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Dev blog: Inception 1.5 - Further Improvements to the New Player Exper

First post
Jean Paul Guillotine
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2016-12-03 01:42:41 UTC
Skyler Morgania wrote:
I am an older character, so how do I access this new player experience....or has that part been implemented yet? This new inception story sounds interesting.

Just make sure you use a clone without implants if/when you try this. Trust me on this.

If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you... Then we're probably related.

Gallente Federation
#22 - 2016-12-03 01:57:12 UTC
Skyler Morgania wrote:
I am an older character, so how do I access this new player experience....or has that part been implemented yet? This new inception story sounds interesting.

You only get it on a new alpha account, cant just delete an alt and try it via a new one

@CCP when I ran the NPE and later career agent missions same problem with both. There was no indication at all as to how you get to a place, not once was I told to click the arrow in the mission info panel to open a drop down menu that had the warp icon too a dead space area on it. Came back to the game after longish break so could figure it out but new players that have never seen the UI at all will struggle
Karr Sinak
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#23 - 2016-12-03 16:18:05 UTC
Every race has access to all Armor and Shield skills except Amarr which doesn't have access to Shield Upgrades IV. Amarr already has the lowest SP cap and this makes them strictly worse at mining and industrial jobs.
Mes'la Parjai
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#24 - 2016-12-06 11:18:30 UTC
A few problems I had were these:

1) Being a little familiar with the game having played before, I was able to easily sometimes get "one step ahead" of the tutorial, and I'd then have to go back and do it the way the tutorial was expecting. This happened multiple times, with everything from skill training to ship assembly and activation.

2) An entrepreneuring capsuleer such as myself may have fitted our own modules for the "final" battle, where it's not clear we're going to die. Uh, kinda ****** of you guys. Maybe suggest to use a specific fitting? You guys just did all this work making fittings shareable and equippable, use it in the mission dialogue!

3) Missions were shared really beautifully, but transmissions were occasionally cut off if I was working too fast or sometimes, just if I opened a window too soon. I want to read everything! Even just a log of conversations in the journal would help fix this.

4) Do I complain about this here or... but the first-person vision is HORRIBLE, guys. What a great idea, though!
Okay, so, it NEEDS 360 degrees of vision, obviously. I mean, duh. Also, what's with the horizon indicator? It's a spaceship!
Installation of a projected path line instead of horizon indicator is a good start, and then on top of that just have the ship adjust with its agility towards the aimed reticule and you're golden. Passable, if not great, solution there.
Geronimo McVain
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#25 - 2016-12-08 09:00:45 UTC
Some thought I had on this:
1. The Galente Instructor is sounding totally boring. When you are at the info shard and the drifters come, he should yell at you to get out and the drifters should some and if you are to slow kill you. You matched the speed of his talking to the reading speed but the result is just utterly boring! Let him yell, and keep the window open untill you followed his instructions or click on some "Aura" button, so he can voice act vividly but you still have the time to read the instruction.

2. never seen such an boring fleet as the Galente fleet at the station. First you should group some fleets like frigate fleet with frigs, logis maybe ewar, Capital fleet with Aux and subcapital support. BLOP fleet etc. All the ships are just grey. Why? Give them some colourful skins. Maybe you should add some additions to skins anyway like small logos to mark fleets like first Amaar Frig Wing etc.
And you should give the noob a tour by some enthusiastic captain. He doesn't know what he is looking at if he sees a dreadnaught or what a carrier is and how strong it is.
Eleonora Crendraven
Global Communications AG
#26 - 2016-12-09 18:57:16 UTC
So I made a new alt to try the new player experience as Minmatar.
And I have some suggestions:

- this big fleet assembled at the Citadel: it's so... stationary. Something should be moving there, with engines on so you can see: these big things are SHIPS. SHIPS one can fly later. Now they are just big dead rocks in space. A new pilot should thing "WOW I waaaant to fly this!!"
- a hint that the last stage of the experience would be nice NOT to expect to get away with the ship you have... (as an older pilot I fitted each slot and,.. you know the result)
- and please mention that this enemy ships a newbie is shooting at are just newbies, too - several times I just though: "Are you serious? Saving the republic in that Rookie ship while drinking coffee and having lunch - oh these poor new pilots after their awakening in the real New Eden...BOOM"

And not that much praise. Maybe during that new player experience one is a hero. But not a HERO. Blink


Nick Dmann
No Defect Noted
#27 - 2016-12-10 12:57:44 UTC
So not cool. I was helping a friend learn the game and go through the new player experience. I grabbed a ship and went on the mission with my implanted clone. Why should i worry about getting podded in a pve event.
Geronimo McVain
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2016-12-11 15:49:41 UTC
What would be a good idea is to make coop gameplay. Most of the time there are other players around so you could start some mining/combat coop mission. Missing players you can fill up with NPCs.
Celeste Aserad
Carbon Edge Inc
#29 - 2016-12-13 13:54:21 UTC
Mes'la Parjai wrote:

1) Being a little familiar with the game having played before, I was able to easily sometimes get "one step ahead" of the tutorial, and I'd then have to go back and do it the way the tutorial was expecting. This happened multiple times, with everything from skill training to ship assembly and activation.

As someone who often sits in the Rookie Help Channel, a lot of new players have this exact problem. Making the tutorial "catch up" would be a good thing to do, as they should be rewarded for eagerness and intuition rather than punished for it.

As a second note, I suggest removing the Civilian Equipment from the game altogether. They add so much confusion to new players, there are nowhere explained properly (that they are tutorial only), and with the increased starter skillpoints and skills, they are no longer needed. Let them play with the real things from the very beginning.
Geronimo McVain
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#30 - 2016-12-17 12:41:25 UTC
Something that might help too, is to make a test if you have any ammo for your weapons. In the NPE you use civilian modules without ammo so it's easy for players to forget buying some afterwards.
Kousaka Otsu Shigure
#31 - 2016-12-20 04:05:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Kousaka Otsu Shigure
I've been reading around the r/eve sub down at reddit, and found a link to a review site pcgamesn

I've watched these sets of videos and some other youtube vids of other first time players, and here are some
of the things that stood out from watching how they approached playing eve:

1. Some of them chased the rats in the screen with their pointers.. hoping to pull up the radial menu and be able to issue a command off them. I think the takeaway from this is they focus on whatever is moving, and they focus on whats on the central area, not the sides (info panel, overview). It really hurts to watch them as they try and try again with the radial menu.. chasing the rat just to orbit the guy.

2. Module/command activation indicators seems to be confusing to them, I keep hearing " it on? Are we firing? Is it repping? Are we orbiting? etc". I guess they are looking for a consistent place to see feedback on what they are doing at the moment.

3. Target selection: oh man, there were a couple of videos like this where they didn't know that they have targetted multiple items (like space junk) and have targetted the hitbox of a structure (like space junk..) instead of the rat they were supposed to target. I keep hearing lines like "..are we shooting him? Why isn't his life going down? Why are we shooting this asteroid thing?" As seen on the pcgamesn youtube vid, he works around this by unlocking his first target, the asteroid... The idea of locking multiple targets, selecting the appropriate target from the target selection line, and activating whatever appropriate module to interact with the object was lost here. Like the usual question in Rookie Help "..can I lock multiple asteroids and have one mining laser on each?". (Is there a section in the NPE that does this multiple locking thing...)

4. Fitting window: well in this specific pcgamesn vid, they were fitting modules to the ship via item hangar > right click > equip module or something like that. They never opened the fitting window... and they were asking things like "..have we fitted the webifier yet? Can we add more guns?" I think their experience with that area could've been much better, had they stumbled into opening the fitting window.. so maybe force the NPE to open the fitting window at that time? And dragging/dropping stuff. I've read that ccp karkur has been into this dev mentality, drag all the stuffs.. Such a missed opportunity there.

5. Info panel and Overview: well there are multiple ways of doing things in eve, and I quite like that design. Like travelling in space: I can interact with the stuff in the upper left corner with Route, or Agent dropdowns, the rightclick submenus, clicking at specific icons in space itself, and of course the info panel/overview combo, eve's status window and the usual go to area for vets. Most of the youtube vids I have viewed barely interacted with the overview and again, they played the game like an RTS or moba: interact with the items/ships in front of them, rely on the menus that popup from these (sometimes) small and fast moving items in the screen. Whereas the overview sits there in upper right corner, sometimes even turned off completely. Sigh. My suggestion here is, as I have pointed out in the beginning, tell players (again, and again) you can issue commands from multiple places and it will do the same thing.

So I hope CCP has been watching some of these videos by completely new players, its really a goldmine for feedback on the current NPE. Goodluck!

Archiver, Software Developer and Data Slave

Current Project Status: What can I make with these minerals?

Mara Pahrdi
The Order of Anoyia
#32 - 2016-12-29 20:43:13 UTC
Quite a few of these hints / stickers are very obstructive and you cannot move them to another place.

Apart from that, I liked it.

Remove standings and insurance.

Plus 10 NV
#33 - 2017-01-05 15:58:59 UTC
How about better default settings.

Specifically I am talking about overview and camera.

It would be great if it were easy to get the old camera back as it was much more user friendly.

Also everytime I rejoin eve - even as a vet - I dread having to set up the overview again.

I mean should we really have to check to see if new ships are going to show up on the overview, or if our militia mates will show up as red?

This last may have been fixed, so if so good job. But there should be a whole set of good overview tabs. Not just one default. CCP should talk with players and get good sets of tabs. 1 set for low sec pvp, one set for null sec, one for miners etc. Getting this solved for new players would remove a big obstacle. Maybe on the character sheet you can indicate whether you are doing low sec pvp, or mining, or missions, and then the overview will give you good default settings - based on player feedback, for each of those. Players can still tweak them if they want but at least give us something decent to start with.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

#34 - 2017-01-06 05:35:31 UTC
Kousaka Otsu Shigure wrote:

My problem with how CCP approaches their own UI is that they are always pushing the newest feature even when it's inferior to more established features. They are still pushing the radial menu, even though it's a pretty halfassed way to do things. I remember from before the redesign, I could ask any channel "who uses the radial menu" and the response was "the what?" Same idea with the panels on the left of the screen... their very nature makes them unsuitable for most of the things CCP tries to shoehorn into it. CCP's always trying to push the latest ways to do things rather than the best ways to do things. CCP failing to understand how the players actually use the product, and instead living in their "I'd rather be working on a different game" fantasy.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

So you want to be a Hero
#35 - 2017-02-15 22:04:03 UTC
I want to see the new player experience when you have reached the “Inception 1.5” milestone, any idea when it's implemented Question

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

So you want to be a Hero
#36 - 2017-02-16 20:48:48 UTC
Freelancer117 wrote:
I want to see the new player experience when you have reached the “Inception 1.5” milestone, any idea when it's implemented Question

No date mentioned as of yet though.

Eve online is :

A) mining simulator B) glorified chatroom C) spreadsheets online

D) CCP Games Pay to Win at skill leveling, with instant gratification

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