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[Service] WTS Vent / ts3/ mumble hosting.

Zorhgh Stormbringer
Slackerz United
#1 - 2012-01-17 19:05:57 UTC
I am offering Ventrilo, mumble and ts3 servers.

I have 3 dedicated servers.

I can host Teamspeak 3 servers (up to 512 slots).
Ventrilo Servers and mumble servers are on a request by request basis.

All Server packages allow you to fully administer your server. ( i.e. Admin token for ts3)

All servers are connected with a gigabit dual redundant internet connection with no Bandwidth limitations.
Dual redundant power supplies, and redundant back-ups nightly.

all servers are guaranteed to have a 99.9% uptime (except for server maintenance, which will only be done to update the actual voice servers themselves when updates, or upgrading to newer versions)

All Servers are hosted in the US.

Servers can be done on a month to month, quarterly, or annual payment plans

All voice servers and slots sell for ISK, not Rl cash.

Your server will be set-up and activated and to your satisfaction before initial payment is due.

*** If you have a corp or alliance website i can help walk you through setting it up so you can have a (where voice would be ts3, mumble,vent or some other name you want***

You can OOG mail
or in game mail Slackerz United corp for more details, information and pricing.

thanks and have a great day.
Zorhgh Stormbringer
Slackerz United
#2 - 2012-01-19 17:29:27 UTC
will beat any other voice service pricing.

also, with my service you can have a no port no pass option, that the others do not offer.

If you have your own domain i can work with you so you can have your personalized voice address.