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Assault Frigates need a new role determinating role bonus!!!

Mike Adoulin
Happys Happy Hamster Hunting Club
#61 - 2016-10-30 02:57:13 UTC
My opinion?

FWIW I would have them get a -95% role bonus to MWD sig bloom.

And have them ignore the cap penalty for fitting a MWD.

And that's it.

Then see what happens.

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DSpite Culhach
#62 - 2016-10-30 07:30:58 UTC
Forgive my ignorance on the topic, but Isn't the gap between T1 and T2 frigs growing a little larger then it should already?

If T2 get a new boost, how many T1's will it take to kill one? We could probably at least then double that number if they are all Alpha players.

Kind of scary.

I apparently have no idea what I'm doing.

Tanthos Corp
#63 - 2016-10-30 09:45:08 UTC
Some good suggestions here. I don't see why most can't be implemented separately for each faction.

Minmatar AFs get web immunity.
Gallente AFs get weapon disruptor immunity.
Caldari AFs get ecm immunity.
Amarr AFs get neutralizer immunity.
Kethen T'val
Dontopiax Mining Inc.
#64 - 2016-12-21 23:39:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Kethen T'val
Tanthos wrote:
Some good suggestions here. I don't see why most can't be implemented separately for each faction.

Minmatar AFs get web immunity.
Gallente AFs get weapon disruptor immunity.
Caldari AFs get ecm immunity.
Amarr AFs get neutralizer immunity.

This is a good idea. Id like to see a small sig drop to this

EDIT: Oh I just mininecroed this. I rock!
Goonswarm Federation
#65 - 2016-12-22 01:57:11 UTC
Tanthos wrote:
Some good suggestions here. I don't see why most can't be implemented separately for each faction.

Minmatar AFs get web immunity.
Gallente AFs get weapon disruptor immunity.
Caldari AFs get ecm immunity.
Amarr AFs get neutralizer immunity.

yeah see amarr ships have these things called diodes and we also don't include the hull itself as our ground so
Matthias Ancaladron
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#66 - 2016-12-22 12:15:55 UTC
Remove t3 ships.

Problem solved
Salvos Rhoska
#67 - 2016-12-22 13:13:44 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Best buff AF can get is for T3D to get nerfed.


The AF situation is indication of the downsides and existence of power-creeping.

Nerfing/naturalising over-performing ships is a more rational choice, than increasing power-creep by buffing AFs, which then cascades down onto other hulls being inadequate in relative comparison.
Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#68 - 2016-12-22 17:17:08 UTC
Oh yay, necro thread..I love the smell of dead meat in the morning...

@ topic:
I don't think AFs need a role bonus- that would only force them into a distinct, specialized role and I happen to like the fact that they are mostly versatile all rounders.
But what needs to be done is take a good long look at each single AF and balance them on a ship by ship base- especially things like speed, PG and CPU should be adjusted for many ships.
And when I say "many", I mainly mean the Jaguar.
Sure, the eased fitting requirements for small arties helped a bit, and yet still I need perfect fitting skills and 2 fitting mods to fit the weapon system this ship was designed for. Adding insult to injury, here's CCP's official in game description of the Jag:
CCP wrote:
The Jaguar is a versatile ship capable of reaching speeds unmatched by any other assault-class vessel. While comparatively weak on the defensive front it sports great flexibility, allowing pilots considerable latitude in configuring their loadouts for whatever circumstances they find themselves in.

U WOT M8 ?????

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Mr Mieyli
#69 - 2016-12-22 17:28:03 UTC
AF needs to do what it's name suggests, it needs to be able to be right in the action. I'd see a rework route as having the AF as the lasting tackle against bigger ships, able to sig-tank with high resists helping mitigate damage. It would be the annoying fly that's impossible to swat without lighter support, holding a point on you. To do this it would probably need to have it's sigradius looked at and perhaps switching the MWD bonus for an AB speed bonus for better sig-tanking and sustain.

The interceptor is the ultra-high speed tackle for when you really want to catch something, the AF will be the frig of choice when you want to have a sturdy point on field for the length of the fight.

This post brought to you by CCP's alpha forum alt initiative. Playing the eve forums has never come cheaper.

Lady Ayeipsia
#70 - 2016-12-22 17:31:13 UTC
During my time in Red vs Blue, we had many Frigate only themed weekends. Some allowed only T1. Some allowed pirate and faction but no T2 drugs. Most allowed all.

One thing I saw repeatedly was that in weekends were T2 were not allowed, the pirate frigate reigned supreme. The problem with this was the cost of the pirate frigs. Those who could afford them had a great weekend. Those with less isk could only hope to fly in fleets and pray there was no all pirate frig fleet already out there.

Yet a strange thing happened when we allowed all frigs including T2. The dominance of the pirate frigs diminished. Yes they were still strong but the T2 could balance out against the faction. Yes Assault frigs are harder to skill into but the lower cost opened more doors for most players.

Given all that, the simplest way to fix Assault Frigs is to let T2 frigate into faction warfare Novice plexes. AFs gain a new role, pirate frigates in novice pieces have a counter, and AFs have a new place to play.
W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#71 - 2016-12-22 17:47:03 UTC
T3ds have nothing to do with AFs, Afs, sucked pre t3ds too. The reason AFs suck is cause they have the mobility of a t1 cruiser with bad performance stats while having no range.

But they are an extremely boring ship class so they are fine being obsolete.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#72 - 2016-12-22 17:56:17 UTC
W0lf Crendraven wrote:
T3ds have nothing to do with AFs, Afs, sucked pre t3ds too. The reason AFs suck is cause they have the mobility of a t1 cruiser with bad performance stats while having no range.

But they are an extremely boring ship class so they are fine being obsolete.

AF were heavily used before t3d came around, to the point where they were an effective and much loved fleet doctrine. Pre T3D you could find many whine threads from people getting popped by the likes of the ishkur and the vengeance was a well known damage sponge.

T3D have invalidated a lot of ship classes from t1 frigates right up the the stabber.
W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#73 - 2016-12-22 18:08:38 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
W0lf Crendraven wrote:
T3ds have nothing to do with AFs, Afs, sucked pre t3ds too. The reason AFs suck is cause they have the mobility of a t1 cruiser with bad performance stats while having no range.

But they are an extremely boring ship class so they are fine being obsolete.

AF were heavily used before t3d came around, to the point where they were an effective and much loved fleet doctrine. Pre T3D you could find many whine threads from people getting popped by the likes of the ishkur and the vengeance was a well known damage sponge.

T3D have invalidated a lot of ship classes from t1 frigates right up the the stabber.

Nope, pre t3d people flew dictors or pirate/faction frigates. The AF has been dead before t3ds were even there. Afs dont kite, afs arent fast enough to catch kiters, afs arent strong/small enough to outbrawl other brawlers, in a kiting meta that means no one ever uses the ships.

And t3ds havnt invalidated anything as such, the stabber in particular got a giant buff during svipul online days as it was one of the ships that killed t3ds for free (dual med neut brawling one).
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#74 - 2016-12-22 18:23:08 UTC
W0lf Crendraven wrote:

Nope, pre t3d people flew dictors or pirate/faction frigates. The AF has been dead before t3ds were even there. Afs dont kite, afs arent fast enough to catch kiters, afs arent strong/small enough to outbrawl other brawlers, in a kiting meta that means no one ever uses the ships.

So the few years where I had to adapt my megathon to fly in harpy fleet while they ripped other, far heavier fleets didn't happen? The dual MASB hawk and god tank vengeance were never complained about in FW? the Enyo didn't hit things like a hand grenade?

W0lf Crendraven wrote:

And t3ds havnt invalidated anything as such, the stabber in particular got a giant buff during svipul online days as it was one of the ships that killed t3ds for free (dual med neut brawling one).

Stabber is out classed by the svipul even after the nerf. Hell, thanks to the added e-war resistance the only small ships that could mess with them have been neutered so there is nothing at or below destroyers than can compete now.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#75 - 2016-12-22 18:36:46 UTC
Khan Wrenth wrote:
New role: heavy tackle.

Immunity to warp scramble MWD shutoff
Immunity to stais webifiers

Would rather they just got a ~100% AB speed bonus, like the sansha pirate ship line does.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#76 - 2016-12-22 18:40:20 UTC
nezroy wrote:
Khan Wrenth wrote:
New role: heavy tackle.

Immunity to warp scramble MWD shutoff
Immunity to stais webifiers

Would rather they just got a ~100% AB speed bonus, like the sansha pirate ship line does.

They were given an AB bonus, it lead to some horribly overpowered setups
W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#77 - 2016-12-22 19:09:27 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
W0lf Crendraven wrote:

Nope, pre t3d people flew dictors or pirate/faction frigates. The AF has been dead before t3ds were even there. Afs dont kite, afs arent fast enough to catch kiters, afs arent strong/small enough to outbrawl other brawlers, in a kiting meta that means no one ever uses the ships.

So the few years where I had to adapt my megathon to fly in harpy fleet while they ripped other, far heavier fleets didn't happen? The dual MASB hawk and god tank vengeance were never complained about in FW? the Enyo didn't hit things like a hand grenade?

W0lf Crendraven wrote:

And t3ds havnt invalidated anything as such, the stabber in particular got a giant buff during svipul online days as it was one of the ships that killed t3ds for free (dual med neut brawling one).

Stabber is out classed by the svipul even after the nerf. Hell, thanks to the added e-war resistance the only small ships that could mess with them have been neutered so there is nothing at or below destroyers than can compete now.

Harpy fleets were a thing yes, but neither the hawk (after the asb nerf), the vengeance nor the enyo were ever considered that great, they did well when the only other thing that could enter a small was a t2 dessie, which pre dictor buffs were horrible. There was a short peroid of time when the AF was good, but then the cruiser buff happened - which took away the ability to easily beat cruisers, hmls got nerfed into the ground which killed the missile matchups (cause people were forced to use assault missiles/rlmls) and other ships were buffed within the small meta. A dictor will eat a AF alive, the comet beats most, as does the slicer and so on.

And lets not forget the double damp lml spam meta that covered a long time pre t3d where afs were totally ****.

Even CDs are massively superior to AFs (well to be fair, they are extremely OP, but solo pvpers dont all have link skills yet).
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#78 - 2016-12-22 20:21:58 UTC
W0lf Crendraven wrote:

Harpy fleets were a thing yes, but neither the hawk (after the asb nerf), the vengeance nor the enyo were ever considered that great, they did well when the only other thing that could enter a small was a t2 dessie, which pre dictor buffs were horrible. There was a short peroid of time when the AF was good, but then the cruiser buff happened - which took away the ability to easily beat cruisers, hmls got nerfed into the ground which killed the missile matchups (cause people were forced to use assault missiles/rlmls) and other ships were buffed within the small meta. A dictor will eat a AF alive, the comet beats most, as does the slicer and so on.

And lets not forget the double damp lml spam meta that covered a long time pre t3d where afs were totally ****.

Even CDs are massively superior to AFs (well to be fair, they are extremely OP, but solo pvpers dont all have link skills yet).

Highlighted the issue.

the problem isnt AF, its the extremely overpowered t3d they have added. Before these 4 ships were added we enjoyed the most balanced lineup in EVEs history. I loved my vengeance, it was a little sod to kill but t3d came along and simply out tank, out gun, fly faster and shoot at greater range. Much like their cruiser cousins t3d simply invalidate everything around them.

If you really want to see something that has been completely invalidated just look at the T1 destroyers.
W0lf Crendraven
The Tuskers
The Tuskers Co.
#79 - 2016-12-22 22:44:35 UTC  |  Edited by: W0lf Crendraven
Have you actually played in fw space recently? T1 dessies beeing invalidated, are you serious? They are extremely strong. Have you flown AFs in lowsec pre t3ds? They were garbage.
Mister Burns
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#80 - 2016-12-23 01:35:00 UTC
Tanthos wrote:
Gallente AFs get weapon disruptor immunity.

I'd rather have damp immunity. Weapon disrupt immunity would kind of suck for Ishkur..