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Missions with 3 accounts

Devlin Darkside
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1 - 2016-12-07 10:14:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Devlin Darkside
I have been away for about 2 years so have forgotten most of what I knew and suspect a lot has changed since then anyway.

What is my best option running lvl 4 missions with 2 to 3 accounts?

I can fly most stuff up to carriers and would prefer the least amount of alt+tab action possible and was thinking of a command ship with boosts for a Golem? Or a Domi with sentry drones?
Anize Oramara
#2 - 2016-12-07 10:54:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Anize Oramara
Devlin Darkside wrote:
I have been away for about 2 years so have forgotten most of what I knew and suspect a lot has changed since then anyway.

What is my best option running lvl 4 missions with 2 to 3 accounts?

I can fly most stuff up to carriers and would prefer the least amount of alt+tab action possible and was thinking of a command ship with boosts for a Golem? Or a Domi with sentry drones?

2 to 3 accounts? Probably some kind of FoF missile setup. 2 or 3 sufficiently tanked Tengus/Rattlers with Friend or Foe missiles and for the Rattler geckos because those can for the most part tank almost anything lv4s can throw at you. Sentries would be another option.

It'd be horribly inefficient compared to something like a full clear + salvage marauder or Blitzing but it'd be very AFK.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Victor Osinov
Vault-tech inc
#3 - 2016-12-07 12:15:55 UTC
Devlin Darkside wrote:
I have been away for about 2 years so have forgotten most of what I knew and suspect a lot has changed since then anyway.

What is my best option running lvl 4 missions with 2 to 3 accounts?

I can fly most stuff up to carriers and would prefer the least amount of alt+tab action possible and was thinking of a command ship with boosts for a Golem? Or a Domi with sentry drones?

I did in a Machariel + Rattlesnake. Rattlesnake assigned sentrys to Machariel. With 3 accounts I suppose Machariel + 2 Rattlesnakes. I used cruise missiles on Rattlesnake. I guess a good Idea would be using FoF missiles.
Chainsaw Plankton
#4 - 2016-12-07 22:40:36 UTC
imo you are better off running one account well, rather than 2-3 half assed. I used to dual box missions and issuing all the warp/jump commands multiple times was more annoying than the speed boost gained by having more dps in the mission.

if you do want to do it I'd suggest running 2-3 missions in parallel. MJD auto-targeting golem is super easy to fly, rattlesnake works pretty similar, plus gets a ton of drone dps, although with no missile velocity bonus it will lose a bunch of missile dps as multiple volleys fire at the same exploded target. Barghest also works well as it can hit at an absurd range before the next volley fires so you won't lose dps to missiles flying off into space.

command ship boosts have changed, so you have to be on grid to receive them, so an eos might be good as it can drop sentry drones and assign them. maybe a nighthawk with auto-targeting missiles?

@ChainsawPlankto on twitter

Lilith Abaddon
Ethereal Morality
The Initiative.
#5 - 2016-12-08 09:24:27 UTC

I used to triple-box for ratting by flying three 1400mm artillery/sentry drone fitted Machariels. It was rather easy to micro-manage them because 1400mm arties have an insane cycling time which give you enough time to do whatever needed to do (targeting, managing modules, etc). My Machs were kinda light on tank but who needs tank with three machs wiping out rats in no time. Well I dont do it anymore because I can make same amount of ISK ratting is a single carrier. But as other posts above have mentioned, managing three ships while running missions can be pretty difficult given you need to do lots of jumping/warping. It can at least drop your efficiency. But the main advantage of Machariels is that you have instant damage application and you never over-volley rats as FOF missiles tend to do.

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#6 - 2016-12-08 14:45:34 UTC
Another idea for consideration.
I use two accounts most of the time, one fly's the combat ship while the other lags one pocket(room) behind looting and salvaging as I go.
Hellois Dawn
The Outlet
#7 - 2016-12-08 18:11:30 UTC
I have a tengu and with two sentry drone dommis. Assign drones to tengu and everything dies.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#8 - 2016-12-08 20:09:13 UTC
Chainsaw Plankton wrote:
imo you are better off running one account well, rather than 2-3 half assed. I used to dual box missions and issuing all the warp/jump commands multiple times was more annoying than the speed boost gained by having more dps in the mission.

if you do want to do it I'd suggest running 2-3 missions in parallel. MJD auto-targeting golem is super easy to fly, rattlesnake works pretty similar, plus gets a ton of drone dps, although with no missile velocity bonus it will lose a bunch of missile dps as multiple volleys fire at the same exploded target. Barghest also works well as it can hit at an absurd range before the next volley fires so you won't lose dps to missiles flying off into space.

command ship boosts have changed, so you have to be on grid to receive them, so an eos might be good as it can drop sentry drones and assign them. maybe a nighthawk with auto-targeting missiles?


/Dual/Triple boxing missions are a matter oif taste, not efficiency. I use Machariel plus FoF missile Tengu(s) for it, FoFs attack the nearest target so I set the Tengu to approach the Mach turning it into an autonomous point defense battery that sweeps away small ships while I kill big ships with the Mach. The annoyance of having to control 2 ships is balanced by the fact that I don't have to waste drones killing small ship anymore.

The other set up I use is Mach plus Cap stable MWDing FoF missile Gila. Gila launches it's 2 drones and assigns them to assist the mach, then sets approach on one of it'sown drones. Since the Gila drones are attacking what i shoot at and the Gila is always close to it's 2 drones (meaning the FoFs are usually attacking whatever the drones are), it' turns the Gila itse'f into a 3rd Super Heavy Drone lol.

I only tend to multi box when i'm not blitzing, blitzing sucks in more than one ship, full clear missions with lots of spawns are great to dual box. Blockade is my favorite.
AsaYoko Tsuno
Myriad Research
#9 - 2016-12-09 00:22:59 UTC
I do my missions in a Kronos, my second account is either sending caps or shield (yeah I know Kronos dual tank noob blabla), while a third account is waiting 1 room behind with a noctis (4x salvager, 4x tractor beams + MTU).
I recently switched the boost char to a porpoise with triple armor links, due to the bastion mod cancelling any remote reps. So far I survived the blockade :)
I think this setup provides the least amount of alt-tabbing since you just need to orbit the porpoise around the Kronos and setup the command burst. FYI I never blitz, just enjoy the looting :)
Question though, if using a drone boat as several ppl have suggested, does it require a lot of management knowing that ennemies can target the drones and possibly destroy them?
Synth Tech
#10 - 2016-12-09 12:14:16 UTC
There isn't much benefit making them work together.
I'd be curious what you could accomplish with all 3 running missions independently. Maybe some overtanked golems to start.

Otherwise, focus 1 good runner, and make the other do something simple like mine
Nalia White
#11 - 2016-12-11 22:50:02 UTC
i always used machariel and dominix. Dominix would go for the battleships with its sentries and machariel would clear the small ****. that way the domi is so easy to handle that you can concentrate on blapping stuff with the mach

Syndicate - K5-JRD

Home to few, graveyard for many

My biggest achievement

Gorr Shakor
No Country for Old Nerds
Brave United
#12 - 2016-12-16 10:56:12 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:

The other set up I use is Mach plus Cap stable MWDing FoF missile Gila. Gila launches it's 2 drones and assigns them to assist the mach, then sets approach on one of it'sown drones. Since the Gila drones are attacking what i shoot at and the Gila is always close to it's 2 drones (meaning the FoFs are usually attacking whatever the drones are), it' turns the Gila itse'f into a 3rd Super Heavy Drone lol.

Ingenious :)
Karl Jerr
Herzack Unit
#13 - 2016-12-16 18:36:19 UTC
I using two account, one with a Proteus rail and drones + a Guardian logi and drones assist (I don't use rep drones).
I don't use the logi each time, only when I get long/high LP/high pew missions. The proteus is "fleet" fitted in the duo case with buffer armor/resist. I have another one with rep when I solo it.
Once done, I switch the logi with a noctis, while the proteus wait and dscan on site.

It is perhaps not efficient but fun, and I love my couple of proty-guardy Bear

I'm nearly done to have my alt as a full link/booster in a command proteus too, fun again Bear