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Small gang tactics

Kawzen Arukkus
DreadNova Cartel
#1 - 2016-09-19 05:52:36 UTC

As the title states I am wondering about some of the small gang tactics that everybody has found to be successful. I will be joining about 2 other friends for the most part on some of our own roams and will have at most 5 pilots of varying skill lvls (ranging from newbro to semi vets getting back into the game. We have debated a small bomber fleet and other cov ops fleets but were wondering what else is fun out there.

Blue Canary
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#2 - 2016-09-19 11:13:26 UTC
Start simple and affordable, then work your way up to more complitated/expensive setups. Since I assume you're talking lowsec bombers are very situational but can work when hunting larger prey. You'll find most bigger ships in LS being of the slippery kind, though.

I'd look at what you and your friends want to be flying. With five people you can do several things, kitchen sink (which can be good fun) aside. I'd look at RR comps, nano/kite gangs and something more balanced if you have a motivated/talented logi pilot (Scythe/Exeq, for example). 'Hidden' RR setups with one logi for the looks of it are especially fun.

In the end you have your three means of getting kills:
1) get attacked by someone who wants to kill your entire gang
2) Tackle finds someone and gets the party started
3) Bait finds someone who thinks they can kill him, then you bring your buddies in.

First is usually something for logi heavy or RR gangs, the second is usually better for more mobile gangs that can more easily follow up on the tackle (not everything is warpable) or simply engage everything due to the high running-away-factor. Bait tends to work either way, a bit better for smaller numbers as local tanks still matter and the ships that can survive significant numbers on their eHP scream bait. ;)

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise.

Skelee VI
Appetite 4 Destruction
#3 - 2016-09-20 15:29:05 UTC
3 -5 man gangs are awesome fun. I would first see what you can fly.
First you need something to get the tackle , taranis good option as it has a bit of tank and dps.
all depends on size of targets. 5 x taranis be fun as hell to fly.
Interdictor, ceptor and dps cruisers

2 x cruiser of choice
kitsune(since i live in Curse)

5 svipuls would good too
Master Sergeant MacRobert
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#4 - 2016-09-20 17:17:13 UTC
Desiderya wrote:
Start simple and affordable, then work your way up to more complitated/expensive setups. Since I assume you're talking lowsec bombers are very situational but can work when hunting larger prey. You'll find most bigger ships in LS being of the slippery kind, though.

I'd look at what you and your friends want to be flying. With five people you can do several things, kitchen sink (which can be good fun) aside. I'd look at RR comps, nano/kite gangs and something more balanced if you have a motivated/talented logi pilot (Scythe/Exeq, for example). 'Hidden' RR setups with one logi for the looks of it are especially fun.

In the end you have your three means of getting kills:
1) get attacked by someone who wants to kill your entire gang
2) Tackle finds someone and gets the party started
3) Bait finds someone who thinks they can kill him, then you bring your buddies in.

First is usually something for logi heavy or RR gangs, the second is usually better for more mobile gangs that can more easily follow up on the tackle (not everything is warpable) or simply engage everything due to the high running-away-factor. Bait tends to work either way, a bit better for smaller numbers as local tanks still matter and the ships that can survive significant numbers on their eHP scream bait. ;)

Wrong answer.

Correct answer is "KESTRELSSSSSSS!!!"

..or is that our old secret? :P

Miss ya, Miss Desi :)

"Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#5 - 2016-09-20 17:33:01 UTC
Loads of Hulltankedmaxdpsblasterhecates and a hic.
Haven't tried it yet but I think it would be great Fun
Blue Canary
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#6 - 2016-09-20 20:41:46 UTC
I didn't want to share the secret with 5 Kestrels, but since it's out now.... :p

Ruthlessness is the kindness of the wise.

Vladimir's Revenge
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#7 - 2016-10-05 08:00:15 UTC
If you are looking to get into small gang stuff, Chessur has some really good videos on Youtube concerning the various types of ships you want to bring, I would check those out (can't link right now, as Youtube won't load on uni WiFi RIP).
DJ puar
Covert Economics
#8 - 2016-10-06 01:13:16 UTC
Bombers are cool.

Amarr or Minmatar for DPS plus a target painter. Caldari or Gallente for adding some Ewar like dampners. You will have a fun time. Maybe camp at a bubble in null sec.