effectively in 15 days. Not too many newbies getting suicide ganked for their shiny new T1 cruiser or Venture loaded with T1 modules.

Wait until that newbie has 90 or 120 days in and they have actually invested time and effort into the game and see where they are. I agree with "don't fly what you can't afford to lose" yet at the same time miners and haulers work up to the expensive ships to allow them to make more ISK/hr. Wait until that same newbie has just had 3 months of investment blown out from under them cause some random player(s) jumped into system in a desty or two and blew their 200 mil ISK exhumer out from under them while they went to get a Coke. Same for the hauler who finally got to fly their new freighter, finding themselves out a billion ISK plus collateral.

Nowhere near the same thing as a 15 day old player.

Players often quit after the loss of significant investment. See the OP for example, he quit after his corp lost the investment they put into null sec. They should be looking at 30, 60, 90, and 120 days and check to see if people who have suffered a major loss of capital are still playing and how likely they are to keep playing. Some people can take it and keep going but a lot cannot. So even those who lose significant investments though legit means (war, corp theft, low or null sec life, etc.) may not be able to handle it and leave the game. Those who lose big through the entirely broken risk vs. reward system of suicide ganking may be even more likely to quit.

If you pay attention to what he actually says during the presentation then you notice that they did look at older players too. There are two parts.

The main reason for the study was to find out if suicide ganking has a detrimental effect on the new players. The questions they asked themselves where "how wide spread is ganking for new players" and "what is the retention rate for never, legally and illegally killed new players". The answers where basically that it is a non issue despite the sentiment of the community and that it almost seams to have the complete opposite effect of what they expected.

The reason for this may be (and this is my opinion) that it suddenly introduces a mortal enemy into the world of the new player which gives it meaning and a goal to reach for revenge in an otherwise rather bleak surrounding of missions which get repetitive after two hours and staring at rocks while shooting them with lasers. There may be other factors which play a part in the outcome. But no matter what the reason is, the finding was that ganking new players makes it more likely they subscribe at the end of the 15 day trial period.

The second part got only mentioned in one sentence. They looked at all the reasons ALL the players state when they unsubscribe (trial members can not unsubscribe). And the result was that only ~1% state ship loss and harassment as a reason.

So, there may be a few people who actually quit because of ganking. But the study shows that they could not find any shred of evidence for that and that at least in the first 15 days the effect of ganking was more in the direction of retaining the players instead of driving them away.

They started from the very same position you are at, they expected that ganking is detrimental to retention. This "carebear hypothesis" was proven wrong when they actually looked at the evidence. This is how science works.

Now you come along and start all over with the very same wrong assumptions and completely ignore that people actually looked at this with more than just a whim and a gut feeling and proved those assumptions wrong. Also you don't even bring any evidence with you, just your personal feelings and an uninformed opinion.

What you did is point out that EVE is declining, and then construct a correlation with ganking out of thin air. A correlation which has shown to be absent already in the cited study.

There are a ton of reasons why EVE was declining and we can speculate all day what the reason was. But one thig is sure, because CCP actually checked: It ain't ganking
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#205 - 2017-01-10 07:02:34 UTC
Zoe Chu wrote:

If I spend the money, time, and effort to train to fly a Hulk or Mackinaw and then get the ISK to buy and fit the ship and stay in high sec why should someone in a few million ISK desty be able to destroy my efforts in under 30 seconds?

So your position is that a little bit of training time and a completely mundane expenditure for a T2 ship should render one immune to their own idiocy?

Precisely how invincible should a supercap be in this design paradigm?

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Salvos Rhoska
#206 - 2017-01-10 07:19:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Scipio Artelius wrote:

I appreciate that there are many things that are theoretically possible. However if the theory doesn't turn into practice, then it doesn't necessarily mean much.

Operative term there, is "if".
But your premise is false.

It is not theoretically possible.

It is actually possible, in practice.

When CCP introduced Alphas, they changed the systems of EVE.

It is now actually possible (not theoretically possible) to create 10/100/1000 throwaway alts, incubate them to 5mil SP, for purposes of avoiding the CCP recycling policy regarding avoiding sec loss repercussions.

It is furthermore a practical reality, not a theoretical possibility, that not all HS suicide ganking is conducted by CODE corp tagged members. (For purposes of which, incidentally, indefinite and anonymous Alphas can also be created as neutral hauling alts to carry off the loot)

It is furthermore a practical, demonstrable, reality, not a theoretical possibility, that when you throw an apple up on Earth, it will drop downwards after its kinetic energy is expended, as a result of gravity (unless you claim to be strong enough to throw that apple out Earth's gravity well, in which case anyways the apple would disintegrate from the forces exerted on it, and cease to be an apple long before it reaches that distance).

Laphroaig Inc.
#207 - 2017-01-10 07:45:24 UTC
Alpha accounts give new players an 'unlimited' trial period where they can experience much of what the game has to offer before plonking down the readies for a subscription. Alphas *seem* to be doing a decent job of getting newer players into EVE. Bittervets can let their accounts lapse and still stay socially active through the game while taking a hiatus as an Alpha.

No, I wouldn't say Alpha clones are a *problem*. More like an elegant solution to a complex problem, actually.

The next step is when major alliances weaponize Alpha clones en-masse. Swarms of newbros in Crucifiers, Celestii, Arbitrators and Maulus is a battle proven tactic and a fleet role the Alpha can really excel at, especially when deployed in numbers.

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#208 - 2017-01-10 07:48:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Reason why Eve is declining at this point, no real goal for casuals, when CCP decided to give destroyers heavy DPS and did not increase mining ship tank so all had the tank of a wet paper back and left it like that for two and a half years, massive decline in subs. The gankers cannot prove that wrong. CCP Falcons decision on hyperdunking resulting in a wave of bumping of freighters for hours also had an impact, and of course we should not forget the choice to shift manufacturing advantage to null sec. which was another impact on casual play.

Now back to the matter in hand, Salvos you make some interesting points, a ganker can set up multiple Alpha accounts, then all he does is train them up to max gank related skills within the Alpha range then when they are there he just subs them for a month train up T2 small blasters or Vexor and T2 sentry skills or use injectors and there you go, one up to speed gank toon. If they do that systematically and if one looks at the way they mine (gank) freighters which is systematic they will they can roll them over no issue.

So it will speed up the availability of gank toons, however most freighter and miner gankers such as CODE use -10 toons, at the moment with bumping they have no issues with being -10 because they bump the freighter until the pilot logs in disgust or is not trying to warp then they hold it in position to warp in on. All they have to do is keep moving to keep away from the faction police and they largely use SB's now so the range is not an issue, mainly because AG was bumping the freighter out of Catalyst optimal.

CODE also use -10's for miner ganking because the preferred ship a Catalyst is fast and has high DPS so they warp to a scout next to the miner and blap, so using a long established toon is not an issue.

Should the bumping mechanism change then they will use those Alpha accounts more because they might have to play gate games with a freighter who holds his cloak, this is why the bumping mechanism is such a huge advantage to them, from my point of view I would trade the ease of bumping for gankers using Alpha accounts like this, but that will only be an issue should CCP ever do anything about bumping and due to the vested interests of certain players and their closeness to certain devs it is not going to happen, look how they got freighter EHP changed so quickly when AG started ganking freighter wrecks and compare that to how slow they are implementing this naff fix to bumping to see a certain amount of corruption there..

What it does affect is the run of the mill gankers sitting on gates in Vexors or around hubs in Tornados, they had an impact in terms of training the right skills, Vexor's T2 Sentries and T2 blasters for the gate gankers and had to keep getting security status sorted, this will be come easier because they can just roll them over, so it will make ganking easier, but I don't see a major issue from that as most of them roll over toons with ratting and buying those tags, it will just make that part easier.

I am likely missing something, but that is about how I see it which is why I said I don't think the impact is major at this moment, if you can pick holes in that or see anything I have not thought about I would appreciate it.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#209 - 2017-01-10 07:51:13 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

When CCP introduced Alphas, they changed the systems of EVE.

It is now actually possible (not theoretically possible) to create 10/100/1000 throwaway alts, incubate them to 5mil SP, for purposes of avoiding the CCP recycling policy regarding avoiding sec loss repercussions.

This is nothing new and was possible before. Since the revision of the new player skills it took only 16min to create a new Catalyst alt:

If you wanted an throwaway alt which can not be multiboxed this was always possible. The sec status hits if you kill someone in Highsec are so severe that you will reach the limit of it's usability in under 15 days anyway if sec status is the issue (which it isn't, we solved that one a long time ago).

Salvos Rhoska wrote:

It is furthermore a practical reality, not a theoretical possibility, that not all HS suicide ganking is conducted by CODE corp tagged members. (For purposes of which, incidentally, indefinite and anonymous Alphas can also be created as neutral hauling alts to carry off the loot)

Alpha alts can not be multiboxed and while they can probably be used as Venture gankers, which you could also do with a trial account, they are not really useful for anything else since it would need multiple characters. You can also completely forget the loot since you have no neutral alt to move the loot.

Salvos Rhoska wrote:

It is furthermore a practical, demonstrable, reality, not a theoretical possibility, that when you throw an apple up on Earth, it will drop to the ground as a result of gravity.


This is only true for apples thrown with v < 11.186 km/s

You are not very good at chess
Salvos Rhoska
#210 - 2017-01-10 07:58:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Nothing you have said refutes the fact that what I have said, is a practical reality, not theoretical.
You have merely corroborated those as a practical reality.

I dont dispute your points on the specifics of how that practical reality impacts the game as you see it.
My point was just to show that they are real, not theoretical.

As to the apple, you conveniently omitted the parts where I pointed out:
-Scipio does not have the strength to accelerate an apple to those velocities by throwing it.
-Even if he did, the apple would almost instantly disintegrate from that much force exerted on it, thus ceasing to be "an apple" and would get nowhere near the distance required to escape Earth's gravity well, and the pieces of that apple would fall down due to gravity.

Its still checkmate.

PS: I appreciate your civil approach this time around. Lets both try to keep it that way.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#211 - 2017-01-10 08:08:55 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

It is not theoretically possible.

It is actually possible, in practice.

Pretty much the same thing.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#212 - 2017-01-10 08:13:05 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Nothing you have said refutes the fact that what I have said, is a practical reality, not theoretical.
You have merely corroborated those as a practical reality.

I did not say it can't be done. I just said your assertion that this is something new which came with alpha clones is wrong since it was possible long before that.

I did not say it is not actually happening, it may. I can just say from my experience as a suicide ganker that it is unnecessary since we worked around the sec status issue by using small agile ships and bookmarks and that it is far more cost effective to play a ganker as an omega account.

Salvos Rhoska wrote:

As to the apple, you conveniently omitted the parts where I pointed out:
-Scipio does not have the strength to accelerate an apple to those velocities by throwing it.
-Even if he did, the apple would almost instantly disintegrate from that much force exerted on it, thus ceasing to be "an apple" and would get nowhere near the distance required to escape Earth's gravity well, and the pieces of that apple would fall down due to gravity.

Its still checkmate.

Are you serious? You edited your answer to patch your futile argument which has nothing to do with the discussion anyway?
Salvos Rhoska
#213 - 2017-01-10 08:17:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Teckos Pech wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

It is not theoretically possible.

It is actually possible, in practice.

Pretty much the same thing.

That is a solipsistic argument, that furthermore ignores the context in which you are applying it.

It is theoretically possible that I can buy CCP in the next five minutes.
However I have no real practical means to do so, thus the theoretical possibility is reduced to zero.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#214 - 2017-01-10 08:19:40 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Nothing you have said refutes the fact that what I have said, is a practical reality, not theoretical.
You have merely corroborated those as a practical reality.

Other practical realities include spawning an infinite amount of tritanium via Rookie ship. Roll

Alt recycling has pretty much always been an AG bogeyman.

Anyone with an IQ over room temperature who has actually considered it pretty rapidly realizes it's pointless. Sec status as a penalty is of no consequence to a gank alt, so there's ****-all reason to reset it.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Salvos Rhoska
#215 - 2017-01-10 08:21:38 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Nothing you have said refutes the fact that what I have said, is a practical reality, not theoretical.
You have merely corroborated those as a practical reality.

Other practical realities include spawning an infinite amount of tritanium via Rookie ship. Roll

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#216 - 2017-01-10 08:22:09 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

It is not theoretically possible.

It is actually possible, in practice.

Pretty much the same thing.

That is a solipsistic argument, that furthermore ignores the context in which you are applying it.

Nope. A theoretical possibility is something that can happen. You are correct. A player could set up a large number of Alpha alts and use them in ganking. However, such characters are of limited use relative to an Omega alt. As has been pointed out the notion of making throw away alts has been around quite awhile and most gankers have developed ways to deal with the sec status issue. So the question remaining is it happening and if so is it something that is happening enough to be a problem. That you have not shown. Not at all. All we have is speculation and conjecture.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#217 - 2017-01-10 08:24:15 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Nothing you have said refutes the fact that what I have said, is a practical reality, not theoretical.
You have merely corroborated those as a practical reality.

Other practical realities include spawning an infinite amount of tritanium via Rookie ship. Roll


Aside from the rather staggering opportunity cost.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#218 - 2017-01-10 08:24:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Ima Wreckyou
May I also point out that one of the reasons that alpha clones can't be multiboxed was the fear of the community of people creating free gank alts, no matter how many times we pointed out that:

- sec status is no issue because we worked around that for a long time by limiting our gank alts to small agile ships and using bookmarks
- omega gank clones are practically free since the introduction of SP extractors which was pointed out back then in the thread where they announced them (no body listened)

The only thing that changed related to suicide gank alts is the following:

You can now grow a Catalyst alt with less PLEX as before since you can just alpha train him and he will be ready for omega upgrade and the SP extraction cycle by the time he has finished all the skills an alpha is capable of learning.
Salvos Rhoska
#219 - 2017-01-10 08:27:20 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:

Are you serious? You edited your answer to patch your futile argument which has nothing to do with the discussion anyway?

Yes, Im serious.

I was editing my post at the same time you where still typing yours, before I had seen your response.
None of which changes the facts of what I said. Scipio cant throw that apple hard enough, and if he could, the apple would never make it out of the gravity well.

As to it having nothing to do with the discussion, I did not raise the issue of the apple, Scipio did.
I also did not raise the issue of the apple with you, you posted to me about it.
Salvos Rhoska
#220 - 2017-01-10 08:31:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Teckos Pech wrote:
You are correct.

Thank you for acknowledging that.

As to the rest of your post, they apply only to your own implications and conjecture.
Not what I have actually said or argued.