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Game is really boring for me, help please.

Norb Nardie
#1 - 2016-11-24 09:31:28 UTC
Anyone have any ideas that can help me? I make 0 isk, last time I was ratting in a VNI i died, somone gave me another for free. Then once I didn't die and made SOME isk, it was looking bleak at only 10m an hour, doesn't help that if you tell people that people assume you're lying or not ratting right. I am ratting right, going to the little systems. Can anyone help me? My main issue is making isk, if I can do that it's like opening a door to do other stuff because I cant even buy a frigate or buy something to pvp without losing half my isk.
Lan Wang
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2016-11-24 09:37:50 UTC
i would maybe suggest joining a corp, a lot of alpha focussed corps will help you out with ships and and help you to make isk, 'Pancakes' seem to be a really good choice imo.

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Norb Nardie
#3 - 2016-11-24 09:45:38 UTC
Lan Wang wrote:
i would maybe suggest joining a corp, a lot of alpha focussed corps will help you out with ships and and help you to make isk, 'Pancakes' seem to be a really good choice imo.

im in one and nobody really does anything, how can I find a good corp? I've never stayed with a corp ever because I cant seem to ever actually do anything with them as you need a certain knowledge of the game or I was sold on the wrong idea of a corp when joining them.
BB Avalos
Multiplex Gaming
Tactical Narcotics Team
#4 - 2016-11-24 09:45:45 UTC
Norb Nardie wrote:
Anyone have any ideas that can help me? I make 0 isk, last time I was ratting in a VNI i died, somone gave me another for free. Then once I didn't die and made SOME isk, it was looking bleak at only 10m an hour, doesn't help that if you tell people that people assume you're lying or not ratting right. I am ratting right, going to the little systems. Can anyone help me? My main issue is making isk, if I can do that it's like opening a door to do other stuff because I cant even buy a frigate or buy something to pvp without losing half my isk.

I played this game for years solo, once I joined a corp with real people to talk to, the game changed FOREVER!

I would join a large block, there are many of them. All have new player corps. Don't waster another second!

Throw your body into the meat grinder!
Norb Nardie
#5 - 2016-11-24 09:48:04 UTC
BB Avalos wrote:
Norb Nardie wrote:
Anyone have any ideas that can help me? I make 0 isk, last time I was ratting in a VNI i died, somone gave me another for free. Then once I didn't die and made SOME isk, it was looking bleak at only 10m an hour, doesn't help that if you tell people that people assume you're lying or not ratting right. I am ratting right, going to the little systems. Can anyone help me? My main issue is making isk, if I can do that it's like opening a door to do other stuff because I cant even buy a frigate or buy something to pvp without losing half my isk.

I played this game for years solo, once I joined a corp with real people to talk to, the game changed FOREVER!

I would join a large block, there are many of them. All have new player corps. Don't waster another second!

Throw your body into the meat grinder!

Like i said im in one, and all the others i've joined never did anything.
Malcorath Sacerdos
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2016-11-24 09:57:27 UTC
join a corp with oog communikation ( like slack ) and a team speak server this way even if your not flying in fleet you will have dudes to talk to .

if the corp has a dedicated space they fly in ( f.i a corp that explisitly state that they fly in or near x constelation ) its even better.. then you know where they live and where to find folks to fleet with.

a corp that has madatory standing fleets is a good thing since that ensures that there will be folks to fly with and do **** with.

the one space where all of this is more or less guaranteed is WH space. altho wh takes some skill ( in and out of game ) but there are corps that take on newbros and train them up.

i would offer you to apply to the one im recruiting for but we have some minimum skills needed and wont take alpha clones ( mainly due to us still not being very large so we would be hard pressed to keep a newbro entertained if the pilot needs other to do that. )

fly safe m8
Norb Nardie
#7 - 2016-11-24 14:22:11 UTC
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote:
join a corp with oog communikation ( like slack ) and a team speak server this way even if your not flying in fleet you will have dudes to talk to .

if the corp has a dedicated space they fly in ( f.i a corp that explisitly state that they fly in or near x constelation ) its even better.. then you know where they live and where to find folks to fleet with.

a corp that has madatory standing fleets is a good thing since that ensures that there will be folks to fly with and do **** with.

the one space where all of this is more or less guaranteed is WH space. altho wh takes some skill ( in and out of game ) but there are corps that take on newbros and train them up.

i would offer you to apply to the one im recruiting for but we have some minimum skills needed and wont take alpha clones ( mainly due to us still not being very large so we would be hard pressed to keep a newbro entertained if the pilot needs other to do that. )

fly safe m8

im trying but nobody is accepting me
Gallente Citizen 1034965745
Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2016-11-24 14:51:53 UTC
try more?

As the other posters said, Eve changed completely when I joined my first 0.0 corp and made my first flight to my new home. I rarely ever went into high sec after that. The PvP eve is an entirely different game to PvE.... mind you I did quit for 9 years, but that was not due to boredom, I just could not bring myself to enjoy blowing up other people's stuff anymore.
Timmy Vortex
Kessel Run Industries
#9 - 2016-11-24 14:54:21 UTC
There is a corp somewhere that attracts newbies..and they are brave as well :P
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#10 - 2016-11-24 15:10:35 UTC
Norb Nardie wrote:
BB Avalos wrote:
Norb Nardie wrote:
Anyone have any ideas that can help me? I make 0 isk, last time I was ratting in a VNI i died, somone gave me another for free. Then once I didn't die and made SOME isk, it was looking bleak at only 10m an hour, doesn't help that if you tell people that people assume you're lying or not ratting right. I am ratting right, going to the little systems. Can anyone help me? My main issue is making isk, if I can do that it's like opening a door to do other stuff because I cant even buy a frigate or buy something to pvp without losing half my isk.

I played this game for years solo, once I joined a corp with real people to talk to, the game changed FOREVER!

I would join a large block, there are many of them. All have new player corps. Don't waster another second!

Throw your body into the meat grinder!

Like i said im in one, and all the others i've joined never did anything.

From the VNI ratting, it sounds like you're in a nullsec blob newb corp. The problem with those is it can be hard to build up a crew of people you actually know. Maybe try a smaller high sec corp for a while, say 30 or less members. People help each other out in those.
Carl Kowalski
#11 - 2016-11-24 15:22:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Carl Kowalski
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote:

i would offer you to apply to the one im recruiting for but we have some minimum skills needed and wont take alpha clones ( mainly due to us still not being very large so we would be hard pressed to keep a newbro entertained if the pilot needs other to do that. )

fly safe m8

... and that is the typical answer I got when I was looking for a corp in another live. The ad says "Do you want to be this pilot? One week old and tackeled a titan ... " (or whatever propaganda a corp might think is appropriate). And then you convo them, and a bored guy will tell you
- yes we did that, but not now. Maybe you ask in half a years time.
- yes, we have the mark "new player friendly" ticked, but that means we will take players in with ONLY half a year experience
- (insert your own answer here)

And then there are corps which will let you in. On your first play session you discover that this chatroom on the TS server with this bunch of relaxed guys you had your job interview with is all there is. Half a dozen guys in a chatroom minding their own busines, most of them docked. The only one in a ship is in Jita doing some trades. That's how a corp feels for me, because I have yet to discover something different.

In my opinion there is this crucial point in the evolution of a new player when you start looking for a corp. At this point you ether have luck, or you don't. Lucky players will stay, unliky players will leave.

So stop telling new players to join a corp. That's like telling someone "Become rich, because it's much better then beeing poor". That's not helpful. Tell them how to become rich! Tell them which corps are really good places for newbies. And especially which are good places for newbies now, and not in a distant glorious past.

Looking for assignment: have missiles, will travel ...

Forum Toon
#12 - 2016-11-24 17:24:19 UTC
quick question, what do you need the isk for?

as miner let's say you don't have much use for isk, as missioner once you got your ship you only need ammo and cap potions, as pvp'er you might need some ships.

which space you live at and what is your preferred activities.

ratting in VNI sounds like you live in nullsec in some "newbie friendly" pvp corp of some major alliance hunting rats for isk to fund ships from contracts.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2016-11-24 17:40:49 UTC
Norb Nardie wrote:
BB Avalos wrote:
Norb Nardie wrote:
Anyone have any ideas that can help me? I make 0 isk, last time I was ratting in a VNI i died, somone gave me another for free. Then once I didn't die and made SOME isk, it was looking bleak at only 10m an hour, doesn't help that if you tell people that people assume you're lying or not ratting right. I am ratting right, going to the little systems. Can anyone help me? My main issue is making isk, if I can do that it's like opening a door to do other stuff because I cant even buy a frigate or buy something to pvp without losing half my isk.

I played this game for years solo, once I joined a corp with real people to talk to, the game changed FOREVER!

I would join a large block, there are many of them. All have new player corps. Don't waster another second!

Throw your body into the meat grinder!

Like i said im in one, and all the others i've joined never did anything.

Yes, a corp with OOG comms is good, both a chat app and a voice comms app. That will indicate that the corporation is more likely to be active. Also look at to see if any corp you are thinking of joining is active. Check on time zones too. Groups that actively PvP tend to be more active than corps that don't, at least that has been my experience. Also, look for larger corporations as that will mean it is more likely people will be logged in.

As for making ISK...again a corporation will help here as well. The older players can give you advice on that front too.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#14 - 2016-11-24 21:59:06 UTC
Norb Nardie wrote:
Anyone have any ideas that can help me? I make 0 isk, last time I was ratting in a VNI i died, somone gave me another for free. Then once I didn't die and made SOME isk, it was looking bleak at only 10m an hour, doesn't help that if you tell people that people assume you're lying or not ratting right. I am ratting right, going to the little systems. Can anyone help me? My main issue is making isk, if I can do that it's like opening a door to do other stuff because I cant even buy a frigate or buy something to pvp without losing half my isk.

Your skills are probably not high enough to rat efficiently. To get the best ISK/tick you need a lot of SP invested in the ratting ship and it's weapon systems which will take a long time. Exploration has a much lower bar to entry before you can be making good ISK.

Also sounds like your corp is not geared towards PvP, or at least PvP that is suitable for newbies. I'd suggest joining a FW corp and use cheap frigates/destroyers instead of trying to make loads of ISK.
Vortexo VonBrenner
#15 - 2016-11-24 22:35:16 UTC
Norb Nardie wrote:

... how can I find a good corp?

Perhaps going to the 'new citizen's Q & A' section of these forums and reading the sticky 'finding a corp that's right for you' might help you.

Guardians of the Gate
RAZOR Alliance
#16 - 2016-11-24 23:01:05 UTC
Carl Kowalski wrote:
Malcorath Sacerdos wrote:

i would offer you to apply to the one im recruiting for but we have some minimum skills needed and wont take alpha clones ( mainly due to us still not being very large so we would be hard pressed to keep a newbro entertained if the pilot needs other to do that. )

fly safe m8

... and that is the typical answer I got when I was looking for a corp in another live. The ad says "Do you want to be this pilot? One week old and tackeled a titan ... " (or whatever propaganda a corp might think is appropriate). And then you convo them, and a bored guy will tell you
- yes we did that, but not now. Maybe you ask in half a years time.
- yes, we have the mark "new player friendly" ticked, but that means we will take players in with ONLY half a year experience
- (insert your own answer here)

And then there are corps which will let you in. On your first play session you discover that this chatroom on the TS server with this bunch of relaxed guys you had your job interview with is all there is. Half a dozen guys in a chatroom minding their own busines, most of them docked. The only one in a ship is in Jita doing some trades. That's how a corp feels for me, because I have yet to discover something different.

In my opinion there is this crucial point in the evolution of a new player when you start looking for a corp. At this point you ether have luck, or you don't. Lucky players will stay, unliky players will leave.

So stop telling new players to join a corp. That's like telling someone "Become rich, because it's much better then beeing poor". That's not helpful. Tell them how to become rich! Tell them which corps are really good places for newbies. And especially which are good places for newbies now, and not in a distant glorious past.

Bolded, italicized and underlined the important part.

This is very true of almost all things in life as well. Its not about what you know but about who you know and how far they can get you to where YOU want to go. And finding those people is literally like trying to find a single atom in the entire universe imo.

The main issue stopping it is ego and scamming. Everyone wants to be someone special and be building and doing the special snowflake stuff, yet we all know that that is hard to do even in real life. 90% of businesses fail within the first 5 years. Given Eves compressed time frame what are the chances that an eve business, a corporation, will last that long or grow into the next Walma...eerrr... Goons? The other is scamming. Everyone wants peons, F1 monkeys, taxable beneficiaries aka "kids", anyone to make it look like they are growing and have numbers and do stuff or to earn them income in some way shape or form.

In these senses Eve is like real life because its the same people as those outside our doors and in our houses and at our jobs and pubs that inhabit the gaming world. How many jobs do we apply for? How many do we get? How many do we want? Do they pay us enough? How long do we stay in them? When, in that line of jobs weve had, do we find our "career"?

These are all questions ironically people need to ask in Eve as well about corporations and that is too much time, effort and unfun as it can be in real life.

I wish you luck on your Eve "job" search.Blink

Have you heard anything I've said?

You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

That's right.

Had to end sometime.

Jenn aSide
Soul Machines
The Initiative.
#17 - 2016-11-25 00:20:33 UTC
Norb Nardie wrote:
Then once I didn't die and made SOME isk, it was looking bleak at only 10m an hour, doesn't help that if you tell people that people assume you're lying or not ratting right. I am ratting right, going to the little systems. Can anyone help me? My main issue is making isk, if I can do that it's like opening a door to do other stuff because I cant even buy a frigate or buy something to pvp without losing half my isk.

"I am ratting right".

No you aren't, and this can be seen because you are making 10 mil per hour. It sounds like your problem is that you aren't listening to more experienced players when they try to tell you what you need to do.
256th Shadow Wing
#18 - 2016-11-25 01:41:39 UTC
Norb Nardie wrote:
Anyone have any ideas that can help me? I make 0 isk, last time I was ratting in a VNI i died, somone gave me another for free. Then once I didn't die and made SOME isk, it was looking bleak at only 10m an hour, doesn't help that if you tell people that people assume you're lying or not ratting right. I am ratting right, going to the little systems. Can anyone help me? My main issue is making isk, if I can do that it's like opening a door to do other stuff because I cant even buy a frigate or buy something to pvp without losing half my isk.

Welcome to EVE. Try searching YouTube for videos on how to make isk. There are thousands of ways to make isk.
Anize Oramara
#19 - 2016-11-25 09:05:46 UTC
Eve isn't WoW (I play both). Eve is, more than any other game, what you make of it. What you get out of Eve is directly equal to how much effort you put in. This includes educating yourself, reading guides, watching youtube videos but also putting in huge amount of effort into the game itself and actually truly understanding the game and it's mechanics. Gaining in game experience on how the game works, what content is available, exploring *every* isk making mechanic to find the one you find enjoyable (not just bearable) is critical.

Find what you enjoy in eve and drop any and all preconceived notions of what the endgame is supposed to be. Joining a huge Corp and becoming an F1 monkey or ratting in Nullsec is *not* the be all and end all Eve endgame. If you enjoy large fleet fights or warping between the same 3 sites killing the same rats from the same spawns for hours on end (been there done that, wasn't that bad ;) ) then sure a big nullsec corp might be for you. If you just want an active coms but no PvP potential maybe start researching into incursions and become part of that community. If you like small corp stuff with PvP and lots of isk, maybe Wormholes is for you? There's also Low sec. Then there's the tons of different solo content. Trading or industry maybe? (spreadsheet woo!) or how about exploration? Solo PvP? Missions?

Apply some initiative! Eve isn't like WoW where everything gets delivered to you on a silver platter. Where you can log in, click a button and be in a dungeon or raid within 3 minutes. Eve requires a huge investment in time (at least initially) if you want to get the most out of it but in the end you can carve out your own little niche, make a name for yourself and actually make an impact in the game even if it is all by yourself.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Yarosara Ruil
#20 - 2016-11-25 11:34:59 UTC
Your problem is that you are convinced that sitting in a Vexor all day telling your drones to shoot triangles is a fun way to spend your time.

Spoiler Alert: It isn't!

People rat because they need the ISK for something else they enjoy doing. Some want to welp ships in glorious PvP, others want to gank hapless fools, a few want to get into industry or market trading and a few others want to shoot themselves with skill injectors or buy clothes for their Space Barbie.

The secret here is that, when people opt to rat, they have some sort of outside entertainment keeping their minds busy while ratting. Some chat with their corpmates, others watch netflix or play their favourite games on the side.

This game is only boring if you let it be, as it has plenty of exciting things to do. Within reason of course, because frankly, some weird people find industry, mining and even ratting inherently fun and that's perfectly fine for them!
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