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Christmas is coming soon, prt 5 2016 Event

Sugar Smacks
Khanid Royal Navy
#141 - 2016-12-14 20:52:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Sugar Smacks
So far the only impressive thing about this is its total lack of organization.

Events late not a little late like 5 hours late.
EU people probably wont get a chance at anything.

Pretty slow, but looks legit
Dethahal Khardula
Amarr Empire
#142 - 2016-12-15 00:11:49 UTC
Just won this years omega brawl, and I have to say, it was AMAZING!

Thousand thanks to santa and his elves for this amazing
Temptress Truborn
League of Gentlemen
The Initiative.
#143 - 2016-12-15 02:14:16 UTC
Had tons of fun! Best part was cansplosions, worst part was the FFA for omega pilots in the venture duel. Aslo, there was a lot of time that nothing was going on :(

Overall it was awesome!! Thank you Santa Spirit and all your helpers!!
HunterK en Daire
0.0 Massive Dynamic
Pandemic Horde
#144 - 2016-12-15 02:15:36 UTC
Thanks to all the hard work by Santa Spirit and his elves.

Without the sponsors this would not bring as many together, so a great word of thanks.

Thanks to everyone from a player with only a few months experience

Sith Sarum
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#145 - 2016-12-15 02:32:28 UTC
This event was really fun!
Great prizes, gifts, fights, races and lots of laughs talking to so much nice people over there.
Will be there next Christmas for sure!

If i can point one thing to make it better it'll be more people to help/organize...
It's a lot of stuff to take there on this events.

Congrats Santa Spirit and all other that have put work to get this amazing event done.

Congrats! o7

CCP Please... We need Citadel Festival Launchers for this kind of events ;)
Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#146 - 2016-12-15 02:33:13 UTC
I mean everything in this story with all due respect, so bear with me. I will also say that I thank everyone involved in this event for organizing it and

Long story short, so far the event has been both good and bad for me.

Now before you get mad and call me out or anything, let me explain.

My home is in Weld, 27 jumps from the system of the event. I made the trip to the system yesterday in my Caldari Shuttle, only took a half hour or so due to some gatecamps so not complaining there, I'm used to long trips.

When I got there I went to an NPC station, and after some clarification was quickly rerouted to the Fortizar. I then logged off for sleep and wouldn't be able to get back for another 14 hours or so.

When I logged back in I discovered that the scanning event was starting, and with only a shuttle I was struggling to try to get a scanning ship, however someone had already won by the time I got my ship.

So got a little frustrated over that.

But then, something happened that lifted my spirits! One of Santa's helpers gifted me a Svipul, and while I can't use one, I am glad for the isk that it could make me, because 40 mil is a lot for me right now.

And then the shuttle race was starting. Perfect! I already had a shuttle at the station that I traveled in to get here! So I waited a half hour and the race began.

It then became apparent to me just how unfair the race was. In my shuttle I was going at 575 m/s, along with a lot of the other new players. However many of the older players were reaching 600-625 m/s in their shuttles! While 25 m/s might not seem like a lot, it made a huge difference, as within 4 seconds they would go 100 meters farther than I would.

Of course I didn't win, and got a little mad over it.

Second race, same result. But at least it was pretty cool to see all those shuttles!

And then I really got mad. Prior to this I had signed up for the Omega PVP tournament, only being told it would take place in the near future and no time was set when I had settled down for sleep. Fast forward 15 hours, I had discovered that the event had already taken place without me.

Now I was pissed, I had mainly flown over here for that event specifically and I had missed it because of my scheduling. I was complaining constantly in local and I will admit, I was a bit of a jerk for a good half hour, and I apologize to anyone I might have insulted.

And then something happened that warmed my heart. Santa Spirit himself gifted my a rookie pirate ship, something I've always wanted to get my hands on!

That's when I figured out, Christmas isn't about getting gifts, Christmas is about showing kindness to others! And though I will not be able to donate financially (due to 8 mil isk wallet), I will go on from here with a positive outlook!

Merry Christmas everyone, and when your inner Grinch starts to lash out, take a deep breath for a second and step back from the situation and go in with a positive attitude!

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#147 - 2016-12-15 03:00:41 UTC
Sugar Smacks wrote:
So far the only impressive thing about this is its total lack of organization.

Events late not a little late like 5 hours late.
EU people probably wont get a chance at anything.

Pretty slow, but looks legit

Thanks for the input, it is appreciated and you are right, we were running a little behind today, there was a RL issue that arose right at the last minute and I had to tend to it, so instead of 17:00 getting the alphas ready, it was almost 19:00 before i was able to do so after that, things went pretty much to the original "time-frame", just a later start.
also, the elves kept the presents flowing pretty well in between times, so I am appreciative of their assistance.

Thanks again for the feedback and Merry Christmas.

Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Otto Feld
The Asteroid is Depleted
#148 - 2016-12-15 03:02:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Otto Feld
Came online at 16:21
The Annual battle for the alpha was delayed .. by like 2 hours .. there was way too many Gallante alpha pilots so I didn't even get the chance to get into the fight.
So I had to wait it out doing nothing and staying in the station because there was a giveaway in the meantime and in order to get into that .. you needed to watch the Local chat that had around 150+ players in it constantly writing .. and even if you managed to get that .. you still needed to be in the top 20 fastest to react to be able to win .
After that an other long waiting was coming while the omegas was fighting at around midnight ..
Then there was an other Giveaway where you jsut had to be docked and they selected you sooner or later in trade and gave you something.
Affter that came the Ship Scramble event where half of the players could not even notice that it started .. once again because of the too much chatter in local . (There may have been more .. but I only noticed 1)
Then the final event .. the Race .. it was like 10 player racing and everyone else was just there for shows .. because there was no restriction other than you can only use a shuttle .. so for example an avarage Alpha clone could get max top speed of 575 m/s .. others got 600-650 .. and even more ..
There was 2 round in this race .. after the first round it was clear that there is no way you can catch up to those guys .. so i tried out something that I knew it gonna disqualificate me .. I bookmarked the first checkpoint and than warped out .. than back to the checkpoint .. than raced my way till the finish with a huuuge lead .. but still..they cought up with me at the finish line .. that's how much faster they were than the 90% of the other racers .. but it was not "unfair" they said...
So yeah .. 11 hours "wasted" not sure if it worth it or not but I hoped for something better that's for sure.
Still .. Thanks Santa and your helpers for this event.
Shameless Shamus
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#149 - 2016-12-15 03:03:11 UTC
Thank you to Santa Spirit, all of Santa's helpers and all the people and corps who donated their time and assets to making this such a great event.

I, personally, went there to enjoy the banter and fun to be had in local chat and to watch the joy that was being spread around with the gift giving and the events.

I missed some of the beginning, but I caught several hours of the event and enjoyed chatting with folks in local quite a bit. It has been many years since I was part of one of these player hosted events and it was great to see so many pilots having a good time.
Shameless Shamus
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#150 - 2016-12-15 03:13:07 UTC
CaseyLP wrote:

That's when I figured out, Christmas isn't about getting gifts, Christmas is about showing kindness to others! And though I will not be able to donate financially (due to 8 mil isk wallet), I will go on from here with a positive outlook!

You were a petulant child, stomping your feet and screaming at the top of your lungs because you didn't get what you wanted and you, personally, ruined the end of the event for me. I, frankly, wanted to pod you... repeatedly.

Santa Spirit is a much better pilot than I - I would have left you nothing but carebear tears for your actions and wouldn't have given you jack.
Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#151 - 2016-12-15 03:13:13 UTC
mr rackare jr wrote:
Zen Sharpeye wrote:
I was following the entire thing with great interest. You guys are awesome for organizing such an event. Kudos!
That said I can't ignore how disappointed I am for the system of choice. Why would you choose a system in one of the 4 major factions space?
Amarr Empire? Really. For every dude on the 'wrong' side of FW can't even fly in the system. You should have picked something neutral. I flew all the way there to only sit in the station. I guess Eve Christmas ain't for everyone :(

why not make an alt then fly there no problem or even an alpha character

waiting in station, waiting for santa :P

We go to a different system every year, we started in Minmatar space the first time, and have changed faction's space each time, I and my helpers understand that there's always going to be someone who ends up with a bit of a headache, but next year someone else will have the headache, and the year after that it will be someone else, ect ect.
We could find an area maybe that's "neutral to everyone" (Concord space maybe)? if we look hard enough, but in doing so, we would open ourselves (and the folks who help haul things for the event) up to being setup for ganks, decs and other nefarious schemes, so we practice what we hope are good security practices and always hope that as few folks as possible are affected, but we know some still will be.

Merry Christmas in any case

Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Full Broadside
Deepwater Hooligans
#152 - 2016-12-15 03:30:41 UTC
Shameless Shamus wrote:
CaseyLP wrote:

That's when I figured out, Christmas isn't about getting gifts, Christmas is about showing kindness to others! And though I will not be able to donate financially (due to 8 mil isk wallet), I will go on from here with a positive outlook!

You were a petulant child, stomping your feet and screaming at the top of your lungs because you didn't get what you wanted and you, personally, ruined the end of the event for me. I, frankly, wanted to pod you... repeatedly.

Santa Spirit is a much better pilot than I - I would have left you nothing but carebear tears for your actions and wouldn't have given you jack.

I totally agree with you, and I concur that my attitude was unprofessional.

(also I was offering for people to pod me at the end for pod express lol)
Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#153 - 2016-12-15 03:52:18 UTC
Sith Sarum wrote:
This event was really fun!
Great prizes, gifts, fights, races and lots of laughs talking to so much nice people over there.
Will be there next Christmas for sure!

If i can point one thing to make it better it'll be more people to help/organize...
It's a lot of stuff to take there on this events.

Congrats Santa Spirit and all other that have put work to get this amazing event done.

Congrats! o7

CCP Please... We need Citadel Festival Launchers for this kind of events ;)

Thank you, and yes, XL festival launchers would be great...

Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made

Secksie Joyrides
#154 - 2016-12-15 04:07:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Xantiema
This is the first time I am using the forums and this being my first post, I regret it being one filled with complaint.

Now I will start off with the part which cannot and I emphasize cannot be blamed on bad planning or lack of organization as such an excuse would be an even bigger farce than the mini-event. Yes, ladies and gents, the shuttle race. I will get to the location of choise in a moment aswell.

**Start of Rant**

Shuttle Race Thievery

For the love of the merciless EVE god, do not call it a race if 95% of your racing field are alphas, whom you pit up against an Omega with snakes, skills and pills - which they never in a million years will stand a chance at beating. You may aswell just have given the CCP prize to the cherry-picked golden goose (thief), as the snug **** had his arms wide open from the get go. Why dangle talk of marvelous prizes in front of people, that they are unable to fairly win? Not even High-Sec podding **** are this cruel. I'd go as far as to say there should NOT be a prize given to the 'winner' and that this prize should be added to the pool for next years race, which in turn should be held fairly; seperate races for Alphas, Omegas (maxed Nav. skills) and an all-out implants/pills group. Why you may ask? So that people can RACE, you know maneuvering around the respective checkpoints based on Piloteering skills, and not automatically be gifted a massive prize for spending bank on luxury items - which is essentially what happened here. Said person was given free loot in an official race and for lack of better words - for cheating.

Location location location

Amarr Space? This one is so mindboggling I am unsure whether to laugh it off or complaint. Perhaps I'll let my fellow Pilots take care of this one.

**End of Rant**

Thanks to all the generous Pilots and CCP for making this happen, and my respect to Santa and Santa's helpers for stepping up to the task and spending their valuable time spreading gifts and christmas cheer - and for the successful events aswell Smile

Thank to all the pilots who showed up, whether it was for the shinies or for the companionship and atmosphere.
Last, but not least: thanks to me, Xantiema, for taking the time to write this spectacular post.
#155 - 2016-12-15 08:40:38 UTC  |  Edited by: mattimus9
So I was online for about 8 hours and only got to be part the conga but here are some pics of me leading a Gallante Shuttle conga around the Fortizar. About 50 ships in the line by the end! Think most of the events happened when I went to bed.

Merry Christmas and thanks to the team for the organisation.

Shuttle Conga from the front (I was the leader!) -
Shuttle Conga from the front (I was the leader!) -
Fireworks and Fortizar -
Archangel12 Saissore
Family Friendly 12
#156 - 2016-12-15 14:51:12 UTC
Thank you so much for organizing this, I caught the latter part but it was awesome and I received amazing gifts!! Will definitely donate next year!
United Mining and Hauling Inc
The Initiative.
#157 - 2016-12-15 20:14:44 UTC
I respect all involved in the making of this event but just one criticism. I was in that system for about 5 hours and not much really happened in that time. I realise it was a long event, but maybe next time you could do things a bit more often rather than have large periods of time with nothing going on.

Thank you to whoever opened the Christmas riddle channel. That was a lot of fun.
Sean Stanson
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#158 - 2016-12-15 20:14:52 UTC
I was there and I have to say it was great! I especially enjoyed the 1v1 Alpha Battle. Will be there next year again hopefully and maybe I'll be donating something then.

The only point of criticism I have is that it went on forever. If at all possible, condensing the events (except for the giveaways maybe to allow people of different timezones to participate) into a ~4 hour window would be great for the next time.
Celly S
Neutin Local LLC
#159 - 2016-12-16 00:16:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Celly S
I know the person who is Santa Spirit in real life, and I can tell you that he would likely not say anything about some of the comments unless he wanted/needed to make a point, I on the other hand have absolutely no qualms whatsoever saying what I think.

Santa Spirit took more than a day off from his job and spent a ton of his game time since October to make final preparations and to host the event, in fact, he was there from 7:00 am his time, until he said good night in local and thanked people for coming, that was around 15 hours at his computer with the exception of the real life issue that pulled him away for almost 2 hours.

The first time he did this, he and a few friends donated their time and assets to the event, the second time was the same, the third time, CCP helped out some as did other players who donated isks and/or ships, the 4th time and this most recent one had CCP and many players giving to the event.

Each and every time there have been folks who complained about one thing or another, each and every event had it's share of grinches who for the most part entirely miss the whole point of the event.

This year, there was someone complaining that Alphas didn't stand a chance against omegas, ect ect ect, yet, there were several "Alpha" toons there that were born as far back as 2005. That person further went on to make statements regarding implants and skills, yet, I personally doubt they are aware that if an omega account goes alpha and has implants in their head at the time, those implants stay in.
Aside from spouting rhetoric out of their rear end, they offered no way to do a check and balance to ensure "fairness"... Would they have expected Santa and his helpers to require API keys to see who has what, how about the omega toon who just started and paid for a subscription?, should they be considered an Alpha instead just so someone's panties wouldn't be in a bunch?
How about the person who didn't read the forum post for the event time and then complained that things were over when they finally got there, should the entire event have been delayed even further because someone went to bed or someone didn't show up at all and their spot had to be filled from local just so there would be some sport?

How about the Gallente Pilot who complained that there were too many other Gallente pilots who had signed up and there wasn't a spot for them in the battle because they were Gallente.... I guess Santa and crew were to blame because lots of people decide to be Gallente and they stole the other pilot's chance to join in?

Oh and I loved the one about "by the time i got a ship to do the scanning, the item had already been found" really, that's Santa's fault too i guess. I mean, no one is expected to actually be prepared for an event when they come to it are they?

I saw things going on the whole time I was there, I never saw no huge lapses in things aside from the time that was taken to get the battle pilots setup and battling, this is without even factoring in the pilots themselves chatting, laughing and talking while the two guys were setting up the fleets. (the one guy had to ask them multiple times to hold the chatter while he got the fleet setup)

Anyway, this is just what I saw and how I view it, I appreciate Santa's efforts (and everyone who helped & donated) and his restraint because i would have told some of the folks where to get off the bus if I were him.


Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

Santa Spirit
Christmas Spirit and Goodwill Toward Man
#160 - 2016-12-16 00:39:20 UTC
Celly S wrote:
I know the person who is Santa Spirit in real life


LOL, yes you do, and while I appreciate your effort, we will never be able to make everyone happy.
as long as most of the people had fun I call it a win.

Next year, there will be folks who aren't welcome in the region we will be in there, they will likely be put off like the folks were about Amarr this year.

It's all good.

Merry Christmas Celly, tell your SO I said hi.

Please come join the fun Dec 14th., 2017 Find the details [HERE] when the post is made