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Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#61 - 2016-11-04 01:18:56 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
I'll take that any day over the kilometre wide and centimetre deep solipsism of, "How can your beliefs be real if your eyes that see the universe can't be real."

Solipsism is the belief that the self is all that can be known to exist. My system of belief is pretty much the diametric opposite (I don't believe in my own existence as a separate being).

It was in reference to your personification of the universe as capable of its own agency distinct from the people in it.

Aria Jenneth wrote:
... but the statement that "my belief is worthwhile because I believe it"? That's maybe a bit solipsistic.

My beliefs are worthwhile because they are derived from the paragon, Matias Sobaseki, whose legacy I have sworn to defend and uphold. They are values that do not have to be questioned because they exist as fundamental absolutes, and are to me axiomatic in their own right.


Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#62 - 2016-11-04 02:08:06 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
I'll take that any day over the kilometre wide and centimetre deep solipsism of, "How can your beliefs be real if your eyes that see the universe can't be real."

Solipsism is the belief that the self is all that can be known to exist. My system of belief is pretty much the diametric opposite (I don't believe in my own existence as a separate being).

It was in reference to your personification of the universe as capable of its own agency distinct from the people in it.

... which ...

... still would not be solipsism.

Aria Jenneth wrote:
... but the statement that "my belief is worthwhile because I believe it"? That's maybe a bit solipsistic.

My beliefs are worthwhile because they are derived from the paragon, Matias Sobaseki, whose legacy I have sworn to defend and uphold. They are values that do not have to be questioned because they exist as fundamental absolutes, and are to me axiomatic in their own right.

Well-- I'm willing to admire dedication to an oath and a particular path. The idea that an oath can make a value fundamental, absolute, and axiomatic to the point of not being worth questioning is pretty alien, though.

To me, there's no value that shouldn't be questioned, no truth too absolute to test. The trick is to understand the illusory nature of the social constructs we surround ourselves with-- and find reasons to serve them regardless.

Was your paragon really a thoughtless person who thought his beliefs were beyond questioning?
Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#63 - 2016-11-04 02:26:58 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:

Was your paragon really a thoughtless person who thought his beliefs were beyond questioning?

I would say it is more that I am not so thoughtless a person as to question the beliefs of my kirjuunen who fought and died alongside me on battlefields stained with their blood before you were even born, Ms. Jenneth. To question my beliefs is in itself to doubt the significance of their sacrifices, and betray my loyalty to them even in death.

While I can understand your desire for intellectual rigor, my faith is something far more personal and fundamentally deeper than some epistemological exercise.


Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#64 - 2016-11-04 05:50:16 UTC
Ashlar Vellum wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:

Your definition of "Caldari" is acceptable for you, but you're a fool if you think it's the correct one. There isn't a correct one. The universe does not care or even have a set definition for what "Caldari" is.

Why can't universe have a set definition for what "Caldari" is, wouldn't there be any Caldari at all if universe didn't have a set definition for them?

Universe doesn't define words, but we do. There is no Caldari race. There is no Caldari bloodline. There is no even unified Caldari culture, despite some groups of us try to unify it. Culture of Lai Dai is quite different from the culture of SuVee.

But there is a Caldari State. And to be Caldari one have to be loyal to the Caldari State, have to live in the Caldari State and have to work for the Caldari State.

To be Caldari means being part of our State.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#65 - 2016-11-04 06:20:39 UTC
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
I would say it is more that I am not so thoughtless a person as to question the beliefs of my kirjuunen who fought and died alongside me on battlefields stained with their blood before you were even born, Ms. Jenneth. To question my beliefs is in itself to doubt the significance of their sacrifices, and betray my loyalty to them even in death.

While I can understand your desire for intellectual rigor, my faith is something far more personal and fundamentally deeper than some epistemological exercise.

You defend an uncritical way of looking at your own beliefs on the ground that it is "personal" (which I don't doubt at all) and "fundamentally deeper."

"Deeper," here, is pretty subjective. To my eye, without examining those beliefs, there's no way for you to understand what the significance of their sacrifices was. You declare your loyalty and faith, but you willfully blind and deafen yourself to the questions surrounding what you're supposedly faithful to.

I have trouble coming up with a way that's "deep" at all, unless "depth" is taken to mean "commitment so deep that it cannot be questioned," which might go some distance towards explaining typical Caldari cultural anti-intellectualism.

Your convictions aren't broad, Veik. But unless you're willing to try and understand just who and what you have chosen to be, I don't think they're very deep, either.

"It's important to me because it was important to people who are important to me" might have emotional depth, I guess, if that's what you mean.

But it feels like if you're going to be awful to the living for the sake of the dead, you should have a clear understanding that it's not for the sake of truth that you're being awful.

You're being awful because your comrades thought you should be awful, and I can just shut up about it because I don't get a say because I'm not really Caldari for multiple reasons and even if we fought alongside each other for a while we didn't precisely share "a cause," just a campfire, and what's more I didn't die, so even if I make sense it doesn't matter because you're too fundamentally deep for me.

Crimson Serpent Syndicate
#66 - 2016-11-04 06:59:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Neph
I have to be Civire or Deteis to be Caldari? What a shame, then, my whole career has been a lie.

Gesakaarin-haani, any Corporate law would condemn you a sexual deviant. You have rejected heiian for your own unique identity and are in no position to cast dispersion on loyal citizens who have put aside their own racial background in subsumption to the collective Caldari spirit. You are a self-absorbed, self-righteous hypocrite of the first degree.

You speak of your kirjuunen, but you have only kijodainen. Call a **** a **** and stop painting your radical beliefs as true Caldari.

~ Gariushi YC110 // Midular YC115 // Yanala YC115 ~

"Orte Jaitovalte sitasuyti ne obuetsa useuut ishu. Ketsiak ishiulyn." -Yakiya Tovil-Toba-taisoka

Yuan-Ladazir Integrated Armament
#67 - 2016-11-04 10:02:35 UTC
Service guarantees citizenship.

That's what has been advertized to me and that's what I got. I'm pretty sure that there's a glass ceiling, you know, that would limit how high you can rise in megacorporate or representative positions. Not that I'd want to deal with that kind of BS at all, just saying. Our little capsuleer circles are way more tolerant when it comes to these topics.
Having a badge or proof of citizenship really help shutting most of those little racist shitheads up. The majority just doesn't give a **** as long as you're doing your job and don't make any waves to give people a reason to point at you. That includes doing the nasty in creative ways.
Jason Galente
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#68 - 2016-11-04 10:04:13 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
The truth, like winter, can be harsh Ms. Jenneth.

There exists no such thing as half a Caldari -- you either are born as one fully or not at all.


As with other social constructs, cultural rules may or may not reflect an underlying reality. As with other social constructs, a culture's reality is dictated by those participating in it. Club rules are set by the membership, and consist of whatever the membership likes.

Only, the only true law is the one that can't be broken. The rest is a game of make-believe played on the largest possible scale.

Your definition of "Caldari" is acceptable for you, but you're a fool if you think it's the correct one. There isn't a correct one. The universe does not care or even have a set definition for what "Caldari" is.

The Winds don't care about you or me. They don't care about us, either.

That's truth, Veik. Like winter, it can be harsh.


Only the liberty of the individual assures the prosperity of the whole. And this foundation must be defended.

At any cost

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#69 - 2016-11-04 10:20:37 UTC
Aria Jenneth wrote:

You're being awful because your comrades thought you should be awful, and I can just shut up about it because I don't get a say because I'm not really Caldari for multiple reasons and even if we fought alongside each other for a while we didn't precisely share "a cause," just a campfire, and what's more I didn't die, so even if I make sense it doesn't matter because you're too fundamentally deep for me.


Since it appears you require clarification: Depth was in reference to an emotional depth of feeling personal to myself in my beliefs and fulfillment of what I feel are my ongoing obligations. Not that such beliefs are objectively so deep as to stir some kind of epiphany in others.

If you find me awful however it is like this: I am an avowed homosexual. I will find no joy or happiness within any corporation in the State, and that is to be expected by the own standards of my beliefs. This does not however recuse me from my oath sworn, and which I feel bound to uphold. As such, my only option was in a voluntary exile and recusing myself from the community, which I realized as a capsuleer.

Having imposed such exile on myself, and admitting the nature of my shame, then equally so I must accept the condemnation and vilification that by necessity comes with it. For those that wish to decry me for it, they can, it is after all to be expected and indeed required. I will not however renege upon what I feel my duty due to it, not out of any personal desire at redemption for there is no forgiving the unforgivable, but because it is my duty and mine alone.

Now if I am able to hold myself to my own standards which you find so awful, then are you really surprised if I have no interest in offering small mercies from them for others?

Neph wrote:
I have to be Civire or Deteis to be Caldari? What a shame, then, my whole career has been a lie.

Yes. I agree.

Neph wrote:
Gesakaarin-haani, any Corporate law condemns you a sexual deviant.

Before you try to invoke the law to a corporate lawyer, at least try to educate yourself as to the nature of corporate clearance documents issued to Caldari capsuleers which formally acknowledge the transfer of judicial authority from the Megacorporation to the DED in accordance with CONCORD extraterritorial agreements.

Corporate law cannot condemn a crime committed outside of their legal demesne as ceded over myself to the DED. That's beside the absurdity of filing charges upon someone legally considered outlaw within any corporate territory outside of DED zones due to having current standing clearance orders -- it's why I state I am in sanctioned exile from the corporation as a capsuleer.

My clearance documents were authorized by Kaalakiota on 8 August YC 114 at 1348 Hours EST. You may find them upon request to the House of Records if you so wish.

You are however correct to personally condemn me as a homosexual and sexual deviant by my own admission, if you so wish.

Neph wrote:
You have rejected heiian for your own unique identity and are in no position to cast dispersion on loyal citizens who have put aside their own racial background in subsumption to the collective Caldari spirit. You are a self-absorbed, self-righteous hypocrite of the first degree.

You are a Minmatar who has rejected your own racial and cultural heritage to appropriate another like some Gallentean fad collector looking for their next cultural cause célèbre. You, much like a vast majority in the Protectorate, appear to be another corporate war college reject who thinks writing propaganda posts on the IGS is an adequate substitute for actually getting good at developing doctrinal strength and strategic nous so you don't all get collectively farmed for killmails every time the FDU puts in the minimal effort required to headshot a staging system.

At least you get issued those nice rank pins that give command authority over no-one and nothing before you give the salute to one of numerous Brigadier Generals awaiting inside a complex in their warp-core stabilized frigate.

Neph wrote:
Call a **** a **** and stop painting your radical beliefs as true Caldari.

I might consider it when you and others like you stop trying to co-opt my racial and cultural heritage as your own.

Until then, I will express my personal opinions just as you and others are free to express yours.


Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#70 - 2016-11-04 13:57:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Aria Jenneth
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Since it appears you require clarification: Depth was in reference to an emotional depth of feeling personal to myself in my beliefs and fulfillment of what I feel are my ongoing obligations.

So, yes, it's emotional depth you're talking about. Which, I guess must be pretty deep because for the sake of those feelings you're out here alienating pretty much every peer who isn't a Templis Dragonaur.

It's a pity, since you'd just got done talking me out of despising you, like, maybe two weeks ago.

So: the only "truth" you have is the truth of your own sincerely-held feelings. That old bone you're making such a show of gnawing on-- that's your "truth." You can't even defend its validity to anyone at all but you, but you insist on displaying it to us all and calling it duty.

You may have held these beliefs all along. You haven't seemed to feel the need to be quite this honest about your feelings, though.

Which makes me wonder: are you punishing yourself? Is isolation something you think you deserve for being an awful person? Are you ensuring that you spend your pseudo-immortal existence in a hell you're making for yourself?

It's really sad to see, Veiki.

... I wonder how long it'll be before the loneliness has you reaching out to someone again. Maybe someday someone will actually be able to help.

I hope so.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#71 - 2016-11-04 14:02:45 UTC
Keramor wrote:
Service guarantees citizenship.

That's what has been advertized to me and that's what I got. I'm pretty sure that there's a glass ceiling, you know, that would limit how high you can rise in megacorporate or representative positions. Not that I'd want to deal with that kind of BS at all, just saying. Our little capsuleer circles are way more tolerant when it comes to these topics.
Having a badge or proof of citizenship really help shutting most of those little racist shitheads up. The majority just doesn't give a **** as long as you're doing your job and don't make any waves to give people a reason to point at you. That includes doing the nasty in creative ways.

Well, the thing is, that among capsuleers citizenship is... not merited, since they live among other capsuleers, who in mass don't possess any.

The citizenship plays a role when you are baselining, when you are dealing with crewmembers, station security, store owners, Megacorporate representatives (other than agents who hire capsuleers to do the work), and so on.

For example, besides a citizenship, I wear a badge of Strike Commander. Infamous capsuleer trolls even claim I wasn't an officer, despite it could be found in my information page through CONCORD-sanctioned interface in the NeoCom. But, if we ignore these demented pilots who were denying observable fact, we can see one thing, that is another fact: among capsuleers, ranks don't matter as well.

But just like with the citizenship, the moment you find yourself among State officials, among crewmembers and other baseline folk, your rank will quickly get a meaning. And for military rank the primary role is the limitation of quantity of troops you are allowed under your direct command.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#72 - 2016-11-04 14:16:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Deitra Vess
Sorry for chiming in on this one Kim, but I'm curious to your opinions to this. What would be your thoughts if I went to the state protectorate, enlisted, and made the same rank as you? Mind you I'm a Spike lieutenant for the TLF currently and any possible reason for me joining would be for nothing more than isk and cheap hook bills unless something major popped out that made me convert my loyalties. I would still hold that rank in the state if I switched sides either way. Would you be forced to honor the rank, since I'm under the impression your saluting the rank not the person? I don't have any follow-up questions at this time for that and no I'm not trying to create any. I'm simply trying to follow what I've seen as one of your stances on this.
Yuan-Ladazir Integrated Armament
#73 - 2016-11-04 14:39:09 UTC
Man, I don't know. These token ranks are just a bit of an elaborate joke carrot-on-a-stick to motivate folks who aren't convinced by the monetary gains of capsuleer service alone. I guess some people like to wear fancy hats, others just enjoy getting paid doing their job.
It's harder to make chief latrine cleaner in any military than it is to become a militia general on paper.
Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#74 - 2016-11-04 14:47:11 UTC
Keramor wrote:
Man, I don't know. These token ranks are just a bit of an elaborate joke carrot-on-a-stick to motivate folks who aren't convinced by the monetary gains of capsuleer service alone. I guess some people like to wear fancy hats, others just enjoy getting paid doing their job.
It's harder to make chief latrine cleaner in any military than it is to become a militia general on paper.

I concur, just a measurement of a privateers loyalty to a side. To some people however it holds more sway though. I guess some people just need that structure or something...
Yuan-Ladazir Integrated Armament
#75 - 2016-11-04 16:06:38 UTC
Yeah, but I mean, it's a worthless way of measuring it. The best way to do it is also the best way to milk the most of value out of the militia program.
Persephone Alleile
Tartarus Covert Operations
#76 - 2016-11-04 16:12:18 UTC
This has been an interesting discussion. The idea of what makes a national or cultural identity are fascinating to me, and I've enjoyed hearing different viewpoints on what it means to be Caldari. Thank you to all the participants.
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#77 - 2016-11-04 16:38:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Stitcher
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:

Was your paragon really a thoughtless person who thought his beliefs were beyond questioning?

I would say it is more that I am not so thoughtless a person as to question the beliefs of my kirjuunen who fought and died alongside me on battlefields stained with their blood before you were even born, Ms. Jenneth. To question my beliefs is in itself to doubt the significance of their sacrifices, and betray my loyalty to them even in death.

Today is not yesterday.

Sacrifices that were necessary, correct and honorable when the people who made them, made them, might be unnecessary and even entirely the wrong thing to do in the circumstances of the present.

The legacy of the honored dead guides us: it does not rule us.

We must still be self-sufficient in our decisions. We must use our own faculties of reason, our own observations and our own experience to help us interpret the experiences of our ancestors, but here and now we are the rock in the stream. We are the hand on the tiller.

The world changes, and we must adapt. There is no disrespect in deciding that what your ancestors did would be inappropriate here and now even though it was appropriate then and there.

And of course there's every possibility that an ancestor's sacrifice was NOT the right thing to do then and there. They were just as human and fallible as we are, using just the same limited perspective and knowledge to do the best they could in their own difficult times. Some of them will have failed, or sacrificed what they did not need to. Those lessons are just as valuable.

AKA Hambone

Author of The Deathworlders

Ashlar Vellum
Esquire Armaments
#78 - 2016-11-04 18:54:28 UTC
Diana Kim wrote:
Ashlar Vellum wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:

Your definition of "Caldari" is acceptable for you, but you're a fool if you think it's the correct one. There isn't a correct one. The universe does not care or even have a set definition for what "Caldari" is.

Why can't universe have a set definition for what "Caldari" is, wouldn't there be any Caldari at all if universe didn't have a set definition for them?

Universe doesn't define words, but we do. There is no Caldari race. There is no Caldari bloodline. There is no even unified Caldari culture, despite some groups of us try to unify it. Culture of Lai Dai is quite different from the culture of SuVee.

But there is a Caldari State. And to be Caldari one have to be loyal to the Caldari State, have to live in the Caldari State and have to work for the Caldari State.

To be Caldari means being part of our State.

Thank you for your explanation Mrs. Kim.

I do understand that universe doesn't define words, we do and that is clear. I was more curious about environment and outside factors shaping "things" giving them distinct features, in a sense that is universe defining matter that we try to name and categorize afterwards. So in other words if planet named Caldari Prime had a different location, climate, wildlife etc. then State could not have happened.
Diana Kim
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#79 - 2016-11-04 20:07:26 UTC
Deitra Vess wrote:
Sorry for chiming in on this one Kim, but I'm curious to your opinions to this. What would be your thoughts if I went to the state protectorate, enlisted, and made the same rank as you? Mind you I'm a Spike lieutenant for the TLF currently and any possible reason for me joining would be for nothing more than isk and cheap hook bills unless something major popped out that made me convert my loyalties. I would still hold that rank in the state if I switched sides either way. Would you be forced to honor the rank, since I'm under the impression your saluting the rank not the person? I don't have any follow-up questions at this time for that and no I'm not trying to create any. I'm simply trying to follow what I've seen as one of your stances on this.

If you will hold a rank in the State, will be fighting among us and wll behave like us, yes, I will salute you. It doesn't matter who you are. What does matter is what you do. Even if the State isn't your home, but if you wear State insignia and fight enemies of the State, this will mean you deserve to be honored. Just for this.

Honored are the dead, for their legacy guides us.

In memory of Tibus Heth, Caldari State Executor YC110-115, Hero and Patriot.

Deitra Vess
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#80 - 2016-11-04 20:13:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Deitra Vess
Diana Kim wrote:
Deitra Vess wrote:
Sorry for chiming in on this one Kim, but I'm curious to your opinions to this. What would be your thoughts if I went to the state protectorate, enlisted, and made the same rank as you? Mind you I'm a Spike lieutenant for the TLF currently and any possible reason for me joining would be for nothing more than isk and cheap hook bills unless something major popped out that made me convert my loyalties. I would still hold that rank in the state if I switched sides either way. Would you be forced to honor the rank, since I'm under the impression your saluting the rank not the person? I don't have any follow-up questions at this time for that and no I'm not trying to create any. I'm simply trying to follow what I've seen as one of your stances on this.

If you will hold a rank in the State, will be fighting among us and wll behave like us, yes, I will salute you. It doesn't matter who you are. What does matter is what you do. Even if the State isn't your home, but if you wear State insignia and fight enemies of the State, this will mean you deserve to be honored. Just for this.

Thanks for the clarification! Please excuse my gauging if veiks opinions on the matter are more widespread on a military level. Hope that makes sense...