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EVE General Discussion

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Thoughts on improving the game

First post
Lasisha Mishi
A Blessed Bean
Pandemic Horde
#521 - 2016-11-10 16:18:39 UTC
Nat Silverguard wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
We could compromise.

Remove faction police.

Add, 10 second warp cool down for all -10 players on station undock.

Call it security tax.

That reasonable?

Sure they'll hang in safe spots after that, but any Merc worth their salt can scan them down.

you do know that not all pilots who has -10 standings are gankers right? what about FacWar pilots who fights to defend their faction?

facwar doesn't affect your security status

as it counts as a war dec
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#522 - 2016-11-10 16:34:17 UTC
Lasisha Mishi wrote:
Nat Silverguard wrote:
Captain Tardbar wrote:
We could compromise.

Remove faction police.

Add, 10 second warp cool down for all -10 players on station undock.

Call it security tax.

That reasonable?

Sure they'll hang in safe spots after that, but any Merc worth their salt can scan them down.

you do know that not all pilots who has -10 standings are gankers right? what about FacWar pilots who fights to defend their faction?

facwar doesn't affect your security status

as it counts as a war dec

Faction warfare players lose sec for killing neutrals which can be classed as defending their faction

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#523 - 2016-11-10 17:22:12 UTC
Steffles wrote:

If you want to make up your own definition of pvp to fullfill your fantasy shooting a rock is pvp knock yourself out. I'm stickineg with the accepted definition. Thx k bye

Bye, no point in continuing to talk past each other.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Galactic Rangers
#524 - 2016-11-10 19:28:05 UTC
Steffles wrote:

Its fact. The top mmo's by susbscription today are all either pve, pve with consensual pvp or their pvp only server counts are tiny compared to their pve server count.

EVE is a PVP game,, so in fact you are playing on a PVP server, you seem to be able to accept other mmo's having pvp only servers, we don't have that in EVE as there is only one server/universe, so nut up or shut up.

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#525 - 2016-11-11 06:05:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Steffles
Lan Wang wrote:
Infinity Ziona, lets do some real talk here for a moment...

After looking at your killboard you seem to be a hypocrite. you have 13+ kills of pve/highsec players on your killboard including 2 retrievers and 2 noctis

please explain to us

Whats to explain.

I started off in 2003 pirating in low sec killing miners and anyone else. I joined Stain Alliance to repair my security status from -10 and then awoxxed a couple of them before getting podded back to high sec. I started up a war deccing corporation, used alts to get warpin, spy, awox. Did that for a number of years. Started Privateers and watched high sec burn alliances. Went back to war deccing. When barges were released I suicided a couple of them to see what it was like. Declared war on Tribal Band and cloaky camped their staging system for a few months. I'm the owner of Cloakers, which is an AFK cloaky camping corp.

I have no issue with killing newbs, highseccers or anyone else, that's what EvE is all about. What I take issue with is when the killing of them becomes so easy that it amounts to zero risk or effort. Especially when that killing results in people not subscribing which means less players to pay for development and ultimately less targets to shoot.

There are already mechanics in place to murder high sec players - wars. There is plenty of fights to be had in EvE if you go to low or null sec (7rm-n0 is awesome for fights).

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Steffles wrote:

Its fact. The top mmo's by susbscription today are all either pve, pve with consensual pvp or their pvp only server counts are tiny compared to their pve server count.

EVE is a PVP game,, so in fact you are playing on a PVP server, you seem to be able to accept other mmo's having pvp only servers, we don't have that in EVE as there is only one server/universe, so nut up or shut up.

Eve is a PvP & PvE game. EvE was originally designed so that highsec was "Quite Safe", the PvE part of the game. It was supposed to be "difficult" to pirate in high-sec. That was the whole point of high sec.

Anyway the whole point of this part of the conversation was based on my opinion of how to get more subscribers - To gain those people who don't want to PvP but rather PvE CCP would need to revert Highsec back to the way it was before power creep and CCP apathy / developer changes screwed it up.

Hey CPP - Time we put highsec back to how it was originally designed -

Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#526 - 2016-11-11 09:22:07 UTC
Steffles wrote:
There are already mechanics in place to murder high sec players - wars.

whats the difference in declaring war and just ganking? the outcome is the same, people die

Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

Galactic Rangers
#527 - 2016-11-11 09:23:17 UTC
Steffles wrote:

Eve is a PvP & PvE game. EvE was originally designed so that highsec was "Quite Safe", the PvE part of the game. It was supposed to be "difficult" to pirate in high-sec. That was the whole point of high sec.

Anyway the whole point of this part of the conversation was based on my opinion of how to get more subscribers - To gain those people who don't want to PvP but rather PvE CCP would need to revert Highsec back to the way it was before power creep and CCP apathy / developer changes screwed it up.

convert back to the way it was? as long as i've played no space has been safe.

your own play history shows this, you've done your fair share of killing those that do not want to engage in PVP and with this history it pretty hard to take anything you're saying serious.

why would i think this,,,, well man,,, you're playing long enough to know better.

but here's an idea for you.

create a high sec corp and protect those that are in need of protection. but nope,,, you want CCP to create this and have NPC's do the work. That goes against everything EVE is supposed to be about and you know this.

Galaxy Duck
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#528 - 2016-11-11 14:22:53 UTC
Highsec is pretty damn safe for players with half a brain.
Lan Wang
Princess Aiko Hold My Hand
Safety. Net
#529 - 2016-11-11 14:26:05 UTC
Galaxy Duck wrote:
Highsec is pretty damn safe for players with half a brain.


Domination Nephilim - Angel Cartel

Calm down miner. As you pointed out, people think they can get away with stuff they would not in rl... Like for example illegal mining... - Ima Wreckyou*

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#530 - 2016-11-12 08:01:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Steffles
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Steffles wrote:

Eve is a PvP & PvE game. EvE was originally designed so that highsec was "Quite Safe", the PvE part of the game. It was supposed to be "difficult" to pirate in high-sec. That was the whole point of high sec.

Anyway the whole point of this part of the conversation was based on my opinion of how to get more subscribers - To gain those people who don't want to PvP but rather PvE CCP would need to revert Highsec back to the way it was before power creep and CCP apathy / developer changes screwed it up.

convert back to the way it was? as long as i've played no space has been safe.

your own play history shows this, you've done your fair share of killing those that do not want to engage in PVP and with this history it pretty hard to take anything you're saying serious.

why would i think this,,,, well man,,, you're playing long enough to know better.

but here's an idea for you.

create a high sec corp and protect those that are in need of protection. but nope,,, you want CCP to create this and have NPC's do the work. That goes against everything EVE is supposed to be about and you know this.

Well I've played since 2003 so I know the entire story, not just a small part of it.

The only time I've killed people that perhaps did not want to engage in PvP was suicide ganking which I did twice. It was so easy I decided it was not worth my while.

War declarations are set up in such as a way that those people who do not want to engage in war can leave in the grace period that follows a declaration. Anyone who stays chooses to stay knowing that they are now able to be engaged in high sec. Additionally a red star appears on any war deccers in local offering vital information to the decced person.

I put in a signficant amount of effort including doing absurdly boring missions on a number of alts to get level 4 locators, paying for additional accounts for spys, locators and scouts. Since I didn't like the whole camping gates thing I hunted targets actively and the effort was enormous for the reward.

In comparison to sitting at a gate in a catylyst or thrasher randomly popping any targets I don't think there is any real comparison to be made.

In regards to it going against everything EvE is supposed to be about - read this, you're clearly wrong.

Here's a lil image to back up my earlier assertion that there are more pve'rs vs pvp'rs. This is a free to play clone of the original EQ. Its quite clear from the player counts that the PVE server is very much more popular than the pvp server as was the case back when I first played EQ. I started on a PvP server back then, Tallon Zek I think it was. CCP tapping into the PvE market is without doubt the smartest thing they could do.

Hey CPP - Time we put highsec back to how it was originally designed -

#531 - 2016-11-12 08:52:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Vigirr
Ganking miners really is rock bottom when it comes to pvp styles, doesn't matter how you market it. It's one carebear laughing and pointing fingers at another carebear... for being a carebear. The only reason I'm ok with it is because it introduces people who choose to fully avoid pvp, in this pvp game, to pvp so they either adapt or leave. I'm fine with either option they choose.

Would the wardec system be meaningful and workable while there'd be some sort of solution to the loss of the online list (locators that instantly return info stating the target isn't online while being reusable again, for instance) then ganking can be nerfed quite hard imo.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#532 - 2016-11-12 15:33:44 UTC
Steffles wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:
Infinity Ziona, lets do some real talk here for a moment...

After looking at your killboard you seem to be a hypocrite. you have 13+ kills of pve/highsec players on your killboard including 2 retrievers and 2 noctis

please explain to us

Whats to explain.

I started off in 2003 pirating in low sec killing miners and anyone else. I joined Stain Alliance to repair my security status from -10 and then awoxxed a couple of them before getting podded back to high sec. I started up a war deccing corporation, used alts to get warpin, spy, awox. Did that for a number of years. Started Privateers and watched high sec burn alliances. Went back to war deccing. When barges were released I suicided a couple of them to see what it was like. Declared war on Tribal Band and cloaky camped their staging system for a few months. I'm the owner of Cloakers, which is an AFK cloaky camping corp.

I have no issue with killing newbs, highseccers or anyone else, that's what EvE is all about. What I take issue with is when the killing of them becomes so easy that it amounts to zero risk or effort. Especially when that killing results in people not subscribing which means less players to pay for development and ultimately less targets to shoot.

There are already mechanics in place to murder high sec players - wars. There is plenty of fights to be had in EvE if you go to low or null sec (7rm-n0 is awesome for fights).

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Steffles wrote:

Its fact. The top mmo's by susbscription today are all either pve, pve with consensual pvp or their pvp only server counts are tiny compared to their pve server count.

EVE is a PVP game,, so in fact you are playing on a PVP server, you seem to be able to accept other mmo's having pvp only servers, we don't have that in EVE as there is only one server/universe, so nut up or shut up.

Eve is a PvP & PvE game. EvE was originally designed so that highsec was "Quite Safe", the PvE part of the game. It was supposed to be "difficult" to pirate in high-sec. That was the whole point of high sec.

Anyway the whole point of this part of the conversation was based on my opinion of how to get more subscribers - To gain those people who don't want to PvP but rather PvE CCP would need to revert Highsec back to the way it was before power creep and CCP apathy / developer changes screwed it up.

Revert several CONCORD buffs and restore insurance for ship lost to them in hisec?

Well ok, if that's what you want...

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#533 - 2016-11-12 15:36:05 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Steffles wrote:
Lan Wang wrote:
Infinity Ziona, lets do some real talk here for a moment...

After looking at your killboard you seem to be a hypocrite. you have 13+ kills of pve/highsec players on your killboard including 2 retrievers and 2 noctis

please explain to us

Whats to explain.

I started off in 2003 pirating in low sec killing miners and anyone else. I joined Stain Alliance to repair my security status from -10 and then awoxxed a couple of them before getting podded back to high sec. I started up a war deccing corporation, used alts to get warpin, spy, awox. Did that for a number of years. Started Privateers and watched high sec burn alliances. Went back to war deccing. When barges were released I suicided a couple of them to see what it was like. Declared war on Tribal Band and cloaky camped their staging system for a few months. I'm the owner of Cloakers, which is an AFK cloaky camping corp.

I have no issue with killing newbs, highseccers or anyone else, that's what EvE is all about. What I take issue with is when the killing of them becomes so easy that it amounts to zero risk or effort. Especially when that killing results in people not subscribing which means less players to pay for development and ultimately less targets to shoot.

There are already mechanics in place to murder high sec players - wars. There is plenty of fights to be had in EvE if you go to low or null sec (7rm-n0 is awesome for fights).

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Steffles wrote:

Its fact. The top mmo's by susbscription today are all either pve, pve with consensual pvp or their pvp only server counts are tiny compared to their pve server count.

EVE is a PVP game,, so in fact you are playing on a PVP server, you seem to be able to accept other mmo's having pvp only servers, we don't have that in EVE as there is only one server/universe, so nut up or shut up.

Eve is a PvP & PvE game. EvE was originally designed so that highsec was "Quite Safe", the PvE part of the game. It was supposed to be "difficult" to pirate in high-sec. That was the whole point of high sec.

Anyway the whole point of this part of the conversation was based on my opinion of how to get more subscribers - To gain those people who don't want to PvP but rather PvE CCP would need to revert Highsec back to the way it was before power creep and CCP apathy / developer changes screwed it up.

Revert several CONCORD buffs and restore insurance for ship lost to them in hisec?

Well ok, if that's what you want...

I'd be happy with a dev blog that says "We forgot that High Security Space was supposed to be quite safe. Pirating in highsec is now difficult. Go to low sec or null if you want to pirate".

Hey CPP - Time we put highsec back to how it was originally designed -

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#534 - 2016-11-12 20:22:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Steffles wrote:

I'd be happy with a dev blog that says "We forgot that High Security Space was supposed to be quite safe. Pirating in highsec is now difficult. Go to low sec or null if you want to pirate".

Okay and? HS is quite safe.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#535 - 2016-11-12 20:32:05 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Steffles wrote:

I'd be happy with a dev blog that says "We forgot that High Security Space was supposed to be quite safe. Pirating in highsec is now difficult. Go to low sec or null if you want to pirate".

Okay and? HS is quite safe.

No its more dangerous than null. Pirating is a very very common occurrence and much easier to do than in low or null.

Hey CPP - Time we put highsec back to how it was originally designed -

Jagd Wilde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#536 - 2016-11-12 20:39:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Jagd Wilde
Alastair Ormand wrote:
Jagd Wilde wrote:
Yup, another one.

So OP,

Did you not notice the, like, hundred other carebear opinions on this very same subject? All with the same conclusion? There's nothing new here but the carebear.

If you don't like the sandbox, go play wow. Don't try to F it up for the rest of us.


But the attacking pilot is as big of a carebear as the freighter pilot. You are able to kill the freighter with huge gains and very little loss even if it's just the hull (seriously, sec status does **** all to anything), just as the freighter pilot wants to haul his/her stuff without interruption and protection. I have to agree with the guy that the punishments aren't harsh enough for highsec gankers. However what punishment could you impose without completely flipping it to being unfair on the ganker. It's a hard equation to solve.

I know everyone thinks ganking a freighter for profit is easy, but until you have done it I cannot take you seriously

Every alt I own has a red safety, this has brought my friends much laughter.

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#537 - 2016-11-12 20:48:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Steffles
Jagd Wilde wrote:
Alastair Ormand wrote:
Jagd Wilde wrote:
Yup, another one.

So OP,

Did you not notice the, like, hundred other carebear opinions on this very same subject? All with the same conclusion? There's nothing new here but the carebear.

If you don't like the sandbox, go play wow. Don't try to F it up for the rest of us.


But the attacking pilot is as big of a carebear as the freighter pilot. You are able to kill the freighter with huge gains and very little loss even if it's just the hull (seriously, sec status does **** all to anything), just as the freighter pilot wants to haul his/her stuff without interruption and protection. I have to agree with the guy that the punishments aren't harsh enough for highsec gankers. However what punishment could you impose without completely flipping it to being unfair on the ganker. It's a hard equation to solve.

I know everyone thinks ganking a freighter for profit is easy, but until you have done it I cannot take you seriously

Given its being done with multiboxed stealth bombers and a couple of other people I'd say its pretty easy. Look up Jackson Kusion and his alts.

Hey CPP - Time we put highsec back to how it was originally designed -

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#538 - 2016-11-12 21:07:14 UTC
Steffles wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Steffles wrote:

I'd be happy with a dev blog that says "We forgot that High Security Space was supposed to be quite safe. Pirating in highsec is now difficult. Go to low sec or null if you want to pirate".

Okay and? HS is quite safe.

No its more dangerous than null. Pirating is a very very common occurrence and much easier to do than in low or null.

PIrating takes place on trade working as intended. Pirating is an illegal activity...again working as intended.

And what is your basis for HS being more dangerous than NS?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#539 - 2016-11-12 21:09:38 UTC
Steffles wrote:
Jagd Wilde wrote:
Alastair Ormand wrote:
Jagd Wilde wrote:
Yup, another one.

So OP,

Did you not notice the, like, hundred other carebear opinions on this very same subject? All with the same conclusion? There's nothing new here but the carebear.

If you don't like the sandbox, go play wow. Don't try to F it up for the rest of us.


But the attacking pilot is as big of a carebear as the freighter pilot. You are able to kill the freighter with huge gains and very little loss even if it's just the hull (seriously, sec status does **** all to anything), just as the freighter pilot wants to haul his/her stuff without interruption and protection. I have to agree with the guy that the punishments aren't harsh enough for highsec gankers. However what punishment could you impose without completely flipping it to being unfair on the ganker. It's a hard equation to solve.

I know everyone thinks ganking a freighter for profit is easy, but until you have done it I cannot take you seriously

Given its being done with multiboxed stealth bombers and a couple of other people I'd say its pretty easy. Look up Jackson Kusion and his alts.

It might be easier to get a fleet up since you don't have to wait for others to log in, but multi-boxing is not as easy as playing on a single client. The fact that one person does it highlights this.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Galactic Rangers
#540 - 2016-11-13 00:18:56 UTC
Steffles wrote:

In regards to it going against everything EvE is supposed to be about - read this, you're clearly wrong.

Here's a lil image to back up my earlier assertion that there are more pve'rs vs pvp'rs. This is a free to play clone of the original EQ. Its quite clear from the player counts that the PVE server is very much more popular than the pvp server as was the case back when I first played EQ. I started on a PvP server back then, Tallon Zek I think it was. CCP tapping into the PvE market is without doubt the smartest thing they could do.

you're really trying to milk it with that image from 2005 11 year ago Roll do you not understand that was said 11 years ago,, games evolve. get over youself... lol 11 year old qoute mining. classic.

oh and ,,,

everquest? really??? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
