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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Options for Alpha clones

Gilion Braveheart
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-12-17 02:01:00 UTC
Casual player returning to see what I can accomplish as an Alpha. Maybe try and get a friend or two into the game. I've skimmed the list of skills alphas can train and correct me if I'm wrong but it seems like Exploration would be my best bet for getting a decent income (I refuse to mine with my barge locked out.) So, any advise on what to do with the limitations? Not looking for a "get rich" method so I can buy PLEX, just something to earn a decent living so I can help any friends I bring in and not worry too much if I lose a ship in low/null sec.

P.S. I've still never been in a huge fleet battle, like the one that just took place at M-OEE8, would alphas be turned away from huge events like that for any reason?
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2016-12-17 02:49:31 UTC
What do you want to do. Doing something that you don't like for money is called a job. No sure why anyone would want to play a game to have a virtual job.

If you want to PvP in null sec then do that. There are new player friendly corps out there that will give free ships to players and have fleet stuff for you to get involved in on a regular basis.

Not sure how long it takes you at work to earn the money to buy a PLEX but last that I checked they were selling for about 1.2 Billion and it would take you a fair amount of time to "grind" that much isk in any virtual job you could think of in this game alpha or not.

So just do what you enjoy and then ask us how you can better do that.

If you are asking us how to make the most money instead of how to have the most fun then IMHO you are PLAYING! the game wrong.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Chainsaw Plankton
#3 - 2016-12-17 03:31:35 UTC
exploration sounds good but I have no data. Really easy to get out to deep nullsec via wormholes, or find data/relic sites in wormholes.

Faction warfare might be a good source but again I don't have much data.

I've found level 3 blitzing to be pretty steady income, my preliminary results are in the 20-30mil/hour category. Fit up a gnosis for max damage and warp speed, warp around blap stuff really quickly and get back to base to grab the next mission. I like 3-4 mag stabs and 2-3 drone damage amps, shield tank, and railguns. It is good to build up some standing buffer as some missions aren't worth running and with a standings buffer you can decline a lot of missions. Faction standings are best for this.

probably the biggest problem with mission blitzing is a lot of income gets tied up as LP, it helps to find a corp you can get a good exchange rate with.

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#4 - 2016-12-17 09:31:49 UTC
If you are interested in exploration - talk to

If you are interested in large fleet PVP - talk to

Another option is

All are Alpha friendly. There are lots more if these don't provide the proper cultural fit for you.

Unless you truly enjoy figuring out what is arguably the most complex game ever developed by yourself - don't go it alone. There are people who know how ready to help.
Gilion Braveheart
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2016-12-17 18:19:57 UTC
Thanks for those links, already know about EVE University but im not "new" just a dirty casual who doesnt play long enough to remember what he learned. I'll check out signal cartel though. Also, I asked this question because everything in EVE sounds fun to me, I was just wondering if based on the skills Alphas are allowed, if there is something that is easier/more profitable based on those limited skills.

I should say though I like everything except pirating. I dont like being the aggressor in PvP. That being said, someone attacks me or my corp, then Im all like "Bring it *****!!!"

Anyway, is doing NPC missions really that great? Last time I played I was told there were better options.
Kamala Sakar
#6 - 2016-12-17 21:28:34 UTC
I'd say most stuff except asteroid mining is a viable choice for Alphas. The reason for this is that the Venture is the only Mining ship avaiable and it's not really an option for somewhat effective asteriod mining in my opinion.

Missioning also have it's limits due to only having access to Cruisers (well, technically a battlecruiser in the form of the Gnosis) and thus higher level missions might be tough to run atleast on your own.

I'd personally go for exploration but you will be vulerable due to lack of Cloaking.

Soon to be Trading Alt. All future Forum activities will be conducted by Akane Togenada who for all purposes and until further notice shall be considered the "Main" of this player.

Gilion Braveheart
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2016-12-17 22:13:57 UTC
Oh ya, that really disappointed me, no cloaking. Oh well, I'm pretty good at running away so dont think it'll be that bad. Besides, isnt your average explorer ship really cheap?