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Sell Orders

  • Topic is locked indefinitely.

◄[♥]►Grendell's 3rd Party Service - 94 Trillion isk Secured◄[♥]►

First post
S0utherN Comfort
#341 - 2016-06-29 16:02:43 UTC
after having a hard time getting a hold of chribba or darkness for a USTZ transfer, I contacted Grendell.

He came on at the time we agreed and got the transfer done swiftly and safely.. i would absolutely use Grendell in the future for all my 3rd party needs.
CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#342 - 2016-11-30 15:28:00 UTC
Topic has been unlocked as per op request.

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Technologies Unlimited
#343 - 2016-11-30 22:15:07 UTC
CCP Phantom wrote:
Topic has been unlocked as per op request.

Thank you.

Op updated, I've removed Dark from the list due to recent suspicious events. Hopefully we get a clear answer soon. I am personally still on my 3 month break from 3rd party services. So please be cautious.

◄[♥]►3rd Party Service◄[♥]►

♥ Securing Peace of mind ♥

#344 - 2017-01-07 13:23:40 UTC
When will you be available again?
Technologies Unlimited
#345 - 2017-02-13 22:20:31 UTC
KongGal wrote:
When will you be available again?

I'm taking a break from the game right now, as I've just moved across country. I have no current estimate as to when I will feel established enough to play actively.Big smile

◄[♥]►3rd Party Service◄[♥]►

♥ Securing Peace of mind ♥