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What would you do in this situation?

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#21 - 2016-11-30 22:44:05 UTC
Pindleton Severasse wrote:
Hrist Harkonnen wrote:
Pindleton Severasse wrote:
PREFACE: This is not a whine thread.

Tonight I forced myself to log off from EVE. The reason, you see, is that I am an explorer (Astero pilot) in null sec who got cornered.

I have taken a liking to Stain. Over the past few days I've made quite a handsome profit hacking cans there. Anyway, apparently I ticked off some of the locals. I was making my way through the region when it happened, BAM. I warp in, and as soon as I do, interdiction spheres are flying everywhere. I check local, 2 people. Decided to burn back to the gate since I was in the middle of the spheres. Pop MWD, activate reps, OVERHEAT, clench arse. Everything check.

I made it back to the other side. Thank God local was empty. I decided to duck into the nearest system to try and get away from them--little did I realize that it was a dead end. I arrive, one person in local. That person was in the same corp as the people who just tried to make me take the fresh clone express back to hisec. I sat there for a while and watched d-scan. That guy was in a Stratios. Soon he dropped combat probes. Alright, so he's in on it to. ****.

I twiddled my thumbs for a while then decided to make a break for it. Jumped, interdicted again. Ran back to gate, they got half way through armor. Warp to tactical and rep up. Now I'm back to twiddling my thumbs. These guys have got to **** off at some time, right? Wrong. Gave it a third try. Same result. This time I almost died.

There was an NPC station in system, so I just docked up and logged off.

The reason for me telling this story is to ask for advice. Is there anything, apart from a fiery death, that I could have done to escape this situation?

The fact that you survived 3 times makes me wonder how good you are or how bad are them.

Astero is pretty tanky with dual reps. If they had had a third guy in an interceptor to sit on the opposite side of the gate, I'd have been toast. Thankfully the Stratios can't lock up frigates quickly, and the Stratios pilot didn't even try.

Tell that to the one I killed solo yesterday with his dual c-types and augmented hobgoblins in my Harpy. You survived three times because most people above a certain SP threshold have forgotten the art of using small ships, and won't touch frigates or destroyers, like, ever. Their loss, I guess, and my gain.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#22 - 2016-11-30 23:02:37 UTC
just go for their most expensive and fragile ship and kill it before you die!! There is no shame in dying, I do it every time undock. Just make it worthwhile.
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#23 - 2016-12-01 00:22:07 UTC  |  Edited by: PopeUrban
If I were you:

Dock at the NPC station.

Jumpclone to a null clone stored on the other side of the cluster and explore in that for a day.

Play that clone for 24 hours.

Jump back to the original clone next day and look for another wormhole out.

My exploration character has clones with ships stashed all over for exactly this reason. You either go until you can WH back to empire to sell ****, or you dock up and swap clones to continue with your life and try again later. If one of your clones gets his ship blown up, just pod him back to empire and buy a new ship and park him in a different area next time.

Its not even that expensive really, since you're still only ever risking one ship at a time, and once you have like 5 clones to swap you can leave one of them where it sits for a week. For an exploration character having this ability far outweighs any benefit you'll get from putting implants in any of those clones. Just don't train your exploration stuff on the same character that you use to do anything else.

And if somebody is still camping you after a week of not being there I don't know what to tell you. That has never happened to me.
#24 - 2016-12-01 00:23:50 UTC
lost me at preface
Swamp Panthers
#25 - 2016-12-01 01:17:22 UTC

A lot of eve is patience. Are you more patient than your opponent? If you log off, then they would see you come back into local and know you are active.

I would not log off, instead staying in system "afk" cloaked while I leave for several hours or overnight. They will get bored and go about their business. Since they constantly see you in local, they wont know when you get back, so eventually they will be gone.

In addition, you can look on the killboard, eve hunt, etc to see when they are less likely to be active and come back to the keyboard at that time.
#26 - 2016-12-01 05:25:25 UTC
Pindleton Severasse wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
Lady Ayeipsia wrote:
Try to time am escape shortly after down time?

You have a covert op cloak correct? Jump gate. Approach gate with MWD on. Cloak. Change direction and pray they don't get close enough. Try to fly out of the bubbles and then plot an escape from a safe point in that system.

don;t even need to do that, jump, click a random direction in space, mwd, immediatly hit F1. with practice you cna do it so fast they can;t lock you. even if they deploy the bubble by the time that first mwd cycle ends you should be clear.

I will have to try this when I have less loot on board and in a cheaper ship. I'm just afraid of trying to burn away from the gate, getting caught, and not having enough ehp/rep to run back to the gate if I get it wrong.

Truth is this is the sort of thing you need to do to become good at. If you are not experienced doing it i suggest taking an empty cov ops to null and running camps until you are good at it. Given a blockade runner, plated recon or straitos will get out of most bubble camps once you are good at it an astero will get out of most even if you do things wrong.

Something to be aware of is decloak objects like cans, wrecks and drones which can be "placed" around a gate to stop you cloaking. Always have an overview set up with these so you can pick the best direction to go. If there are no decloak objects always move perpendicular to the flight path of the camps fastest ship (usually an interceptor) who will burn out to try and decloak you. If the camp has no decloak objects and no fast decloaker ship then just relax, cloak and slowboat out the bubble, they are not camping for you (though it is possible they have a smartbomber waiting for you on the out gate).

Also the above advice about hitting mwd before cloak is foolish and will get you dead. Cloak first and then mwd.

#27 - 2016-12-01 07:59:08 UTC
Pindleton Severasse wrote:
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
This story confuses me. Do you not have a covops cloak on this Astero?

I do, but I take the gate. They launch spheres, I try to align and cloak, they are on top of me (decloak) and locking me before I can warp out.
Miss lyra
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#28 - 2016-12-01 10:34:19 UTC
Lack of planning your escape routes.

Nulsec pilots are very patience, so its all a waiting game. I'd accept the loss, as they out foxed you, learn from your mistake, take time to plan your routes, know what gates lead where, and try not to get cornered into a dead end system again.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#29 - 2016-12-01 12:01:53 UTC
Route One
#30 - 2016-12-01 12:43:58 UTC
Use third-party tools such as and to find out when they're active would be a good starting point.

As would to see how many of them are alts.

With that info you can choose what your next move is.

If you're going to run the gate then remember :

1) Align, activate cloak THEN mwd in quick succession. Do it the other way around and your sig radius increases before you cloak. Unlikely you'd get locked but use best practices just in case;

2) If they're any good then the fast tacklers (interceptors) will assume you're aligning for the out gate or burning back to gate. Don't do that, take some time to see where you are in the bubble(s) relative to them and burn out of the bubble in a different direction as this will make decloaking you harder;

3) Most importantly take your time & don't panic. The longer you stay in gate cloak, the twitchier the campers will get.

Oh and if they're in Stain then its unlikely they are any good - there simply isn't enough traffic there to maintain your skills at decloaking.
Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#31 - 2016-12-01 13:41:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Gully Alex Foyle
Doddy wrote:
Pindleton Severasse wrote:
DaReaper wrote:
Lady Ayeipsia wrote:
Try to time am escape shortly after down time?

You have a covert op cloak correct? Jump gate. Approach gate with MWD on. Cloak. Change direction and pray they don't get close enough. Try to fly out of the bubbles and then plot an escape from a safe point in that system.

don;t even need to do that, jump, click a random direction in space, mwd, immediatly hit F1. with practice you cna do it so fast they can;t lock you. even if they deploy the bubble by the time that first mwd cycle ends you should be clear.

I will have to try this when I have less loot on board and in a cheaper ship. I'm just afraid of trying to burn away from the gate, getting caught, and not having enough ehp/rep to run back to the gate if I get it wrong.

Truth is this is the sort of thing you need to do to become good at. If you are not experienced doing it i suggest taking an empty cov ops to null and running camps until you are good at it. Given a blockade runner, plated recon or straitos will get out of most bubble camps once you are good at it an astero will get out of most even if you do things wrong.

Something to be aware of is decloak objects like cans, wrecks and drones which can be "placed" around a gate to stop you cloaking. Always have an overview set up with these so you can pick the best direction to go. If there are no decloak objects always move perpendicular to the flight path of the camps fastest ship (usually an interceptor) who will burn out to try and decloak you. If the camp has no decloak objects and no fast decloaker ship then just relax, cloak and slowboat out the bubble, they are not camping for you (though it is possible they have a smartbomber waiting for you on the out gate).

Also the above advice about hitting mwd before cloak is foolish and will get you dead. Cloak first and then mwd.

^^this is perfectly spot-on, including the last part about cloaking first, then mwd.

EDIT: actually, one further detail comes to mind. you could overheat your MWD just before activating it, for extra GTFO speed. best to have a quick hotkey for this, you don't want to lose time in activating MWD

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