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Loan needed - J/k - Greetings, Lessons learnt and advice for newbros

Thoragena Industries Co. Ltd.
#1 - 2016-12-07 22:48:13 UTC  |  Edited by: cryojin
Big smile

So just coming round to say hello. No I do not need a loan Shocked

It has been a long time since I last posted with alot of things happening and not happening. Looking back over my posting history I think its obvious I saw lots of opportunity in EVE.

So many idea, mostly unfunded but I tried all all of them to the best of my ability with whatever ISK I could scrounge up. I found out many things along the way and decided I would come and share some of those things with those who remember me and with the newbro alphas joining us.

Eve is a wonderful universe of seemingly limitless possibilities and this environment tends to make us have wonderful ideas, I had so many ideas over the years. Some succeeded, others didn't but each and every one taught me a valuable lesson.

General lessons learnt and advice for whomever listens, but particularly to the newbros.

So without further ado here is the, not complete, but start somewhere anyway, that is the important part list:

  • Everything seems urgent, and sometimes it is but remember in EVE things take time.
  • ^^ It takes time to make ISK, with enough time anyone can be rich the real art lies in finding a balance where you are making enough ISK and not grinding to much.
  • I dislike station trading, maybe you wont, try everything first before committing to much. I found for myself one day a week is perfect for my station trading. I would make more, but that is the amount where I do not end up hating myself.
  • ISK is easier then ever to make if you know how, the key in EVE early on is do not go it alone. Join a corp, there is opportunity in numbers and the right corp will allow you to access content that is much more difficult or risky alone.
  • Find the right corp for you and your goals, if your goals and corp do not align maybe its time for a change.
  • Plex always goes up eventually. If you take a break from eve, buy Plex with your wallet balance and profit when you return.
  • Be happy, Enjoy your time ingame. If it feels like your not enjoying it, rather shift to another activity.
  • Never be shy and always ask, I do not regret any of my proposed, failed, unfunded or otherwise ventures. Lessons were learnt and new opportunities became clear.

These are my opinions and only mine, there will always be someone who can farm more, earn more, trade harder, shoot faster and do not let them get you down and do not think you cant do things without help, just start and you will see how far you come.

I could go on for ages but I think that is a good start.
Keno Skir
#2 - 2016-12-14 18:30:00 UTC
New Players Q&A is that way --->