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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Rant from a Newbie(with questions)

#1 - 2016-11-24 05:46:33 UTC
So I just want to ***** and cry a little....

I just had my ship and clone destroyed in less than a minute while trying to do Relic and Data sites in nullsec. This guy in a Stratios scanned down the site I was in, warped in, and raped me.

What I don't get is how come I didn't get any early warning? I kept spamming d-scan, but his probes were never on there.

I had TWO warp core stabs on, but still couldn't warp out. What are the odds of him having a point that would overcome all that? I thought very few people fly with such strong points?

Now I have to fly all the way back to Jita.. All over again, to refit, all over again... Logistics. This is probably the biggest annoyance of EVE. People suggest to just buy a ton of these disposable ships in a hub close to where I do my exploring, and this would make the logistics easier. But if I buy my stuff there, that's expensive! Jita is cheap.... So again, Logistics, logistics, logistics!

I don't know about you, but I think the reason why EVE makes me feel like **** is because I know I cannot do anything to that piece of **** that spoiled my day. There is no way for me to find him, and even if I found him, there's no way in hell I would be able to kill him.

Sure, there are locator agents(which I do not have standing for) and even if I did, there's the question of time, and money that I would have to spend on revenge... And off course there's also the skill that would be required to find and kill him, which I also do not have.

So I get to "enjoy" flying 35 jumps back to Jita and refitting my ship, and then flying all the way back to that secluded chunk of nullsec, while that other player, gets to go about his day, exploring, scanning sites, and generally just enjoying himself. He'll probably message his corpmates, and boast about the kill he got today on a stupid noob...

Thinking about that, makes me feel like crap.

*Carebear tears extracted*

Generic Corp Name
#2 - 2016-11-24 06:15:19 UTC
1. What d-scan settings (range and angle) do you currently have?

2. How many seconds between spam clicks?

3. Do you have both Core and Combat probes visible on your d-scan filters?

3. Consider that the Stratios may have probed out the site beforehand, made a bookmark, and just waited for you?

Now, onto the logistics of the situation. Buy bulk in Jita, move it all to the edge of highsec, or low/null - whichever you are comfortable with - and store it all there. I get the distinct impression you're only considering the two extremes: bulk buy in expensive null, and single buy in cheap Jita, and nothing in between.

Yes, it's once more a logistics problem, but a T1 hauler will do most of that for you.

Also, please don't use the r-word. That's inappropriate.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#3 - 2016-11-24 06:30:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Iria Ahrens
Well, the first thing you need to do is stop being upset. When a person is emotional, they are not thinking clearly. You are thinking about the problem not the solution.

First is rule #1 Don't fly what you can't afford to replace. It's rule #1 for a reason. So you can avoid being emotionally vested in your ship when it blows up. Afford isn't just a matter of isk. If the time it takes to replace a ship is unreasonable or inconvenient then #1 applies. You need to make ship replacement convenient wherever you decide to live.

Second, your a newbie. The first thing you have to understand about pvp is most people only attack if they believe they can win, so if someone attacks you, assume you're going to lose and gtfo.

Third, stratios could have previously probed the site, spamming dscan isn't a guarantee, it just helps. Bumping will also keep you stuck in place.

As said above.

Fourth, Buy in bulk. make a contract for someone to move all your stuff to your staging area. Be sure to set the collateral high or they will just take your stuff. Some corps operate 60 jumps from jita, it's all about being prepared.

Fifth, Learn your lesson and move on. Don't fret about what other people think. 2 years from now no one will remember this loss but you, and zkillboard. But everyone all newbies are cut some slack.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

#4 - 2016-11-24 06:31:18 UTC
Your d-scan wont help you against a ship that can warp cloaked. If he got the timing right, you got 3s to get into warp before he got a lock on you after showing up on your overview. Fitting two scrams to hunt cov-ops is a must because WCS are very commonly found on exploration frigs. Fitting i-stabs is the better option then spamming d-scan and betting on WCS.

Tortillina wrote:
So I get to "enjoy" flying 35 jumps back to Jita and refitting my ship, and then flying all the way back to that secluded chunk of nullsec, while that other player, gets to go about his day, exploring, scanning sites, and generally just enjoying himself. He'll probably message his corpmates, and boast about the kill he got today on a stupid noob...

Your opponent seams to have solved all the problems they you still got. How you considered to ask him how he did that?

Tortillina wrote:

Thinking about that, makes me feel like crap.

If you spend less time on insulting players who will read your rant with joy you may be able to change that.

If you take all the sand out of the box, only the cat poo will remain.

Ice Fire Warriors
#5 - 2016-11-24 06:55:37 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Okay... so... let's break this down.

Tortillina wrote:
I just had my ship and clone destroyed in less than a minute while trying to do Relic and Data sites in nullsec. This guy in a Stratios scanned down the site I was in, warped in, and raped me.

What I don't get is how come I didn't get any early warning? I kept spamming d-scan, but his probes were never on there.

A Stratios is a ship can can fit a Covert-Ops cloak.

The thing about cloaks in EVE is that there is no way detect them.

However... the tradeoff with using such a cloaking device is that...
- a cloaked ship cannot perform any action until after decloaking
- a ship that is decloaking has a 5 second targeting penalty (see: decloaking ships can't target you for 5 seconds)
- ships that can use a Cov-Ops cloaking device are generally pre-nerfed and unable to handle straight combat against a non-cloaking combat vessel (exceptions apply)

As for probes... there are some ways to scan down a person without bringing the probes close enough to be detected by D-scan.
It is hard and does require some specialized hardware... but it is possible.

Tortillina wrote:
I had TWO warp core stabs on, but still couldn't warp out. What are the odds of him having a point that would overcome all that? I thought very few people fly with such strong points?

Specialized hunters that are looking for explorers, such as yourself, will generally fit enough warp disruption capabilities to counter, at minimum, +2 warp strength.

For reference:

All ships have +1 warp strength by default.
Having 0 or less warp strength will disable your warp drive.

Warp Disruptors apply -1 warp strength.
Warp Scramblers apply -2 warp strength AND disable Microwarpdrives and Microjumpdrives.
Faction (see: VERY expensive) Warp Disruptors and Warp Scramblers apply -2 or more warp disruption strength.

There are no limits on how many Warp Disruptors and/or Warp Scramblers a ship can fit.
You can even fit both.

Tortillina wrote:
Now I have to fly all the way back to Jita.. All over again, to refit, all over again... Logistics. This is probably the biggest annoyance of EVE. People suggest to just buy a ton of these disposable ships in a hub close to where I do my exploring, and this would make the logistics easier. But if I buy my stuff there, that's expensive! Jita is cheap.... So again, Logistics, logistics, logistics!

The game is a multi-faceted PvP game.

Industry, logistics, bases... they all factor in to what you do and how you do it.

This is why many of of us recommend you join up with other players... or even established players groups... as soon as possible. They can help you move things, perform tasks, or even defend yourself.

Moreover... you can always buy from Jita and move your stuff (either yourself or with the help of others) to a location you base out of.
This is a very common thing for people who want to base in a place far from Trade Hubs or the safety of High-sec.

It is not without risk though. Be careful when moving any amount of stuff through space as the value of the items may be worthwhile enough to attack.

Tortillina wrote:
I don't know about you, but I think the reason why EVE makes me feel like **** is because I know I cannot do anything to that piece of **** that spoiled my day. There is no way for me to find him, and even if I found him, there's no way in hell I would be able to kill him.

Revenge is a dish best served cold.

Take names down now... build yourself up... gain allies.

This game is more about **process** than reactive "IMMA GONNA GETCHU BOI!!!"

I, myself, was scammed for a couple million ISK when I was a nubbin. It took a few years, but I eventually stumbled upon the guy who did it while on Teamspeak... which just so happened to belong to an alliance I was a part of... which happened to be owned by a corporation I was in... which I happened to be one of the directors of.

Needless to say, I allowed the guy to join the alliance and proceeded to make his stay with us rather... uncomfortable. Twisted

Tortillina wrote:
that other player, gets to go about his day, exploring, scanning sites, and generally just enjoying himself. He'll probably message his corpmates, and boast about the kill he got today on a stupid noob...

Being a hunter myself, the guy will more realistically be thinking, "ho hum... another under the belt" and then go about finding another person to blow up.

It is nothing personal. The guy wan't out to get YOU... you simply happened to be there and presented an inviting target. Nothing more.

What you can do is start a conversation with your killer. Find out how he found you and what things you can do stay safe. More often than not, you will be given a massive amount of advice.

Hell... if he likes you he may even recruit you to join him.
Trevor Dalech
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#6 - 2016-11-24 07:04:23 UTC
You got one huge early warning. He was in local.

I hunt explorers a lot, I'll typically have all data/relic sites bookmarked in about a dozen systems, and patrol those until I spot someone hacking.

Most smart explorers will only be decloaked when local is empty, and will cloak up the moment I enter local. (Yes, this includes deliberately failing the can...) Paranoia pays off.

As people have pointed about above, warp core stabs don't help a lot. Anyone hunting explorers will fit two scrams. Even casual passerby's may have a second scram in their hold, dock up and fit it if they spot someone hacking. Instead you want to be able to align as quickly as possible. Cloaky ships have a 5 second delay before they can even begin targeting you, and then still need a few seconds to actually get a lock. That is plenty of time to get out, assuming you keep an eye on local, overview and d-scan and are not hyper focussed on the hacking game.

As for the logistics, I would recommend basing out of high or low sec, and using wormholes to travel to null sec. You avoid all the gate camps, and typically end up in quite deserted regions. Once you've filled your hold, you take the same WH back, or scan out a new route if it's collapsed.
Bienator II
madmen of the skies
#7 - 2016-11-24 07:24:14 UTC
fitting new ships is actually not so bad if you save your fitting. If you have the items already it is literally one button click and a new ship is fit. If you don't have the items you can just buy the entire fit via multibuy.

Even if you forgot to save the fitting you can still save it directly from the lossmail (keep in mind that a few things might be missing if you do that).

I myself never fit up multiple ships of the same kind, i simply have common items i use ready and can fit ships on demand. Since moving items and packaged ships is MUCH easier than moving several fitted ships.

how to fix eve: 1) remove ECM 2) rename dampeners to ECM 3) add new anti-drone ewar for caldari 4) give offgrid boosters ongrid combat value

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#8 - 2016-11-24 07:37:10 UTC
Trevor Dalech wrote:
Paranoia pays off.

There is no paranoia in EVE. They really are out to get you.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Ice Fire Warriors
#9 - 2016-11-24 07:39:42 UTC  |  Edited by: ShahFluffers
Malcanis wrote:
Trevor Dalech wrote:
Paranoia pays off.

There is no paranoia in EVE. They really are out to get you.

dun nuh.... dun nuh... dun nuh, nuh nah, nuh nah, nuh nah, nuh nah, nuh nah, nuh nah, nuh nah....duuuuuuNUUUAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH...
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#10 - 2016-11-24 09:35:35 UTC
Another option is to join a Nullsec alliance. That way you will know who is friend or foe and can cloak up the instant a "red" appears in system and may get a warning while they are still a few jumps away depending on the intel your alliance provides. You will also be able to shop at the local market or use the jump freighter service to bring in supplies.

You can also support your alliance by bookmarking wormholes and make some ISK selling bookmarks to high level combat sites.
Baldy McNoHair
State War Academy
Caldari State
#11 - 2016-11-24 10:13:40 UTC
Why were in the site in the first place, when you could clearly see a neutral/presumed hostile person in local chat ? protip: warp out, safespot, cloak if able - if not, bounce between safespots every few seconds.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2016-11-24 11:53:41 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Trevor Dalech wrote:
Paranoia pays off.

There is no paranoia in EVE. They really are out to get you.

This is probably the truest words you will see in any section of these forums. You are not paranoid if everyone really is out to get you. If you don't believe me then ask Loyd

Tortillina wrote:

Now I have to fly all the way back to Jita.. All over again, to refit, all over again... Logistics. This is probably the biggest annoyance of EVE. People suggest to just buy a ton of these disposable ships in a hub close to where I do my exploring, and this would make the logistics easier. But if I buy my stuff there, that's expensive! Jita is cheap.... So again, Logistics, logistics, logistics!

I make over a Million isk per minute when running anoms in null sec. It it not worth it to spend all night long traveling to far off hubs just because you can get something a little cheaper. If you want to spend all nigh long saving pennies when you could be making dollars that is your deal. There is a trade hub closer to you. A single digit savings on stuff certainly isn't worth wasting a lot of time over.

My take on this is that you need to take a step back and figure out what it is that you enjoy doing and focus on that. Don't waste time shopping around for the cheapest stuff if you don't enjoy doing that. Spend more time doing what you like and make isk doing that.

As pointed out by other players people hunt explorers. It is a very very common activity in Eve. If you are exploring in null or low sec it is safe to assume that everyone in local is trying to kill you.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2016-11-24 12:21:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Tipa Riot
ShahFluffers wrote:

As for probes... there are some ways to scan down a person without bringing the probes close enough to be detected by D-scan.
It is hard and does require some specialized hardware... but it is possible.

Shocked I know a couple of tricks around probing, but this one is new to me, mind sharing how to pull that off legally?

If you are good and put the effort in, you can probe someone down while having the probes below 14 AU for only the seconds of the actual scan run, but I don't know of a way to make that time zero and still get a 100% hit.

I'm my own NPC alt.

Fatima Foont
#14 - 2016-11-24 17:14:09 UTC
If you don't know what you are doing you will die in null. Real simple. The game does not need to change. You have to earn the right to get the best rewards.

You screwed up and hopefully learned.

I was hunting in a WH the other a Stratios.........saw a Heron in a relic site. Warped in 80km out. Was not in the mood, so just slow boated towards the Heron hoping for a good scare. Pilot obviously was not D-scanning. So at 5km....I locked and blew her up. Terrible fit as expected.

Had a nice chat with some tips and sent her some isk.

She had no biz being in a WH with her lack of experience. I have blown up countless times while scanning/hacking and every time I learned something.
Jagd Wilde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2016-11-24 21:25:49 UTC
The problem is EVE is PVP and you were doing something a bot could be programmed to do. See latest 'content' patch where npc's mine, and defend themselves, better than most carebears.

Every alt I own has a red safety, this has brought my friends much laughter.

Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#16 - 2016-11-25 13:07:23 UTC
No one picked up that the OP claims to be a newbie, but doesnt talk like one. Uses terms that a more experienced Eve player would use, not a newbie. I smell a troll.
#17 - 2016-11-26 14:07:36 UTC
Tortillina wrote:
So I just want to ***** and cry a little....

I just had my ship and clone destroyed in less than a minute while trying to do Relic and Data sites in nullsec. This guy in a Stratios scanned down the site I was in, warped in, and raped me.

What I don't get is how come I didn't get any early warning? I kept spamming d-scan, but his probes were never on there.

I had TWO warp core stabs on, but still couldn't warp out. What are the odds of him having a point that would overcome all that? I thought very few people fly with such strong points?

Now I have to fly all the way back to Jita.. All over again, to refit, all over again... Logistics. This is probably the biggest annoyance of EVE. People suggest to just buy a ton of these disposable ships in a hub close to where I do my exploring, and this would make the logistics easier. But if I buy my stuff there, that's expensive! Jita is cheap.... So again, Logistics, logistics, logistics!

I don't know about you, but I think the reason why EVE makes me feel like **** is because I know I cannot do anything to that piece of **** that spoiled my day. There is no way for me to find him, and even if I found him, there's no way in hell I would be able to kill him.

Sure, there are locator agents(which I do not have standing for) and even if I did, there's the question of time, and money that I would have to spend on revenge... And off course there's also the skill that would be required to find and kill him, which I also do not have.

So I get to "enjoy" flying 35 jumps back to Jita and refitting my ship, and then flying all the way back to that secluded chunk of nullsec, while that other player, gets to go about his day, exploring, scanning sites, and generally just enjoying himself. He'll probably message his corpmates, and boast about the kill he got today on a stupid noob...

Thinking about that, makes me feel like crap.

*Carebear tears extracted*


you'll figure it out, welcome to eve! 😆
Ailish Drake
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#18 - 2016-11-27 05:49:43 UTC
I feel your pain, my ship was blown up by this very polite guy:

Mining in wormholes
From: Capcan
Sent: 2016.11.26 23:27
To: WDS Delivery Receipts, Ailish Drake,

Dear Ailish Drake

I am writing to you to confirm the delivery of one volley of Caldari Navy Scourge Torpedo directly to your hull at your address in J141332.

This is the delivery details:
Kill: Ailish Drake (Venture)

As mining in wormholes can turn out utterly dangerous I really appreciate your order of our finest torpedoes. I hope you will feel a little bit safer from now on.

As for your convinience I upgraded you to VIP costumer which include my HiH (Home in a Hurry) service. I hope you got back to your home station effortless and in a brand new medical clone.

Kill: Ailish Drake (Capsule)

You are also qualified for our newbro encouragement program and as such you will receive funds to replace your Venture and hopefully continue mining the ores of New Eden. Please reffer to your wallet for details.

The delivery agents at WiNGSPAN Delivery Services are always on our toes to satisfy our customers. Please do not hessitate to poke me or our help desk if you have enquiries or questions of any kind. We're not happy until you're content.

Best redagrds.

Delivery agent

WiNGSPAN Delivery Services

It took me like 10 hours of mining for the ISK necessary to fit my Venture in order to try Gas Cloud Harvesting, and it took to this guy like 20 seconds to erase from space. But c'mon it's just the way it is, the risk it's always there and I really love this fact.

The refund was 2M ISK, not enough to buy everything that I lost.

I love this game Big smile

General Vasheir Gonzales
Leukos Psephos
#19 - 2016-11-27 06:17:41 UTC
Roenok Baalnorn wrote:
No one picked up that the OP claims to be a newbie, but doesnt talk like one. Uses terms that a more experienced Eve player would use, not a newbie. I smell a troll.

Thought I was the only one who noticed.

I'm rather the newb and no clue what all this scanning business is about, but I like where someone is making a million ISK a minute. I must learn more....

Founder & CEO of Leukos Psephos

Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#20 - 2016-11-27 06:23:44 UTC
This is NQ&A not GD. We give people the benefit of the doubt. Besides, a lot of people get a little bit of knowledge, and it only makes things worse for themselves.

Yes we get trolled sometimes, but the answers we give are for the benefit of all newbies reading the thread, not just for the benefit of the OP. There may be another newbie that isn't a troll reading this thread thinking, "That happened to me too!"

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

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