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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Returning player, 5 years off... what's changed?

krysus montar
Iron Waffles
#1 - 2016-11-07 20:45:42 UTC

I've returned to my main character after the free trial ended (on another new character). I'd worked my trial character up to Level 2 missions in a Caracal just to get back in the swing of it.

My old main character is well-skilled, 5 years of solo & fleet experience.

My question is... what's changed in the last 5 years?
What new ships should I be looking at?
What new exploration is there?

Any tips gratefully received.

Persephone Alleile
Tartarus Covert Operations
#2 - 2016-11-07 20:57:04 UTC
Lots of stuff, you can read up on changes to the game here:
Nakovi Kitsune
No Pressure.
#3 - 2016-11-07 21:24:52 UTC
War never changes.

But really though, meaningful changes? If I could take a stab at the top 3 over that time:

1.) Citadels. Player stations, POS towers are on the way out

2.) No more skill clones. You don't have to keep upgrading your clone and can't lose SP by dying

3.) Tactical destroyers and command destroyers. There are a bunch of new ships in the last few years but these I think have the most impact. Tactical destroyers are versatile with great dps for their size, and command destroyers can jump people 100km, making for interesting tactics.
Memphis Baas
#4 - 2016-11-08 00:21:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Memphis Baas
1. No more upgrading your clone after a pod death, so feel free to PVP in big ships or small ships or whatever suits your fancy. You'll only lose the ship, you won't lose any skills (well, except if you fly T3 cruisers).

2. You can extract useless skillpoints, and you can inject skillpoints that other people have extracted. The system is very expensive, but it allows you to "fix" your character if you wish. Character Bazaar prices have adjusted to the value of "extractable" points of a character, rather than the previous formula based on subscription costs to train.

3. Tiericide - a lot of the T1 ships, from frigates to battleships, have been improved a lot, to perform closer to T2 levels. As a result, a lot of the previously "newbie" ships are quite deadly and much more viable now. Ship modules have also been rebalanced and renamed to make a bit more sense.

4. A number of T3 ships and exploration ships have been added to the game, with unique gimmics / tricks that may make them fun to fly. CCP is about to change some of the mining ships and fleet boosting ships in the next expansion, due next week.

5. CCP has introduced ship SKINs (paint jobs), and some are popular. Most, however, are quite expensive, and CCP has chosen to restrict color schemes to "dark and gritty" rather than bright colors.

6. CCP has introduced a whole slew of personal deployable structures, from mobile depots to mobile tractor-beam units to siphon units (steal moon goo). So you have more options for refitting in space and looting now, where you can carry some of these things in your ship cargo, deploy them to take advantage of their abilities, then scoop back to cargo and move on.

7. CCP is in the process of introducing player citadels, to eventually replace the POSes with fully functional stations that we can deploy and people can dock, even capital ships. They're very expensive, but they're popping up everywhere, and will eventually replace POSes and possibly even NPC stations. You should read up on the various blogs regarding citadels.

8. Because of the changes to the various ships, the current meta and player preferences are towards flying smaller ships, typically up to cruiser-size, and to use higher tech ships (T2, T3 ships), to apply high damage while remaining very very mobile. Battleships aren't that popular, nowadays.

9. Brave Newbies demonstrated that we can have fun recruiting a large number of newbies and taking them to 0.0 to take space and get involved in wars, so most major alliances now fund their own "newbie" programs, from Karma Fleet to Pandemic Horde to Newbie Collective, etc., with almost open recruiting and daily organized ops, mostly for fun. "Free for all" pickup fleets, such as Bombers Bar, Spectre Fleet, etc., that operate on NPSI (not purple, shoot it) principles, are also quite popular; you join the fleet and go roaming, everyone is a target, all sins possibly forgiven the next day, in the name of fun.

10. CCP has removed the Evelopedia wiki, so we're relying more on player guides and fan sites such as the EVE University wiki for guides and tutorials. There are some very nice player-created resources out there, and with the changes that CCP has made to the in-game tutorials, getting newbies interested and into the fun parts of the game has become an increased responsibility for the veterans.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#5 - 2016-11-08 00:49:54 UTC
Persephone Alleile wrote:
Lots of stuff, you can read up on changes to the game here:

Eve Updates itself is one of those things that has changed. It's much better than reading patch notes trying to catch up.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Robot Robot
Plate of Beans Incorporated
#6 - 2016-11-08 21:18:09 UTC
I don't always recommend TMC, but when I do, it's this article.
Professor Push
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#7 - 2016-11-10 18:07:08 UTC
In short: The Drake.

There added a lot more ships with strange and sometimes overpowered bonuses, and some ships got drones bonuses, that are not drone races, and others got drone bonuses nerfed because they were too powerful, even though they were in the race's backstory - Gallente. But now everyone can only use about 5 drones.

Right now, it's a lot friendlier and easier to do things. And some interesting mechanics have been added to the game, like t3 destroyers which are all the rage right now.

Welcome back, and you might want to consider joining up with an organization that is new player friendly if you want to feel the new changes out and ask plenty of questions.

I am going to recommend Zkill guides. They are funny and informative.