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Gatecamps vs Noobs

Fleshbits R'Sticky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#21 - 2016-12-17 17:46:38 UTC
Bargain Benny wrote:

Second, you can use the in-game map filters to impose a heatmap onto the map of the in-game star cluster that illustrates several statistics. Of particular interest are the "ships destroyed in the last hour", "pods destroyed in the last hour", "number of pilots in space", and "jumps in the last hour". You could also use the out-of-game website tool DOTLAN for this.

How many ships destroyed, pilots in space, and pods destroyed, in the last hour is the number that should cause worry?
As a noob, I don't know if the system is just less traveled, or if the game is more dead in the wee hours in the morning, etc.

Epic Ganking Time
#22 - 2016-12-17 18:03:13 UTC
Fleshbits R'Sticky wrote:
Bargain Benny wrote:

Second, you can use the in-game map filters to impose a heatmap onto the map of the in-game star cluster that illustrates several statistics. Of particular interest are the "ships destroyed in the last hour", "pods destroyed in the last hour", "number of pilots in space", and "jumps in the last hour". You could also use the out-of-game website tool DOTLAN for this.

How many ships destroyed, pilots in space, and pods destroyed, in the last hour is the number that should cause worry?
As a noob, I don't know if the system is just less traveled, or if the game is more dead in the wee hours in the morning, etc.

Quick tip: Don't think of things temporally. There's a wax and wane to the server population throughout the day, but your wee hours of the morning may well be my prime time for ganking.

Also, as others suggested, stabs and agility. Fit an inertial stabilizer and if you can fit rigs a Medium Higgs Anchor I and a Medium Low Friction Nozzel Joints I and you will enter warp much, much faster.

Signatures should be used responsibly...

Lfod Shi
Lfod's Ratting and Salvage
#23 - 2016-12-17 18:54:38 UTC
As others have said, agility and warp stabilizers are very helpful. I rely on agility, but I've been doing this a while. Another key is to check the map before crossing into low. On the map control panel (under Statistics) take a look at: Average pilots in space, ships (and pods) destroyed in the last hour (and 24 hours), and Pilots Currently docked and active. This will give you a very good idea if there is a camp waiting or if a hostile force is sitting in a station waiting for something to happen.

Information can be more valuable than ship equipment. Also, if you're under attack, you've probably already lost. These guys like to gang up on you, hold you down, and beat you to a pulp. The best way to win the fight is to not be there in the first place.

♪ They'll always be bloodclaws to me ♫

Zacharyne Kimbyl
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2016-12-19 14:23:46 UTC
As a returning Alpha (forgotten most of what I learned 8 years ago), I think it's worth mentioning that there are times you simply can't do anything during the actual event.

The other day I appeared in a low-sec camp in a Venture, and within the first second of align I was targetted and alpha'd by a Gnosis with Howitzers. I think I heard the sound of my pod suffering a similar fate before the graphics of my ship exploding had even completed.

Just a heads-up that this sort of thing can happen, and I imagine it's quite disheartening to newbie players if they have no-to-little understanding of the mechanics at play. Think a little system research before hand is your only chance in this scenario.

Regardless, some good tips above. :)
Tremaine Holden
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2016-12-19 14:36:58 UTC
Plex up so you can do the MWD cloak trick.

Eve isn't about flying the biggest ship, or having the biggest guns. It's about finding something you love to do and doing it better. Gallente born. Guristas driven.

Gila "Amadeus"

Next in line: Rattlesnake

Francis Raven
The Initiative.
#26 - 2016-12-19 14:53:10 UTC
Fleshbits L'Splatter wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

Without more information on why exactly you entered LS, I cant give more specific advice.

I'm there to mine the more lucrative minerals, to do the exploration bit and hack for more expensive loot, and sometimes to buy modules for my ship that are significantly cheaper (is it a trap?).

Trying to make a buck.

Join a nullsec alliance and mine the best ores there.

Alternatively, talk to the locals in lowsec and maybe just ask if you can mine alone? A lot of them would say sure. They're mostly there for the PVP vs other combat ships, not the miner ganking. (this is not always the case though)

ExDominion | Nullsec Corporation | Website | Forums | Established Nov. 2015 |

Tuttomenui II
Gallente Federation
#27 - 2016-12-19 19:24:42 UTC
After jumping you have a gate cloak for a bit. Use that time to look around. You need to look to see what direction your ship is pointing. Don't try to warp directly to the next way point or your destination. Warp to 100km to a celestial that your ship is pointing at and this will make sure of a shorter align time.
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2016-12-19 21:16:58 UTC  |  Edited by: nezroy
Fleshbits R'Sticky wrote:

How many ships destroyed, pilots in space, and pods destroyed, in the last hour is the number that should cause worry?
As a noob, I don't know if the system is just less traveled, or if the game is more dead in the wee hours in the morning, etc.

Basically, more than 0 ships/pods destroyed in the last hour is a warning sign.

I mean, you *may* be the unfortunate person that is the "first catch of the day", but generally odds are in your favor if you see 0 kills in the last hour.

Also note that a lot of high/low chokepoints can be avoided with only a few extra jumps. Look at your route and the high/low crossovers, then use the in-game map or a site like to see if there is an alternate route. So many chokes have second or third entrances just one or two hops away that rarely get used/camped.

EDIT: Sometimes it's as simple as jumping into the exact same lowsec system but from an uncommon highsec gate one jump off the default route. That is often all you need to avoid the camp on the autopilot route's gate.
Estuary Algaert
Petulant Luddite GmbH
#29 - 2016-12-19 21:39:57 UTC
Fleshbits L'Splatter wrote:
Everything I am reading explains how to get around gatecamps using a cloak. Well, noobs don't have a cloak. Are we expected to sit in highsec for months while our skills train and we save up for a cloaking ship?

What can we do to avoid camp deaths when trying to get to losec?

I saw a text article that seemed to claim we could get through a gate camp in a fast ship or a frigate and that we shouldn't die unless on autopilot. I sure couldn't. If that claim is true, is there a video somewhere that will hold a noob's hand through the process?

As others have stated, the best way to get around a gate camp is to find another gate to get you were you want to go. And to use a fast align ship. A gate camp is a trap, traps are SUPPOSED to be a pain to get out of, you avoid traps.... now somebody do the Ackbar thing.

Even the MWD cloak tactic is not 100%. There may be clutter near the gate preventing the cloak from activating. Someone accustomed to the tactic might fly on an intercept path with your possible trajectories to de-cloak and ram you. Insta-locking ships might still lock you (hardware and internet lag dependent) thus canceling the cloak and keeping you exposed. Smartbomb camps ( haven't seen one is a while, assume they still happen) don't care if you are cloaked.

So, back to the first bit... avoid the trap.

Also, this is EvE, you will die.

Also Also, the people shooting you are people, talk to them, you never know, they may become your friends.

Also Also Also, friends does not always mean they won't shoot you anyway... this is EvE.
Chronixx Thiesant
Strategic Exploration and Development Corp
Silent Company
#30 - 2016-12-20 10:50:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Chronixx Thiesant
Returning player here and I'm now on an alpha account for the moment. The fact that all cloaks are blocked from use on alphas does make it more difficult to avoid camps, so you can ignore the advice to get trained for a cloak. As an alpha you have basically two options:

1. Don't walk into the gate camp in the first place
2. Try to slip through the camp

Option 1 is by far the best but requires player knowledge of which systems are often camped, and even then without a scout it is not a guarantee. Looking at the filters on the map gives you good information to decide if the system is active or not, or even check a killboard for activity in the system.

Option 2 is where your fitting and piloting skills matter. It really depends on exactly what ships you find on the gate with you, but in general you want to get into warp as fast as possible, and to stay out of scram range of the ships on grid. Nanofiber internal structures can be fit in your low slots to improve align time without making it easier for enemies to lock you, unlike what happens with inertia stabilisers that blow up your sig-res.

As others have said though, you will lose ships, that's eve, don't fly what you can't afford to lose, and fly safe newbro o7
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#31 - 2016-12-20 11:33:57 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
Don't fly totally unfit ships. A MWD and some tanks would have let you crash the gate and try to run that way.

not if you're scrammed and webbed it wont, if a gatecamp doesn't have an instalocker with scrams is it really a gatecamp?

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Miriam Beckstein
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#32 - 2016-12-20 11:38:49 UTC
Tuttomenui II wrote:
Warp to 100km to a celestial that your ship is pointing at and this will make sure of a shorter align time.

No, it won't. If you start from rest, it takes the same time to align in any direction.

I'm pretty new, and I think the summary is basically this, as an alpha with no cloak in a flimsy ship:

Option 1: don't jump into a gatecamp. Helped by scouting in rookie ship, getting info from others, etc.

Option 2: take a gate, find yourself in a camp. Now it's simply a race, that starts when you take an action. How long do you take to enter warp vs how long do they take to see you appear, lock you and tackle you, or lock you and destroy you? If you're in a cheap frigate that aligns in 3 seconds, you're a good chance of winning the race. If you're in a cheap miner that takes longer to align, you probably lose the race. If you've got a bigger tank, maybe you get enough time to hit the gate you came through or enter warp. If you have enough stabs, maybe that takes tackle out of the equation, it's just warpout time vs damage done.
whitecannon the-toon
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#33 - 2016-12-20 14:14:14 UTC  |  Edited by: whitecannon the-toon
Some points mentioned before but I thought I would clarify with my ideas/thoughts on it.

So from what I gather you are going LS - HS?

Firstly, NEVER go without fittings. Depending what you are running/where/what you are likely to encounter I find a general t1 hauler fit an inexpensive way to move stuff. I prefer shields, but below should be easy enough to adapt. (not my actual fit)

Sample - Tayra
HS - Improved Cloaking Device
HS - Core Probe Launcher

MS - Adaptive Invun
MS - F-S9 regolith
MS - MWD/AB (If a bubble is likely, use AB, otherwise MWD)
MS - booster
MS - Point/Tackle

LS - Expanded Cargohold
LS - Warp Core Stab
LS - Warp Core Stab
LS - Intertia Dampener

The dampener allows for faster align time, the MWD/AB gives you "get me the FxxK out of here", the boosters etc.. give you some tank and the stabs will stop upto 4 scrams (doesnt work in bubble)

Sure, there is stuff that will be better to change but off the top of my head... ;).

I am using the above as an example purely for the text-tutorial :P.
So, when you go through the gate, align to the next one, hit MWD/AB and then cloak quick. Wait for a few seconds - see if anything decloaks or appears, and hit uncloak and warp QUICK. You are already aligned so no worries on speed - this bit is down to your skills. LEVEL UP WARP CORE OPERATION.

IF You can't use the cloak, level the warp skills (and other engineering) to as high as you can, and be quick at aligning/warping. Ditch the expanded hold if it looks risky, for either another dampener or stab.


All this relies on reliable intel... If i can't even get basic intel, im not undocking.

Always assume whatever you are in, and carrying, will be lost. Never haul all your expensive **** in 1 run unless escorted.

its all just basic stuff really.

Once again - just an idea to help, ALWAYS get other opinions on fits and fit your ships for purpose
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