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EVE General Discussion

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Thoughts on improving the game

First post
Ima Wreckyou
The Conference Elite
The Conference
#581 - 2016-11-14 08:44:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ima Wreckyou
Mark Marconi wrote:

So what you are saying is CCP should continue doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result.

What they did over and over is listen to whiners like you and nerf Highsec agression mechanics. So no, they should not do that and maybe for a change make Highsec gameplay more interesting instead of removing content with no replacement.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#582 - 2016-11-14 08:44:43 UTC
Mark Marconi wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
I've never really understood how some people have such trouble with the concept of "non-consensual PvP".

All zones of EVE have non-consensual combat PvP.
No one gets a free pass.
Different zones have more or less restricted rules of engagement and equipment.

There, I defined how the rules of PvP work in 3 sentences. It was not that difficult.

Maybe its the fact that

  • Concurrent Play numbers keep falling
  • Huge numbers of PvE players have left the game
  • CCP Revenues are down year after year
  • CCP revenues only look reasonable after losing half their staff
  • There are a huge number of space games now compared to the past

That people are not so much failing to understand the concept of "non-consensual PvP" but are suggesting trying something different to boost player numbers before CCP halves its staff again and some idiot on these boards says
"Working as intended"

All CCPs efforts of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, mixed with customer service and forum rules back from the 20th Century, has lead us to Free To Play. Otherwise known as the spasm before death.

CCP need to try something different. For one the CSM is a pack of players stuck in the past, which is about the last thing CCP need to listen to.

CCP must evolve or this game is as dead as the Dodo.

Tell us again your statistics credentials. How do you know a huge number of PvE players have left? Lets start with that.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Black Pedro
#583 - 2016-11-14 08:51:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Ilany wrote:
"More people who don't understand what EVE actually is", says the two month old (alt?). As others have said already, EVE has changed and if you hadn't noticed, it is not attracting many people, regardless of incremental improvements in graphics/ships/hardware/careers etc.
That's the thing, Eve hasn't really changed. Eve Online as a vision is getting close to 20-years old now and has always been a open-world, full-time, PvP sandbox game. A true virtual universe and a dystoptian battle royale.

That is a niche idea which won't attract or keep everyone, but to say that "Eve has changed" is disingenuous. Eve has always featured non-consensual PvP everywhere since the beginning by design.

Ilany wrote:

There are, no doubt, many answers - and the short sighted "PVP sandbox" concept is certainly part of that - , but whatever the reasons, in the long term, the only people who stick around seem to be (a) 'carebears' who have set constructive/creative objectives for themselves, and (b) sociopaths - as evidenced by many of the responses in this thread.
That is quite the (incorrect) statement. If you are incorrectly generalizing groups and mean "builders" and "aggressors" then maybe, but from CCP Quant's analysis we see that most players, and the highest engaged players regularly do both. They "create" stuff and they destroy stuff sort of how this game was designed to work (you know, "Build Your Dreams, Wreck Their Dreams"?).

In fact, the 'create-only' carebear category seems to be the group of players that sticks around for the shortest amount of time. Perhaps because they aren't really looking for a full-time, PvP sandbox game, but your claim that they make up much of the longterm players seems to not fit the data. The longest staying players are the ones that both shoot players and make stuff.

This makes sense of course because that is the whole point of the game. The player-driven economy only exists because of the demand PvP and competition creates, while real PvP in this game absolutely requires the accumulation of resources and the building of stuff. Players who wall themselves off from all the game has to offer are going to have a less engaging experience.

In any case your view of the game seems quite coloured by what you do it in. Most players don't play the game only as conflict-averse highsec carebears despite what some people will try to tell you. They are a significant minority, but most players in this game are "sociopaths" who like to shoot other players on occasion, even if many of them have highsec alts to build or gather or trade stuff.

Ilany wrote:
If CCP force them to invest as much effort in their activity as other players then they'll get bored and leave... and then EVE might attract more of those "mainstream" people it needs for the long term.
Yes, that is a great strategy: make your game more boring so your current customers leave in hopes of attracting some mythical, but larger, cohort of other players.

That is a terrible idea. If CCP really wants to go after a larger, mainstream audience, then they can create some new PvE game. Gutting your existing successful product and attempting to shoehorn it (and its ancient game engine) into a themepark MMO at a time where that genre is fading in popularity, and at a time where CCP doesn't have the resources to generate enough developer content to keep the themeparkers entertained, is foolhardy. Anyone can see that, especially CCP.

Eve Online will go on as a PvP sandbox until the day it dies. Most of the development work is done, and it could coast and be profitable for years to come. Maybe CCP Seagull's push will reinvigorate things and popularity will grow again, but if not, CCP still has a product that will keep diehards and a certain type of niche gamer happy and paying them for a long while. No point throwing that away to chase some potential customers that probably don't exist.
Galactic Rangers
#584 - 2016-11-14 09:01:14 UTC
Mark Marconi wrote:

So what you are saying is CCP should continue doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result.

you mean like you guys keep posting the same stuff over and over expecting the same. right,,, got ya Roll

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#585 - 2016-11-14 12:29:42 UTC
Mark Marconi wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
I've never really understood how some people have such trouble with the concept of "non-consensual PvP".

All zones of EVE have non-consensual combat PvP.
No one gets a free pass.
Different zones have more or less restricted rules of engagement and equipment.

There, I defined how the rules of PvP work in 3 sentences. It was not that difficult.

Maybe its the fact that

  • Concurrent Play numbers keep falling
  • Huge numbers of PvE players have left the game
  • CCP Revenues are down year after year
  • CCP revenues only look reasonable after losing half their staff
  • There are a huge number of space games now compared to the past

That people are not so much failing to understand the concept of "non-consensual PvP" but are suggesting trying something different to boost player numbers before CCP halves its staff again and some idiot on these boards says
"Working as intended"

All CCPs efforts of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, y mixed with customer service and forum rules back from the 20th Century, has lead us to Free To Play. Otherwise known as the spasm before death.

CCP need to try something different. For one the CSM is a pack of players stuck in the past, which is about the last thing CCP need to listen to.

CCP must evolve or this game is as dead as the Dodo.

Who says revenue is down?
Who says pve players have disproportionately left?
EVE has seen off any number of space mmo challenges. o7, swg. Keep trying, e:d. Maybe one day, Star Citizen. At least your mum loves you, Star Trek Online. And so on
You're in the position of coming into a vegan restaurant and complaining that your hamburger doesn't have any beef in it.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Galaxy Duck
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#586 - 2016-11-14 13:22:52 UTC
A carebear's intuition is like Jenny McCarthy's mommy instinct! It trumps all logic or evidence to the contrary!
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#587 - 2016-11-14 13:39:15 UTC
Mark Marconi wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Mark Marconi wrote:

Given that CCP has taken the step of going to free to play, I see nothing wrong in a more PvE server. That way the PvP die hards can stay on tranquillity and those who want a choice can go elsewhere, allowing the more profitable side to flourish, what ever that might be and if it does not work, close it after 12 months. If no one wants it, it will do no harm. If it is popular then it should stay.

you see nothing wrong with another server,,, oh wow hahahahaha

single shard sweetheart,,, i don't see CCP going away from that anytime soon.

So what you are saying is CCP should continue doing the same thing over and over and expect a different result.

I don't think they need a PvE server I think they simply need to stick to the core design of the game and make high-sec a viable PvP reduced zone. The current situation in which anyone regardless of ship type can be killed extremely cheaply and extremely easily by any group that decides they should die is the opposite of what high sec was intended to be.

The toxic mindset of many of the gankers needs to be curtailed - its bad for any business to have people in game who have zero regard for other players and whose sole intention is to cause people grief to the point they would unsubscribe.

If CCP HTFU and got rid of that small % it would be both good for the overall game and good for CCP's wallet. This game is not and never was about griefing it is and was about combat.

Hey CPP - Time we put highsec back to how it was originally designed -

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#588 - 2016-11-14 13:48:06 UTC
Mark Marconi wrote:
Malcanis wrote:
I've never really understood how some people have such trouble with the concept of "non-consensual PvP".

All zones of EVE have non-consensual combat PvP.
No one gets a free pass.
Different zones have more or less restricted rules of engagement and equipment.

There, I defined how the rules of PvP work in 3 sentences. It was not that difficult.

Maybe its the fact that

  • Concurrent Play numbers keep falling
  • Huge numbers of PvE players have left the game
  • CCP Revenues are down year after year
  • CCP revenues only look reasonable after losing half their staff
  • There are a huge number of space games now compared to the past

I just found the above funny. Mal makes a statement of fact, and then this other guy ignores those facts and goes on about things that have nothing to do with what Mal says.

Even if all the above was true, none of that is any one's business but CCPs. And yet time and again the people who for some reason don't like what the game they chose to play is (and keep on playing it) keep pointing to CCPs finances as if that an answer to some question.


That people are not so much failing to understand the concept of "non-consensual PvP" but are suggesting trying something different to boost player numbers before CCP halves its staff again and some idiot on these boards says
"Working as intended"

"Something different" in this case means "destroy utterly what EVE Online is in the HOPE that the removal of non-consensual pvp MIGHT bring in 'new players' who don't like having to deal with unwanted pvp".

I fail to understand people like this also. I'm a PVE oriented player that chooses to play EVE because it has non-consensual pvp, which (while sometimes frustrating) adds incredible value to my game play. If I could not stand non-consensual PVP, EVE would be the LAST thing I'd ever play.

Just last night Pandemic Hordlings came into my home constellation with Stealth Bombers and occupied every one of our upgraded systems. I was forced to modify my ratting activities (ie put up the big rat killing toys, break out the pvp fit VNIs that can survive a hot drop). The result of that is we ended up killing a cyno fit Tengu, several stealth bombers and I got TWO DED 10/10 escalations which turned into a nice pay day.

PVE players who see things the right way (even in high sec) know that non-consensual pvp is an opportunity to be exploited, and a way to measure your ability against opposition. the pinnacle of PVE jockness is being able to go about your day while laughing derisively and the pitiful gankers and codies who repeatedly fail at preventing you from making a profit.


All CCPs efforts of doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, mixed with customer service and forum rules back from the 20th Century, has lead us to Free To Play. Otherwise known as the spasm before death.

CCP need to try something different. For one the CSM is a pack of players stuck in the past, which is about the last thing CCP need to listen to.

CCP must evolve or this game is as dead as the Dodo.

Translation: if CCP doesn't change the game into something i THINK I want more than they current game, it will die.

Funnily enough people have been saying this since literally 2003.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#589 - 2016-11-14 13:59:02 UTC

Truth is somewhere between "it is dying because of them" and "its reason it did not die to this day".
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#590 - 2016-11-14 18:49:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Steffles wrote:
I don't think they need a PvE server I think they simply need to stick to the core design of the game and make high-sec a viable PvP reduced zone.
That core design being one of a PvP sandbox with elements of PvE

There's already far less PvP in hisec than there is elsewhere because PvP in hisec usually comes at a cost, both financial and in terms of time; ergo it is already a viable reduced PvP zone when compared to lowsec, nullsec and WHspace.

The current situation in which anyone regardless of ship type can be killed extremely cheaply and extremely easily by any group that decides they should die is the opposite of what high sec was intended to be.
Is that your opinion, or are you prepared to provide an official source?

In terms of a group vs an individual of course the odds are in favour of the group; that's how force concentration generally works, especially if the individual is ill prepared, doing something daft or just plain AFK.

On a side note, there's a real world mathematical formula that calculates the effective combat power of a group based on the numbers of an opposing group; it doesn't take into account one of the groups being absent while leaving their assets on the field, or having a valuable cargo and no escort though.

The toxic mindset of many of the gankers needs to be curtailed - its bad for any business to have people in game who have zero regard for other players and whose sole intention is to cause people grief to the point they would unsubscribe.
The attitude of gankers to their victims is somewhat the result of the vitriol, hatred and threats that some of their victims inflict on them over the loss of a ship in a PvP game.

If CCP HTFU and got rid of that small % it would be both good for the overall game and good for CCP's wallet.
So they head-shot the toxic minority that make threats, wish cancer on people and are generally complete twats when their spaceships explode in a PvP game?

This game is not and never was about griefing it is and was about combat.
What you call griefing is combat; griefing, as defined by CCP, is against the rules and can lead to the ban-hammer being wielded against the guilty party.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Shae Tadaruwa
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#591 - 2016-11-14 19:06:57 UTC
Who cares what IZ and Mark write.

No opinion they put is important. Of all the doomsday scenarios put forward by IZ and Mark, the only thing apparent is that the day CCP start taking their advice for game design is the day CCP have truly lost it.

They are two of the least honest people here and there's no concern that CCP is listening to their clap trap.

Let them whinge and whine and moan and bleat. It's only their time wasted.

Dracvlad - "...Your intel is free intel, all you do is pay for it..." && "...If you warp on the same path as a cloaked ship, you'll make a bookmark at exactly the same spot as the cloaky camper..."

Josef Djugashvilis
#592 - 2016-11-14 20:05:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Josef Djugashvilis
The introduction of 'cash for skills' and, for me personally, the introduction of 'free to play' mean that when my annual sub expires next summer I shall quit the game.

My leaving will not affect CCP in any way whatsoever, but to make any part of the game pvp free in any way, would I think, be the beginning of the end.

Eve is nothing if it is not pvp - markets, ship battles, awoxing etc and trying to get one over over on other players by any means not forbidden by CCP is what makes Eve the great game it is.

If you do not like pvp, go play another game.

This is not a signature.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#593 - 2016-11-14 20:26:01 UTC
Galactic Rangers
#594 - 2016-11-14 20:29:19 UTC
Josef Djugashvilis wrote:
The introduction of 'cash for skills' and, for me personally, the introduction of 'free to play' mean that when my annual sub expires next summer I shall quit the game.

My leaving will not affect CCP in any way whatsoever, but to make any part of the game pvp free in any way, would I think, be the beginning of the end.

Eve is nothing if it is not pvp - markets, ship battles, awoxing etc and trying to get one over over on other players by any means not forbidden by CCP is what makes Eve the great game it is.

If you do not like pvp, go play another game.

man games change over time, the introduction of cash for skills and free to play are only the natural growth and evolution of our
amazing game, you really should reconsider that decision you've made on not subbing next year.
you enjoy the game, you know where the cash goes once CCP has it, what we get for the tiny 15 bucks a month is pretty good value if you ask me and i wouldn't let something as silly as cash for skills and free to play be the cause of calling it a day.
you could have every skill book in the game trained to 5 but this doesn't mean you got sklls Blink

free to play,, meh,, i've seen enough free to play accounts in many many games to know it's nothing more than an extended trial.

your leaving will effect the community which is a far higher price than the few bucks CCP would lose.

let's not let the bastards grind us down Straight
Galactic Rangers
#595 - 2016-11-14 20:32:00 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
the beginning of the end

It started in 2003.

It only takes longer than expected. Blink

no different than the Nibiru shite Roll the end is NIGH!!!!!!! lol
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#596 - 2016-11-14 20:37:22 UTC
The limited free to play stuff and the cash for skills stuff don't bother me, in fact when compared to other changes CCP has made (like all the safeties and pop ups and hand holding), those two things are minor.
Mark Marconi
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#597 - 2016-11-14 22:51:01 UTC
Malcanis wrote:

Who says revenue is down?
Who says pve players have disproportionately left?
EVE has seen off any number of space mmo challenges. o7, swg. Keep trying, e:d. Maybe one day, Star Citizen. At least your mum loves you, Star Trek Online. And so on
You're in the position of coming into a vegan restaurant and complaining that your hamburger doesn't have any beef in it.

CCP has said their revenues are down, it is publically available information. Plus you don't make a game free to play because you are doing well.
PvE players may not have disproportionately left but they have left.

EvE is drowning in all the games around it and all the die hards keep saying is working as intended. CCp need to step out of their comfort zone before this game becomes economically unviable. At the moment they just keep doing the same things, listening to a CSM that is outdated and full of die hards. Reminds me of the leader of Hy-Brasil in Eric the Viking.

Actually it looks like you walked into an accountants office and said, "what do all these funny numbers mean"

The CSM gets in the way of CCP communicating properly with the players of this game.

After all we are not just players, we are customers.

Time for the CSM to be disbanded.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#598 - 2016-11-14 22:57:24 UTC
Mark Marconi wrote:
Malcanis wrote:

Who says revenue is down?
Who says pve players have disproportionately left?
EVE has seen off any number of space mmo challenges. o7, swg. Keep trying, e:d. Maybe one day, Star Citizen. At least your mum loves you, Star Trek Online. And so on
You're in the position of coming into a vegan restaurant and complaining that your hamburger doesn't have any beef in it.

CCP has said their revenues are down, it is publically available information. Plus you don't make a game free to play because you are doing well.
PvE players may not have disproportionately left but they have left.

EvE is drowning in all the games around it and all the die hards keep saying is working as intended. CCp need to step out of their comfort zone before this game becomes economically unviable. At the moment they just keep doing the same things, listening to a CSM that is outdated and full of die hards. Reminds me of the leader of Hy-Brasil in Eric the Viking.

Actually it looks like you walked into an accountants office and said, "what do all these funny numbers mean"

Really where? My understanding it is not publicly available information. So source please. now we get some back tracking. Tell us again who is bad at statistical analysis. The people who have some data and analyze it...or the person making statements based on...well nothing?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nightingale Enterprises
#599 - 2016-11-14 23:09:51 UTC
Gosh, how to rile the socio- oh no that will just upset them more.

Black Pedro wrote:
That's the thing, Eve hasn't really changed.
If you had been playing long enough - say 12/13 years - then you would know that was quite the incorrect statement. You would remember that PVP was always possible, but that one could safely autopilot a shuttle from Keberz to Obe without incident. You would remember that such a journey would take a lot longer than it does today, with far more opportunities for a would-be attacker to pop your ship and get away with it, but that it never happened. You would remember that we didn't even shoot pods - bad form - even though it was always possible.

So the mechanics might not have changed, but attitudes have. If that's what CCP really want then maybe they should change the name to SIS - Sociopaths in Space - at least we'd all be clear on their intent.

Black Pedro wrote:
... but from CCP Quant's analysis we see that most players, and the highest engaged players regularly do both.
Yes I was generalising. I agree that those sorts of players create a cycle for themselves which keeps them engaged, but I can assure you that even those types get bored of it the end. If you have been around long enough you would have witnessed this.

Black Pedro wrote:
...This makes sense of course because that is the whole point of the game.
And what is the point of the game? If you click on "EVE Universe" at the top you'll land on a page entitled "Explore a universe of opportunities" which goes on to say "What is eve online: Player-created empires, player-driven markets, and endless ways to embark on your personal sci-fi adventure."

It doesn't look like CCP want to publicise their game in narrow way that some contributors to this thread seem to espouse - they have created options so everyone has choice, but some players seem to want to constrain that choice and force everyone to play the game in a way that they approve of... one which isn't actually listed in that chart, but seems to be a cross between suicide ganking and griefing.

Black Pedro wrote:

Ilany wrote:
If CCP force them to invest as much effort in their activity as other players then they'll get bored and leave... and then EVE might attract more of those "mainstream" people it needs for the long term.
Yes, that is a great strategy: make your game more boring so your current customers leave in hopes of attracting some mythical, but larger, cohort of other players.
You mean like all those people who used to play EVE, but left? Oh no, of course, no one has left. That PCU thing is just a conspiracy. Because ~30000>65303 right?

Just to be clear, this isn't about stopping players investing time and effort into HVT Hunting or piracy writ large, but rather, to stop CODE and the like from shooting no-value targets for no reason. The only people this would affect are those who are taking advantage of existing mechanics to grief other players. And losing them would really be no loss to the community whatsoever. They could go and play Space Invaders instead.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#600 - 2016-11-15 01:08:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Ilany wrote:
Gosh, how to rile the socio- oh no that will just upset them more.

Well you incompetent people did get ganked in the old days back then. And people can autopilot in a shuttle now and not be ganked. I recently did it on several alts.

And what is the point of the game? If you click on "EVE Universe" at the top you'll land on a page entitled "Explore a universe of opportunities" which goes on to say "What is eve online: Player-created empires, player-driven markets, and endless ways to embark on your personal sci-fi adventure."

It doesn't look like CCP want to publicise their game in narrow way that some contributors to this thread seem to espouse - they have created options so everyone has choice, but some players seem to want to constrain that choice and force everyone to play the game in a way that they approve of... one which isn't actually listed in that chart, but seems to be a cross between suicide ganking and griefing.

And incompetent at reading comprehension too it looks like. Might want to go re-read that description of the game. Note it is player driven--i.e. you cannot exempt yourself from interacting with other players. This is not a game like Homeworld that had a play alone option. It is a game where your only option is where players can interact with you and not necessarily in friendly and helpful ways...although that is also not precluded either. So yes, you do not have the option of playing the way you want to play if that entails not interacting at all with other players.

Just to be clear, this isn't about stopping players investing time and effort into HVT Hunting or piracy writ large, but rather, to stop CODE and the like from shooting no-value targets for no reason. The only people this would affect are those who are taking advantage of existing mechanics to grief other players. And losing them would really be no loss to the community whatsoever. They could go and play Space Invaders instead.

Want to stop CODE, stop being incompetent. Stop taking large risks. That simple.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online