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Research POS, caldari tower vs less costier tower? And a setup help

Mokanor Lenak
Odd Fluffy Bunnies
#1 - 2012-01-18 10:39:15 UTC
Hi ho.

I'm planning on setting a tower soonish for my research alt.
Beside the needed PI items to fuel the tower (which are a bit passive to make), there is also the ice products to buy from the market.

Mainly I find that some towers are cheaper for me to maintain by a few million isk a month than a caldari tower (most likely because its pretty popular because of higher CPU) because of where I'm operating.

So is it worth the few million isk for the extra CPU?

I'm considering a POS setup like this:

Amarr Medium Control Tower
2 x Mobile Laboratory
2 x Mobile Laboratory - Advanced

Offline Modules
2 x EW - Stasis Webification Battery
2 x EW - Warp Scrambling Battery
4 x EW ECM - Ion Field Projection
4 x EW ECM - Phase Inversion
4 x EW ECM - Spatial Destabilization
4 x EW ECM - White Noise Generator
1 x Shield Hardener - Heat Dissipation
1 x Shield Hardener - Photon Scattering
4 x Turret - Laser - Beam, Medium
3 x Turret - Laser - Beam, Small
2 x Turret - Laser - Pulse, Medium

This will give me in total:
8 copy slots
10 ME slots
6 PE slots
14 invention slots

And I will get some discouraging modules to keep people away from "having fun" to blow the tower, since taking it down and up with an alt corp and no constant high enough standing, is a pain.
If getting war declared, I will put the labs offline and pull all the rest online.

I can also fit some assembly arrays if I want to produce some stuff in the future, and I think there is enough slots for my alt to work with.

Any suggestions or changes? Something I forgot?

Mordus Angels
#2 - 2012-01-18 12:17:16 UTC
An Caldary tower can usually hold one extra lab over the other towers. I'm not sure if it holds also for medium tower as I have never used medium for labs - its been either a small one or large one for me.

If you get wardecced and dont have defence gang then the tower will die to any 3 man gang who knows what they are doing. In some cases it just takes a while longer to die.

You can sort of make it "not worth the trouble" though in the sense that there can be "easier" targets than you. Mix of some ECM, damps, few scrams, few webs, gridful of small guns ... and a POS gunner or three. If you happen to be online and nearby when the tower is under attack.

Here, sanity... niiiice sanity, come to daddy... okay, that's a good sanity... THWONK! GOT the bastard.

Lady Ayeipsia
#3 - 2012-01-18 14:24:19 UTC
You are missing a corp hanger. Having one let's you store fuel and supplies locally. This can be a help as you don't have to lug datacores and such around.

Also, how many alts do you have running this tower? I have 2 indy alts, both with research skills. I run copying, me, pe, and invention slots. I run a small tower with 2 advance labs, 1 mobile lab, and a corp hanger. This is a caldari tower. Given one alt runs 3 copy, 5 invention, 2 extra, and the other runs my me/pe plus any extra copying, i don't use all my slots. I think your tower setup is excessive. Go with a small caldari tower and you will be fine.

As for defense, the best two defenses are anonymity and running. If you have a corp with 2 members only in a sparsely populated hi sec area, you will be left alone for the most part. Don't bother anyone, lay low, and yoy should be fine. As for a small tower, if wardecced, I lose a week of work. I simply pull up the tower in the 24 hour notice period and take a week break. Since neither of my alta gave faction standing, the corp standing doesn't change and i can reanchor when the war is over.
Mokanor Lenak
Odd Fluffy Bunnies
#4 - 2012-01-18 15:34:33 UTC
So from what you are saying:
1. If my alt have no standings (completely neutral), corp standing will not fall at all after I boost the standing for the anchoring?
2. Two advance and one normal labs is more than enough for a single alt to start with?

That will make my life a lot simpler.
The Frog Pond
#5 - 2012-01-18 15:59:13 UTC
500 mil a month is pretty spendy. I would suggest a medium tower with 4 advanced labs and 2 mobile. Don't settle for a .5 system, most people will do that and there is more competion for moons. Get up to a .6 or .7. Add some defense, good to go. You'll probably end up taking it down eventually anyway. Only so much you can do after awhile.

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Scrapyard Bob
EVE University
Ivy League
#6 - 2012-01-18 16:09:41 UTC
Lady Ayeipsia wrote:
You are missing a corp hanger. Having one let's you store fuel and supplies locally. This can be a help as you don't have to lug datacores and such around.

Better to rent an office in the same system to store stuff like that. Plus you can keep all of your BPOs / BPCs tucked away nice and safe in the station office. Having the BPOs at the station also lets you use the S&I window to start jobs remotely. Setup a stock list in a tool like jEVEAssets to keep you apprised of how many datacores are left in the mobile lab and whether you need to restock the lab on a particular day.

Keeping BPOs / excess items out at the tower is a security risk. It's more stuff to evac during a wardec or other trouble, and in a system with no stations having labs/arrays can make your POS attractive for attack. So you always want to minimize what you have out at the tower to a few days worth of supplies.

For a quick view of what a tower can support, play around with the POS builder:

Mokanor Lenak
Odd Fluffy Bunnies
#7 - 2012-01-18 16:16:25 UTC
Zifrian wrote:
You'll probably end up taking it down eventually anyway. Only so much you can do after awhile.

Didn't get this.
Why eventually? You mean under war-dec or something else? As long as I'm making money out of the POS operation, it should be ok as long as I'm working on it. Once I'm bored enough, take down, sell everything P

If I'm self making the PI for for fuel in the same area and buy the ice products, and self make the fuel blocks, it will cost me about 50m ISK per month to fuel a small tower, or 95m ISK for a medium tower.
The PI can generate 2 months worth of fuel items every month (for medium tower requirements), and its pretty passive basically.

Initial setup will cost to buy the tower and modules of course.

And thanks Scrapyard Bob. I do intend to use a NPC station, and I will look at the tool.
The Frog Pond
#8 - 2012-01-18 16:55:22 UTC
Don't get caught up in the items I PI are free. They have value on the market and is a large part of the isk your tower "makes" you. These costs should be factored in to what you are using the tower for.

On what I said, eventually you will run out of stuff to research or have so many copies that it doesn't make much sense in keeping it up since it has a cost (pi mats) even if you aren't using it since you could shut down your tower and sell your pi mats. I've had 5 pos's and I would regulary shut them down from time to time to save on fuel costs. So it helps to think ahead IMO.

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Lady Ayeipsia
#9 - 2012-01-18 17:36:21 UTC
For standings... Yes, if ur alt has no standings with a faction, and they are the only one in corp, tge corps standings stay high enough. My alts have no caldari state standings. My main created the corp, waired the week, and passed the corp along. My alta can unanchor and reanchor our tower whenever as the standings have not changed.

As for labs, yes a small caldari tower with 2 advance labs, 1 mobile is enough.

How long to keep a pos running... That depends on the bpo collection you want. If all you plan to do is one t2 item, then yeah ir won't be up long. If u plan to build a collection including all ammo bpos, rigs, etc then yeah it will be up for a long while. Plus if you plan to invent constantly, you will keep the pos up.

Corp hanger, it's not just for bpo storage. Again, spare fuel, datacores, interfaces, etc. It is a pain to keep all that in a lab, but you need it for invention. It just helps, but is not 100% necessary.

for the whole pi I make is free debate... That is up to you. I make and mine all my own fuel. Yes I could make more profit mining minerals. Yes I could make better pi, sell it and buy my own fuel. But on the other hand, I am happily self-sufficient and am not dependant on regular fuel trips. So that is more how you like to play.... Maximize profit or enjoy managing things your way. I prefer the latter.