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Today i learned a valuable lesson :)

Brack-Friday Bunduru
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#21 - 2016-12-14 18:25:17 UTC
Kris Koen wrote:
Brack-Friday Bunduru wrote:
Since you have not begged and showed great attitude to this game i have sent you 20mil, which i know is not great amount but i hope it will help you get back to your feet.

Ummm i think you made an error Straight Have returned the extra and will pay back the 20,000,000 as soon as i'm back to my target. That 20 Million means pretty much an entire day / evening of missioning for me so it's actually a huge help and i really appreciate it, and as said i'll pay you back as soon as i recover Big smile

Yeah sorry i did mean to send the 200mil i just wrote 20mil as a sort of joke, guess irony isn't coming through correctly..

That said you did send the "extra" back so maybe karma will sort you out and the guy will sort you out too ;)
Ministerstvo na otbranata
Ore No More
#22 - 2016-12-18 04:21:39 UTC
I consider myself lucky, but who knows what awaits me...

My losses from my mistakes: 1 Billion ISK. - Sold PLEX for a few million...

My gains: ~30 Billion ISK. 20 BIllion from free Injectors, 2 free Rorquals, one Archon and few smaller items. By free I mean Million instead of BIllion ISK Smile

So yeah, people make mistakes quite often. I leaned to click "tab" to add separator to the digits and check if the value is correct, also I keep an eye on the average regional price, and that saved me many times.

My Free PLEX giveaway was my valuable lesson. Don't worry, in time you will earn your ISK back from someone else's mistake.

George Tomato
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#23 - 2016-12-18 12:52:10 UTC
My biggest and first loss was selling a Nestor for 70mil when they were selling at 700mil.
However i contacted the guy who i sold it to and explained my dumbness. To my surprise he was very kind to refund 500mil.
So that was very valuable lesson to me and thanks to that guy's kindness not so costly one.
Kaddim Klauss
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#24 - 2016-12-20 09:13:17 UTC
Lost 5 bil on my trading alt with 1 mistake.

Though a few months ago they added warning message asking you if you are sure, if price has 50% difference on market average. You abviously clicked yes to that warning message? Or the average price for your product was f****d up, so warning was not generated.
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