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Bumping Mechanics Discussion

First post
Black Pedro
#21 - 2016-12-28 22:10:27 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Cade Windstalker wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Ok I'll put a pin in this no counters myth.

First counter is to web the freighter into warp. All you need is a friend in any ship with a few webs fitted but something with a Web range bonus is best. Your freighter now warps so fast that not only is it impossible to bump but also goes into warp backwards.

Second is if you get bumped. Fly a fast frigate out in the direction the freighter is being bumped and at 150 km warp the freighter to the frigate. You can the Web it into warp.

Third is to simply bump the bumpers. This takes some degree of manual piloting but can be done with a few cheap cruisers.

Fourth option is to gank the bumping ship. These bumping ships don't tend to have any tank so are fairly easy to kill.

Fish is to suicide web the bumper. Done right the freighter will get away.

Sorry, I should have been more specific.

I'm well aware there are ways to avoid getting bumped in the first place, especially while traveling. The issue is that once you are bumped things like a web won't work by themselves, and besides that requires an alt in the first place (or a friend who doesn't mind coming to save your arse all the time), as does warping to a frigate and then getting webbed away.

Also, if the people bumping you are clever and have more than one person, they can see the Frigate and have a second bumper adjust your trajectory to bump you away from the direction of the frigate.

The biggest general issue here is all of your solutions here require either a friend or an alt, where as a moderately competent player can keep a Freighter bumped indefinitely on his own.

Also none of this helps with the other major place bumping occurs which is mining belts. None of your prospective solutions work here because your goal isn't just to escape the bumper, it's to be able to use the belt. Suicide ganking is a losing proposition because it takes more value in ship to do the gank than it does to do the bumping, and the bumper gets a free killright to play with every time you do that.

All of this leaves us with a mechanic that seriously disadvantages the defender rather than the aggressor in High Sec and doesn't have any particularly good counters beyond "have an alt" which isn't something to be relied on mechanically.

Freighters were added into eve as a corp level asset to solve the problem of supplying nullsec. They were designed to require a convoy which is why they have such limited fitting options. Much like other capital ships they need support to get the best results.

As far as mining bumping goes, you can do several things to stop bumping from spider webbing a fleet to fitting prop mods that allow you to simply get out of the way.

Or even try orbiting the asteroid, hitting a moving target is harder than hitting one sitting still.
CCP buffed the speed of the Skiff and especially the Procurer a few years back to the point that orbiting with a prop mod they are unbumpable. They also introduced the Higgs Anchor rig a little after offering another counter to bumping. Mining ships have multiple, direct counters to bumping which is why it went all but extinct in belts. Simply not being AFK (or a bot) is enough to avoid being bumped away from an asteroid these days, which is a pretty low bar.

As for the larger ships, their vulnerability to bumping Is intentional. They were purposely made slow and lumbering and thus vulnerable to being prevented to align for warp. If you don't want that trade off, uses smaller, more agile ship.

One of the core problems of this issue (of many really) is the desire for players to fly the "best" ship. They want something that does everything with no trade offs. Well the freighter is really good at carrying stuff, but it purposely has the weakness of being slow and vulnerable so it needs protection. Bumping is one of these vulnerabilities. Even if CCP implements the uninspired 3 minute cap it will likely be easily countered by a suicide point leaving the freighter ganking meta essentially the same and players will still complain about having to protect their freighters despite the fact it is completely intentional that they have to.

I still think a system exists where there is a greater potential for escalation and conflict over freighters. Like Salah's idea for example. One where both good and bad guys can fight each other over a prize like what's in the cargo hold of a freighter without CONCORD getting in the way. Whether CCP will make it a priority to focus the large amount of developer time to engineer a better system of highsec aggression and interdiction is the real question.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#22 - 2016-12-28 22:23:43 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:

Freighters have been in the game 9 years, any original intent has long since been overwritten by successive patches by CCP and years of use by players. What we and CCP have to deal with is the reality of the ships, not their original golden ideal use-case, which is the case for anything in this game.

The same golden rule of support your capitals applies just as much today as back then. These ships are not designed to excel at solo.

This isn't even really a case of "best results" either. A normal gank requires dozens of people (more or less) to pull off on a Freighter, especially a tanked one. Just bumping him requires all of one, which brings us back to the imbalance I was talking about.

It only takes one dictor to tackle a titan too. These ships are corp and alliance level assets, treat them as such.

As far as mining goes that works, moderately well, for barges and Exhumers, but not really at all for an Orca or similar ship.

Orca is designed for fleet work, it's a corp level asset.

Also it's not *that* hard to hit a moving target while bumping, I've done my fair share of it just for giggles (or good natured trolling) with corp mates or friends and never found it particularly hard to hit a moving target even with my limited amount of practice. Someone who does it on a more regular basis would probably have even less trouble than myself and be more consistent.

Please don't lie.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#23 - 2016-12-28 22:38:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Cade Windstalker wrote:


The idea that it is hard to get together pilots to help while being bumped is not a problem for CCP. That is a player problem. As people keep pointing out using a freighter solo is going to be much more risky than using friends and/or alts. If a player makes a choice to use a freighter, and then makes a choice not to tank it, and makes a choice to go solo....those are all on the player making those decisions. And those are the screw ups. The player has done something where bumping becomes much more of a possibility. Toss in an overloaded freighter and it is yet another screw up.

Bumping for ***** and giggles is not really a problem, IMO. Simply log off. If the players want to keep it in game with suicide noob ships and keep bumping you while you go do something else...well...okay, but come down time they just did what? Bump your ship around a solar system. Okay...whatever. And chances are the guy bumping will stop because the supply of tears just dried up. Come back in an hour and see if you are still being bumped. If you are logoff again. I'd also like to know how often this happens.

And corp thefts are quite similar when looking at the risk vs. reward. The risk v. reward is out of whack. Where is the risk to the thief? No really? Is he going to announce it and then have a race to see who can empty out which hangars the fastest? No. He'll wait until as few people are online that could detect his actions and try to stop him. And again, the counter measures are all ex ante, that is you take your precautions before hand, not during or after. Same thing with freighter bumping, take your precautions before hand.

1. Do not overload your freighter.
2. Do not use cargo expanders unless you have very large super cheap stuff.
3. Use a scout.
4. Use a scout with webs, preferably one with range bonuses like a rapier.
5. Tank your ship.

These are thing you do before you get bumped just like you take precautions before that corp thief wipes you out.

So the main point is, don't be will mean you are less likely to get ganked and as a result you are less likely to be bumped as well.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2016-12-28 23:09:13 UTC
This thread is hilarious. It's not often we get to see this type of circle jerking and one sided approval outside of C and P. Well done. You've successfully stealth buff bumping, nerf hauling, blame haulers(all of them, not just the bad ones), circumvented concord, and assumed lack of response as consent all in one go.

So if you're ok with deployable, non-concorded insta tackle for freighters in high sec, surely deployable stasis Web fields are ok too, right? Maybe even deployable rr too?


You genuinely want to fix bumping? Push for collision mechanics and fitting slots on freighters. Just because they were introduced years ago as helpless herbivores in the cretacious, doesn't mean they can't ever evolve as the game does (and has). Sure, the freighter is gonna get damaged a bit by the noobship, but all in all it won't care. The stabber will do a large chunk more, but the freighter is still gonna survive. And by all means if you wanna throw suicide machs at bumping , let the lols ensue.

Don't get me wrong, I have no sympathy for the guy who throws 20b into his Charon then dies like a scrub in niarja. But the whole treating industry and industrialists and even explorers to some extent like 2nd or 3rd class citizens is beginning to rub thin... as is the whole, 'oh, just attack yourself so you can be safe' argument. FFS, if that's what we wanna settle on then let's make a module specifically designed to do that without the need for all the dueling and character log off timers, etc. Weapons timer? Sure.

I'm done here, seeing as you're not actually interested in addressing bumping, just buffing tackling freighters in high sec.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Cade Windstalker
#25 - 2016-12-28 23:53:17 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
The same golden rule of support your capitals applies just as much today as back then. These ships are not designed to excel at solo.

It only takes one dictor to tackle a titan too. These ships are corp and alliance level assets, treat them as such.

Please don't lie.

In order:

Freighters are not true capitals. They don't behave like them in any meaningful way. While I certainly don't disagree that they shouldn't access without support, no one's mentioned buffing align time because that would be ridiculous and isn't needed, the imbalance surrounding bumping seems a touch one-sided as things stand right now.

That's in Null, the risk/reward paradigm there is completely different. It only takes one 'dictor (or frigate) to tackle a Freighter in High Sec too, but it only lasts for about 15-20 seconds.

I'm... not? That first-person piloting mode made targeting bumps a *lot* easier.

Teckos Pech wrote:
The idea that it is hard to get together pilots to help while being bumped is not a problem for CCP. That is a player problem. As people keep pointing out using a freighter solo is going to be much more risky than using friends and/or alts. If a player makes a choice to use a freighter, and then makes a choice not to tank it, and makes a choice to go solo....those are all on the player making those decisions. And those are the screw ups. The player has done something where bumping becomes much more of a possibility. Toss in an overloaded freighter and it is yet another screw up.

Bumping for ***** and giggles is not really a problem, IMO. Simply log off. If the players want to keep it in game with suicide noob ships and keep bumping you while you go do something else...well...okay, but come down time they just did what? Bump your ship around a solar system. Okay...whatever. And chances are the guy bumping will stop because the supply of tears just dried up. Come back in an hour and see if you are still being bumped. If you are logoff again. I'd also like to know how often this happens.

And corp thefts are quite similar when looking at the risk vs. reward. The risk v. reward is out of whack. Where is the risk to the thief? No really? Is he going to announce it and then have a race to see who can empty out which hangars the fastest? No. He'll wait until as few people are online that could detect his actions and try to stop him. And again, the counter measures are all ex ante, that is you take your precautions before hand, not during or after. Same thing with freighter bumping, take your precautions before hand.

1. Do not overload your freighter.
2. Do not use cargo expanders unless you have very large super cheap stuff.
3. Use a scout.
4. Use a scout with webs, preferably one with range bonuses like a rapier.
5. Tank your ship.

These are thing you do before you get bumped just like you take precautions before that corp thief wipes you out.

So the main point is, don't be will mean you are less likely to get ganked and as a result you are less likely to be bumped as well.

You seem to like this "this isn't a problem for CCP" line a lot, except in this case we already know with certainty that CCP have looked at bumping and are at least considering whether or not the current set of mechanics is a problem. At the end of the day this is CCP's game world, and they are the final arbitrators of what is or is not good for the game.

You also seem to be operating under a set of assumptions here that I have specifically stated cases where they do not apply. The primary issue with bumping has nothing to do with ganking specifically, it's that bumping, *just* bumping, offers little to no counter-play, to the point where it was at one point possible to report someone for harassment if they bumped you for long enough and refused to kill you since it was impossible to escape and that was considered impeding someone's ability to play the game under Rule 16 (I have no idea if this is still the case, the last time I know this to have occurred was years ago).

As for corp theft, you have I believe struck upon the different between intelligence and effort and risk vs reward. Being a good corp thief takes quite a bit of intelligence and effort, but the only thing you're risking is your own time. Bumping, on the other hand, requires very little intelligence or effort, and risks at best slightly more than the corp thief but again win/win/win if you're ganked in turn while you're bumping.

So please, try to separate the mechanics of bumping from the mechanics of ganking, because while they are related they are still not the same thing and ganks are not the only place where bumping occurs.

Also to the person who said bumping in belts rarely occurs anymore: Lol
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#26 - 2016-12-29 04:17:55 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:


No, it is not CCP's business if a player is stupid, foolish, ignorant, or whatever in any particular instance. CCP is not here to hold anyone's least that is what they claim, but sometimes I wonder based on their actions.

Seriously, tell me what is wrong with this picture:

Bob takes on too much risk by putting 7 billion ISK of cargo into his freighter and undocks and flies unescorted through Uedama with no tank.

1. No tank.
2. Overloaded freighter.
3. No escort.

He literally screwed up three times. Let us also posit that he has done this 3 times before. So he has screwed up no less than 12 times....and now he finds himself being bumped....because he screwed up on 1, 2 and 3...repeatedly.

Why should CCP bail him out by giving him a chance to get away yet again? Now, if we want to change the mechanics so that an escort can more easily shoot the bumper...and the bumper can call in a fleet for support leading to a nice big fat fight...I'd like to discuss that. But giving some Bad™ yet another out when he has screwed up again and again...sorry, no. It is well past time he learned a painful, painful lesson.

I screwed up once and lost a JF...why is CCP not doing anything special for me?

Seriously, 99% of the posts on this sub-forum are people engaged in special interest group lobbying with CCP. "Please CCP give me something special because I'm Bad™."

Now, if we can make bumping more interesting and allow for more chances of escalation and conflict around freighter bumping then we can look into that. But saying we should provide and easy out for players who screwed up time and again...that is not good game design, that is bad game design at least for a sandbox game.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#27 - 2016-12-29 04:23:16 UTC
Kenrailae wrote:
This thread is hilarious. It's not often we get to see this type of circle jerking and one sided approval outside of C and P. Well done. You've successfully stealth buff bumping, nerf hauling, blame haulers(all of them, not just the bad ones), circumvented concord, and assumed lack of response as consent all in one go.

So if you're ok with deployable, non-concorded insta tackle for freighters in high sec, surely deployable stasis Web fields are ok too, right? Maybe even deployable rr too?


You genuinely want to fix bumping? Push for collision mechanics and fitting slots on freighters. Just because they were introduced years ago as helpless herbivores in the cretacious, doesn't mean they can't ever evolve as the game does (and has). Sure, the freighter is gonna get damaged a bit by the noobship, but all in all it won't care. The stabber will do a large chunk more, but the freighter is still gonna survive. And by all means if you wanna throw suicide machs at bumping , let the lols ensue.

Don't get me wrong, I have no sympathy for the guy who throws 20b into his Charon then dies like a scrub in niarja. But the whole treating industry and industrialists and even explorers to some extent like 2nd or 3rd class citizens is beginning to rub thin... as is the whole, 'oh, just attack yourself so you can be safe' argument. FFS, if that's what we wanna settle on then let's make a module specifically designed to do that without the need for all the dueling and character log off timers, etc. Weapons timer? Sure.

I'm done here, seeing as you're not actually interested in addressing bumping, just buffing tackling freighters in high sec.

Alright...where exactly has anyone said that all haulers are third class players? Hmmm...oh, why nowhere.

Now, what has been said is that players who are imprudent and foolish do not deserve yet another chance to avoid the consequences of their imprudence and foolishness.

Now, if we want to look at a way to impose consequences on those players, but also make that process more interesting and have a potential for escalation and conflicts fine.

In short, you have gotten things exactly backwards.

You brought up more fittings for freighters...fine, run with that. But don't completely mischaracterize like you have. Industry is fine, players interested in industry are fine and necessary. But they should not be exempt for the nature of the game...which you seem to agree with.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Island Paradise
#28 - 2016-12-29 07:08:14 UTC
So ... What exactly happens if freighters are given a Mid and enough resource to fit say ... a Large MWD? Would an Active MWD increase the mass and maneuverability enough to be able to react to bumps?

Obviously the problem with this is the extra resources allows access to a massive Hull or Armor tank with resists which would likely need to be restricted, but if we focus on access to a single Mid do we have options and ability to fight back and escape a bump lock? What could be included to give Freighters a chance of escaping on their own?
Island Paradise
#29 - 2016-12-29 07:29:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Deckel
Or ... implement a thorns ability.
"Proximity Shock"

Rig or module that reduces shield strength upon fitting in exchange for being able to apply damage to those who bump you or get bumped by you. Only able to be fitted to freighters and other capital sized ships and damage may correspond to current shield strength percentage and signature radius of opponent ship and maybe some shield loss will occur corresponding to the damage that is applied to the opponent.

May not be activated within 20km of a station or highsec gate.

The 'Shock' could also be something other than direct damage, like temporary loss of propulsion, webbing effect, shutting down of modules or even heat damage to them. But with restrictions on it's use it could be damage as well.

Note: damage from this effect would not be the Capital pilot's fault, so they would not be flagged suspect or criminal for dealing this damage.
Cade Windstalker
#30 - 2016-12-29 14:25:05 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
No, it is not CCP's business if a player is stupid, foolish, ignorant, or whatever in any particular instance. CCP is not here to hold anyone's least that is what they claim, but sometimes I wonder based on their actions.

Seriously, tell me what is wrong with this picture:

Bob takes on too much risk by putting 7 billion ISK of cargo into his freighter and undocks and flies unescorted through Uedama with no tank.

1. No tank.
2. Overloaded freighter.
3. No escort.

He literally screwed up three times. Let us also posit that he has done this 3 times before. So he has screwed up no less than 12 times....and now he finds himself being bumped....because he screwed up on 1, 2 and 3...repeatedly.

Why should CCP bail him out by giving him a chance to get away yet again? Now, if we want to change the mechanics so that an escort can more easily shoot the bumper...and the bumper can call in a fleet for support leading to a nice big fat fight...I'd like to discuss that. But giving some Bad™ yet another out when he has screwed up again and again...sorry, no. It is well past time he learned a painful, painful lesson.

I screwed up once and lost a JF...why is CCP not doing anything special for me?

Seriously, 99% of the posts on this sub-forum are people engaged in special interest group lobbying with CCP. "Please CCP give me something special because I'm Bad™."

Now, if we can make bumping more interesting and allow for more chances of escalation and conflict around freighter bumping then we can look into that. But saying we should provide and easy out for players who screwed up time and again...that is not good game design, that is bad game design at least for a sandbox game.

First off, yes it is CCP's business, because they're the ones setting the values that determine those thresholds. If CCP gave freighters 10x their current EHP then Bob hauling 7bil in cargo would be fine because it wouldn't be profitable to gank him. I'm not advocating for that, I just think your entire argument of "no, CCP, don't touch this part of your game!" is absurd.

In your example bumping isn't in any way required to punish Bob's stupidity, he'll be just as dead if you gank him under gate guns, the difference is it requires a few less people and loses a few less ships to bump him 500km off the gate first.

No matter what CCP decides in these sort of situations someone is benefiting and getting things made easier for them. What you seem to want is to make it easier to punish risky decisions, but risks are not certainties and should not be made such.

That's without even getting into the fact that your hypothetical is a straw man in his entirety. Lets say someone is flying a Freighter, which is tanked and not really overloaded, but it's somewhere near the threshold for being a gankable target. If he only becomes a gankable target because the gankers can bump him off the gate does that mean he was an idiot, or just unlucky, or what?

Really this entire rant of yours is kind of amusingly ironic because you're engaged in exactly the same sort of "special interest group lobbying" you're accusing me of. Doubly amusing because I'm not a hauler. I'm not personally impacted by this decision in any way, I just think it's a bad mechanic. I've been up here arguing the other way dozens of times in the past when people put up bad ideas for making ganking impossible too.

Side note: MWDs on a Freighter is a terrible idea. It either creates a mandatory module or just massively buffs their ability to fit tank.

If you have an idea to make bumping more interesting, great, that sounds fantastic. I've said, repeatedly in this thread, that what I'd like is for this to have some kind of counterplay to it, because that's the entire problem with bumping, there's no counter play. Either you're easily bumpable and can't do much about that, or your ship isn't and you're immune to it. All the available counters to a single player bumping you are "have an alt", which is boring and bad for the game.

Heck, random pie in the sky idea here.

How about a free-form addition to the bounty system that allows players to send out pings with money attached, the more money the further you can ping. Other players can respond to the pings and if they meet some criteria they're eligible for a payout from the money the player put in to send out the initial ping.

Could be something like "kill X ship" or "Save my ship", where everyone who accepts and gets on the killmail gets a payout or everyone who managed to be on-grid while the ping was active gets a payout if your ship docks up safely.

That helps solve the "need an alt" problem and creates plenty of opportunities for emergent gameplay, including gankers basically ransoming ships by threatening to gank them and then jumping on the ping payout, but risking that randoms might eat into some of their share.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#31 - 2016-12-29 14:32:08 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:

Freighters are not true capitals.

Of course they are.

Cade Windstalker wrote:

They don't behave like them in any meaningful way.

They fly in the same way as every other capital out there, the veldnought has the exact same issues as your freighter.

Cade Windstalker wrote:

While I certainly don't disagree that they shouldn't access without support, no one's mentioned buffing align time because that would be ridiculous and isn't needed, the imbalance surrounding bumping seems a touch one-sided as things stand right now.

I listed 5 very easy ways to both avoid and get out of bumping. We have counters, you just refuse to use them.

Cade Windstalker wrote:

That's in Null, the risk/reward paradigm there is completely different. It only takes one 'dictor (or frigate) to tackle a Freighter in High Sec too, but it only lasts for about 15-20 seconds.

I'm... not? That first-person piloting mode made targeting bumps a *lot* easier.

Its the exact same thing, one ship that cant be delt with by the capital can keep the capital tackled forever if no help arrives. I also know you are making up that bumping story because the likes of the skiff can hit 670 m/s using a 10MN t2 afterburner. You cant bump that.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#32 - 2016-12-29 14:33:20 UTC
Deckel wrote:
So ... What exactly happens if freighters are given a Mid and enough resource to fit say ... a Large MWD? Would an Active MWD increase the mass and maneuverability enough to be able to react to bumps?

CCP would have to nerf them further.
United Allegiance of Undesirables
#33 - 2016-12-29 15:13:05 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
This is the problem with that idea. I and a few friends can park several freighters in front of jita 4-4 undock and cause chaos. Equally we can park 10km from a high traffic gate in line with auto piloting ships and cause an equal amount of chaos.

I did specifically mention that my idea could cause problems with the un-docks in the game, so thank you for reinforcing the point.
Instead wasting time, effort and space pointing out something that was already stated do you have any ideas on how to solve that specific aspect of the situation without completely eliminating the timer as an option?
Frostys Virpio
State War Academy
Caldari State
#34 - 2016-12-29 15:41:18 UTC
The whole freighter issue is linked to the fact that while a bunch of relatively easy method can be used to counter a gank, the required ship are very rarely in place when needed because in the very vast majority of case, it will be wasted time as the freighter would just go though unharmed. If an escort was accounted for because there is more often something to clear, even if it's stupid NPC rats, then the whole thing could evolve because you would see a design direction toward making the freighter no longer an actual viable solo option. Anyone getting caught solo in a freighter would just get pointed out that it's just not meant to be instead of an escort being something that can happen but is useless something along the line of 98% of the time.

You could for example put NPC rat BS on gates that do just enough damage to overcome the regen of a freighter and point things that stay on gate a few seconds. This would mean a lot of hauling might require escort and same for battleships maybe but from that point on, all interaction with those ships by other player can also be based on the concept that escort will be available. Hyperdunking for example would never really have been a problem because the answer to it is present instead of being vaguely existing in the form of an alt or some friends who might not be present. The alt/friend is now present anyway because he just flat out have to.

As much as "player driven" stuff is cool in EVE, I really think CCP will have to twist some arms a little if they want things to move in there. If ganking is to ever become an engaging form of game play where both side can do something, then you kinda have to setup the cards for it to happen. Nobody will do the job that is 98% of the time a waste of time. The holy sandbox is cool and all but we see it all the time, if there is nothing at the end of it, it will not get done in EVE. Escorting freighter falls way too often in the useless bin of activity to be relevant. If the game is to move with this game play, then it has to stop being so damn stupid.

Or CCP can be happy about the current situation where the real effective solution to a problem is to use a pilot's time in a way that is borderline useless 98% of the time. They get to design the game however they want after all.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#35 - 2016-12-29 16:36:49 UTC
Donnachadh wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
This is the problem with that idea. I and a few friends can park several freighters in front of jita 4-4 undock and cause chaos. Equally we can park 10km from a high traffic gate in line with auto piloting ships and cause an equal amount of chaos.

I did specifically mention that my idea could cause problems with the un-docks in the game, so thank you for reinforcing the point.
Instead wasting time, effort and space pointing out something that was already stated do you have any ideas on how to solve that specific aspect of the situation without completely eliminating the timer as an option?

I don't think there is anything that can replace it without causing other issues.

When we look at it, bumping rather easy to both avoid and counter. There is only two classes of ship that are really impacted by this and both are corp/fleet focused. Everything else is nimble enough to avoid being bumped through piloting and fitting options.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#36 - 2016-12-29 20:40:48 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:

First off, yes it is CCP's business, because they're the ones setting the values that determine those thresholds.

No. CCP sets the parameters and given those parameters players determine the level of risk they want to take. If a player is ignorant of how these things work...that is something they should seek to remedy. Maybe CCP can do a better job at informing them of how these things work. But at the same time some players are amazingly obstinate in their desire to remain ignorant. Those players...screw 'em.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#37 - 2016-12-29 21:25:20 UTC
Bumping isn't limited to freighter ganking in hisec.

Have you ever tried to lock up a fleeing frig in a c13 wormhole?

Have you ever tried to lock up a fleeing ENDURANCE in a c13 wormhole?

Have you ever tried to lock up pretty much anything smaller than your own ship like anywhere?

Have you ever tried to kill something with warp stabs on it?

Interdictors are hands down the EASIEST way to nail down those hard targets, but they shouldn't be mandatory to do so. Fitting stabs in your lows should not be a get out of jail free card against anyone that's not flying an interdictor or part of a bubble camp. Especially considering indterdictors aren't usable in all areas of space.

Bumping is fine. Bumping is balanced. Bumping is counterable.
Faylee Freir
Slavers Union
Something Really Pretentious
#38 - 2016-12-29 23:11:59 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:
Bumping isn't limited to freighter ganking in hisec.

Have you ever tried to lock up a fleeing frig in a c13 wormhole?

Have you ever tried to lock up a fleeing ENDURANCE in a c13 wormhole?

Have you ever tried to lock up pretty much anything smaller than your own ship like anywhere?

Have you ever tried to kill something with warp stabs on it?

Interdictors are hands down the EASIEST way to nail down those hard targets, but they shouldn't be mandatory to do so. Fitting stabs in your lows should not be a get out of jail free card against anyone that's not flying an interdictor or part of a bubble camp. Especially considering indterdictors aren't usable in all areas of space.

Bumping is fine. Bumping is balanced. Bumping is counterable.

Seems like most of the complaints are about bumping freighters so they will discard your experience and opinions.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#39 - 2016-12-29 23:27:03 UTC
Faylee Freir wrote:
PopeUrban wrote:
Bumping isn't limited to freighter ganking in hisec.

Have you ever tried to lock up a fleeing frig in a c13 wormhole?

Have you ever tried to lock up a fleeing ENDURANCE in a c13 wormhole?

Have you ever tried to lock up pretty much anything smaller than your own ship like anywhere?

Have you ever tried to kill something with warp stabs on it?

Interdictors are hands down the EASIEST way to nail down those hard targets, but they shouldn't be mandatory to do so. Fitting stabs in your lows should not be a get out of jail free card against anyone that's not flying an interdictor or part of a bubble camp. Especially considering indterdictors aren't usable in all areas of space.

Bumping is fine. Bumping is balanced. Bumping is counterable.

Seems like most of the complaints are about bumping freighters so they will discard your experience and opinions.

Agreed, these are all reasonable points. Focusing on just freighters could likely lead to problems elsewhere.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Cade Windstalker
#40 - 2016-12-30 05:04:36 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Of course they are.

They fly in the same way as every other capital out there, the veldnought has the exact same issues as your freighter.

It does not. I can dock a Freighter in an Astrahus, I can jump a Freighter through a High Sec gate, I can not fit any capital class module to a Freighter, and I gain no benefit from having the Capital Ships skill when flying a Freighter.

Freighters are only classes as capitals because they're too big to reasonably be Battleships.

baltec1 wrote:
I listed 5 very easy ways to both avoid and get out of bumping. We have counters, you just refuse to use them.

You listed five ways to use alts to avoid getting bumped. My contention is that a single player should not be able to effectively shut down a Freighter for effectively no risk and no penalty and have the Freighter be unable to escape without help from another character.

baltec1 wrote:
Its the exact same thing, one ship that cant be delt with by the capital can keep the capital tackled forever if no help arrives. I also know you are making up that bumping story because the likes of the skiff can hit 670 m/s using a 10MN t2 afterburner. You cant bump that.

One very very specialized ship, assuming no HAWs, or it's not a Carrier. In point of fact Capitals have more of a chance of dealing with a solo-tackle than a Freighter does of dealing with being bumped on his own. In fact at the very least the Capital can fit stabs and warp off, or try to shoot the HIC or Dictor, or various other options that while various degrees of unlikely to work at least have a chance of doing so.

If we could get bumping up to that level of basic counter-play that would be wonderful IMO.

Also I never said I bumped a franken-fit Skiff with an over sized prop mod. If someone wants to fit that then by all means go ahead, they won't be able to fit much else... Lol If you have a viable fit for that I'm curious to see it. Just at an eyeball I'm thinking... either a small powercore and no other tank, or only one strip miner maybe?

Teckos Pech wrote:
No. CCP sets the parameters and given those parameters players determine the level of risk they want to take. If a player is ignorant of how these things work...that is something they should seek to remedy. Maybe CCP can do a better job at informing them of how these things work. But at the same time some players are amazingly obstinate in their desire to remain ignorant. Those players...screw 'em.

And how, exactly, do you think CCP determines what the parameters should be?

Seriously just look at the Freighter re-balance when they gave them low slots, CCP are very well aware of *about* where the risk and reward curve is going to fall. Same for when they removed insurance from gank ships, that was done *entirely* because the new Battlecruiser hulls were completely wrecking the cost/benefit curve for ganking in favor of the gankers compared to what had previously existed.

If CCP feel that something is either too easy for a player to do relative to its reward, or not hard enough, or not rewarding enough, then that is *quite literally* their job to address that.

Even something like corp theft has resulted in improvements to the tools available to corp operators to make it easier for them to define roles, setup access, and generally make UI mistakes less likely because corp theft should be a battle of wits between players, not a fight between the corp owner and the UI. Those are all tools the corp owner can use and any sort of anti-bumping mechanic should fit the same sort of mold. Not something that completely shuts down bumping, but something that gives the pilots of very slow ships a window of opportunity to exploit or a tool they can use, instead of the current system where the entire interaction is one-sided and not particularly interesting.