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What are the Marauders used for?

Nubia Iskalder
Nobody Fears Our Rage
#1 - 2016-11-22 12:07:59 UTC
Hello everyone! o/

I'm back on EvE after two years with some buddies, and I'm rediscovering the joys of this wonderful game. I've been playing for a while with some breaks here and there, but I don't consider myself as an experienced player, so my knowledge is limited.

Since doing mission is what I like the most, I'm currently having a blast doing L4 Missions in hi-sec, flying my Tempest Autocannons, enjoying more and more this PvE Battleship gameplay. :)

This get me to consider the option of flying a Marauder, especially a Vargur, on the (very?) long run... Because...why not? After all, i like flying Battleships, and I love Minmatar ships as well (especially the Tempest/Vargur hull).

But before doing anything, I'm wondering what are the Marauder's used for? What tasks/roles are they good at? Given their stats, bonuses, huge price, and overall gameplay (at least from what I understand), there seem to be overall better options/ships to fly out there.
That being said, I see sometimes Marauders in space, so people are flying them, meaning they are good at something, right? Like you know...they seem insanely expensive for what they seem to do.

Most of the documentation and topics I find on those are either 2 to 4 years old at least, or simply doesn't really answer my questions.

On the paper, I feel like Marauders could fit my play style (Deploy bastion mode > F1 PewPew on targets at range > go back in "normal" mode > MJD to new location > Deploy > Repeat sequence until the dust has settled).
But I'd like to know better about them before investing the time and ISK in skills and fitting to fly one properly.

PS : I didn't know where to post this topic between here and general discussion, so I posted it here since it's about a ship category. Please excuse me if it's the wrong section.
Soel Reit
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2016-11-22 12:28:16 UTC
they fly marauders for the same reason you want one: why not?
nothing else to add.

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#3 - 2016-11-22 12:35:08 UTC
Missions predominantly, high-end DED and wormhole sites also.

They're bag of tricks is basically
#1 : Facetanking Jesus Christ himself.
#2 : Damage projection and application.
#3 : Salvaging/looting while doing the above mentioned.

They all have some PvP niche's but the vague and golem have the added bonus of being able to fight and tank
While being capped out.

Definitely worth looking into, fantastic ships.
Zan Shiro
#4 - 2016-11-22 16:11:01 UTC
Marauders main bene over other BS options for PVE is besides the upfront cost of course...can be very cheap long term. They can by and large be t2 fit and be more than fine. Fit depending your non marudarers once shined up....about the same as a maruader or maybe a few hundred mil shy really.

Talking tank, damage mods, etc. Some pirates for example have grid issues not running shinies. You won't see that on marauder most likely. I didn't on golem or kronos (rail and blaster).

Because of this it can lower you on gank radars a bit. With t2 fits common....they may ask if this is worth it before they leap. Not 100% protection....but unless you really pissed some people off chances are better they may not pop you to walk away with a whopping load of say 8 pieces of t2 gear from your wreck.

Just be wary of DC's.....disconnects can make things interesting with marauders. Log in ASAP after. Bastion will cycle off, you won't get the emergency warp off (assuming still in bastion at time of DC) so you want to be back in fast as hell to fire up the bastion boosted tank.
TransMine Group
Gluten Free Cartel
#5 - 2016-11-22 16:33:25 UTC
What Ralph wrote.

Add to this the Micro Jump Drive bonus giving them quite decent mobility plus your-momma-sized cargo bay so you can haul with you all the junk you need.

For missions they are ultimate pwnmobiles. I've been flying Kronos (my fav.), Vargur and Paladin and they all shred everything. Assuming you have trained all support skills, hope it goes without saying.
Fatima Foont
#6 - 2016-11-22 17:49:01 UTC
Marauders are a PVE ship for level 4 missions.
Thaddeus Brutor
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7 - 2016-11-22 19:54:15 UTC
I use my marauder for L4s also (Paladin).

1. Warp in.
2. Deploy Bastion & Mobile Tractor Unit.
3. Kill little stuff off if needed, then deploy Salvage Drones.
4. Kill everything else while my salvage drones and MTU clean the field at the same time.
5. Scoop drones/MTU and move on to next pocket.
Derath Ellecon
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2016-11-22 20:00:12 UTC
There are also some amazing solo PVP marauder action, but they all have bigger balls than me.
Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#9 - 2016-11-22 20:17:24 UTC
I fly all 4, my fav by far is the golem. a bonus other than high resist and double rep power in bastion mode, also uses 1/2 for golem/kronos/ paladin I just use multi freq and melt everything with a 90km optimal

Vargur/Paladin/Kronos-mostly rather tanked esp the paladin = lazy mode and still fast
-warp into mission
-deploy mtu
-murder small things
-mjd back to mtu
-deply salvage drones
-murder everything with bastion mode -easy tank
-scoop loot/drones and move on

Golem- lol what's a tank with fury cruise missiles and tank consisting of 1 xl booster, 2 invul and 3 faction target painter
-warp in
-deploy mtu
-deploy drones (I have 3 drone augs in highs)
-MDK everything- I 1 hit nearly everything short of battleships.....on avg they last 3 hits
-mjd to mtu, take loot/drones and leave.....may have to wait for drones to finish as I kill faster than they can work

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Anize Oramara
#10 - 2016-11-23 08:15:44 UTC
Marauders are the best at the clear all + salvage solo gameplay. Vargur and Golem (and to a lesser degree Paladin) especially is well suited to this due to selectable damage type, decent application and great tanking. Since Marauders can get away with only 1 or 2 T2 tanking mods for any mission they can equip an insane amount of application and range modules (TCs, MGCs, BCs, TEs, Gyros, etc.)

However clear all + salvage is not the best way to run missions if your aim is to be the most profitable. IIRC my extensive testing showed that kind of playstyle to be about half as profitable as blitzing. This was some time ago though so the price of salvage might have changed but I doubt it. If you don't care about faction standings you could potentially make decent coin from missions that drop tags using the Marauder to loot / salvage while killing. Never tested that.

That said I do currently use my Vargur for blitzing a specific Lv4 mission using Polarized guns. Polarized guns is definitely a niche where most other ships can't really compete but it's relatively situational when and if you want to run Polarized guns.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Khan Wrenth
Amarr Empire
#11 - 2016-11-23 11:24:32 UTC
There's a lot of good answers here.

One thing I would recommend against, is using MTU. There are players that enjoy harassing mission runners by probing them, warping in, stealing the mission-vital loot, and holding it hostage for a lot of isk. And that is perfectly legitimate gameplay. However, MTU's can be probed down...if you are like me and keep an eye on d-scan, you see probes and immediately go to warp out. If you leave the MTU behind, they can still probe it down and steal out your mission loot without you even being there. Of course, you could stay on top of that MTU the entire time and take it with you, but you WILL create wrecks a heck of a lot faster than it can grapple them. So, you'll probably end up waiting for it to finish pulling room debris in and that's going to be boring.

Instead, I recommend that you bookmark any room with sufficient loot to be worth your time, then return later in a salvaging ship. You can still use an MTU with a Noctis, and it even comes highly recommended as a very efficient pairing.

On bastion - I'm someone who marauders a lot. And I have Comcast internet. I get "comcasted" a lot. And as others mentioned, you *don't* want to be mid-bastion when your internet goes out, because then you can't e-warp. By the time you log back in, you might have wreckage surrounding your capsule where you once had a mighty ship. If you mission smartly, manage triggers and all that, you'll never need bastion anyway. I've flown every level 4 mission they have that pits you against pirate enemies, and there's no reason to bastion other than deflecting some EWAR if you really must.

Bastion provides EWAR immunity (useful for jams) and boosts your rep through rep bonuses and slightly increased resists when active. If you're not under heavy EWAR and your reps are holding fine (and they should be, you're missioning smartly, right?), then there's no reason to ever activate Bastion (sometimes I do so on the test server because the animations are pretty). You also get a pittance of extra optimal/falloff range, but it's highly unnecessary. The extra optimal only covers a few kilometers at best, and you can make up the difference by just flying closer to the enemy. The risk associated with 60 seconds of immobilization from bastion is really, really not worth the few extra kilometers of optimal, which is then the only benefit you really get from bastion-ing. Active flying achieves the same thing with much less risk.

So my advice to pilots new to marauders is first, "are you sure you don't want a cheaper hull?", followed by "really get to know your ships, and treat bastion as an *OH-SH__* button; avoid using it and certainly avoid becoming dependent upon it".

I will now direct your attention to another thread about marauders. A lot of good advice was also dispensed there, including a few long posts by yours truly. However, people came forward to disagree with my assertions on the Kronos, and I admit it's worth listening to their ideas on it. So, when you get to my post, ignore the bit on the Kronos and absorb the rest of it.
March rabbit
Gallente Federation
#12 - 2016-11-23 11:42:10 UTC
Why Marauder when you have Rattlesnake? What?
Since CCP changed Rattle to missile+drones i used my Kronos only once.

The usage is the same:
- warp to mission
- MJD to mid-point to the next gate
- cruise+sentry drones - kill anything small/fast/dangerous
- MJD to outgates
- kill remaining stuff
- when MJD cooldown finishes, jump the gates

Yes, with marauder you get looting+salvaging. But does it really worth it?

The Mittani: "the inappropriate drunked joke"

Avenger Mercenaries
VOID Intergalactic Forces
#13 - 2016-11-23 11:52:56 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Why Marauder when you have Rattlesnake? What?
Since CCP changed Rattle to missile+drones i used my Kronos only once.

The usage is the same:
- warp to mission
- MJD to mid-point to the next gate
- cruise+sentry drones - kill anything small/fast/dangerous
- MJD to outgates
- kill remaining stuff
- when MJD cooldown finishes, jump the gates

Yes, with marauder you get looting+salvaging. But does it really worth it?

yes salvaging and looting is very worth it on a number of my missions I add atleast 20m to and upwards of 70m for some missions, plus several of the missions have a chance for rare loot, for one mission I have gotten a 70m implant several times now on a mission many don't bother with

"Sarcasm is the Recourse of a weak mind." -Dr. Smith

Inir Ishtori
Caldari State
#14 - 2016-11-23 16:55:45 UTC
March rabbit wrote:
Why Marauder when you have Rattlesnake? What?
Since CCP changed Rattle to missile+drones i used my Kronos only once.

The usage is the same:
- warp to mission
- MJD to mid-point to the next gate
- cruise+sentry drones - kill anything small/fast/dangerous
- MJD to outgates
- kill remaining stuff
- when MJD cooldown finishes, jump the gates

Yes, with marauder you get looting+salvaging. But does it really worth it?

One thing that wasn't mentioned so far is the extreme resistance against all forms of electronic warfare. In my opinion this is the most outstanding advantage of the bastion module.

Paladin and, i guess, Golem can also blitz certain missions by selectively killing just the proper group at range and scooping cans with a 48 km tractor beam very comfortably.
Both Golem and Paladin can easily use the same MJD tactics you mentioned. Sometimes faster.

Looting and salvaging is in my opinion only viable for short range marauders like Vargur and Kronos, when you use MTU and salvaging drones in addition to salvagers and tractor beams on your ship. There is great variation on how much you'll earn with looting but in general when a mission nets you around 20 mil and you salvage between 1-2 million with another 2 million in modules - just by casually dropping MTU and salvage drones during the mission - it adds up in the long run.

I also always wondered about the mission completion speed of Rattlesnakes. They get praise often, but rarely does someone tell how long it takes for standard missions like Worlds Collide, The Blockade, The Assault, Dread Pirate Scarlet etc.
Noemi Nagano
Caldari State
#15 - 2016-11-23 17:28:56 UTC
Inir Ishtori wrote:
[quote=March rabbit]Why Marauder when you have Rattlesnake? What?

I also always wondered about the mission completion speed of Rattlesnakes. They get praise often, but rarely does someone tell how long it takes for standard missions like Worlds Collide, The Blockade, The Assault, Dread Pirate Scarlet etc.

I do not have mission completion times for you in a RS for those missions, but I assume the fastest way to do Dread Pirate Scarlet and also the Gurista version of Assault is neither in a Marauder nor a RS :) For Blockade l4 any non Marauder has issues with the TDs, and in Worlds Collide drone aggro can be annoying.

Apart from that, in my experience its very easy to do missions quite fast in a Golem (I use it most of my 4 Marauders, easy and convenient), but a RS is also doing fine. I should really try to log my missions a bit more, efficiency is not a bad thing.
Kerensky Initiatives
#16 - 2016-11-23 18:46:34 UTC
Marauders are used to maraud.

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

#17 - 2016-11-23 20:55:51 UTC
Marauders can be used for running up to Class 5 wormhole sites solo.
Andrew Indy
Cleaning Crew
#18 - 2016-11-24 04:37:12 UTC
TomyLobo wrote:
Marauders can be used for running up to Class 5 wormhole sites solo.

Yeah, C4s marauders are faster than almost any other non cap.

C5s they are the only thing that can solo as far as im aware.

PS the Pally is the best for C4s and most likely C5 maybe as well (Golem has more tank and more DPS at very long ranges so it may be close).