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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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I’ve returned after 5 years! So...what is there to do?

Phalanx Armament
#1 - 2016-10-19 22:37:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Akira2501
I’ve just returned after 5 years.
I feel like a total rookie; all my friends are gone, most of old fits don’t work, and much of my gear / ships are gone. I’ve got about 100million well rounded SP, another 60 or so on an alt which I haven’t activated yet, but not much in the way of ISK or ships.
I’m looking to see if anyone can point me in the direction of anything new that might be fun.

I’m a casual player, with a busy life so a couple hours here or there, so I’m not looking for anything super complicated (I've had my fill of that). PVE, PVP (if possible solo now), industry, whatever.

The last time I was here I ran a corp in an alliance living in a wormhole. The sheer complexity of it all, “hearing cats” so to speak is what drove me to quit, this time I just want to see if I can have some fun.

So far the only thing I’ve really done is attempt a “burner” mission (new to me), which resulted in a couple ships lost. Didn’t go so well! Then a regular mission which I’m apparently still board with 5 years later ; )
Memphis Baas
#2 - 2016-10-20 01:42:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Memphis Baas
You can google "eve careers" for a list of possible things to do; here's CCP's 55 MB PDF showing most of them. But, honestly, it's a list of gameplay options, like listing all the moves that chess pieces can take; it's not the game. Try, see what you like, but don't expect any single activity to remain interesting forever.

Details about spaceships and modules have changed; you'll probably need to read up on the various current recommended fittings. Even some of the activities have changed a bit; it's not a themepark MMO, but CCP seems to be trying to introduce various periodic events, to keep people interested and busy. But I'd say that the majority of the game is still in the "herding cats" part, playing with a group of people. If you don't want to herd, then just be a regular cat, but EVE is still better in groups than it is solo.

As far as your characters, CCP has introduced the skill extraction / skill injection system, so you could possibly "round off" your characters even better, depending on what skills are prerequisites (you can't extract prerequisites). You could make some money getting rid of some skills, or you can also spend A LOT adding some skills (instantly). If you're ok with spending money on PLEX to get ISK, use that, otherwise consider whether you really want the alt, and if not, you can make some ISK extracting some of the skills and selling the points. I'd keep the main; 100 million skillpoints is 5 years of training, very expensive to rebuild if you try to do it with skill injectors.

Anyway, trying to find out what would be fun for you is like being your server at a restaurant; it's just simpler for you to read the menu (linked above), and figure it out yourself.
Jagd Wilde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2016-10-20 05:48:00 UTC
Akira2501 wrote:
I’ve just returned after 5 years.
I feel like a total rookie; all my friends are gone, most of old fits don’t work, and much of my gear / ships are gone. I’ve got about 100million well rounded SP, another 60 or so on an alt which I haven’t activated yet, but not much in the way of ISK or ships.
I’m looking to see if anyone can point me in the direction of anything new that might be fun.

I’m a casual player, with a busy life so a couple hours here or there, so I’m not looking for anything super complicated (I've had my fill of that). PVE, PVP (if possible solo now), industry, whatever.

The last time I was here I ran a corp in an alliance living in a wormhole. The sheer complexity of it all, “hearing cats” so to speak is what drove me to quit, this time I just want to see if I can have some fun.

So far the only thing I’ve really done is attempt a “burner” mission (new to me), which resulted in a couple ships lost. Didn’t go so well! Then a regular mission which I’m apparently still board with 5 years later ; )

OP there are only a couple paths that you can take that will help EVE.

Either get in a null/low/wh corp and help there, or grab a catalyst and head to highsec to kill miners/bots.

Even better, do both. But whatever you do don't pve in highsec, that just gets you salty, angry, and podded.

Every alt I own has a red safety, this has brought my friends much laughter.

DeMichael Crimson
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2016-10-20 06:31:48 UTC
Hello and welcome back to Eve.

Yeah, a lot has changed in the game compared to 5 years ago. Most of those changes were done within the past couple of years. Way too much to actually list so I suggest doing a google search on topics that are relevant to your game play situation.

Since you use to do w-hole action, I suggest doing exploration solo. That would be a viable career since you have a busy life and can only play a couple of hours at a time.

To keep that from getting boring, I suggest mixing it up with some mission running for Event Agents such as Cosmos and Epic Arcs. They have a great story, some good rewards and the missions are a bit tougher than regular missions. Cosmos Agents can only be completed once in the life of the character and Epic Arcs can be completed every 90 days. For more info you can google search for guides.

I hope you have a longer and more rewarding career this time around.

Skyweir Kinnison
#5 - 2016-10-20 09:53:12 UTC
If you enjoy PVP but are constrained by time, I would recommend one of the large 'newbie' alliances. There are so many pilots, you can choose what you like to do without being judged. Pandemic Horde (as an example I am familiar with, but I am certain Karmafleet, Dreddit, Eve University etc have the same or better set-ups) operates in null-sec with fleets, gate-camps, exploration groups, wormholes, mining fleets, PI and so forth. They have faction warfare corps, incursion corps and other opportunities. No API is needed, you can volunteer to FC under the Skybeans program or just run on standing fleet defence. All with no time commitment, and most formal fleets are posted well in advance (something I appreciate myself, since I can organise my playing time easily).

It seems to me that there are many pilots in these corps that have a lot of SP but are returners or time constrained like yourself. Many of them help and teach the true new players which is rewarding of itself.

I believe Karmafleet has organised Special Interest Groups that lead to progression within Goonswarm proper. However, if you just want to chill with friends and try all sorts of stuff without any pressure to 'clock-in', I'd recommend looking at one of these big alliances.

Humanity has won its battle. Liberty now has a country.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2016-10-20 10:51:54 UTC
I've run a wormhole operation in the past and also ran the null sec division of my corp when we were deep in null. Both took up a lot of my time and were more like jobs than a game so I know where you are coming from.

However null sec and wormholes can still be fun. Just don't be the guy running things. Log in, go have some fun, log out.

there are plenty of group activities in this game that don't require you to spend large amounts of time managing people and the movement of stuff. Just look around for the right group and don't be afraid to try different things.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

United Allegiance of Undesirables
#7 - 2016-10-20 13:09:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Donnachadh
Jagd Wilde wrote:
OP there are only a couple paths that you can take that will help EVE.

Either get in a null/low/wh corp and help there, or grab a catalyst and head to highsec to kill miners/bots.

Even better, do both. But whatever you do don't pve in highsec, that just gets you salty, angry, and podded.

Every player that has an active character is "helping" EvE, whether they pay subs with cash or plex the account (essentially using someone else's cash) they are all contributing to the real life cash money CCP needs to continue to operate.

No I do not have a problem with you recommending the game play styles you chooses to list here, I do have a problem with this idiotic notion that only those who shoot other players are good for the game. Besides cash money in the CCP bank account those players that enjoy mining, cargo hauling and the rest of the PvE activities are perhaps the most prayed upon targets in all of EvE, what happens when they all go away? I mean god forbid that the high sec war dec players and the entirety of the ganking community should be required to go fight something or someone that can and would fight back.
Phalanx Armament
#8 - 2016-10-21 01:26:10 UTC
Thank you so much for the thoughtful responses to my completely vague question!

I really do appreciate it and remember why I liked this community. Thanks for welcoming me back.

I think I will be a “regular cat” this time around, as you put it Memphis.
I have a tendency to be the guy who steps up, then gets buried in work. I’ll avoid that this time around.
Several good ideas here.

And you can sell skills now?! That’s crazy talk Shocked Mind blown.

I doubt I’ll need Amarr Carrier 5 or Caldari Dreadnaught anymore. I might take advantage of this.

I think I’ll stick one of my alts in a large PVP alliance to learn the ropes without any real responsibility and take my time figuring out what to do with my main.

For the moment I need to make some ISK so couple specific questions concerning the high-sec options:

- Cosmos missions where around in 2006 when I started playing have they been updated?

- Epic arcs are just a series of normal missions, but with better rewards right?

- As far as wormhole stuff goes. I was a pro but I’m kind of lost now. I couldn’t find my way back to my old home in WH space if my life depended on it! Could anyone point me in the direction of a guide? Specifically I’m curious about identifying the content on the other end (to determine if I can handle it or not). I recall the NPCs we fought in wormhole space were not the kind of thing one could do solo or even in a small fleet.
Jagd Wilde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2016-10-21 01:41:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Jagd Wilde
Donnachadh wrote:
some tears

what happens when they all go away?

at what point is all this "going away" going to start?

more will come, and they will be shown the way, some will stay, some will go

anyone leaving EVE because they cannot make it is braver than someone too afraid to leave because they cannot admit failure.

oh and no, active accounts that are bots are not helping, even if they sub

Every alt I own has a red safety, this has brought my friends much laughter.

Jagd Wilde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-10-21 01:43:51 UTC
Donnachadh wrote:
the entirety of the ganking community should be required to go fight something or someone that can and would fight back.

they already do friend, on their mains.

Every alt I own has a red safety, this has brought my friends much laughter.

Jagd Wilde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2016-10-21 01:47:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Jagd Wilde
Akira2501 wrote:
Thank you so much for the thoughtful responses to my completely vague question!

OP if you PVE in highsec as your main playstyle, you are placing yourself at the bottom of the foodchain, and i am pretty sure that was the same the last time you played. and will continue to work that way for years to come. don't sell yourself short, get the heck out of highsec.

Ignore the naysayers, they just want company at the bottom of the pile

Every alt I own has a red safety, this has brought my friends much laughter.

Phalanx Armament
#12 - 2016-10-21 02:22:17 UTC
As I mentioned I lived deep in WH space, so combo of challenging PVE with PVP - all large fleet stuff.
That's the only thing I'm done with - large operations and mission grinding.
I've not nothing against HISEC or LOW - I did it all. I'm glad to see the rivalry is alive and well though. Big smile
Jagd Wilde
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2016-10-21 02:29:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Jagd Wilde
OP you could try highsec suicide ganking

Everyone should do it at least 10 times.

2 minutes on the web can get you started

you can solo, or do at your leisure,
there is usually always a gank fleet around that can use an extra pilot for those days when you just want to log in and shoot something.
all of the gank fleets i have been on my alt, the ships are free and handed out in station.

give it a shot, you might stay subbed longer this time.
what have you got to lose other than some sec status?

Every alt I own has a red safety, this has brought my friends much laughter.

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2016-10-22 13:09:47 UTC
As far as I understand it cosmos missions have not changed since '06

The level 4 epic arcs can have individual missions within them that are very challenging and could cost you a BS if you don't read up on them first. Beyond that they pay well, have very good faction standing increase and can often be done in a manner to leave you with little to no negative hit from opposing factions.

Sleeper AI has been moved to other areas of the game. So no longer are mission rats locked onto one character and incursion rats are basically sleepers in high sec.

You can solo C1 and C2 rats. C3 and up you will need friends. However Wormholes have gotten so popular and busy that you will probably want to always bring friends.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Phalanx Armament
#15 - 2016-10-22 18:36:09 UTC
Thanks Ergherhdfgh, I'll give that a try.

I also want to find some cheap-ship PVP, so I'll probably start looking for a corp or alliance that does both.
Robot Robot
Plate of Beans Incorporated
#16 - 2016-10-23 13:49:48 UTC
Akira2501 wrote:
Thank you so much for the thoughtful responses to my completely vague question!

- Cosmos missions where around in 2006 when I started playing have they been updated?

I'm laughing and crying at the same time. I remember asking this exact same question in 2009.

Akira2501 wrote:
- Epic arcs are just a series of normal missions, but with better rewards right?

Pretty much. They're worth doing, I particularly recommend the pirate epic arcs that take you out to NPC null and are designed to be run in frigate-class ships. They're awesome.

If you're looking for something you can jump into right away that can make you some isk, and offer potential PVP opportunities all in very discrete chunks of time, I can't recommend Blood Raider Gauntlets enough. They're small combat sites that appear as beacons right on your overview in all types of space and are part of a limited time event running for another week or so. Each one contains some webbing frigate NPCs, some stronger than usual cruiser NPCs, and a Battlecruiser boss at the end. The BC always drops an event-related booster and a cosmetic item. Currently market value for the loot is averaging around 25m I'd say, which isn't a ton, but you can do a site in less than 15 minutes easily. More like 5 minutes if you bring the right ship and are on your game.

Now, I don't really recommend doing them in high sec, since the competition is very stiff and there are lots of people waiting to run in and snag the loot at the last second after you've done all the work of killing the rats. Instead, try running them in low sec (or even null/wspace). Make sure you fit a warp disruptor and you will almost certainly find a fight eventually. And it will probably be a solo fight even!

Right at this moment in time, contesting Gauntlets in LS has injected a whole bunch of new solo-PVP into the game and it's awesome.
Harok Chipri
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2016-10-24 09:39:48 UTC
Go providence, rat, mine explore, see what you want to do and you can still go elsewhere afterwards, but you will have to join an alliance then... Just do not get kos on this list