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What are you supposed to do against destroyers with interdiction?

Iain Cariaba
#21 - 2016-12-13 12:53:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Iain Cariaba
Fek Mercer wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:

First off, if you're going to go down, go down fighting. Doesn't matter what you're in, if it has guns, use them. The only way you don't stand a chance is if you do nothing. Also, while most players will go after any available target, what we really want is a good fight. Many times, I've had my lowsec roam losses reimbursed by the people who blew me up because I was cool with being totally outclassed.

Now, as to that particular scenario. If you're intention is to crash the gate and run away, you need to wait for aggro before you jump back through the gate. This is very important, and will be explained. Instead of clicking jump and approaching the gate, orbit it at 500m. This will put your approach to something very close to flying directly at it, but will leave your orbit distance close enough to jump.

What you're waiting for is for him to activate some other module on you besides the bubble, whether it be guns, point, webs, whatever. You need to wait til he has weapons timer before you jump, then he has to wait 60s before he can follow. If you're in a fast ship and hit the gate before he begins his attack, he'll just follow you like you said.

Look into a ship upgrade. If you'd had a talwar or a stabber, he'd be the one looking for a way out.

I knew full well by making this thread I'd get a bunch of people calling me a wining alpha that shouldn't be in nullsec.

So props to this guy for a great response. now I know there's a way out this situation, which is what i was asking in the first place.

That was mostly from the tone you set in your OP. I took the time to check your EvE Gate profile, saw you're a month old, and realized you're at that point where this game is starting to frustrate you.

Next time, I'd suggest logging off for the night and making your post the next day. That way your post will end up less adversarial and more questioning. Getting angry at EvE is fine, we all do it, but coming to forums with that anger is not going to end well. Had you been a forum alt, I'd have ripped into you just like everyone else did. Twisted
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#22 - 2016-12-13 13:16:08 UTC
Iain Cariaba wrote:
meaningless elitism

Who even are you? There was nothing adversarial in his OP at all. Frustration? Yes. Understandable frustration? Hell yes, you even admitted you understand it yourself. He wasn't having a go at the game though, or even the players that caught him. He actually asked, how do I handle that situation? But any excuse to shiptoast those 'beneath' you I guess.

Let me tell you what I've learned about this guy so far, just from this thread. He wants to learn how to get better. Do you know what that means? It means he'll get better. People like you who think you already know it all and have nothing left to learn, you won't get better. You'll stagnate, and leave your old-person stank all over the forums like the ****** posts you've left on this thread so far.

Leave the guy alone, or give him some real pointers. Sure, subscribing is a good idea, but it's not the only option. If you think it is, then you have a lot more to learn about this game than you probably want to admit.

Which, I understand, is frustrating.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Project Fruit House
#23 - 2016-12-13 13:29:42 UTC
Even if he keeps on following you, if you can manage to warp around for long time, there's always a chance you can shake him off (unless you are webbed/scrammed). There are already good advices here which are all valid options. Just to give you a few more tips, if you are warping off to a planet to make a run, don't warp to a lone planet that's away from all the other planet. He can easily identify where you are heading because there is only one celestial in the direction you warped. When there are multiple planets close to each other, and you are far away from them, they often appear in pretty much same direction/spot on the screen. If you warp to those, sometimes the chaser pick a wrong planet to warp to which is very close to the one you actually went. Also, play with warp to distances, like warp to 50, 70, 100. You keep bouncing and it could happen the chasing ship lands pretty far away from you. And although while warping to a moon in null is not advised in general, that's something you can try to throw them off, or warping to asteroid belt instead of planets directly. If you are bouncing around in a frig, and keep warping to confusing places it's much harder for the hunter to get you, especially if he's also solo.

Well there are many such options, but the priciple is basically that you want to force a lucky break or a mistake from he opponoent. Keep repeating many times (whatever it is) and if you do something enough times, there is a chance that either you get lucky or the opponent makes a mistake. This is not limited to just 'bouncing'. For example, if you are up against a kiter in 1v1 pvp scenario, don't give up just because he will always be faster than you. Mess about and try as many times as possible, and you could get your lucky break or the opponent makes a mistake. On paper there are fights you shouldn't win, but if you manage to survive long enough and drag out the fight for long time, there is always chance for a momentary lapse of concentration from the opponent leading to a silly mistake. Vet or not, we are all human and willl make mistake eventually.

I have won, and also lost fights this way. When a fight/chase/run away drags out for very long time, mistakes can happen, and you want to be ready and capitalise on that. So basically, never give up. You may be in a certain death situation, but silly things can happen that turns the tide in your favour.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#24 - 2016-12-13 13:47:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
I dont know what google censors shows you, but it shows me RMT site there.

I suppose toll of freedom is more temptations.
Cara Forelli
State War Academy
Caldari State
#25 - 2016-12-13 14:05:51 UTC
Eve is already a frustrating game but it will always be worse as an alpha. The marketing lied to you. Eve is not free to play. Eve is free to try.

Want to talk? Join my channel in game: House Forelli

Titan's Lament

Salvos Rhoska
#26 - 2016-12-13 15:49:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
OP, you got unlucky with that Sabre, but you hit the jackpot in this thread.

There is a huge wealth of tips here delivered in a tone usually reserved for the new player board.
Usually you would have been torn utterly torn apart by GD denizens for what amounts to a whiney post.
Maybe we are getting soft...

There are many tips here that are new to me too.
There is so much excellent advice in this thread.

Dont feel bad about dying to that Sabre.
Its a very specialized craft requiring SP and investment orders of magnitude greater than yours.
Its also designed to do exactly that which it did to you.

Read, learn and be grateful for how much fantastic truly crucial and "insider" info people delivered to you here, for free, from years of hard-earned firsthand experience, rather than ripping you to pieces as would be usual here.

Yes you lost your puny, cheap insignificant ship, on a free account, to someone with months of SP investment, isk invested in the ship, and on a subbed account.

But you got this jackpot thread as a result.
You are now WAY ahead of before your ship got destroyed.
The advice here is invaluable.

I recommend you thank this threads participants for the absolutely vital insider advice they have given you, from years of experience, for free. Especially since they did not choose to rip you a new one.

In EVE, no matter what anyone says, information and knowledge is of the utmost value, and you got it in full spades here.

PS:I also recommend this thread gets moved to the New Player board, so people there can see it.
PPS: I o7 all contributors for the "sekret" tips they have given out for free. But I worry if we are getting too soft here in GD....
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#27 - 2016-12-13 15:51:52 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Fek Mercer wrote:
You're an alpha, exploring out in nullsec in your frigate, the most you can fly with with your meagre income. Your wits have kept you safe thus far, away from nasty tech II frigate and destroyers.

You go through a gate and into what? there's a sabre waiting on the other side, and out pops the interdiction sphere. What now? You can run back to the gate... but the sabre follows and drops another sphere. you can activate you micro warp drives and align to a planet... but the sabre follows, and drop another sphere. One. every. five. seconds.

Now he's got you with a warp disruptor and you can't even use your micro warp drive. It's over. and for what? you went through a gate. spin the the wheel, oh it's a sabre. **** you. you're dead.

Kill the sabre. Pod him in his own bubble. Collect his corpse.

Also, for the record: The launcher holds 3 shots and takes a full minute to reload.

If you can bait him into aggressing while still giving yourself room to get back to the gate, you can get clear during his weapons timer, as well.

Also, you're not _usually_ going to find a sabre just sitting on any-old-gate. Have a gander at a map and pay attention to obvious choke points. That's where they're likely to be. Not a guarantee, of course, but you can certainly improve your odds of avoiding that.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Tanuki Kittybeta
Ripperoni in Pepperoni
#28 - 2016-12-13 16:47:55 UTC
Stay near the gate and let the Sabre shoot you once, if you survive the alpha, then jump the gate. They can't follow you cus aggression timer on gate.
Beast of Revelations
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#29 - 2016-12-13 17:02:17 UTC
The good news is, being an alpha, you probably didn't lose much of value. Don't sweat it. Always remember that the good thing about being a newbro is you basically have nothing to lose - no expensive implants, no expensive ships, etc. Go get into a free noob ship and go jump back.

I've lost to Sabres, to instalocking Lokis, to stupid Jackdaws, you name it. Pretty much every T2 and T3 you can imagine.
Lady Ayeipsia
#30 - 2016-12-13 17:06:24 UTC
One point not mentioned...

Open up your in-game star map. Under the Statistics options are 3 useful items when traveling in nul:

Pilots active in system (not the best but if you see crowded systems, you may wish to avoid those)
Kills in the last 24 hours (helps you determine what regions may be involved in an active conflict and should be avoided)
Kills in the last hour (if the system you are about to enter has a lot of kills in the last hour, there may be an active camp.)

These won't save you but they can help.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2016-12-13 19:23:01 UTC
Fek Mercer wrote:
You're an alpha, exploring out in nullsec in your frigate, the most you can fly with with your meagre income. Your wits have kept you safe thus far, away from nasty tech II frigate and destroyers.

You go through a gate and into what? there's a sabre waiting on the other side, and out pops the interdiction sphere. What now? You can run back to the gate... but the sabre follows and drops another sphere.

Let's say sabre will be fast enough. Then you both 12km off the gates, and sabre might be too far to even reach you with bubble.
Burn back to gates again and then you are free: sabre won't catch MWD frigate in any case.
In general: burn back to gates with MWD is like 99% of success for frigates.

Fek Mercer wrote:

you can activate you micro warp drives and align to a planet... but the sabre follows, and drop another sphere. One. every. five. seconds.

5 seconds after sabre is like 20+km from you and you are free to go. (Again: sabre won't catch frigate with MWD)

Fek Mercer wrote:

Now he's got you with a warp disruptor and you can't even use your micro warp drive.

Warp disruptor does not stop MWD. It can be done with scrambler and scrambler has very low range (<10km). You must be very unlucky to get caught by sabre with scrambler.

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Lady Ayeipsia
#32 - 2016-12-13 19:53:45 UTC
It could be a faction scrambler, used to increase range.
Net 7
#33 - 2016-12-13 20:51:05 UTC
use the covert ops trip. if your going to null fit whatever cloak an alpha can fit (i think they can use a protype, i'm not home so idk.)

fit a mwd.

Jump through gate.

Bubble goes up

take a deep breath, and quickly pick a spot in space, double click, turn on mwd, turn on cloak.

if your fast enough that one cycle of the mwd will push you far enough away that when you slow down they might not find you. best to try and change directions after you slow, but as dory says 'just keep swiming' just keep moving away. Eventually he will give up or you will get way out of his range, you can then align, decloak and warp off.

other things.

1) shoot the ****** dead

2) make some friends, and then shoot the ****** dead

3) don;t go to null

4) run, and when that fails.. shoot the ****** dead.

OMG Comet Mining idea!!! Comet Mining!

Eve For life.

Lady Ayeipsia
#34 - 2016-12-13 21:03:17 UTC
DaReaper wrote:
use the covert ops trip. if your going to null fit whatever cloak an alpha can fit (i think they can use a protype, i'm not home so idk.)

fit a mwd.

Jump through gate.

Bubble goes up

take a deep breath, and quickly pick a spot in space, double click, turn on mwd, turn on cloak.

if your fast enough that one cycle of the mwd will push you far enough away that when you slow down they might not find you. best to try and change directions after you slow, but as dory says 'just keep swiming' just keep moving away. Eventually he will give up or you will get way out of his range, you can then align, decloak and warp off.

other things.

1) shoot the ****** dead

2) make some friends, and then shoot the ****** dead

3) don;t go to null

4) run, and when that fails.. shoot the ****** dead.

Alphas cannot use cloaks at all.
Zimmy Zeta
Caldari State
#35 - 2016-12-13 21:23:54 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:

Kill the sabre. Pod him in his own bubble. Collect his corpse.

Ah, the good old Rohrschach maneuver. I like that.

One further thing to consider for OP: those warp disrupt probes aren't exactly cheap, they cost around 200-300k isk each.
So if you were flying a cheap t1 frig, chances are you already won the isk war by the time he launched the third probe. Not very satisfying, I know, but if it makes you feel better, you could consider it a pvp victory for you.

I'd like to apologize for the poor quality of the post above and sincerely hope you didn't waste your time reading it. Yes, I do feel bad about it.

Sugar Smacks
Khanid Royal Navy
#36 - 2016-12-13 22:10:16 UTC
Pretty sad a ship can drop a bubble on a gate stopping all traffic on that gate and it isn't considered agro at all.

It is one thing if it was a drag bubble but he is using a interdictor.
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#37 - 2016-12-13 22:30:22 UTC
Okay so here's the thing.

Interdictors have one job. That job is to bubble all the things ever.

They're generally weaker in combat than similarly sized ships because of this (thought not useless by any means)

Now, you're flying through gates in null. It is a very real possibility that there could be a sabre behind the next gate, or 20 dudes in smart bombing battleships and a deployable bubble. Bubbles are, for non-residents, the primary difference between losec and null.

You DO have the tools to avoid them though!

Firstly, your starmap. It has filters. One of which is "pilots in space in the last 30 minutes" Once you plot a course to wherever you want to be, turn that on and look LOOK at the systems it is directing you through. If somebody is gatecamping (like your sabre) thay're going to add +1 to that count. If someone is patrolling up and down a chain of systems, they're going to add a lot to a lot of systems.

Since you're invading null for whatever reason (I'm assuming exploration) you're looking for "dark" systems, or systems with no pilots in space in the last 30 minutes. If you can reroute your travel path through nothing but dark systems, great. if you can't, at least attempt to avoid the most obvious choke points. If there's only one way in to or out of an area of space, and it has anyone in it, assume it is camped at all times. It's probably not camped at all times, but in most cases it is at least gate bubbled at all times.

However, if you ARE exploring one wonders why you're taking gates in to null in the first place. You have a probe scanner. Scan down wormholes. You'll find more signatures and its easier to avoid hostiles.

Finally, if you're trying to run away from people and warp off you may want to consider an afterburner in stead of a MWD. You can use the AB even when scrambled to try and break range, and unlike the MWD it doesn't bloom your sig size. I'm not sure if anyone explained this to you, but microwarp drives increase your signature radius significantly when you use them. Bigger sig makes it easier to get a lock on you, and easier to hit you with weapons, meaning your MWD is generally only useful if you can use it to get out of targeting or effective weapons range of the other guy without getting melted by his guns in the process.

An Afterburner may be slower, but it also makes you actually harder to hit (assuming you don't pilot away in a straight line) by increasing your transversal velocity (or just your velocity in the case of missiles) and in many cases on a frig is quite fast, often fast enough to get you out of a bubble before the guy in it can shoot you up.
Sugar Smacks
Khanid Royal Navy
#38 - 2016-12-13 22:57:19 UTC

Targeting someone with a warp scrambler (1 person) = you are not allowed to gate jump due to you aggroing

Interdiction bubble from interdictor (many people) = no agro yet instead of warp scrambling one person you can scramble literally groups of people and safely dock right back to your station like you did nothing

Difference in effect of warp scrambler and interdiction bubble = none

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#39 - 2016-12-13 23:20:55 UTC
Sugar Smacks wrote:

Targeting someone with a warp scrambler (1 person) = you are not allowed to gate jump due to you aggroing

Interdiction bubble from interdictor (many people) = no agro yet instead of warp scrambling one person you can scramble literally groups of people and safely dock right back to your station like you did nothing

Difference in effect of warp scrambler and interdiction bubble = none


The bubble affects the sabre as well.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Iain Cariaba
#40 - 2016-12-14 00:07:54 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Iain Cariaba wrote:
meaningless elitism

Who even are you? There was nothing adversarial in his OP at all. Frustration? Yes. Understandable frustration? Hell yes, you even admitted you understand it yourself. He wasn't having a go at the game though, or even the players that caught him. He actually asked, how do I handle that situation? But any excuse to shiptoast those 'beneath' you I guess.

Let me tell you what I've learned about this guy so far, just from this thread. He wants to learn how to get better. Do you know what that means? It means he'll get better. People like you who think you already know it all and have nothing left to learn, you won't get better. You'll stagnate, and leave your old-person stank all over the forums like the ****** posts you've left on this thread so far.

Leave the guy alone, or give him some real pointers. Sure, subscribing is a good idea, but it's not the only option. If you think it is, then you have a lot more to learn about this game than you probably want to admit.

Which, I understand, is frustrating.

I suggest actually reading the thread before spewing unimportant drivel. If you had, you'd have realized that I was the one that actually gave advice.

Double check and make sure you have Reading Comprehension queued up, you need to train another level.
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