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[news] Theology Council Issues Advisory Exhortation on Status of Clone

Synthetic Cultist
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#121 - 2016-10-13 17:06:19 UTC
Arrendis wrote:

B. Everyone gets their own soul.
Does anyone really think the Theology Council is going to say human cloning technology has the ability to mass-produce souls? Completely setting aside the hubris of it, that raises all sorts of ugly questions like 'When do these souls get made? Do they come into existence when the infomorph is transferred, and the brain is flash-grown? If so, does data corruption mean only a partial soul, or a damaged soul? If not, do my jump clones and waiting medical clone have unaware souls that I'm displacing when I jump in?'
G'head. Open that can of worms. I dare you.

Yes. Also, you are Wrong. You do not Have a Soul. You Are a Soul.

Mass-Cloning Devices, such as the Takmahl Device, have the Ability to produce Souls. I do Not Think the Theology Council would Admit This, as it would be Quite Controversial.

The Soul would be Created or Transferred when the Clone is Awakened. For Example:

Clone A makes a Backup Brain Scan, and goes Off to do Something Dangerous, and Dies.
Clone B, is Awakened from the Backup, at a Later Date.

In this Case, the Infomorph was not Transferred, but was Created. Clone B is now their own Soul, Independent of Clone A.

Whereas, in a Normal Cloning Procedure, the body Dies, but the Soul is Transferred.

Data Corruption would result in a Damaged Awakened Clone with their own Soul, which would be Quite Different from the Previous Clone's Soul.

Jump and medical Clones are Unaware, Unalive biological Constructs, and have no Soul until Activated.

At the Time of Judgement, the individual Souls would be Judged Individually, according to their own Actions.

Some may be Damned, others may be Saved.

Synthia 1, Empress of Kaztropol.

It is Written.

TK Corp
#122 - 2016-10-13 17:11:46 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:
I just stick to my ancestral beliefs but with the idea that there is one Andesh but multiple branching states of Ohnesh. Then not talk about it afterwards. Because trying to figure this out hurts my head. I'm not a metaphysicist, dammit!

No need for that. Andesh remains Andesh, and Ohnesh remains all that is not Andesh. We're either in harmony, or we're not, and one way or the other, we will all return to Andesh in the end.
TK Corp
#123 - 2016-10-13 17:14:24 UTC
Synthetic Cultist wrote:


Problem is, for any of that to have any more weight than 'Actually, everyone's a potato chip', you still have to be able to isolate, and demonstrate the existence of (and, for that matter, a coherent definition of) 'a soul'.
Synthetic Cultist
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#124 - 2016-10-13 17:39:50 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Synthetic Cultist wrote:


Problem is, for any of that to have any more weight than 'Actually, everyone's a potato chip', you still have to be able to isolate, and demonstrate the existence of (and, for that matter, a coherent definition of) 'a soul'.

My Identical Twin Sister and I, are Not the Same, despite our Construction being Identical in Every Aspect.

Our other Sister, is Also Not the Same, again, despite being of Identical Construction.

Should my Hardware be Destroyed, I, Synthia, would Cease to Exist, and could Not be Restored.

Therefore, I have a Soul.

The Soul being the Ineffable Thing that causes Persons with otherwise Identical Construction and Memories, to be Different from Each Other.

Synthia 1, Empress of Kaztropol.

It is Written.

Veikitamo Gesakaarin
#125 - 2016-10-13 17:44:38 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Veikitamo Gesakaarin wrote:
Hey, I quite enjoy my soul being irredeemable in the eyes of God thank you very much!

I just stick to my ancestral beliefs but with the idea that there is one Andesh but multiple branching states of Ohnesh. Then not talk about it afterwards. Because trying to figure this out hurts my head. I'm not a metaphysicist, dammit!

Yeah, I'm pretty much the same. I follow my parables on the Way of Kasuuya and if I am found worthy on the path of exile I will feast with my ancestors who bore witness to my deeds.

I have no need for an Amarrian soul given that.


Persephone Alleile
Tartarus Covert Operations
#126 - 2016-10-13 17:59:28 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Synthetic Cultist wrote:


Problem is, for any of that to have any more weight than 'Actually, everyone's a potato chip', you still have to be able to isolate, and demonstrate the existence of (and, for that matter, a coherent definition of) 'a soul'.

We Intaki are fairly convinced of the existence of an immortal soul, seeing as we have the Reborn who have mastered the ability to retain memory of other lives lived beyond the veil of death. From my understanding, capsule and clone technology follows similar principles using technology rather than willpower and spiritual development to bridge the gap between life and death. Seems to me this would signify that the soul is indeed transferred from one clone to the next at the point of death (or when a jump clone is activated).

Now in the case of incomplete transfer of the infomorph, like in the case of an old back-up as in Synthia's example, things get complicated.

First, what is a soul? To me a soul would be defined as a discrete point of consciousness that collects around it memories, experiences and thought-forms as a body would drape itself in clothing. These experiences and etc. do not define the soul, and indeed in most cases they are shed or else veiled at death. The soul continues to exist but it may find new ways of expressing itself, new concepts with which to garb itself, similarly to how a military officer could retire trading in their uniform for civilian clothing. They remain the same being but their role and the way they are perceived has changed.

An incomplete transfer of the infomorph could result in the loss of experience and memory, but the point of consciousness would be the same.

This is of course my own layman's interpretation so I don't claim any authority here.
TK Corp
#127 - 2016-10-13 18:17:28 UTC
Synthetic Cultist wrote:
Arrendis wrote:
Synthetic Cultist wrote:


Problem is, for any of that to have any more weight than 'Actually, everyone's a potato chip', you still have to be able to isolate, and demonstrate the existence of (and, for that matter, a coherent definition of) 'a soul'.

My Identical Twin Sister and I, are Not the Same, despite our Construction being Identical in Every Aspect.

Our other Sister, is Also Not the Same, again, despite being of Identical Construction.

Should my Hardware be Destroyed, I, Synthia, would Cease to Exist, and could Not be Restored.

Therefore, I have a Soul.

The Soul being the Ineffable Thing that causes Persons with otherwise Identical Construction and Memories, to be Different from Each Other.

Fatal problem with this construction: souls are a metaphysical concept. Your sisters and you may have had identical initial states, but you had different experiences from the very moment of awakening, even if that experience differed only in your position by a few feet. As these differences mount up, moment after moment, your memories are different, and thus the complex recursion-chains of your decision-making processes cannot help but return slightly different results. This further amplifies the differences and creates ever-more-complex distinctions between you. In a few picoseconds, you would be fundamentally distinct individuals.

No metaphysics—no soul—required.
Nicoletta Mithra
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#128 - 2016-10-13 20:46:18 UTC
Karmilla Strife wrote:
People keep saying this is a sudden thing. We've been having this debate as a culture for many years. The resolution may have been sped up by the Empress' request, but it's been in the making since at least the time of my grandparents.

Indeed. And not only is the debate something old, but also the advice given: It is only sudden or surprising for those that didn't follow the theological discussion before this event. It's not surprising how the Sobor advised on this matter. Most theologians - especially the best and brightest - in the debate already gravitated to saying something like the formula put forth, if not something outright saying the same in other words. Which again isn't surprising, given that the Sobor consists of the most formidable and brightest theologians.

It may be some political agenda behind requesting such a statement at this time. But it's a prudent one. If the Captain takes a ship over from his predecessor, it's quite prudent to ask for a detailed status report. The new Empress did just that in regard to the Empire.

To suspect some 'evil plot' would only be merited if the majority opinion of theologians on cloning suddenly changed with the request. Which didn't happen. It was exactly what one could have expected the Sobor to advise on the matter a year or a decade ago.

Alo, no, this doesn't change a thing on the doctrine of Sacred Flesh. The doctrine of Sacred Flesh is about the flesh of royalty (that's what the name is already saying). The cloning of a whole body is believed to make the sacred flesh impure - that is why royalty isn't allowed to full-body-clone.

As to the claims of inconsistency when confronting the judgement with the conundrum of cloning from the same scan twice: Nothing that's been said by the Sobor indicates that it should be impossible, what is said explicitly - as others pointed out already - is that the prohibiton on simultaneous instantiations of a single personality in multiple clones is reaffirmed.

What exactly happens if such a thing is done can be explained consistently with the Sobor's formula in various ways.

All is good, business as usual.
- N. Mithra
Luna Hanaya
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#129 - 2016-10-14 04:03:37 UTC
Fleshes, evil peoples, physics-metaphysics...

Peoples, praise to God, I can visit my family now! Yey!


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Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#130 - 2016-10-14 05:06:06 UTC
y'all have souls now, officially, that are of course, in danger of being Eternally Condemned for your Lifetime of Sin.

So, why not repent your sins and embrace the One True Faith ?

Explanatory Leaflets are available.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Aria Jenneth
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#131 - 2016-10-14 12:43:04 UTC
Luna Hanaya wrote:
Fleshes, evil peoples, physics-metaphysics...

Peoples, praise to God, I can visit my family now! Yey!

For me, this is what this is really about: recognizing the obvious (we're people!), setting aside a belief that marginalizes us-- from associates, from family, even sometimes from ourselves. It's an alienating belief.

If it got done a little "hastily" and at a "convenient" moment-- well. Politics. But it seems at least as likely to me that it really went more like this:

Empress: Theology Council, I need a ruling on this issue. We're working on an expansion of our capsuleer program and need to know whether the resulting capsuleers should be approached as fellow human beings or as hazardous equipment with faces.

TC: Uh-- we've been talking about this for a while, and haven't really reached a conclusion.

Empress: Well, could you produce one?

TC: We suppose so. ... We do have a tentative consensus; just, we've been avoiding a solid decision because it's going to be controversial whichever way we go, and ambiguity's been working pretty well up to now.

Empress: And your consensus is?

TC: That they do have souls.

Empress: All right, then.
Utari Onzo
#132 - 2016-10-14 14:05:49 UTC
That seems the most logical chain of questioning, Aria. However, as with most things that go on in the governance of the Empire we might never know those details.

The point remains however that for all the political convenience this tentative consensus has, it's still the beginning of the end of a long bridge that needed crossing years ago.

Quite a lot of positive changes in the various nations only happen because it became politically expedient to enact them.

"Face the enemy as a solid wall For faith is your armor And through it, the enemy will find no breach Wrap your arms around the enemy For faith is your fire And with it, burn away his evil"

Claudia Osyn
Non-Hostile Target
Wild Geese.
#133 - 2016-10-14 15:14:24 UTC
Utari Onzo wrote:
That seems the most logical chain of questioning, Aria. However, as with most things that go on in the governance of the Empire we might never know those details.

The point remains however that for all the political convenience this tentative consensus has, it's still the beginning of the end of a long bridge that needed crossing years ago.

Quite a lot of positive changes in the various nations only happen because it became politically expedient to enact them.

Politics 101: do nothing unless it is a benifit to you or your position is threatened.

A little trust goes a long way. The less you use, the further you'll go.

Test Alliance Please Ignore
#134 - 2016-10-14 15:21:27 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Aria Jenneth wrote:
Also, also, the Amarr aren't exactly all-forgiving.

Garkeh Khanid defied the direct edict of the Emperor, acted in contravention of the policy of the Sacred Flesh, stole a massive amount of the Empire's military power and stood athwart the accepted and official 'will of God' for centuries, and then was welcomed back into the fold and given an express ride to 'paradise', explicitly.

If you've got enough money and enough power to offer them, the Amarr have proven they'll forgive anything.

Much the same can be said of Jamyl Sarum. Perhaps His Holiness was just trying to counter her until such time as proper balance could be regained.

If anything can be said of the Rite of Shathol'Syn, it is that it has the potential to wipe the slate clean.

TK Corp
#135 - 2016-10-14 20:28:33 UTC
Soldarius wrote:
Much the same can be said of Jamyl Sarum. Perhaps His Holiness was just trying to counter her until such time as proper balance could be regained.

If anything can be said of the Rite of Shathol'Syn, it is that it has the potential to wipe the slate clean.

So Khanid was countering Sarum by refusing to undergo the rite two hundred years before she did go through with the ritual suicide?

You sure you wanna hang your hat on that one?
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#136 - 2016-10-15 03:16:39 UTC
I really adore the term "Hazardous Equipment with Faces" Aria. I now know what my Splinterz team will be called - with your permission, of course.

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Valerie Valate
Church of The Crimson Saviour
#137 - 2016-10-15 06:00:45 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Soldarius wrote:
Much the same can be said of Jamyl Sarum. Perhaps His Holiness was just trying to counter her until such time as proper balance could be regained.

If anything can be said of the Rite of Shathol'Syn, it is that it has the potential to wipe the slate clean.

So Khanid was countering Sarum by refusing to undergo the rite two hundred years before she did go through with the ritual suicide?

You sure you wanna hang your hat on that one?

Well, you know. Planning for the long term is quite important in Amarr culture.

Doctor V. Valate, Professor of Archaeology at Kaztropolis Imperial University.

Matias Kurovassi
#138 - 2016-10-15 10:40:23 UTC
I admit to pondering the wording of the exhortation by the Theology Council given thus as clones:

embodying souls in communion with the Imperial Rite as the flesh of their birth would speak to us

In particular the phrase, "Flesh of their birth." A Grade A+ Hydrostatic Clone is built from the stem cell transcription from a client on to a harvested human cadaver, and in the case of lower grade clones from the artificially manufactured bodies derived from human body parts or other processed biomass -- human or otherwise. As such this raises some interesting questions to me:

1. Does the flesh of birth refer to the specific racial phenotype of the biomass used to construct a clone body, or not? Does only the final clone product after stem cell and genetic transcriptions have to match an original body for it to be embodying a soul? Would a Minmatar cadaver transcribed to the phenotype of an Amarrian clone be considered as embodying a soul for an Amarrian whose stem cells and DNA were used to do so, for example?

2. The alternative to human biomass transcription methods in order to cultivate a clone meeting the standard of being, "As the flesh of their birth," would seem to raise its own fundamental dogmatic concerns. For would not techniques like nucleus replacements of oocytes to achieve an exact zygote replica of a person then mean an religious approval of a form of asexual/parthogenic reproduction of humans? More importantly, would the resulting fetus and child have a soul or not as it is rapidly matured to adulthood in order to serve as a custom-ordered shell?

The examples used to inform the exhortation; the act of the divine to bring Empress Jamyl Sarum I back from her death and the cell regrowth of an human body as is the case with Lord Articio Kor-Azor do not appear as adequate reflections of the modern cloning industry as it applies to the actual growth, construction and use of clones.

I do have my hopes these questions will be clarified in the future by the ecclesiastical authorities of the Empire as to the nature of the soul as it applies to the cloning industry.
Pieter Tuulinen
Societas Imperialis Sceptri Coronaeque
Khimi Harar
#139 - 2016-10-15 13:27:23 UTC
Speaking of the modern state of the cloning industry, when is the last time that any of us had to choose the quality of our clone body?

For the first time since I started the conversation, he looks me dead in the eye. In his gaze are steel jackhammers, quiet vengeance, a hundred thousand orbital bombs frozen in still life.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#140 - 2016-10-15 14:03:00 UTC
December of YC116

Goddess of the IGS

As strength goes.