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COSMOS Progression question

Player Vs Ore
Miners Of Independence
#1 - 2016-12-15 01:00:18 UTC
So I'm at work and don't have access to the game client atm.

I know the Epic Arc Missions are tracked in the client in the journal.

a long time ago I started the COSMOS missions for which faction i have no recollection.

I don't recall if COSMOS is tracked for progression in the journal as well, if it is great I should be able to sort out where i left off.

Anyone know ?

I am a miner, mission runner, and explorer...

or as EVE Online would have it...

A Carebear!!

Eru GoEller
State War Academy
Caldari State
#2 - 2016-12-15 09:23:52 UTC
No, they're not tracked in the journal. Your best option is to use Eve-Unis wiki about Cosmos missions found here:

There's links to the other factions aswell on that page ie Gallente/Caldari/Minmatar

From there you will need to open character sheet - interactions - standings - agents

I would work my way from top to bottom, starting with the lvl 4 agents to see if i have any standing towards them,
and then work my way down the agent lvl's untill i find one i used in the past.
From there i would contact the next agent at the same lvl or higher then that agent i used before.

What i wouldn't do is to contact any agent
before i done the above and collected as much information about the missions
ahead that hasn't been done yet.
This because it's a one time offer and as the standing reward is great but a missed turn in of a mission, could render the
COSMOS missions unavailable for the faction being used.
DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3 - 2016-12-16 00:36:54 UTC
I agree with Eru GoEller. However there's an easier way to see if you've interacted with each Cosmos Agent.

Just go to each Cosmos location and open the Agent info box and select the standings tab. If it shows a negative or positive standing with the Agent towards you then you've already interacted with that Agent. If it shows a neutral number 0.0 standing, then that Agent is still available provided you have the appropriate amount of Faction standing to access that Agent as well as any specific requested item.