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Confused about Gnosis price

Magnus Orly
Crucial Contribution
#1 - 2016-11-28 04:25:16 UTC
So....I started right after the alphas where intrudced...and I Gnosis is the only battlecruiser they can use so it has to go UP in price right. So I bought a couple.

Now a week or two passed and how in all the hell is the price lower by 30% now....please explain because it doesnt make sense.

The only logical solutions I can find are:

1) Alphas have not yet understood that Gnosis is the biggest ship they can fly.

2) People are really not playing this game at all. Some old vets are just logging in and selling their Gnosis.

Our corporation is recruiting! We live in Caldari high-sec and do mining, missions and trading.

Ibrahim Tash-Murkon
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#2 - 2016-11-28 04:51:42 UTC
Shot in the dark, could be that we just had yet another influx of Gnosis ships in the form of a gift to all accounts.

"I give you the destiny of Faith, and you will bring its message to every planet of every star in the heavens: Go forth, conquer in my Name, and reclaim that which I have given." - Book of Reclaiming 22:13

Morgan Agrivar
#3 - 2016-11-28 05:27:51 UTC
I ended up getting four of them overall in the gifting.

Not sure if it was true or not but when it was announced that alpha clones could fly the Gnosis, the prices for them skyrocketed from 55-60m to like over 100m isk each. CCP saw that and did the announcement that they were giving away the Gnosis as a gift and the prices came back down to normal. I could be wrong thought (probably).
Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#4 - 2016-11-28 08:34:17 UTC
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
I ended up getting four of them overall in the gifting.

Not sure if it was true or not but when it was announced that alpha clones could fly the Gnosis, the prices for them skyrocketed from 55-60m to like over 100m isk each. CCP saw that and did the announcement that they were giving away the Gnosis as a gift and the prices came back down to normal. I could be wrong thought (probably).

ccp could care less about prices as people keep claiming ccp will jump in and lower the price of things like plex, they never will.
We recently got new ships, the genosis can not be made like other ships so there is a limited number, and people like using it because of it being a faction BC that can do any tank any weapon. when you get more of things, cost goes down....its called supply and demand. that's our whole market and why many thing if you ever build will see no profit or very tight margins for many reasons.

We had a drone given out, the gecko, it was originally fairly cheap, but as people left them behind, use them for pvp, or get them lost in pve because they cant be messed with to watch agro (the great broken mechanic in this game), numbers have gone down and the price has gone up by atleast triple now.

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#5 - 2016-11-28 09:20:57 UTC
CCP controls the supply of Gnosis (and Gecko). If they want to maintain a supply in game they can. It's 3 years since Gnosis was handed out as a limited edition battlecruiser and supply has never been better. Given the value of this ship to Alphas, it wouldn't surprise me if the 5-run BPC's start showing up as event rewards or exploration loot.
5 Jungs
#6 - 2016-11-28 16:10:17 UTC
I bought them some time ago for around 44 mil and sold them at the ascension release for up to 88 mil. After they were handed out as gifts, the prices dropped ofc.
virm pasuul
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2016-11-28 16:37:41 UTC
supply went up, demand went up

When it comes to handing them out it's a lot easier for CCP to hand out something that already exists in game than make a new thing from scratch. The gnosis being alpha friendly was a no brainer to such a degree they made a smaller one too. Expect a few things to be alpha friendly.
Blinky Jimmy
Irreducibly Insane
#8 - 2016-11-29 05:55:04 UTC
Agondray wrote:
Morgan Agrivar wrote:
I ended up getting four of them overall in the gifting.

Not sure if it was true or not but when it was announced that alpha clones could fly the Gnosis, the prices for them skyrocketed from 55-60m to like over 100m isk each. CCP saw that and did the announcement that they were giving away the Gnosis as a gift and the prices came back down to normal. I could be wrong thought (probably).

ccp could care less about prices as people keep claiming ccp will jump in and lower the price of things like plex, they never will.
We recently got new ships, the genosis can not be made like other ships so there is a limited number, and people like using it because of it being a faction BC that can do any tank any weapon. when you get more of things, cost goes down....its called supply and demand. that's our whole market and why many thing if you ever build will see no profit or very tight margins for many reasons.

We had a drone given out, the gecko, it was originally fairly cheap, but as people left them behind, use them for pvp, or get them lost in pve because they cant be messed with to watch agro (the great broken mechanic in this game), numbers have gone down and the price has gone up by atleast triple now.

I will try to find the source on reddit, but I recall a post, I think it was quant, saying that while they don't release more plex in game, they sometimes time plex sales based on plex prices.
Gregorius Goldstein
Queens of the Drone Age
#9 - 2016-11-30 10:08:38 UTC
I made good ISK with the Gnosis, the OP was just to late to the party.
Knockaround Guys Inc.
#10 - 2016-11-30 13:50:53 UTC
it's all about timing, unfortunately yours was off.

If it helps give it a year or 2 and they will climb again, assuming no further releases, and you will be able to make your money back.
Kaizen Inhibenson
Living Off The Land
Intaki-Business Logistics Union
#11 - 2016-12-01 14:53:30 UTC
Xtreem wrote:
iIf it helps give it a year or 2 and they will climb again, assuming no further releases, and you will be able to make your money back.

But he will have not had use of the capital tied up in the Geckos for all that time. Opportunity cost.