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T2Print bubble finally burst?

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Project Fruit House
#21 - 2016-10-16 14:12:11 UTC
I do not see them as good trade option at this late stage and price. People who bought them before and such are different story, but it's not a new market to enter for someone as a first timer.

Having said that, like I said in another similar thread earlier on MD, if you have enough ISK then ROI time frame or market value of T2 BPO is not a concern. If you already hold large quantity and diversity of assetes and investment as well as enough ISK buffer to feel no need to make quick profit or liquidation, then why not?

The super rich IRL do the same. Buying way over priced lands and properties, hoarding tons of materials/resources, etc.

Common sense says in 99.99% of cases you'd better off using that money for more profitable things, but there are people who belong to that 0.01% in the top rich where common sense is irrelevant and diversity can be attractive by itself regardless of ROI on a particular item. Considering there is no penalty/tax in EVE for keeping high value assets or ISK forever, it's viable consideration.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#22 - 2016-10-16 18:44:29 UTC
This is a thread only big Lynx or his alts would make. Thanks for the free publicity. Lol

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

Tiddle Jr
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#23 - 2016-10-17 07:51:05 UTC
Big Lynx's alt is here

"The message is that there are known knowns. There are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say there are things that we now know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know" - CCP

Phoenix Pryde
3-I Area 42
#24 - 2016-10-17 18:34:30 UTC
As somebody who probably bought from a couple of you (who knows with all these alts :P).... There are still T2 BPO buyers who buy up to certain margins and/or tastes. But yes, it certainly these days has become (more of) a collection habit and a 'luxury'. I could imagine that would make 'trading' them harder. Then again, i only really ever bought them, and even happily from resellers when it was worth it for me and they offered something 'missing'.

Just for profit's sake not many T2 BPO's are worth it today. And even these only if you look at looong timeframes. I happily recall times when one calculated in 1-2 years of ROI ;P
I wouldn't recommend buying T2 BPO's to anybody wanting to make ISK, but that has been the case for longer now than they were profitable. If its not about ISK alone it still can be a hobby ;P
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#25 - 2016-10-17 21:14:04 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
Exhibit C.

Karen Humphrey wrote:
With the given ROI of T2 bpo's, t2 bpo's seem to have lost alot of value and with that, popularity.

So the question of today, is buying T2 bpo's, and relisting them for like, 150b still a viable business model these days?

industry alt 4 wrote:
From here : "Someone who has surpassed the levels of jerk and *******, however not yet reached ****** or ************. Not to be confuzed with douche."


Who's your favourite douchebag? I will start of with mine: Zahara Cody

ps: He seems to fly around jita with T2 bpo's aswell.
pss: Send me quotes for year long perm war dec's and lets have some fun Lol

Mr LaboratoryRat wrote:
It is not what we do, but how we do certain type of things, that determin who we are.

You,... for instance; like to talk about yourselve and the things you do. It sais that you are egocentric orientated and are not very successfull with having many friends with not similar character properties. People who are not like that, probaly find those types of people assholes.

The pirates/griefers playing style make assholes feel good, so what more can i say: Not everyone, but most people are more likely to be assholes in that playingstyle?

Etherway: self reflection is the way to enlighment

Where is Zahara Cody? He could learn from this.

Finally we have another person (yes, I believe all three of the characters quoted in Exhibit C. are the same person due to typing style, general attitude, attempts at deception, contract and corporation similarities) who both dislikes Zahara Cody enough to keep talking about and to him in very dismissive ways, and seems to think that the business of selling T2 BPOs is dead.

Other known alts include Hemmo Paskianen and Zexy Jeffries, both of those characters have EVE mailed Zahara some pretty nasty and completely baseless accusations and speculations about his real life, very similar to Mr LaboratoryRat's post I quoted.

Luckily I'm not as paranoid as this post makes me out to be. Also this is all so real ******* pathetic, it's just internet spacemoney.

Edit: Here's another coincidence.

Interesting detective work. You were the person that unmasked Blueprint Seller too, weren't you?

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#26 - 2016-10-17 21:37:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
It was RAW32 that did the advanced eyebrow analysis, we all knew it though :p. We hoped he had turned over a new leaf, now we just pray for him.

I can understand why he would think Cody and I are the same person, but the similarities began when I attempted to emulate him shortly after starting to trade. We diverged a bit when he got into T2 BPOs and I stuck to T1, but we've since crossed paths again. I'm sure he's rubbed off on me in other ways too, also we both like a good pun and emoticons wearing sunglasses.

The jury is out whether there's some even more serious altception going on, or whether jealousy is contagious though Bear.
InterStellar Architect
InterStellar Architects Corporation
#27 - 2016-10-18 02:14:41 UTC  |  Edited by: InterStellar Architect
Toobo wrote:
I do not see them as good trade option at this late stage and price. People who bought them before and such are different story, but it's not a new market to enter for someone as a first timer.

Having said that, like I said in another similar thread earlier on MD, if you have enough ISK then ROI time frame or market value of T2 BPO is not a concern. If you already hold large quantity and diversity of assetes and investment as well as enough ISK buffer to feel no need to make quick profit or liquidation, then why not?

The super rich IRL do the same. Buying way over priced lands and properties, hoarding tons of materials/resources, etc.

Common sense says in 99.99% of cases you'd better off using that money for more profitable things, but there are people who belong to that 0.01% in the top rich where common sense is irrelevant and diversity can be attractive by itself regardless of ROI on a particular item. Considering there is no penalty/tax in EVE for keeping high value assets or ISK forever, it's viable consideration.

T2 BPO's are like diamonds. They are useless but shiny. As with all things shiny, you can find a rich guy to drop the ISK for it, they're not buying for the returns. Also, many people spend IRL money to fund these purchases.

I have no experience with T2 BPO's. But I think the price for these limited items have a solid correlation with how willing people are to spend IRL money. I wouldn't be surprised if 1/3 (or more) of Tech 2 BPO or AT Ship purchases are funded with IRL money.
EVE Museum
#28 - 2016-10-18 06:48:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Cista2
InterStellar Architect wrote:
I wouldn't be surprised if 1/3 (or more) of Tech 2 BPO or AT Ship purchases are funded with IRL money.

Star Citizen is >> that way
I believe you are wrong. EVE Online is an actual game, in fact it is a very old game. There are players in EVE that are richer in ingame money than any of us will ever be IRL money :) Do you have any idea what a full set of legacy ships + T2 BPOs would cost you IRL money?

For the record, I am stupified that anyone would think that Norn and Cody could be the same person. Maybe because I regularly talk with both of them :)

My channel: "Signatures" -

InterStellar Architect
InterStellar Architects Corporation
#29 - 2016-10-18 19:10:28 UTC
Cista2 wrote:
Do you have any idea what a full set of legacy ships + T2 BPOs would cost you IRL money?

Depends on how much people make. Eve Online player base is older compared to other games.
Eleonora Skye
Sushi Corp
#30 - 2016-10-18 21:57:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Eleonora Skye
Cista2 wrote:
There are players in EVE that are richer in ingame money than any of us will ever be IRL money :) Do you have any idea what a full set of legacy ships + T2 BPOs would cost you IRL money?

1T ~= 16 500 USD$ (1,2B / Plex)

Even if you know some people with 100T (which i doubt) that's certainly not richer than "any of us" will or could ever be...

The exchange rate is 1/60 000 000, 1 ISK = 0,000000016 USD (still better than where the Zimbabwean dollar ended up), you would need to be very very rich in ISK to brag about your wealth taking real currency as a reference.

Even IWI RMT'ing probably wasn't far away from your average dealer's income. The good part for them is that, in their case, you don't end up in jail.

Still laughable money for any wealthy individual.
Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#31 - 2016-10-18 22:30:42 UTC
Why can't we be friends?

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

Project Fruit House
#32 - 2016-10-19 03:49:25 UTC
While I was nodding my head thinking yes yes, but then I hit the using RL money to buy T2 BPOs, AT ships and erm.... I really don't think so tbh. I know that many people buy PLEX & sell them to fund something like injectors, carriers, super carrier, etc, but never heard of anyone buying PLEX with RL cash & selling on market to buy T2 BPO or AT ships. O.o.

Many people are certainly willing to pay a few hundred to a few thousnads of US $ per year to buy & sell PLEX (especially when PLEX on sale) and stuff, but I think these people tend to use the ISK to buy something they can use immediately in fleet ops/solo pimp ratting/etc, not to buy some 'collectibles'.

I could be wrong, of course, as I don't know how everyone spend their ISK in game, but I doubt RL $ goes to T2 BPO very much.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#33 - 2016-10-23 20:39:20 UTC
Don't let me stop you from getting back to the things that matter. Best of luck.

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#34 - 2016-10-24 00:14:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Zahara Cody

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

ISD Buldath
#35 - 2016-10-25 18:15:48 UTC
I have removed some off topic and Trolly responses. Dirty gunk.

Those Quoting have also been removed.

~ISD Buldath

Instructor King of the Forums! Knight of the General Discussion

Support, Training and Resources Division

Interstellar Services Department

I do not respond to EVE-Mails regarding forum moderation.

Zahara Cody
Imperial Corrections Service.
#36 - 2016-10-26 01:14:40 UTC

Hating is free, that's why poor people do it the best.

InterStellar Architect
InterStellar Architects Corporation
#37 - 2016-10-28 16:13:00 UTC  |  Edited by: InterStellar Architect
Toobo wrote:

I could be wrong, of course, as I don't know how everyone spend their ISK in game, but I doubt RL $ goes to T2 BPO very much.

You might be surprised. For example in my alliance, the members have access to read new member applications. There is a question that asks what they do for ISK. About 80% of the applicants say they'll PLEX if needed.

And sometimes PLEX sellers become PLEX buyers. For example when I first started playing, I've sold about 300 Bil worth of PLEX to get my starting capital. Now I can easily PLEX my accounts and play for free.

And that's one of the great things about this game. If you make a RL money investment into the game, depending on what you do with the ISK, it will allow you to start playing the game for free. So you actually get something in return.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#38 - 2016-10-28 16:29:36 UTC
InterStellar Architect wrote:
For example when I first started playing, I've sold about 300 Bil worth of PLEX to get my starting capital. Now I can easily PLEX my accounts and play for free.

It's hardly playing for free when you paid for it in the past.
InterStellar Architect
InterStellar Architects Corporation
#39 - 2016-10-28 16:38:20 UTC
Bad Bobby wrote:
InterStellar Architect wrote:
For example when I first started playing, I've sold about 300 Bil worth of PLEX to get my starting capital. Now I can easily PLEX my accounts and play for free.

It's hardly playing for free when you paid for it in the past.

Yes but how long will I play in the future. You also have to weigh in the time you need to spend to get your capital.

For me, I sold about 300 billion worth of PLEX. But it's possible for someone to sell 50 or 100 Billion worth of PLEX and still make enough to PLEX all their accounts. If they can sell 100 Billion worth of PLEX, and use it to make enough ISK to PLEX their accounts for 10 years going forward, and also fuel their PvP needs, then it's not bad.

There is also something else very important that should not be overlooked: the time saved IRL.
Pelle Wittewoa
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#40 - 2016-11-05 11:40:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Pelle Wittewoa
Me thinks T2 bpo's are worth whatever ccp want them to be worth. Its like Elizabeth Norn sais, we just all have to stick ccp's one in the mouth and just swallow. I just find it toooo hilarius and funny thta people still sink that much time into eve. But i guess, taste is private eh :D
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