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Player Owned Custom Offices (high sec)

Salvos Rhoska
#21 - 2016-12-07 20:09:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
My issue is with a planet having a single POCO monopoly.

Yes, this means change of ownership requires destroying only one, and replacing it with your own.
But it also means there is no non-violent way to contest a POCO.

In NS sov this is not possible. You cant aggress a blue POCO. If you attempt to aggress a red POCO, you might spark a war.
In HS, few operators have the force necessary to aggress the POCO, replace it, and defend it.
In LS, the matter is complicated, but again, hinged on monopoly of POCO per planet.
In WH, POCOs work as is. Defend your hole, or lose it.

I dont see any reason why planets should not have multiple POCOs which compete on rates.
They would all be aggressable as now.
If you dont like someone offering a better rate, take their POCO out, if you can.

But there is no rational reason why 1 POCO holder should have a monoploy on that planet.
Its contrary to the competitive and free market opportunity nature of EVE.

If mulltiple POCOS are allowed, there is very little reason for any on entity to build more than one, except as a redundant secondary (which costs them).

So yes, this might result in dozens of POCOs around a world, but the consumer will choose the best rate amongst them.

Yes, destorying them all is possible, but why bother, when we are talking about an inspace asset with little intrisnic value/contents, except the rate on service they provide.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#22 - 2016-12-07 20:11:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
My issue is with a planet having a single POCO monopoly.

Yes, this means change of ownership requires destroying only one, and replacing it with your own.
But it also means there is no non-violent way to contest a POCO.

In NS sov this is not possible. You cant aggress a blue POCO. If you attempt to aggress a red POCO, you might spark a war.
In HS, few operators have the force necessary to aggress the POCO, replace it, and defend it.
In LS, the matter is complicated, but again, hinged on monopoly of POCO per planet.
In WH, POCOs work as is. Defend your hole, or lose it.

I dont see any reason why planets should not have multiple POCOs which compete on rates.
They would all be aggressable as now.
If you dont like someone offering a better rate, take their POCO out, if you can.

But there is no rational reason why 1 POCO holder should have a monoploy on that planet.
Its contrary to the competitive and free market opportunity nature of EVE.

POCO ownership can change and it regularly does without violence.

If you have an issue take it to the F&I forum with a suggestion, rather than just whinging based on an incomplete understanding of the mechanics.
Salvos Rhoska
#23 - 2016-12-07 20:20:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Diversion and ad hominem.

Clearly this has struck a nerve.

Explain to me why it is better that there is only one POCO per planet, as opposed to many?
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#24 - 2016-12-07 20:24:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Explain to me why it is better that there is only one POCO per planet, as opposed to many?

I don't care whether there is one or many.

I care about actually understanding the current mechanics before complaining about them wrongly and instead of complaining at all, actually being constructive with a suggestion in the right place.

This thread has nothing to do with what you are complaining about. It's just another personal, off topic crusade like we've seen in other recent threads.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#25 - 2016-12-07 20:26:29 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
It's literally called a "custom's office". It is, in effect, a governing body on the border between planetside and space. You don't get to just set up a second one of those because you feel like it. Go conquer the existing government (or buy out their interest) if you want it.

That aside, most of your assertions about highsec POCOs are largely fabrications. You could probably tear down most highsec POCOs as an alpha. While afk, even.

PS: There most certainly ARE interbus customs offices left in high sec. Saw one just recently within 4? jumps of a major hub. :D

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Salvos Rhoska
#26 - 2016-12-07 20:34:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Im beginning to see the nascent underlying interests of antagonists in this thread.

I analysed the data from CCPs economy report, and the existance of remaining Interbus stations is apparent, but not relevant to the issue of whether a single POCO should constitute a systemic monopoly.

Nobody has yet addressed my argument of why there should not be multiple POCOs, as opposed to one.

Certainly the planetary based interests are divergent, and DUST showed that all planets are as contested as is the space above and beyond them.

Why does one entity, for such small price, gain MONOPOLY over an entire planet and its import/export?

Surely it is more rational, and native to EVE, that any number of POCO operators, whom pay for its installation, should be able to compete on rates?
Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#27 - 2016-12-07 20:46:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Dracvlad
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Im beginning to see the nascent underlying interests of antagonists in this thread.

Nobody has yet addressed my argument of why there should not be multiple POCOs, as opposed to one.

Certainly the planetary based interests are divergent, and DUST showed that all planets are as contested as is the space above and beyond them.

Why does one entity, for such small price, gain MONOPOLY over an entire planet and its import/export?

Surely it is more rational, and native to EVE, that any number of POCO operators, whom pay for its installation, should be able to compete on rates?

It is something that I have wondered, why not more than one POCO.

Off topic I know but this is what people have done so as not to have to have a POCO or attack one as it is possible to use the command centre, the key thing is to put that and where you store your goods right next to each other, then make the link experimental and you can use the launch ability with only a certain loss of time to export stuff. I do that on planets with tax rates above what I am happy to pay and it works well. The tax is the NPC value only. The thing is that many people have realised this and dropped their rates to a level not to be silly.

You will find that many POCO's are owned by players aligned to the hisec merc war deccers and there are agreements between them in some areas.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#28 - 2016-12-07 20:49:37 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Im beginning to see the nascent underlying interests of antagonists in this thread.

Nobody has yet addressed my argument of why there should not be multiple POCOs, as opposed to one.

This is not the thread to address that. It's a completely different topic and doesn't belong here.

Having a different opinion doesn't imply any sort of underlying interest, else the same could be said of you and your opinion. It's just not the topic of this thread.

However, in the vain hope that this thread can stay on topic rather than be dragged off, CCPs thinking on the issue is quite clear and laid out in 2 devblogs that are available for anyone interested in the issue to read, before whinging:
Salvos Rhoska
#29 - 2016-12-07 21:00:09 UTC
Scipio Artelius wrote:

This is not the thread to address that. It's a completely different topic and doesn't belong here.

Having a different opinion doesn't imply any sort of underlying interest, else the same could be said of you and your opinion. It's just not the topic of this thread.

1) You are not a moderator, or in any position to dictate to me what I can or cannot say, or whether my comments are ontopic.
2) You have yoursekf engaged my points on several occassions, which would make you off-topic as well.
3) You have not provided arguments against my position, as expressed relative to OPs concerns by extension and natural evoution of this thread into interrelating issues.
4) Vested interests are everywhere in EVE, including on this board., including you and I.
5)You are not addrwssing my arguments as extension of OPs concerns. I stead you haveposted ad hominem and attempts to redirect discussion elsewhere.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#30 - 2016-12-07 21:17:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Scipio Artelius wrote:

This is not the thread to address that. It's a completely different topic and doesn't belong here.

Having a different opinion doesn't imply any sort of underlying interest, else the same could be said of you and your opinion. It's just not the topic of this thread.

1) You are not a moderator, or in any position to dictate to me what I can or cannot say, or whether my comments are ontopic.
2) You have yoursekf engaged my points on several occassions, which would make you off-topic as well.
3) You have not provided arguments against my position, as expressed relative to OPs concerns by extension and natural evoution of this thread into interrelating issues.
4) Vested interests are everywhere in EVE, including on this board., including you and I.
5)You are not addrwssing my arguments as extension of OPs concerns. I stead you haveposted ad hominem and attempts to redirect discussion elsewhere.

Salvos, anyone who openly expresses that they would gain pleasure seeing another EvE player get kicked in the face in real life is not someone I have much time for. That speaks to a quality of character that is very much at odds with my own. So I'll make this my last post.

I don't need to be a moderator to know whether a post is off topic or not. It just means I have no power to do anything much about those posts directly.

The rest of the post is just jibberish, drawing conclusions on things not written.

So much for another ok thread.
Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#31 - 2016-12-07 21:20:22 UTC
The easiest way to implement more than one customs office is return of the Interbus ones as the "primary" interface for POCO collection and just having office style listings within that interface window much like stations. The more offices the higher the tax rates on all players using said POCO. Gives incentive to war dec and remove others "offices" within the POCO. Same deployment of the gantry and the items just only to the same Interbus POCO location instead will keep the supply/demand change for the PI parts intact while also increasing demand significantly. A listing of corps/alliance offices within the interface, accessible only from actually being at the interface. War decs prompt an attackable beacon somewhere on the planet with the same RF and destruction cycles with one addition, drop loot of any PI production or storage from planetside and or in POCOs themselves as a % of production during the war dec itself. This gives further incentive for destruction of others offices than cheaper tax rates. Can also implement monthly rental fees to Interbus as an isk sink.

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Salvos Rhoska
#32 - 2016-12-07 21:31:19 UTC
Dracvlad wrote:

It is something that I have wondered, why not more than one POCO.

However it is possible to use the command centre, the key thing is to put that and where you store your goods right next to each other, then make the link experimental and you can use the launch ability with only a certain loss of time to export stuff. I do that on planets with tax rates above what I am happy to pay and it works well. The tax is the NPC value only. The thing is that many people have realised this and droppe dtheir rates to a level not to be silly.

You will find that many POCO's are owned by players lined toe the hisec merec war deccers and there are agreements between them in some areas.

1) I see no reason why there shouldnt be multiple POCOs competing on rates.
2) Your trick works, but is not an ezcuse for bad mechanics.
3) I disagree about the nature of underlying ownership of POCOs. In my view, the overwhelming majority of POCO aggression and displacement was NS entities projecting/securing their HS interests, for expedient reasons I outlined in my previous post.

Mercs dont care about POCO destruction, unless contacted to do so. Established, experienced merc corp know how to follow the daisy chain of HS alts/shadow corps back to their NS origin, and decide whether to contract or not based on that. Resistance from a NS alt front corp operating in HS will be fierce compared to a oneman corp setup that happened to setup a POCO on whichever planet.

Its just wrong, overall. Anyone should be able to setup a POCO on a planet.
The monopoly of one doesnt make sense.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#33 - 2016-12-07 21:50:24 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

Its just wrong, overall. Anyone should be able to setup a POCO on a planet.
The monopoly of one doesnt make sense.

Your argument is that it's "wrong" that you can't just go establish your very own governmental entity where someone else has already established one without first contesting the existing governmental entity.


So, what, now anyone who wants to monopolize a high sec planet has to war dec every jackass who comes along and drops a gantry because there's literally no way to proactively defend your proverbial planetary border?

That aside, you're campaigning for change. You have to do better than, "I don't like it, it should be different because I say so."

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Salvos Rhoska
#34 - 2016-12-07 22:00:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Scipio Artelius wrote:

Salvos, anyone who openly expresses that they would gain pleasure seeing another EvE player get kicked in the face in real life is not someone I have much time for. That speaks to a quality of character that is very much at odds with my own. So I'll make this my last post.8

I don't need to be a moderator to know whether a post is off topic or not. It just means I have no power to do anything much about those posts directly.

The rest of the post is just jibberish, drawing conclusions on things not written.

So much for another ok thread.

And yet more ad hominem nonsense, defamation, non-sequiror, off-topic, and cause to ignore you from consideration in this thread.

PS: Those persons got kicked out of EVE. Sorry if i pissed on your grief circus, but its over and done with.
I was right, you where wrong. Nobody was kicked in the face, but they where kicked out of EVE.

Am I laughing, yes I am. Thanks for reminding me :) Feelsgoodman!
I dont remember you at all, and you mean absolutely nothing to me.
But you remember me and what I participated in.

Instead of GF, o7, you bear a grudge.
HTFU, bro.

Returning ro topic:

Eternus8lux8lucis wrote:
The easiest way to implement more than one customs office is return of the Interbus ones as the "primary" interface for POCO collection and just having office style listings within that interface window much like stations..

I thi k the easiest and most expedient way, is simply to allow multiple POCO stations.
They can then compete on the cost of their service.
If you dont like it, offer a cheaper rate or blow up their POCOs,

Sure, they can setup 100 POCOs if they are rich, but they will be bleeding expense for 100 POCOs if nobody uses them cos there is 1 cheaper POCO.

Let the market regulate itself. An automatic monopoly on POCOs is anathema to EVEs competetive and diverse nature.
Salvos Rhoska
#35 - 2016-12-07 22:27:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:

Its just wrong, overall. Anyone should be able to setup a POCO on a planet.
The monopoly of one doesnt make sense.

Your argument is that it's "wrong" that you can't just go establish your very own governmental entity where someone else has already established one without first contesting the existing governmental entity.


So, what, now anyone who wants to monopolize a high sec planet has to war dec every jackass who comes along and drops a gantry because there's literally no way to proactively defend your proverbial planetary border?

That aside, you're campaigning for change. You have to do better than, "I don't like it, it should be different because I say so."


My argument is that anyone can establish as many POCOs as they wish with the NPC gov entity on the planet.

I am endorsing competition and free trade, ad opposed to the current monopoly of one POCO per planet.

POCOs are not governmental entities, they are just installations in orbit which convey material in both directions, as paid for by a Capsuleer.

And no, you dont have to wardec or destroy competing POCO owners, you can simply reduce your tariff rates.

If there are 100 POCOs, for which each capsuleer owner is paying, the capsuleer owner of even one POCO with lower rates will be the choice of PI operators on that planet (themselves, capsuleers).

This is the nature of competition, whixh is integral to EVE.
An automatic monopoly, as is now with POCOs, is anathema.
Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#36 - 2016-12-07 22:42:43 UTC
Mr. Salvos,

You can talk to the owner and see if they will transfer it to your corporation for ISK. That's the only peaceful way other than maybe they set your standings so that taxes are much less for you and/or your group.

I live in J223650 and 6 POCO's were owned by a corporation that's been dead since YC114 (2012 and the other two were still NPC owned. We're in the process of cleaning up.

Welcome to our dark, simulated future.


Salvos Rhoska
#37 - 2016-12-07 23:03:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Lulu Lunette wrote:
Mr. Salvos,

You can talk to the owner and see if they will transfer it to your corporation for ISK. That's the only peaceful way other than maybe they set your standings so that taxes are much less for you and/or your group.

I live in J223650 and 6 POCO's were owned by a corporation that's been dead since YC114 (2012 and the other two were still NPC owned. We're in the process of cleaning up.

Welcome to our dark, simulated future.

Ms/Mrs. Lulu,

You are missing the point.

Why should I have to pay you, or anyone else, anything.

Why should I not simply setup a POCO, at the same cost as yours, with a better rate than you offer on yours?
This is certainly the case in Citadels.

What rationale is there that since you made a POCO first on that planet, that I cant make POCOs there too and compete with you?
Again, there can be innumerate Citadels competing on rates, but for some irrational situation, planets are systemic monopolies.

Sure, I can buy POCOs from existing holders.
Sure, I can blow them up.
But why is one POCO a monopoly?
Where is the competition in that?
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#38 - 2016-12-07 23:12:39 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:


My argument is that anyone can establish as many POCOs as they wish with the NPC gov entity on the planet.

No, that's your *desire*. It is not your argument which, so far, doesn't seem to extend appreciably beyond, "Just cuz."

I am endorsing competition and free trade, ad opposed to the current monopoly of one POCO per planet.

POCOs are not governmental entities, they are just installations in orbit which convey material in both directions, as paid for by a Capsuleer.

You keep using that word...

It's no more a "monopoly" than my ownership over my home is a "monopoly". You're trying to make your position sound reasonable by conflating ownership of a single instance of a commodity resource with a market monopoly, which is patently nonsensical.

And as far as planetary interaction in Eve is concerned, yes, it very much is the "seat" of governmental control for planets. It sets taxes.


And no, you dont have to wardec or destroy competing POCO owners, you can simply reduce your tariff rates.

I would if I didn't want them there at all. Planetary resources are not unlimited. Most very-high tax rate POCOs aren't set that way because they want to gouge you on taxes - it's because they don't want you using their planet.

If there are 100 POCOs, for which each capsuleer owner is paying, the capsuleer owner of even one POCO with lower rates will be the choice of PI operators on that planet (themselves, capsuleers).

This is the nature of competition, whixh is integral to EVE.
An automatic monopoly, as is now with POCOs, is anathema.

Bob already planted a flag on this patch of land. Alice comes along, plants her own flag with no opportunity for contention, and now the onus is on Bob to kick her ass out? How is that in the nature of "competition"?

This is just entitled nonsense "I should be able to have my vewwy own POCO without having to HTFU and pop the existing one! It's not faiw!"

There are something like 66,000 non-shattered planets. Go get your own.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#39 - 2016-12-07 23:15:41 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Lulu Lunette wrote:
Mr. Salvos,

You can talk to the owner and see if they will transfer it to your corporation for ISK. That's the only peaceful way other than maybe they set your standings so that taxes are much less for you and/or your group.

I live in J223650 and 6 POCO's were owned by a corporation that's been dead since YC114 (2012 and the other two were still NPC owned. We're in the process of cleaning up.

Welcome to our dark, simulated future.

Ms/Mrs. Lulu,

You are missing the point.

Why should I have to pay you, or anyone else, anything.

Why should I not simply setup a POCO, at the same cost as yours, with a better rate than you offer on yours?

What rationale is there that since you made a POCO first on that planet, that I cant make POCOs there too and compete with you?

Sure, I can buy POCOs from existing holders.
Sure, I can blow them up.
But why is one POCO a monopoly?
Where is the competition in that?

Interesting idea I guess. Maybe there's not enough Heavy Metals in the entire cluster to allow for two POCO's to be anchored on the same planet at the same time? I'm sure there's a fascinating lore reason.

Don't take this the wrong way but I think you are the one who misunderstands the competition here. If you don't like his POCO, offer to buy it outright, negotiate standings, or have it removed by a mercenary or even yourself.


Salvos Rhoska
#40 - 2016-12-07 23:19:49 UTC
There is no rational reason why there should not be the free-market opportunity for multiple entities to place POCOs on planets, and compete on their rates.

The current monopoly system of "one POCO per planet" is anathema to EVE.