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Market Discussions

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Cpt Dayn
#1 - 2016-10-24 16:10:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Dayn
EVE Museum
#2 - 2016-10-24 16:38:49 UTC
Cpt Dayn wrote:

As you all know, tradning requires a good starting capital

That's not correct.
Btw in order to get people to invest in you, it is widely suggested that you provide proof that you are already trading.

My channel: "Signatures" -

Cpt Dayn
#3 - 2016-10-24 16:50:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Cpt Dayn
Cista2 wrote:
Cpt Dayn wrote:

As you all know, tradning requires a good starting capital

That's not correct.
Btw in order to get people to invest in you, it is widely suggested that you provide proof that you are already trading.

Alright, i guess you are right. But my point is that if u have more capital, you will make more isk faster.

Provide proof? What kind of proof would that be? My own spreadsheets? My earnings from the last time i played?
EVE Museum
#4 - 2016-10-24 16:53:27 UTC
There are services like EVE Mogul, or direct access to your results through api.

My channel: "Signatures" -

Cpt Dayn
#5 - 2016-10-24 17:00:41 UTC
Cista2 wrote:
There are services like EVE Mogul, or direct access to your results through api.

I will look into this, but i read somewhere that i cant import my results from ~ one year ago.
Lurkers Union
#6 - 2016-10-24 17:23:33 UTC
Hey Cpt, give me a few days and i might be able to help you out.

I know this is a big risk, so i wont promise anything.

Can you do 25%?

Cpt Dayn
#7 - 2016-10-24 17:53:18 UTC
Raeyna wrote:
Hey Cpt, give me a few days and i might be able to help you out.

I know this is a big risk, so i wont promise anything.

Can you do 25%?



Sounds awesome, Yeah i guess i could do 25%. Thats the least i can do for someone who trust me.

Let me know how it works out, i will not refuse anyone else who wants to invest in this so just a heads up :)

I am willing to give anyone 25% of the loan, i will update the thread.

The Fukuzawa
New Eden Trade Group
#8 - 2016-10-25 09:44:25 UTC
You might just want to buy some PLEX like you mentioned earlier. I can tell you raising isk is a real *****.

! ! ! New Eden Trade Group is paying monthly interest to investors, contact me if interested ! ! !

If you already assume we are scammers without looking at what we offer objectively, go ahead and F*** off.

Thank you, that is all.

Cpt Dayn
#9 - 2016-10-25 10:08:36 UTC
The Fukuzawa wrote:
You might just want to buy some PLEX like you mentioned earlier. I can tell you raising isk is a real *****.

I want to avoid buying plexes IF nessesary,and i am certain that i wont need to do that if someone lends me the capital.

Caldari Lanyaie
Dead Rune Holder
#10 - 2016-10-25 14:50:02 UTC
You're offering a loan at 25% do know that means you have to pay back 6.25b right? I'm just making sure because it seems like that seems a bit high... in my eyes it even makes it look like you're desperate tbh.

From your profile history you seem to have bought some characters in the past and offered on some other chars. What happened to the money you had back then? What happened to your money before you took a break that requires you to take a 5b loan now? And if it's gone, what prevents the same from happening to the money I intend to loan you now?

How is it that you have no collateral available at all currently, and if you do why not take a smaller loan at a lower interest rate?
Cpt Dayn
#11 - 2016-10-25 14:59:34 UTC
Caldari Lanyaie wrote:
You're offering a loan at 25% do know that means you have to pay back 6.25b right? I'm just making sure because it seems like that seems a bit high... in my eyes it even makes it look like you're desperate tbh.

From your profile history you seem to have bought some characters in the past and offered on some other chars. What happened to the money you had back then? What happened to your money before you took a break that requires you to take a 5b loan now? And if it's gone, what prevents the same from happening to the money I intend to loan you now?

How is it that you have no collateral available at all currently, and if you do why not take a smaller loan at a lower interest rate?

Yeah 25% is high, i know that. That is because i want the people who put trust in me is going to get rewarded.

Yes thats true, ive bought and sold characters. Before i took a break the last time i gave away my assets to a friend, and that person is no longer playing from what i have seen. I even tried contacting him.

I know that i could ask for a smaller loan, but the fact is i know i can make so much more with a larger capital. Thats why :)

javascript:if (typeof posting=='undefined'||posting!=true) {posting=true;__doPostBack('forum$ctl00$PostReply','');}
#12 - 2016-10-25 20:33:21 UTC
This forum used to be flooded with loan requests, with a lot of criticism, unsolicited advice, and some successes and some failures. In that spirit I'll offer some unsolicited advice:

There are lots of potential investors in this game with a lot of available ISK. Plenty of them are willing to invest for a modest return if they can be reasonably sure they won't lose their investment. So your job is to make them feel safe. 25% per month is a huge return, and if the only criterion for a good loan was what it would pay, IF it paid, then this would be a slam dunk. And certainly uncollateralized loans are made at higher interest than collateralized loans, to compensate for the extra risk. But higher interest offered does nothing to satisfy that need to feel safe, and past a certain point it even works against you in a couple of ways. First, it reduces the likelihood that you'll be ABLE to repay. And second, it raises a red flag for most investors.

So in my opinion, whether you want to borrow trading capital and intend to repay the loan, OR even if your goal is to scam 5B from gullible investors, you'd be better served by jumping through a few customary hoops to make investors feel better about risking their ISK on you. It's a little bit of effort that might pay off for you.
Lurkers Union
#13 - 2016-10-26 03:15:26 UTC
Ok, after some thinking i have decided to give this investment a try, lets hope i dont regret it lol.

Someone wants to split it? hehe

Cpt dayn, i will be sending you the isk this evening, unless someone beats me to it or wants to split it.

Will contact you later for confirmation.

Caldari Lanyaie
Dead Rune Holder
#14 - 2016-10-26 05:44:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Caldari Lanyaie
Raeyna wrote:
Ok, after some thinking i have decided to give this investment a try, lets hope i dont regret it lol.

Someone wants to split it? hehe

Cpt dayn, i will be sending you the isk this evening, unless someone beats me to it or wants to split it.

Will contact you later for confirmation.

First Forum Visit: 2016-10-24 17:21

Your first forum visit was on the same day after this post was created - you're asking someone to split this loan with you. I'm starting to get the impression that you're the same person.

Op's way of typing:


AttentionNot using an apostrophe for contractions.
Well, i know that this is a game. And people cant be trusted, but sometimes you gotta take a chance right?

AttentionNot using apostrophe for contractions.
AttentionNot capitalizing "i" except at the start of the sentence
AttentionUsage of commas.

Raeyna's way of typing
Hey Cpt, give me a few days and i might be able to help you out.

AttentionNot capitalizing the 'i'
I know this is a big risk, so i wont promise anything.

Attentionusage of commas
Attentionno apostrophe for contractions

Also the following comments seem a bit weird...
"Cpt dayn, i will be sending you the isk this evening, unless someone beats me to it or wants to split it."

Seems to me like you're trying to lure other potential investors in under the assumption that someone else has invested.

If you're not the same person, I'd like to apologize. If you are and you admit to being the same person - provide some proof of it (wallet log or something)- I'll maybe toss some ISK your way because I like being right.

Found some more confirmation:

Both character's last posts were all around the same time regarding character transfers. After that none of them have returned to the forums until....just recently.

Previous character with the old name raeyana was probably biomassed, but eve-search remembers....eve-search always remembers.
EVE Museum
#15 - 2016-10-26 06:13:45 UTC
This embarassing attempt should be relegated to the role-playing forum.

My channel: "Signatures" -

#16 - 2016-10-26 16:30:14 UTC
Remove? You can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#17 - 2016-10-28 11:40:38 UTC
Cpt Dayn wrote:
I have been playing EvE for a few years, just got back from a break. Always been a trader at heart, and this time will be no different.

How will i use the isk?
All the isk will go towards station trading, i have done this before and i know how the market works.

As you all know, tradning requires a good starting capital, if you got isk its sooo easy to make more. Just like real life.

There is always a risk, with everything. But as i will be buying items i will never lose the isk. Worst case scenario is that i just buy a couple of plexes and pay the isk back.

Why would anyone loan me money?
Well, i know that this is a game. And people cant be trusted, but sometimes you gotta take a chance right? A leap of faith with a rather good payout?

Mabey i am just giving myself false hope by posting this, but hey. You never know right?

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Fly safe,
Cpt Dayn

Let me repost the original post. For posterity. And for those who dont know about eve-search.

Also, what an obvious scam. The fact that the Rayena or whatever her name is, wrote "little low" at 20% which is insanely high, demonstrates she is in on the scam, and is prolly the same person. Phantom poster out of the blue offering to fullfill bond request is never a good sign.