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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Multiplayer/Solo game play

Beau Crendraven
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2016-10-18 23:06:19 UTC
Hi everyone, I've been playing EvE now off and on for about 8 years, I've started a few accounts played around with several play styles and I was wondering if there are alot of people who would like to see EvE become a solo game as well as a multiplayer. I think this game would become even a bigger hit and alot more people would play 10 fold if we could have the option of either multiplayer or solo. I would love to go exploring into nul sec and I know it's enter at your own risk. But if we had a solo version of EvE, keep everything like it is but a solo option. I know alot of you would degrade this post but if you think about it there are 10X more people who would rather play solo then multiplayer, I'm one of them. So please give your opinions and please don't be to harsh thanks everyone Big smile
Aurora Aetern
Brittas Empire
Pandemic Horde
#2 - 2016-10-18 23:20:49 UTC
One of the integral parts of this game is the economy and how it drives a lot of the gameplay here, from mining to pvp. I don't know how you would simulate an economy if it were a solo game. I understand that you may not want to compete with other players or do pvp but you could probably find a quiet piece of highsec and do what you want there?
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#3 - 2016-10-18 23:23:58 UTC
Laphroaig Inc.
#4 - 2016-10-18 23:42:22 UTC
If you want to play 'solo', go for it. There's nothing forcing you to co-operate with others in your day-to-day activities.

However, the very nature of a single shard, persistent game world means that others can come and try to *interact* with you, regardless if you want to or not.

Deal with it.

Or, to put it another way, I'll defer to Ralph:

Ralph King-Griffin wrote:

Occasional Resident Newbie Correspondent for TMC:

This is my Forum Main. My Combat Alt is sambo Inkura

Pendra Tahyan
#5 - 2016-10-18 23:43:27 UTC
No. EVE is a PvP-centered MMO-game at it's core and I fail to see how any form of 'solo mode' could be implemented without destroying the game for all players playing in 'MMO-mode'.

Personally I fail to see how EVE could be fun if you removed risk from it and without trying to sounds like an a** I believe that players who think that would be a good idea are probably playing the wrong game.

Finally aren´t there loads of Solo Play Space games available for those who do not want interaction with human players ?
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#6 - 2016-10-19 01:06:09 UTC
a solo mode MMO? Isn't that kind of like asking for a house without a roof or walls?

If you want to play a solo game then play a solo game and if you want to play an MMO then play an MMO. I'm not sure I even understand why anyone would suggest to the developers of an MMO that they make the game solo.

That being said if you want to play Eve in a manner in which you are left alone and can travel from one side of the game to the other without ever seeing another person and don't have to compete with other's on the market etc... Then just log onto SiSi. That is pretty much your solo option right there.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Lulu Lunette
Savage Moon Society
#7 - 2016-10-19 01:11:21 UTC
Solo in Eve is just playing by yourself. Smile Nothing wrong with that


Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2016-10-19 01:16:22 UTC
I believe you are looking for this(explained why in first few paragraphs):
Barnabas Fresante
Jack Trades Unlimited
#9 - 2016-10-19 01:18:38 UTC
OP, are you asking for a full on single player "campaign" but set in a replica eve galaxy? Doesn't star citizen supposedly boast of such a thing? Is that what you're looking for? So bunches of npcs, a set/ fixed economy, and an overarching and specific storyline established by ccp for you to star in/ be the hero of?

As long as it didn't interact / effect the real tranquility server, I suppose it'd be possible IF ccp were interested in that sort of thing and IF it were profitable, but the first thing that jumps to my mind is that would be one lonely, lonely galaxy...
Solonius Rex
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2016-10-19 01:23:11 UTC
Beau Crendraven wrote:
Hi everyone, I've been playing EvE now off and on for about 8 years, I've started a few accounts played around with several play styles and I was wondering if there are alot of people who would like to see EvE become a solo game as well as a multiplayer. I think this game would become even a bigger hit and alot more people would play 10 fold if we could have the option of either multiplayer or solo. I would love to go exploring into nul sec and I know it's enter at your own risk. But if we had a solo version of EvE, keep everything like it is but a solo option. I know alot of you would degrade this post but if you think about it there are 10X more people who would rather play solo then multiplayer, I'm one of them. So please give your opinions and please don't be to harsh thanks everyone Big smile

Its called Sisi. Its pretty much solo mode and no ones gonna care if you fly around.

Tipa Riot
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2016-10-19 12:43:45 UTC
Lulu Lunette wrote:
Solo in Eve is just playing by yourself. Smile Nothing wrong with that

This. Just tweak your overview a bit and treat other players' ships as NPCs, close all chats including local, charge a high enough fee for people wanting to contact you, block all invitations ... and voilà you have your pure solo experience in New Eden. Lol

I'm my own NPC alt.

Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#12 - 2016-10-19 14:51:17 UTC
Beau Crendraven wrote:
Hi everyone, I've been playing EvE now off and on for about 8 years, I've started a few accounts played around with several play styles and I was wondering if there are alot of people who would like to see EvE become a solo game as well as a multiplayer. I think this game would become even a bigger hit and alot more people would play 10 fold if we could have the option of either multiplayer or solo. I would love to go exploring into nul sec and I know it's enter at your own risk. But if we had a solo version of EvE, keep everything like it is but a solo option. I know alot of you would degrade this post but if you think about it there are 10X more people who would rather play solo then multiplayer, I'm one of them. So please give your opinions and please don't be to harsh thanks everyone Big smile

Stay in highsec, fly tanked ships, do missions.

Solo game complete.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Robot Robot
Plate of Beans Incorporated
#13 - 2016-10-19 17:20:27 UTC
You know, it would probably be pretty easy (in the greater scheme of things) for CCP to release a downloadable off-line version of the game. But if they did, I imagine you would get bored of it pretty fast. There's not much game there really. After you run the epic arcs... then what? And that's without even going into the fact that, without a player-driven market, you would have to make everything yourself. Want a T2 ship. That's going to be a lot of time spent training for invention and advanced manufacturing.

This is a game where the other players are meant to be close to 100% of the content. And they've done a pretty great job of giving us the tools to make that content for each other.

I think that pretty much any existing single player space game will serve you better.
Jagd Wilde
Pandemic Horde Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#14 - 2016-10-20 06:24:21 UTC
How would it help EVE if you could solo?
You can't be allowed to solo and still affect the rest of the game.
It was designed as an mmo.
Player interaction is at EVE's core.

There is no reason to go to nullsec and explore solo. It's just like highsec but with more concequences because the other people in the mmo are not reprimanded there by CONCORD.

Just get this out of your heads, carebears.

Elite Dangerous has a solo mode, that allows players to do just that, while still being able to effect trade in the mmo part of the game. That ruined the game for a lot of us. (Old info on my part about Elite, as i quit that crappy excuse of an mmo)

Every alt I own has a red safety, this has brought my friends much laughter.

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#15 - 2016-10-23 22:16:54 UTC
If you like solo play in a space themed game may I suggest Albion Prelude made by Egosoft or X Rebirth by the same company all are available on steam and have missions mining solo and fleet fights and an economy these might interest you.
Iria Ahrens
Space Perverts and Forum Pirates
#16 - 2016-10-24 05:46:44 UTC
In all seriousness, if you want to play Eve solo, play on singularity. There are only two systems where you are allowed to fight, and everything is cheap.

My choice of pronouns is based on your avatar. Even if I know what is behind the avatar.

Harok Chipri
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2016-10-24 09:29:42 UTC
Well if you want to explore in nullsec, you can always go to Providence it is NRDS (not red don't shoot), if you are civilized and do not appear red / kos on the you should not get shot by the locals. Watch out for pirates who pass through... But it helps alot by not being shot by the resident nullsec alliance unlike the rest of the egocentric nullsec alliances.

I think you can even use their infrastructure aswell... GL & HF
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#18 - 2016-10-26 01:20:23 UTC
111kartel111 wrote:
If you like solo play in a space themed game may I suggest Albion Prelude made by Egosoft or X Rebirth by the same company all are available on steam and have missions mining solo and fleet fights and an economy these might interest you.

I might try that just to see what its like.

Don't kid yourselves. Even the dirtiest pirates from the birth of EVE have been carebears. They use alts to bring them goods at cheap prices and safely, rather than live with consequences of their in game actions on their main, from concord to prices

Galaxy Duck
Galaxy Farm Carebear Repurposing
#19 - 2016-10-26 18:11:45 UTC
Solo suicide ganker here. o/ hi

But yeah, no.
Avaelica Kuershin
Paper Cats
#20 - 2016-10-27 02:47:45 UTC
Beau Crendraven wrote:
I would love to go exploring into nul sec and I know it's enter at your own risk. Big smile

Just do it. Get a cheapish ship (cov ops are good) and a blank clone and go explore. Just learn the tricks for getting about null.
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