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EVE Online: Ascension - General feedback (PC)

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#161 - 2016-11-15 17:47:54 UTC
Nice update so far, but please return or toggle the old voice, it was smooth, this one is curt and sharp, never mind annoying.
Mr Grape Drink
#162 - 2016-11-15 17:47:56 UTC
Im looking at Elite Drone AI on the market on Eve Central. I see about 5000 selling. With the Excavators taking 50 per drone, that means if someone were to buy the entire market as shown, they would only be able to produce 100 drones. Now assuming each Rorq pilot has a set of ore and ice drones, you're looking at 10 drones per Rorq, which means 10 pilots will be able to fully fit up their Rorqs with all the AI on the market. Do you see this as an issue? Is the supply going to be able to meet the demand so that a person isnt going to have to drop 6 bil to have a set of ice and ore excavators? I was all for going out and playing with the rorq in belt, but having to go 9 bil for ship + drones and having to sit sieged in belts doesn't sound very smart.
#163 - 2016-11-15 17:57:04 UTC
If CCP is interested I can hook them up with a voice actress thats even better than the original aura.

Though, The current new voice is mostly annoying for some (a lot) players due to the speed she talks with almost no pause between words in some of the sound files.
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#164 - 2016-11-15 17:58:17 UTC
I agree on the voice issues. Like the old way of speeding things up makes everything chipmunk. Stop it. Use the original. There is nothing wrong with it.

As for the skill screen...this no longer has an ease of information provided. You have to look for everything, and as you have to scroll downwards, it is more of a faff. Nice idea, but incompetently implemented. Also, you end up having to take up half the screen to use it. This is not helpful.

Stop redesigning useful things badly to make them not as useful. See map, scanning, overview icons for reference.

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#165 - 2016-11-15 17:59:01 UTC  |  Edited by: d'hofren
I have to agree with those who dislike the new Aura voice. The old aura sounded disconnected and at times full of disdain for you. It worked in eve's dystopian, bleak backstory.

The new Aura sounds like the receptionist at work.

Get creative with the audio filters, maybe a little static?
Forging Industries
Silent Infinity
#166 - 2016-11-15 17:59:33 UTC
I think the problem with the 2 factor email could be that there is a huge influx of emails going out and some ISPs might start blocking them because there is a huge difference in volume all of a sudden.

I work at an ISP and I knew this was coming so I am watching my in coming email from CCP and making sure it is not being dropped. There are also limits set to accept only so much email from a sender as well so for the next few days this is going to be a mess.

There are automatic systems for anti-spam that might start flagging these emails if it sees a big jump in volume. I have been testing out all of my accounts and even very old 2006 accounts that I even forgot about and was able to access them again because of the 2 factor. I didn't know what the character names were on them and didn't realize I actually had these still.

The 2 factor is to allow people to login and not know what their character name is. i get it, it was forced on for a reason. Having 8 accounts linked to 1 email address seems kind of stupid to have to auth all 8 of them though.

Just a heads up on the email since I know this is going to be an issue for sure.
Adrager Amatin
Explorers' Sanctum
The Ancients.
#167 - 2016-11-15 18:02:02 UTC
Pubicbeard Jovakko wrote:
Two things i very much dislikeSad:

1. the changes to aura's voice "warp drive active" or "docking in progress" etc, her new voice sounds rather annoying and its getting on my nerves.
And no its not because im to used to the old one, i presented the old and new voices to some friends who dont play eve, 3 out 4 chose the old voice because and i quote: it reminds me abit of the voice from the nano suit in crysis but only female.

2. The character sheet , although it looks nice i much MUCH prefer the old character sheet since things weren't put in tabs to access what you want. the skill tab looks nice aswell and you can see what you haven't trained yet with skill books, but either im blind but i dont see a option to have a separate tab to see your skill queue since i much prefer a dedicated window for that.

Me and allot of other people would be very grateful if you give us the option to use the old aura voice, i can understand if you dont have the same voice actor and unless there are dialogues that need voice acting apart from the new tutorial mission, i dont see why we dont have this option.

other then that i havent seen anything else (yet) i would like to see changed or simply reverted.

Good job on the art department i love the new explosions and the animated wrecks, although i think thats where it ends.

Yes I failed to comment on the good changes...they did some really great things..but that is abrasive and way to demanding
Jeven HouseBenyo
Vanity Thy Name Is
#168 - 2016-11-15 18:06:55 UTC
This new Aura voice....

I don't blame the voice actress, she can only do/say what's on her script for a recording session. I put blame where blame is due.

To whomever handled mixing and post processing, the sound of a computer's voice through a paper towel tube is not good audio for a futuristic space game.

To whomever approved the 'Aura in a Paper Towel Tube' audio results, see problem listed above about cardboard tubes and futuristic space games. Matari engineering jokes only fly so far, don't blame this on us!

Side note, I can't tell if she's saying 'Warp Drive Active' or Harddrive Active.' The audio miscues go downhill from there.

CCPlease, fix the mess that is the new Aura audio. It's a very sad bad thing currently.

Will check back to point out any bugs I find, and if the promised Customizable Overview Icons are in place finally.

>Jeven's Keyboardist

Minny boat flyer, unofficial squeaky wheel.

'Game Ethics and Morality Monitor' I remember promises.

Snark at 11-24/7/365.25. Overshare? Yup.

Yes it's my fault. And if you don't staap it I'll do it again. ;-P

No you can't has my stuffs OR my SPs.

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#169 - 2016-11-15 18:08:29 UTC
blackiice wrote:
I think the problem with the 2 factor email could be that there is a huge influx of emails going out and some ISPs might start blocking them because there is a huge difference in volume all of a sudden.

I work at an ISP and I knew this was coming so I am watching my in coming email from CCP and making sure it is not being dropped. There are also limits set to accept only so much email from a sender as well so for the next few days this is going to be a mess.

There are automatic systems for anti-spam that might start flagging these emails if it sees a big jump in volume. I have been testing out all of my accounts and even very old 2006 accounts that I even forgot about and was able to access them again because of the 2 factor. I didn't know what the character names were on them and didn't realize I actually had these still.

The 2 factor is to allow people to login and not know what their character name is. i get it, it was forced on for a reason. Having 8 accounts linked to 1 email address seems kind of stupid to have to auth all 8 of them though.

Just a heads up on the email since I know this is going to be an issue for sure.

The problem is this was done so quietly and as an afterthought. The Devblog they link back to was posted 5 days ago. You're telling me with all the other stuff they broadcast and shined such a huge spotlight, they're just gonna kinda drop in a last minute 'Oh hey get your email sorted because ain't none of it gonna mean ship if you don't cause you won't be able to log in.'

I've got most my accts on one or two emails. But, I forgot one. I currently cannot two factor it because I've been through all my emails, but apparently I'm forgetting one because I've not received the 2FA mail for it. I cannot log into the acct to check the email address because I cannot 2FA it. I cannot 2FA it because I cannot receive the mail because I don't remember the email. I can't check the email because I can't log into the account because I can't 2FA it.... and so on.

Now I've submitted one 3 tickets today. One as a giant **** you CCP for dropping this 2FA **** like this. The other two to try and sort the issue. The first one I had signed into this account. The second two I did not. I DID list this accts email as the contact since I can't remember the other one. So it sent me the usual 'request received' etc crap to this email. Fine. But then CCP went and lumped those two unassigned tickets into THIS account, even though it wasn't signed in and I have several accts per email. WTFm8? This is supremely shoddy work by CCP. I get what they are TRYING to do. THAT is fine.

Dropping something THIS important in as so much of an afterthought after so much else they've spent sooo much time and effort making a huge deal out of and then not having ANYWHERE near the staff to deal with it, so now people are going to be sitting waiting how long on getting their accts unlocked... is irresponsible and unacceptable.

The Law is a point of View

The NPE IS a big deal

Route One
#170 - 2016-11-15 18:12:48 UTC
blackiice wrote:
I think the problem with the 2 factor email could be that there is a huge influx of emails going out and some ISPs might start blocking them because there is a huge difference in volume all of a sudden.

Yep, absolutely spot on. Dealing with the verify/2FA nonsense (codes getting pumped out every 15 minutes or so) today on 3 accounts triggered the spam filter on 1and1 so I reckon there's a lot of fallout coming CCPs way.

Get a clue for gods sakes guys this is so basic its embarrassing Roll

Also get this bloody "Omega" nonsense out of my way when I login to a station. I KNOW I'M SUBBED!
McNasty Aideron
#171 - 2016-11-15 18:13:05 UTC
Gayooseman wrote:
Tried creating a new character on my account to get the NPE.
got dumped in space with the old opportunities stuff, no NPE

Same here. Was hoping for a long and happy life. Because of this, my human says I am to be reprocessed. Please Please save me. Don't let him put me in the meat grinder.
Ronnie Arkwright
#172 - 2016-11-15 18:16:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Ronnie Arkwright
i just wanted to say CCP you are amazing, i love the changes.

the only niggle is i wish EC's where on the market instead of having to wait till they are manufactured but i can live with that.


i have to say as well god i love my orca, the only thing that would make it better is to be able to fit strip miners to it.
Fud Face
Armaggedon Inc.
RAZOR Alliance
#173 - 2016-11-15 18:17:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Fud Face
Preferred the character sheet, skill queue, the way it was. This new one I struggle to see what it is meant to be telling me, or even how to add a skill into the queue. perhaps adding a short video showing folk how to use it on YouTube would be good.
Robot Robot
Plate of Beans Incorporated
#174 - 2016-11-15 18:22:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Robot Robot
I'm not usually one to pile on in these "put it back the way it was" threads, but I think it needs to be said loud and clear that the new Aura voice is a huge downgrade from the old one. I'm probably going to end up disabling speech entirely in the audio settings, and that's a shame.

I get that you need to be able to record new things for Aura to say and that recreating the old voice perfectly for new content is not viable, but I really really think that you should consider retaining the old voice for those things we hear most often. Once a player has finished with the NPE, Aura only says a few things like "Connecting" and "Warp Drive Active" and "Docking Permission Requested." I think that keeping those voice clips as they were has so much value that it would be worth handwaving it away and saying that it's not actually "Aura" saying those things but some simpler navigation computer.

I'm also not a huge fan of the new character sheet, but I suspect that's just a matter of change being scary. I expect that I will get used to it within the week and promptly forget what the old one even looked like.

The new voice I will never get used to, nor will I forget the soothing tones of the old "Warp Drive Active."

I also hate the gold borders on half of my stuff. I have a subscription paid up for months into the future. Why do I need this distracting and ugly UI reminder about what's for alphas and what's for omegas? This should really be a checkbox option, and it should default to OFF for Omega clones. The Eve UI has so much going on already, it makes zero sense to clutter it up with completely irrelevant information. (EDIT: Again, I'm not one to always be asking for the old way to be included as an optional toggle. I totally get why you can't maintain a billion legacy versions of every change you ever make. But this is something that is absolutely begging to be a UI toggle option with a very sensible default of OFF for Omegas and ON for Alphas.)

I'm sure there is a lot of great stuff in the patch, and I look forward to welcoming our new Alpha friends, but the new Aura voice and the gold highlighting are definitely mistakes.
Red Planet Industries
#175 - 2016-11-15 18:25:05 UTC
2-Form Authentication Bug = WORKAROUND

I see this sort of bug all the time at work, especially after a new software upgrade. I fixed (both of) my accounts in a single go:

1) Log into ACCOUNT MANAGEMENT. Do the 2FA square dance as normal.
3) Open up the 2FA Options menu and ENABLE IT. Confirm with code. Refresh ACCOUNT INFO page.
4) Open up the 2FA Optiosn menu and DISABLE IT. Refresh ACCOUNT INFO page.
5) LOG OUT. WAIT 60 SECONDS. LOG IN and confirm the "updated settings" have taken effect.

Fly safe! :D
Rhah Nabunaid
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#176 - 2016-11-15 18:26:40 UTC
Jeven HouseBenyo wrote:
This new Aura voice....

I don't blame the voice actress, she can only do/say what's on her script for a recording session. I put blame where blame is due.

To whomever handled mixing and post processing, the sound of a computer's voice through a paper towel tube is not good audio for a futuristic space game.

To whomever approved the 'Aura in a Paper Towel Tube' audio results, see problem listed above about cardboard tubes and futuristic space games. Matari engineering jokes only fly so far, don't blame this on us!

Side note, I can't tell if she's saying 'Warp Drive Active' or Harddrive Active.' The audio miscues go downhill from there.

CCPlease, fix the mess that is the new Aura audio. It's a very sad bad thing currently.

Will check back to point out any bugs I find, and if the promised Customizable Overview Icons are in place finally.

>Jeven's Keyboardist

I wholeheartedly agree. I absolutely hate the new Aura voice..

It's too fast, too high pitched, and sounds way too human for an AI. Plus apparently some of the old recordings are still mixed in with the new ones making it all just sound like a mess.

When docking a station you first hear a new recording of "Docking permission requested" followed by the old recording of "Docking request accepted." In other words; two different voices with varying intonations, articulations, and speeds.

I'm sorry CCP but I just don't get this. There's was absolutely nothing wrong with the old voice of Aura so this change was completely unnecessary. This is just changing stuff for the sake of changing somthing.
Also, as others have also mentioned in another thread, changing the voice of Aura touches the soul of EVE and, for me anyway, is a much bigger change than any of the other changes you have implemented in a long long time.
Lucian Thetis
Proioxis Assault Force
Rogue Caldari Union
#177 - 2016-11-15 18:31:11 UTC
Hate the new Aura voice, sounds far too......real, pls make the new one sound more AI like.
you must have used a filter for the last one!

and the new UI is actually more strenuous to look at it. its glaring, there are too many boxes and the colour schemes you used dont add anything and make things more difficult to navigate.
I cant actually see my total SP for a skill very easily, either.

The skill names are too dark. and my god why do boxes spawn on everything i mouse over? its infuriating.

Maxim Gorkij
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#178 - 2016-11-15 18:32:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Maxim Gorkij
The new Aura voice... NOOOOOOOOO! :( :( :(



What did you DO!!????

That voice was *awesome* - it was one of the KEY parts of the ambience, the feeling, the temperament of the game!

Don't you realize what you had???

The new voice sounds like a kindergarten teacher for gods sake!!!

Please! at least let us have a CHOICE, to be able to choose between the old and new voice - PLEASE!
Red Planet Industries
#179 - 2016-11-15 18:34:26 UTC

I would like to respond to the general dissatisfaction with Aura's new voice. While the change is certainly jarring, particularly if you haven't spent getting used to it on SiSi, this is something that is not possible to revert. Not right away at least, and certainly not easily. From a creative developmental point of view, her new "personality" is much more in line with the kinds of AI personalities floating around out there in popular media.

Change can be a scary thing, folks. But if you give it time, and the chance, you'll discover its not as bad as it feels right now.

Fly safe!
Rikali Laru
EVE University
Ivy League
#180 - 2016-11-15 18:35:33 UTC
Please tell me the new aura voice is just a terrible joke. I LOVED the old one and the new one is as bad as the old one was awesome. Kindly bring back the old one before the masses riot and Jita prices for torch and pitchfork hit the stratosphere.

Old separate skill window was better imho, and why aren't the major groups even in alphabetical order?

Old character sheet as a whole was easier to use, easier to find what you're looking for. I don't like that stuff is divided between the character and interactions tabs, and the other singular ones. All of them on the side was faster access. When you want to remove your implants in a hurry for example :P

Simulation mode is great to have, even if not as user friendly as some out-of-game tools, but wasn't expecting that anyway.

I think/hope FtP and this patch in general will be good for eve online... assuming you bring back the old voice :)