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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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I quit

Drifter Corporation
#1 - 2016-11-26 19:27:37 UTC
After playing this game for 2 months and finally getting a Hyperion I tried a level 4 mission and lost my ship - it happens and I ground out enough credits again to get another one only to have it destroyed within seconds in a "safe" area while approaching a jump point.
Foolish of me to think it was safe and I might be protected by the guardians of the jump point. As a new player I could not yet afford the insurance so I was staying to the "safe" areas and also avoiding level 4 missions.
Thanks to players that killed my ship in a safe area I will now give up on this game as it is impossible to compete against long time players in better ships that just troll the safe areas.

PS: can I have my money back?
#2 - 2016-11-26 19:33:04 UTC
8 Golden rules of EvE

Be able to afford a loss

* Never fly something (or with something in the cargo) you can't afford to lose. Yes, not even in highsec. Meaning that you should not fly a ship you cannot afford to replace and refit.
Drifter Corporation
#3 - 2016-11-26 19:40:57 UTC
Whats the point of highsec areas if anyone can troll you as a new player?
Ice Fire Warriors
#4 - 2016-11-26 19:46:07 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
A few things before you go (perhaps I can clarify a few things):

- What do you consider / understand to be a "safe area."
(I ask because I am willing to bet you do not have the correct information... or not all of info you need at the very least).

- How was your ship fit? This can make a world of difference.

- Did you train as quickly as possible to use a bigger ship? This could be another factor. Just because you can fly it, it does not mean you can fly it "effectively."

- What system did you get killed in? What killed you?
I cannot find any killmail under your name... so there is no information anyone can examine.
Even a simple screenshot of your death in your character sheet will provide critical information that we can interpret.

STEREODOG Rules wrote:
Whats the point of highsec areas if anyone can troll you as a new player?

Because in organized groups, newbies can be as equally effective and/or lethal as any veteran player.
Netan MalDoran
Shadow Cartel
#5 - 2016-11-26 19:57:39 UTC
I just wanna throw this out there, 3-4 years into this game and I have never owned anything bigger than a battlecruiser.

"Your security status has been lowered." - Hell yeah it was!

Falcon's truth

Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#6 - 2016-11-26 19:58:32 UTC
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
Whats the point of highsec areas if anyone can troll you as a new player?

I don't know what highsec is supposed to be either.

Thanks for playing


#7 - 2016-11-26 19:59:28 UTC
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
Whats the point of highsec areas if anyone can troll you as a new player?

It's a misconception that highsec areas are "safe". It's better to think of it as space with different engagement mechanics than low/null or wormholes. The mechanics makes it harder to kill people, but you can always be killed.

Basically, you consent to PvP when you press the "Undock" button. Being docked is the only safe place in EvE.

8 Golden rules of EvE

Consent to PvP

* You consent to PvP when you click "undock".
* You are not safe in 1.0 security space. CONCORD is there to punish, not to protect. Get used to the idea.
* In most cases, the only way to be 100% safe from aggression inside the game is to be docked in a station. Being cloaked in a secret safespot could work too.

I really think you should read those rules...
Juggs O'Plenty
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2016-11-26 20:01:09 UTC
Compulsory 'Can I have your stuff?'
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#9 - 2016-11-26 20:28:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Iria Ahrens
Juggs O'Plenty wrote:
Compulsory 'Can I have your stuff?'

Not in NQ&A.


OP. HS is like living in a city with police everywhere. That doesn't stop convenience stores from getting robbed. It doesn't stop home invasions, or rapes, or any other crime from happening.

In Eve "safe spot" specifically refers to a bookmark you made off grid, and preferably 16au or more from any celestial. This is made by the tedious process of warping between two celestial making a bookmark. Warping between two other celestials and making a bookmark. Then warping from one bookmark to the other bookmark and making yet another bookmark, so that the third safespot is completely out-of-line from any celestials, then deleting the other two bookmarks. Even in a safe spot, you aren't safe unless you are cloaked, because you can still be probed down. But being out-of-line and 16au or more from a celestial means that high-speed probing techniques can't be used on you.

Anyway, whenever you fail at something in Eve, realize that there are tens of thousands of other players that can do it just fine. Instead of making excuses and claiming that something is impossible, you should ask for advice, including from the people that blew up your ship. If you are polite to the people that kill you, they will be more than happy to help you. Just don't ever whine or cry about your loss or they will milk you tears.

If you couldn't afford to pay for insurance, you couldn't afford to fly that ship. At 2 month, you probably didn't have the ship skills to properly fly. But, people don't just gank hyperions in HS without some incentive. You probably triggered a suspect timer on yourself or somehow made yourself a legal kill target.

Eve at its core is a game for people who "can." "I Can't" people will never be happy playing eve.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Drifter Corporation
#10 - 2016-11-26 20:30:40 UTC
I was under the misconception that if you played hundreds of hours to get and fit a better ship and train skills you could then join a fleet and fight as a team (as in world of tanks).
I didn't know that this game could care less about new players and say it was our fault for undocking in the first place. I can understand being attacked in red or orange zones as there is fair warning but the game was not clear that the guardians will not protect you in highsec areas from veterans who troll.
#11 - 2016-11-26 20:33:04 UTC
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
I was under the misconception that if you played hundreds of hours to get and fit a better ship and train skills you could then join a fleet and fight as a team (as in world of tanks).
I didn't know that this game could care less about new players and say it was our fault for undocking in the first place. I can understand being attacked in red or orange zones as there is fair warning but the game was not clear that the guardians will not protect you in highsec areas from veterans who troll.

8 Golden rules of EvE

Bigger is not always better

* More expensive stuff is not always better stuff.
* Slightly better stuff usually costs many times more than slightly worse stuff. Choose wisely.
* Tech-2 is usually cheaper and better, but harder to fit. Sometimes it's not better. Other times it's not cheaper. And occasionally, neither cheaper nor better.
* There are no "solopwnmobiles" in EVE. Everything you can fly blows up if it's shot hard enough.
* With enough skills and experience, ship size really doesn't matter all that much.

This is just getting ridiculous now...
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#12 - 2016-11-26 20:36:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Iria Ahrens
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
I was under the misconception that if you played hundreds of hours to get and fit a better ship and train skills you could then join a fleet and fight as a team (as in world of tanks).

This is a big misconception. In eve you can play for 2 hours (enough to complete the tutorial) then get in a better ships, and join a corporation and go fight in fleets. There is no need to play hundreds of hours.


I didn't know that this game could care less about new players and say it was our fault for undocking in the first place. I can understand being attacked in red or orange zones as there is fair warning but the game was not clear that the guardians will not protect you in highsec areas from veterans who troll.

You still haven't given us the name of your real character that got shot down. And we still have no reason to believe at this point you were trolled. People don't attack hyperions in HS unless they are a valid target. The fact that Concord DIDN'T come to your rescue tells us that you weren't ganked or trolled. You comitted an illegal action, so Concord didn't come. Concord only comes if you are "innocent."

This is all on you. Not veterans trolling.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Drifter Corporation
#13 - 2016-11-26 20:39:12 UTC
Maekchu wrote:
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
I was under the misconception that if you played hundreds of hours to get and fit a better ship and train skills you could then join a fleet and fight as a team (as in world of tanks).
I didn't know that this game could care less about new players and say it was our fault for undocking in the first place. I can understand being attacked in red or orange zones as there is fair warning but the game was not clear that the guardians will not protect you in highsec areas from veterans who troll.

8 Golden rules of EvE

Bigger is not always better

* More expensive stuff is not always better stuff.
* Slightly better stuff usually costs many times more than slightly worse stuff. Choose wisely.
* Tech-2 is usually cheaper and better, but harder to fit. Sometimes it's not better. Other times it's not cheaper. And occasionally, neither cheaper nor better.
* There are no "solopwnmobiles" in EVE. Everything you can fly blows up if it's shot hard enough.
* With enough skills and experience, ship size really doesn't matter all that much.

This is just getting ridiculous now...

Sorry I was too busy playing this game to read your 8 golden rules.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#14 - 2016-11-26 20:40:25 UTC
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
I was under the misconception that if you played hundreds of hours to get and fit a better ship and train skills you could then join a fleet and fight as a team (as in world of tanks).
I didn't know that this game could care less about new players and say it was our fault for undocking in the first place. I can understand being attacked in red or orange zones as there is fair warning but the game was not clear that the guardians will not protect you in highsec areas from veterans who troll.

CONCORD punish, not protect.

Could you answer the question about how your ship exploded please?
Were you at war?
Were you suspect?
Were you given a duel requests?

We can and will explain what we can and will do our best to put aside any miscommunications you might have
but you need to give us a little more context.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#15 - 2016-11-26 20:44:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Iria Ahrens
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
Maekchu wrote:

This is just getting ridiculous now...

Sorry I was too busy playing this game to read your 8 golden rules.

It is not His rules. They are the time honored rules that good veterans always pass down to newcommers so that they can enjoy the game of eve. You ignored the rules, did you enjoy the game? Play by the golden rules and you will find the game significantly more enjoyable.

This is NQ&A. We are here to help you. In eve the only way to be a victim is to cling to misconceptions and refuse to change your behavior. You have the power to change your eve experience.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Ice Fire Warriors
#16 - 2016-11-26 20:48:12 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
I was under the misconception that if you played hundreds of hours to get and fit a better ship and train skills you could then join a fleet and fight as a team (as in world of tanks).

This is not World of Tanks.

Forget what you have learned in other MMOs as 90% of the things you learned in them will not help you here.

There is no "best ship."
Bigger ships do not have a clear cut advantage against smaller ships. In fact, they have some disadvantages.
Your ship will not respawn. Ever.
Corporations tend to recruit you less on what you can fly and equip and more on your mentality.

STEREODOG Rules wrote:
I didn't know that this game could care less about new players

Oh... we care. We care a lot.

But we don't believe in "coddling" here. We believe in "teaching" and "trail by fire."

So upon request, we will provide you with a mountain of information, tips, advice, and sometimes even free stuff... but we expect you to use your own cunning to figure out how to apply said information.

STEREODOG Rules wrote:
I can understand being attacked in red or orange zones as there is fair warning but the game was not clear that the guardians will not protect you in highsec areas from veterans who troll.

There are no "guardians" in the game. At all.

The NPCs in high-sec are there for purely punitive reasons. A player's safety rests entirely upon his or her shoulders.

And with information and experience, you can increase your safety by a large margin (but it will never be absolute, because nothing in EVE ever is "absolute").
Drifter Corporation
#17 - 2016-11-26 20:52:55 UTC
Iria Ahrens wrote:
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
I was under the misconception that if you played hundreds of hours to get and fit a better ship and train skills you could then join a fleet and fight as a team (as in world of tanks).

This is a big misconception. In eve you can play for 2 hours (enough to complete the tutorial) then get in a better ships, and join a corporation and go fight in fleets. There is no need to play hundreds of hours.


I didn't know that this game could care less about new players and say it was our fault for undocking in the first place. I can understand being attacked in red or orange zones as there is fair warning but the game was not clear that the guardians will not protect you in highsec areas from veterans who troll.

You still haven't given us the name of your real character that got shot down. And we still have no reason to believe at this point you were trolled. People don't attack hyperions in HS unless they are a valid target. The fact that Concord DIDN'T come to your rescue tells us that you weren't ganked or trolled. You comitted an illegal action, so Concord didn't come. Concord only comes if you are "innocent."

This is all on you. Not veterans trolling.

My ingame name is the same as my avatar STEREODOG Rules
I was jumping through Kassigainen on auto pilot towards Jita to get a Large cap charger 2 for my Hyperion on 2106/11/26 18:23 when I was attacked and killed.
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#18 - 2016-11-26 20:56:20 UTC
By whom is the question.
NPC faction police?
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#19 - 2016-11-26 21:02:25 UTC
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
Iria Ahrens wrote:
STEREODOG Rules wrote:
I was under the misconception that if you played hundreds of hours to get and fit a better ship and train skills you could then join a fleet and fight as a team (as in world of tanks).

This is a big misconception. In eve you can play for 2 hours (enough to complete the tutorial) then get in a better ships, and join a corporation and go fight in fleets. There is no need to play hundreds of hours.


I didn't know that this game could care less about new players and say it was our fault for undocking in the first place. I can understand being attacked in red or orange zones as there is fair warning but the game was not clear that the guardians will not protect you in highsec areas from veterans who troll.

You still haven't given us the name of your real character that got shot down. And we still have no reason to believe at this point you were trolled. People don't attack hyperions in HS unless they are a valid target. The fact that Concord DIDN'T come to your rescue tells us that you weren't ganked or trolled. You comitted an illegal action, so Concord didn't come. Concord only comes if you are "innocent."

This is all on you. Not veterans trolling.

My ingame name is the same as my avatar STEREODOG Rules
I was jumping through Kassigainen on auto pilot towards Jita to get a Large cap charger 2 for my Hyperion on 2106/11/26 18:23 when I was attacked and killed.

zkill shows no hyperion loss at or near that time, meaning whoever killed you didn't post the kill. This is extremely unusual for hi-sec PvPers. However, NPCs dont post kills. Are you sure you weren't killed by CONCORD or faction police?

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#20 - 2016-11-26 21:04:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Iria Ahrens
zkillboard is only showing 3 ships and 3 pod kills in Kassigainen today, and nothing for a few days prior. Is it possible that the OP was somehow KOS to Caldari due to not being selective with missions? OP is Gallante, so doing Gallante missions could get him KOS to Caldari.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

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