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Character Bazaar

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WTS 10+ MIL SP GALLENTE HULK MINER & HAULER 460k unallocated sp & 2 remaps available

TBD Industries
#1 - 2012-01-12 19:45:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Hocho
Up for auction is MYSELF

9.7mil allocated sp with 460k sp unallocated.

1 remap avail with 1 bonus remap and +2 and +3 implants

Hauls a good load and ready to fly his first transport

positive wallet any assets consolidated in Jita

Docked In Jita 4

Positive but nearly neutral security standings

Drone skills

Looking for a quick sale

As required money will be transferred to me and I will then pay the transfer fee.

Happy Bidding!!
TBD Industries
#2 - 2012-01-13 07:36:46 UTC
TBD Industries
#3 - 2012-01-16 22:13:45 UTC
edited original post, available for sale starting now. 2.5bil buys me or highest bid after that. I'll be checking boards often and available in game off and on.

good luck.
GC Thor
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#4 - 2012-01-17 01:49:32 UTC
can you check prerequsits and tell me what the time to be in an orca is please
Mia Uni
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-01-18 17:12:40 UTC
what you ask for it ?
Victor Elaide
#6 - 2012-02-09 00:06:07 UTC
I will give you 2.5bil.
Captain Siren
The Scraelings
#7 - 2012-02-09 19:52:59 UTC
2.6 B/O

offer stands until 23.00 eve time today
#8 - 2012-02-10 22:16:05 UTC
will you trade for a 17.9 pvp toon