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Out of Pod Experience

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The Like and Get Likes Thread, Renewed

First post First post
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11081 - 2017-01-06 19:39:24 UTC
LordOdysseus wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:
LordOdysseus wrote:
And I made myself noodles.

I like instant ramen with noodles too. But I eat it only occasionally.

I am eating pickled mooshrooms now. Sour and sweet at the same time, but more sour than sweet. Mooshroomy main notes and a bit of herbal undertones. Goes nice with dried smoked pork sausage cut in really thin slices.

Those mooshrooms are very slimy, they are called Maślaki. I have found and picked them myself in the forest. Cool

Please be careful when picking mushrooms in the forest.Most of them are poisonous. Sad


Q: Which room has no windows?
A: A mushroom.

Dont worry, I know only few very recognizable and hard to mistake types of mushrooms. If I see one I dont know, I dont even touch it.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#11082 - 2017-01-07 04:46:03 UTC  |  Edited by: DeMichael Crimson
Hello LAGL,

All this talk about Mushrooms brings back memories of the good old days in my youth.

Like when I and my buddy went to visit a friend and his girlfriend on Christmas Morning before I traveled over to my parents house for Christmas dinner. His girlfriend was busy in the kitchen cooking and soon after we had arrived, came out with a plate containing four large Christmas cookies on it, gave each of us one and told us to eat them.

I said I was going to gather up all my Christmas goodies for later since I had a few different places to visit that day but she insisted and we all thought to ourselves "Women and their cooking" and proceeded to eat the cookie. After reassuring her the cookies tasted great, we popped open a bottle of Champagne and fired up a doobie, joint, reefer, Mary Jane Cig, etc, and commenced to partying.

About ten minutes later she came back out of the kitchen and said "Oh, I forgot to tell you guys those were Magic Mushroom Cookies".

We couldn't believe it. Now I'm no stranger to Hallucinogens and Psychedelics but since my main stop was at my parents house, I started to get paranoid and a bit angry. She said she had a quarter ounce of shrooms which she had run through a Pepper Grinder which was then mixed into the cookie dough with all the other goodies - nuts, raisins, white & dark chocolate bits, etc.

Well needless to say within another ten minutes or so I was buzzzzzzzzzing pretty hard, way higher than a kite on a windy day. More so than the other guys who also ate the cookies. My buddy who had gone there with me tried to talk me into going with him to a Christmas party that he was invited to attend. When I dropped him off there, some girls came out of the house and after introducing me to them, said I was welcomed to stay there and party. However I had promised my parents that I would show up for Christmas dinner and I was determined to do just that.

I still don't know how I made it there but when I pulled up in front of my parents house, I opened my car door and basically melted out of the car. Some old friends of mine who lived across the street saw me, came over and said hello. They had some girls with them that I didn't know who exclaimed "Wow, he's really high". My old friends said I should go to their house instead of my parents since they knew things wouldn't go well for me at my parents house.

Course I said I'd go to their house later after I went into my parents house. I had made a promise to show up for Christmas dinner and I was going to keep that promise. They were right, I never should have gone into my parents house. My parents knew I was high, thinking I was just drunk. Hell, I didn't even recognize my little sister and worst, I couldn't eat my Christmas dinner (Magic Shrooms removes your appetite).

Also due to buzzzzzing really hard, my language was quite loose. Eventually my brother asked me to go outside with him where he said I should leave. After my mom gave me a Christmas basket filled with my dinner and a bunch of goodies, I said goodbye, placed the Christmas package in my car, went across the street to my old friends house and partied with them. After telling them about my experience at my parents house, they also fixed me a Christmas dinner plate with goodies. Course I still couldn't eat so that Christmas dinner goodie package joined the other Christmas goodie package in my car.

Eventually I left and traveled back to the house of my friend and his girlfriend where it all began. I still don't know how I made it there but after arriving I told them I was so high that I was asked to leave my parents house and didn't even eat Christmas dinner. His girlfriend then went into the kitchen and made me a Christmas dinner plate with goodies which I still couldn't eat. That too went into my car with the other two Christmas dinner goodie packages.

After a while I decided to go home and go to sleep. I was still buzzzzzzzing very hard, the experience had been happening for almost twelve hours now and I figured sleep would do me good. About a half hour after I got home and went to sleep my buddy, who wanted me to go with him to the Christmas party instead of going to my parents house, woke me up and told me he had a couple of girls who wanted to party with us. However since I was still way too high, I declined the offer and went back to sleep.

Now to explain things a bit, during that period in my life I was a Lead Guitarist in a band, my buddy was the Drummer, my friend with the girlfriend who gave me the Magic Mushroom Cookie was the Lead Vocalist. Our Bass player was off out of town visiting his family. My old friends who lived across the street from my parents house knew my band. I believe that's the reason why there was a lot of girls wanting to party with me and the band members.

Anyway, I ended up with three Christmas dinner goodie packages that day due to eating one Magic Mushroom Christmas Cookie. It was definitely an 'Alice In Wonderland' experience that I will never forget.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11083 - 2017-01-07 07:29:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
Timezone o/
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Anyway, I ended up with three Christmas dinner goodie packages that day due to eating one Magic Mushroom Christmas Cookie. It was definitely an 'Alice In Wonderland' experience that I will never forget.


Some say Alice was inspired by drugs. Follow the white rabbit.Blink
This is my favourite of that band.

I heard about those mushrooms. In fact sometimes similar ones grow outside on the grass near here, but I never tasted them. I dont like even a perspective of a stomach ache of maybe even my liver turning into shroom pate if those are poisonous. Pirate
Yiole Gionglao
#11084 - 2017-01-07 09:41:39 UTC
DeMichael Crimson wrote:
Hello LAGL,

All this talk about Mushrooms brings back memories of the good old days in my youth.

Like when I and my buddy went to visit a friend and his girlfriend on Christmas Morning before I traveled over to my parents house for Christmas dinner. His girlfriend was busy in the kitchen cooking and soon after we had arrived, came out with a plate containing four large Christmas cookies on it, gave each of us one and told us to eat them.

I said I was going to gather up all my Christmas goodies for later since I had a few different places to visit that day but she insisted and we all thought to ourselves "Women and their cooking" and proceeded to eat the cookie. After reassuring her the cookies tasted great, we popped open a bottle of Champagne and fired up a doobie, joint, reefer, Mary Jane Cig, etc, and commenced to partying.

About ten minutes later she came back out of the kitchen and said "Oh, I forgot to tell you guys those were Magic Mushroom Cookies".

We couldn't believe it. Now I'm no stranger to Hallucinogens and Psychedelics but since my main stop was at my parents house, I started to get paranoid and a bit angry. She said she had a quarter ounce of shrooms which she had run through a Pepper Grinder which was then mixed into the cookie dough with all the other goodies - nuts, raisins, white & dark chocolate bits, etc.

Well needless to say within another ten minutes or so I was buzzzzzzzzzing pretty hard, way higher than a kite on a windy day. More so than the other guys who also ate the cookies. My buddy who had gone there with me tried to talk me into going with him to a Christmas party that he was invited to attend. When I dropped him off there, some girls came out of the house and after introducing me to them, said I was welcomed to stay there and party. However I had promised my parents that I would show up for Christmas dinner and I was determined to do just that.

I still don't know how I made it there but when I pulled up in front of my parents house, I opened my car door and basically melted out of the car. Some old friends of mine who lived across the street saw me, came over and said hello. They had some girls with them that I didn't know who exclaimed "Wow, he's really high". My old friends said I should go to their house instead of my parents since they knew things wouldn't go well for me at my parents house.

Course I said I'd go to their house later after I went into my parents house. I had made a promise to show up for Christmas dinner and I was going to keep that promise. They were right, I never should have gone into my parents house. My parents knew I was high, thinking I was just drunk. Hell, I didn't even recognize my little sister and worst, I couldn't eat my Christmas dinner (Magic Shrooms removes your appetite).

Also due to buzzzzzing really hard, my language was quite loose. Eventually my brother asked me to go outside with him where he said I should leave. After my mom gave me a Christmas basket filled with my dinner and a bunch of goodies, I said goodbye, placed the Christmas package in my car, went across the street to my old friends house and partied with them. After telling them about my experience at my parents house, they also fixed me a Christmas dinner plate with goodies. Course I still couldn't eat so that Christmas dinner goodie package joined the other Christmas goodie package in my car.

Eventually I left and traveled back to the house of my friend and his girlfriend where it all began. I still don't know how I made it there but after arriving I told them I was so high that I was asked to leave my parents house and didn't even eat Christmas dinner. His girlfriend then went into the kitchen and made me a Christmas dinner plate with goodies which I still couldn't eat. That too went into my car with the other two Christmas dinner goodie packages.

After a while I decided to go home and go to sleep. I was still buzzzzzzzing very hard, the experience had been happening for almost twelve hours now and I figured sleep would do me good. About a half hour after I got home and went to sleep my buddy, who wanted me to go with him to the Christmas party instead of going to my parents house, woke me up and told me he had a couple of girls who wanted to party with us. However since I was still way too high, I declined the offer and went back to sleep.

Now to explain things a bit, during that period in my life I was a Lead Guitarist in a band, my buddy was the Drummer, my friend with the girlfriend who gave me the Magic Mushroom Cookie was the Lead Vocalist. Our Bass player was off out of town visiting his family. My old friends who lived across the street from my parents house knew my band. I believe that's the reason why there was a lot of girls wanting to party with me and the band members.

Anyway, I ended up with three Christmas dinner goodie packages that day due to eating one Magic Mushroom Christmas Cookie. It was definitely an 'Alice In Wonderland' experience that I will never forget.


Frankly, I would had taken the chance to simulate a psychotic episode, would have grabbed the largest knife at the kitchen and would have chased that b*tch all over the house to teach her to not drug your guests against their will...

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Yiole Gionglao
#11085 - 2017-01-07 09:51:50 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
LordOdysseus wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:
LordOdysseus wrote:
And I made myself noodles.

I like instant ramen with noodles too. But I eat it only occasionally.

I am eating pickled mooshrooms now. Sour and sweet at the same time, but more sour than sweet. Mooshroomy main notes and a bit of herbal undertones. Goes nice with dried smoked pork sausage cut in really thin slices.

Those mooshrooms are very slimy, they are called Maślaki. I have found and picked them myself in the forest. Cool

Please be careful when picking mushrooms in the forest.Most of them are poisonous. Sad


Q: Which room has no windows?
A: A mushroom.

Dont worry, I know only few very recognizable and hard to mistake types of mushrooms. If I see one I dont know, I dont even touch it.

Yeah, here we also go picking mushrooms and that's the safety rule, if you don't know it or aren't 100% positive of what it is, leave it alone. And yet some people manage to mistake Amanita Phalloides for edible mushrooms... some years ago, a guy was so convinced that he ate one just picked to show to his friends that ti was a edible Amanita; he had several days in hospital to rethink about his sutbbornes and his knowledge on how to tell deadly Amanitas from edible ones (and was lucky it was a small mushroom so doctors could save his liver).

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Yiole Gionglao
#11086 - 2017-01-07 09:53:00 UTC
By the way: posting on page 555!

(And good morning lovelies)

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11087 - 2017-01-07 10:14:43 UTC
some people manage to mistake Amanita Phalloides for edible mushrooms

I have this theory that they are very nice looking and taste great, like phalloides should.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#11088 - 2017-01-07 10:15:00 UTC
Yiole Gionglao wrote:

Frankly, I would had taken the chance to simulate a psychotic episode, would have grabbed the largest knife at the kitchen and would have chased that b*tch all over the house to teach her to not drug your guests against their will...

Well, at that time in my life I was heavy into doing drugs for recreation.

And yes, she should have told us they were Magic Mushroom Christmas Cookies before she gave them to us. But hey, if that had happened then I wouldn't have had that 'Alice In Wonderland' experience that I recall with fond memories.

HIgh Sec Care Bears
Brothers of Tangra
#11089 - 2017-01-07 17:19:16 UTC
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11090 - 2017-01-07 19:05:42 UTC
I am glad I trained those drones and orca ages ago. Other jobs costs so much effort.

*Looks if drone finished mining the asteroid, while watching holovids*
Hengle Teron
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#11091 - 2017-01-07 19:55:20 UTC
LordOdysseus wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:
LordOdysseus wrote:
And I made myself noodles.

I like instant ramen with noodles too. But I eat it only occasionally.

I am eating pickled mooshrooms now. Sour and sweet at the same time, but more sour than sweet. Mooshroomy main notes and a bit of herbal undertones. Goes nice with dried smoked pork sausage cut in really thin slices.

Those mooshrooms are very slimy, they are called Maślaki. I have found and picked them myself in the forest. Cool

Please be careful when picking mushrooms in the forest.Most of them are poisonous. Sad


Q: Which room has no windows?
A: A mushroom.

Every mushroom is edible once.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#11092 - 2017-01-07 21:29:43 UTC
Howdy Folks! *tips Stetson*

My daughter wrote the following story last night in about 2 hours:

My Friend the Moon

Mommy and Daddy sit in the front seat. I’m in the back in my special Captain’s chair. That’s what Mommy calls it. She let me decorate it with rocket stickers and stars and planets. I have a big rocket sticker on the side. My favorite part of my Captain’s chair is my window. I can see everything! We are driving home from a fun family dinner.

I got to play in the tubes. My favorite part of the tubes is the spaceship. I have to climb way up to it through the tubes and the spaceship has a window so I can look out at everything below. Mommy likes to wave to me while I’m way up in space. I like the trip back to Earth too. A big red curvy slide that loops around and around all the way down. I like to put my hands up in the air as I go down. Daddy likes to catch me at the bottom and swoop me up and fly me around one more time before I finally land.

For dinner Mommy and Daddy shared steak and shrimp. They shared with me too. I like the steak better. I had a pepperoni pizza and apple slices. It was all so yummy. The pizza slices remind me of Mars because they’re red.

After dinner Mommy asked me if I wanted some dessert. I said yes please and said I wanted a brownie with ice cream on top. I shared my dessert with both Mommy and Daddy. They really liked it.

But now we are in the car driving home and I’m sitting in my special Captain’s chair looking out the window up into the sky. I’m waiting to see my friend the moon. Daddy makes a turn and my friend comes into view. His smile is so bright tonight. I like it best when he is all there. That’s when he’s the brightest. When he’s only half there he looks distracted. Sometimes he is sleeping and I can’t see his smile.

The moon follows me home. Even if Daddy makes a turn and I can’t see him anymore, I know that when Daddy makes another turn, I’ll see my faithful friend again. I’m always happy to see my friend the moon. He shines down on me as if he’s guiding me home. It’s almost like he’s reaching down to hold my hand.

I imagine what it would be like to be with my friend the moon up in space. We could play hide and seek in the craters on Mars. We could skate around on Saturn’s rings. I think it would be fun to jump from asteroid to asteroid in the Milky Way. We could have a summer party on Venus and sip ice cold lemonade and eat popsicles. Then we could build a big snowman on Pluto. And once we’ve had all the fun there is to be had in space, we can ride Halley’s comet back around to Earth and go home.

Daddy pulls into the driveway and I watch my friend the moon hide behind the tree in the front yard. Mommy helps me out of my special Captain’s chair and carries me inside. My puppy dog Comet greets me with a slobbery kiss and his squeaky red and blue rocket ship toy. I climb the stairs to the second floor. Daddy helps me brush my teeth and get into my NASA pajamas. Mommy reads me an astronaut bedtime story and tucks me in. Daddy and Mommy kiss me goodnight and turn the light off.

Once the light is off my nightlight projects the solar system across my ceiling. Peeking through the skylight among the planets that are on my ceiling is my friend the moon. I guess he was a little shy when he saw Mommy and Daddy get out of the car and that’s why he was hiding. But now it’s just me and him and so he’s smiling at me again. I wink at my friend the moon and tell him goodnight.

I roll over and close my eyes. Knowing my friend the moon is watching over me makes me feel safe. I drift off to sleep and I start to dream. I dream again about all the fun that my friend the moon and I would have if I could play with him in space. I think I know what I want to be when I grow up.

I want to be an astronaut.

So, you're a bounty hunter. No, that ain't it at all. Then what are you? I'm a bounty hunter.


Eve Vegas 2015 Pub Crawl Group 9

Houston EVE Meet

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11093 - 2017-01-07 22:19:36 UTC
RoAnnon wrote:
I want to be an astronaut.

Hey, I wanted to be astronaut too, and see how I finished. Mining with drones in Orca.
Yiole Gionglao
#11094 - 2017-01-07 22:26:43 UTC
Learning to think it's a valuable lesson. How old is the shepherd?Cool

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Yiole Gionglao
#11095 - 2017-01-07 22:30:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Yiole Gionglao
RoAnnon wrote:
Howdy Folks! *tips Stetson*

My daughter wrote the following story last night in about 2 hours:

My Friend the Moon

Mommy and Daddy sit in the front seat. I’m in the back in my special Captain’s chair. That’s what Mommy calls it. She let me decorate it with rocket stickers and stars and planets. I have a big rocket sticker on the side. My favorite part of my Captain’s chair is my window. I can see everything! We are driving home from a fun family dinner.

I got to play in the tubes. My favorite part of the tubes is the spaceship. I have to climb way up to it through the tubes and the spaceship has a window so I can look out at everything below. Mommy likes to wave to me while I’m way up in space. I like the trip back to Earth too. A big red curvy slide that loops around and around all the way down. I like to put my hands up in the air as I go down. Daddy likes to catch me at the bottom and swoop me up and fly me around one more time before I finally land.

For dinner Mommy and Daddy shared steak and shrimp. They shared with me too. I like the steak better. I had a pepperoni pizza and apple slices. It was all so yummy. The pizza slices remind me of Mars because they’re red.

After dinner Mommy asked me if I wanted some dessert. I said yes please and said I wanted a brownie with ice cream on top. I shared my dessert with both Mommy and Daddy. They really liked it.

But now we are in the car driving home and I’m sitting in my special Captain’s chair looking out the window up into the sky. I’m waiting to see my friend the moon. Daddy makes a turn and my friend comes into view. His smile is so bright tonight. I like it best when he is all there. That’s when he’s the brightest. When he’s only half there he looks distracted. Sometimes he is sleeping and I can’t see his smile.

The moon follows me home. Even if Daddy makes a turn and I can’t see him anymore, I know that when Daddy makes another turn, I’ll see my faithful friend again. I’m always happy to see my friend the moon. He shines down on me as if he’s guiding me home. It’s almost like he’s reaching down to hold my hand.

I imagine what it would be like to be with my friend the moon up in space. We could play hide and seek in the craters on Mars. We could skate around on Saturn’s rings. I think it would be fun to jump from asteroid to asteroid in the Milky Way. We could have a summer party on Venus and sip ice cold lemonade and eat popsicles. Then we could build a big snowman on Pluto. And once we’ve had all the fun there is to be had in space, we can ride Halley’s comet back around to Earth and go home.

Daddy pulls into the driveway and I watch my friend the moon hide behind the tree in the front yard. Mommy helps me out of my special Captain’s chair and carries me inside. My puppy dog Comet greets me with a slobbery kiss and his squeaky red and blue rocket ship toy. I climb the stairs to the second floor. Daddy helps me brush my teeth and get into my NASA pajamas. Mommy reads me an astronaut bedtime story and tucks me in. Daddy and Mommy kiss me goodnight and turn the light off.

Once the light is off my nightlight projects the solar system across my ceiling. Peeking through the skylight among the planets that are on my ceiling is my friend the moon. I guess he was a little shy when he saw Mommy and Daddy get out of the car and that’s why he was hiding. But now it’s just me and him and so he’s smiling at me again. I wink at my friend the moon and tell him goodnight.

I roll over and close my eyes. Knowing my friend the moon is watching over me makes me feel safe. I drift off to sleep and I start to dream. I dream again about all the fun that my friend the moon and I would have if I could play with him in space. I think I know what I want to be when I grow up.

I want to be an astronaut.

Why the moon is a "he" (as opposed to "she")? Is that usual in English? Question

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Hengle Teron
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#11096 - 2017-01-07 23:03:34 UTC
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
Learning to think it's a valuable lesson. How old is the shepherd?Cool

How old are those kids ?
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11097 - 2017-01-07 23:22:03 UTC
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
Why the moon is a "he" (as opposed to "she")? Is that usual in English? Question

Havent you heard about Sailor Moon? Cool
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#11098 - 2017-01-07 23:25:58 UTC
Yiole Gionglao
#11099 - 2017-01-07 23:37:58 UTC
Hengle Teron wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
Learning to think it's a valuable lesson. How old is the shepherd?Cool

How old are those kids ?

They say 8th graders, which may be 12-13 y.o.

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you

Yiole Gionglao
#11100 - 2017-01-07 23:43:41 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
Yiole Gionglao wrote:
Why the moon is a "he" (as opposed to "she")? Is that usual in English? Question

Havent you heard about Sailor Moon? Cool

Well at least in Spanish and Catalan it's female so ti would be a "her" (that's because Selene was the moon goddess, and also because he moon is always shifting like women, and also is a liar like... oh well let's skip that...)

So seeing the moon as a male is kinda funny. Smile

Roses are red / Violets are blue / I am an alpha / And so it's you