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Has CCP said if they're going to expand walking in stations?

Goonswarm Federation
#61 - 2016-09-28 12:39:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Rain6637
Doesn't that short list of highly technical openings strike you as a minimum effort to supplement the company?

I suppose that's the list of openings that would reveal plans for WiS
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#62 - 2016-09-28 13:12:32 UTC
Actually answering question in the title: they said they are going to expand this. Years ago. While they were adding the racial CQ variants. But they only expanded Nex store. Not mentioning closing the real one.

All of this was only a crowd control from them.

Even this part:

For the same reasons, Incarna—the real one with actual meaningful gameplay in it— will be a big step towards the future. For an experience that relies so much on emergence and human interaction, it’s remarkable that it’s taken us this long to actually put a face on it. Once Incarna hits its stride, EVE will be more personal, and thus more accessible to general audiences. Visual self-expression in a virtual setting is a core psychological component of gaming; most people need to see their avatars, or something vaguely humanoid, or else they don’t connect with the game. We were behind the curve and it needs to be addressed for the sake of EVE’s longevity. We have the technology. Now we need time to add the content that will bring more meaning to the gameplay—again, without disrupting the space combat simulator that many of you are, or at least were, very much in love with—and without delaying crucial improvements that this core experience desperately needs.

And this:
All of those rooms were built using modular assets, so that the investment made in building the Captain’s Quarters will be capitalized on further when more environments get built. They have given us the start of a library of modules, which can be used to flesh out racially themed interiors for all sorts of interesting gameplay.

Oh and we made sure they have lots of lens flares, because as you know, the future is full of lens flares.

Fly safe.

Torfi Frans

Taken from here.

My commentary is now only that Torfi Frans is now god knows where doing something about CCP books about lore or something like that.
So that is where this WiS thing went, in RP development. And rather RP chat box than actual gameplay with avatars.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#63 - 2016-09-28 13:27:31 UTC
Arkoth 24 wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Proof that the people who have spent years crying about WiS don't actually want it enough to make it happen. Notice this poster talking about people leaving if WiS doesn't happen....demonstrably not leaving even though WiS isn't happening....proving again that they really don't want WiS.

The fact i don't wanna do the job other people are paid for don't prove that i don't want WiS. At least - in common sense.

There is a saying in my country: Put your MONEY where your MOUTH is. If you aren't willing to do that, then you don't want what you say you want. Period.

It is of course typical that people always have an opinion on what other people should be doing (rather than trying to do things themselves), but CCP is a company, if they aren't giving you what you want, stop giving them money. It's not a hard concept., except for fans of WiS it seems.
Serene Repose
#64 - 2016-09-28 13:43:58 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:
Unless something changed, I was under the impression that PLEX only exists when actual real money has been spent. For everyone that grinds ISK to buy a PLEX, someone else has to pay CCP for the PLEX in actual dollars at some point. The seller has effectively paid for the buyer's sub for that account.

Did CCP just start seeding tons of free PLEX in to the game and I never got the memo, or are you on about some kind of more abstract metric for cash earned per human player or something? I'd like to see that economic breakdown if you've got a link handy. sounds interesting.
Try to follow what's being said. It's not that money isn't being injected it's who is doing the injecting. People who buy PLEX with ISK aren't injecting money into CCP's coffers. *gesticulates wildly*

What we have here are folks who look at the spaceship game we know and love as EVE, then look at the little officer's quarters, who then make the leap, "Why not have this as a game TOO." I will not assume they're oblivious of the fact that's two games in one. I am certain the cost doesn't enter their minds. I am CURIOUS to know which of these grand thinkers of how to spend other people's money actually pay for their own play time, however....not to beat a horse that died five years ago.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#65 - 2016-09-28 14:04:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
Jenn aSide wrote:
Arkoth 24 wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Proof that the people who have spent years crying about WiS don't actually want it enough to make it happen. Notice this poster talking about people leaving if WiS doesn't happen....demonstrably not leaving even though WiS isn't happening....proving again that they really don't want WiS.

The fact i don't wanna do the job other people are paid for don't prove that i don't want WiS. At least - in common sense.

There is a saying in my country: Put your MONEY where your MOUTH is. If you aren't willing to do that, then you don't want what you say you want. Period.

It is of course typical that people always have an opinion on what other people should be doing (rather than trying to do things themselves), but CCP is a company, if they aren't giving you what you want, stop giving them money. It's not a hard concept., except for fans of WiS it seems.

I am not giving them money for 5 years already, I use PLEX. Somehow they cant do WiS. Lol
A lot of people stopped giving them money. See "numbers thread". These who left game for good are not vocal about that because they are gone. Lol
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#66 - 2016-09-28 14:16:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
Actually why CCP is making EVE f2p is also because those people who left and there may be a bit of EVE baccillus in them still, they could go back and push a bit of those numbers up while sitting in CQ chatting with everyone. They want them to be a part of community and even consider allowing posting on forums (CCP Seagull said so). But they will not spend a penny on it because its only worth so much for them to spend few minutes in CQ and talk to old friends.
The Golden Serpent
A Drunken Squirrels' Conspiracy for Revenge
#67 - 2016-09-28 17:22:13 UTC
It will happen someday is my guess but the consumer technology baseline is not at a high enough level yet to justify such a project. (I mean most players probably don't own GFX cards above a 970)

-:¦:-•:'":•.-:¦:-•* K H A N I D •-:¦:-•:''''*:•-:¦:-

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#68 - 2016-09-28 17:25:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
If it will happen it will be in completely other game (currently in development) and people will not have to buy new hardware to play it because it will happen many years ahead of today.
Merchant Rova
Tidal Lock
#69 - 2016-09-28 17:29:28 UTC
Nana Skalski wrote:
I am not giving them money for 5 years already, I use PLEX.

You are giving them money by buying PLEX.
Arkoth 24
#70 - 2016-09-28 17:38:09 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Arkoth 24 wrote:
The fact i don't wanna do the job other people are paid for don't prove that i don't want WiS. At least - in common sense.
There is a saying in my country: Put your MONEY where your MOUTH is. If you aren't willing to do that, then you don't want what you say you want. Period.

I pay subscription already. But you keep tellin' me to give more money for makin' EVE to be interesting for me. Nope. I already pay exactly for it and see no reason to pay any extra.

Jenn aSide wrote:
...but CCP is a company, if they aren't giving you what you want, stop giving them money.

Dat's what she said.
State Protectorate
Caldari State
#71 - 2016-09-28 17:46:11 UTC  |  Edited by: SurrenderMonkey
Arkoth 24 wrote:

I pay subscription already. But you keep tellin' me to give more money for makin' EVE to be interesting for me. Nope. I already pay exactly for it and see no reason to pay any extra.

Your subscription fee entitles you to access to the server. That's all. It doesn't come packaged with a promise to cater to your every idiotic whim. Paying a finite amount of money for a specific good or service does not entitle you to anything more than was agreed.

If you go to a restaurant and order an a la carte item, you don't get other items for free based on the fact that you "already paid". You certainly don't get to insist that they build a rooftop deck and install a stripper pole, either.

"Help, I'm bored with missions!"

Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#72 - 2016-09-28 17:53:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
Merchant Rova wrote:
Nana Skalski wrote:
I am not giving them money for 5 years already, I use PLEX.

You are giving them money by buying PLEX.

Rather the guys who buy PLEX from CCP give it to them. I am not buying it from CCP.
I am using my income in game to finance the further playing.

But quiting EVE or staying with it is not really the solution, either way.

CCP just will not do it because reasons. This reason is exactly why they got rid of EVE shop and went full retórd with Nex store.
Business efficiency.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#73 - 2016-09-28 18:02:34 UTC
SurrenderMonkey wrote:
Arkoth 24 wrote:

I pay subscription already. But you keep tellin' me to give more money for makin' EVE to be interesting for me. Nope. I already pay exactly for it and see no reason to pay any extra.

Your subscription fee entitles you to access to the server. That's all. It doesn't come packaged with a promise to cater to your every idiotic whim. Paying a finite amount of money for a specific good or service does not entitle you to anything more than was agreed.

If you go to a restaurant and order an a la carte item, you don't get other items for free based on the fact that you "already paid". You certainly don't get to insist that they build a rooftop deck and install a stripper pole, either.

Somehow this is impossible for some people to understand, yet we understand it easily and completely. Our subscription (whether cash or plex) gives us access to EVE, and that's all. Yet these people thinks it entitles them to more than that.

It doesn't.
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#74 - 2016-09-28 22:18:29 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
PopeUrban wrote:
Unless something changed, I was under the impression that PLEX only exists when actual real money has been spent. For everyone that grinds ISK to buy a PLEX, someone else has to pay CCP for the PLEX in actual dollars at some point. The seller has effectively paid for the buyer's sub for that account.

Did CCP just start seeding tons of free PLEX in to the game and I never got the memo, or are you on about some kind of more abstract metric for cash earned per human player or something? I'd like to see that economic breakdown if you've got a link handy. sounds interesting.
Try to follow what's being said. It's not that money isn't being injected it's who is doing the injecting. People who buy PLEX with ISK aren't injecting money into CCP's coffers. *gesticulates wildly*

What we have here are folks who look at the spaceship game we know and love as EVE, then look at the little officer's quarters, who then make the leap, "Why not have this as a game TOO." I will not assume they're oblivious of the fact that's two games in one. I am certain the cost doesn't enter their minds. I am CURIOUS to know which of these grand thinkers of how to spend other people's money actually pay for their own play time, however....not to beat a horse that died five years ago.

That's kind of tangential to the point though. The fact that there is a market for selling PLEX is responsible for the vast majority of PLEX purchases. From CCP's perspective (and this is pretty much the prevailing understanding of the industry in terms on monetizing online games now) it doesn't really much matter how much the individual user kicks in.

Or, to put it simply, it doesn't matter who is doing the injecting.

The value of player opinions does not rest on whether they plex or pay for their account, specifically because either player contributes a similar financial footprint to EVE's bottom line. This logic is what gave birth to the industry's almost unanimous adoption of the free to play model, because your online game needs content, other players generate content, and players with more disposable are far more likely to throw more of it at you when your game is full of other players, in effect subsidizing them.

The people to listen to are the ones contributing to your bottom line, either by being entrenched enough in the world to encourage others to spend money on your product, or by spending money themselves.

Now, to your second point, yeah, people have unreasonable expectations of WIS given what CCP themselves have said on the subject. I think most of the people in this specific thread have a generally reasonable view of it. Everybody agrees that it would be cool, but most people with half a brain agree that it's not worth doing without significant gameplay attached, and that it seems highly unlikely to be any time soon given CCP's current plans for expanding capsuleer ownership of all portions of the existing space game.

Some people will continue to whine that EVE isn't worth playing without WIS. CCP has shown pretty clearly they don't care about that user, because hey, why should they, they've decided to serve users that don't actually enjoy the core EVE experience by developing (or at least attempting to develop) a range of spinoff products.

CCP does not care if people do not play EVE at this point because it lacks some half baked avatar features. They say "You wanna play an FPS, Okay, we'll go make that by simply copy/pasting the safe, formulaic decisions made by people that have spendt a lot more time trying and failing to do just that"

It's not just the engineering. It's the design. CCP isn't willing to invest, at the current time, in what is bound to be a divisive and highly iterative ambulatory gameplay module for EVE because they don't know how the **** it would work. not because the art and basic engineering is expensive.
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#75 - 2016-09-28 23:14:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Nana Skalski
I agree, but with one exception, because they have done research of how it would work. There was idea of two different areas of gameplay, social interactions joined with player establishemnts (with blackjack, games and prostitutes) and avatar exploration of sleeper structures. They had both things on different stages of development and research.
Goonswarm Federation
#76 - 2016-09-29 03:40:13 UTC
Yo. PopeUrban, you can assume they believe in FPS in the EVE universe with DUST. I am going to say the reasons were almost purely technical, and Playstation 3 was much more viable than the EVE client. I'd say they made a pretty good bit of progress in how that game worked, wouldn't you?

I agree that there is probably no time spent on players who leave because of a lack of avatar gameplay. Why would there be

For me it's not so much a longing for WiS. I see it as a larger issue of keeping CCP based in Iceland as a matter of nationalism or such.

Overall I think you are making two conflicting arguments. You say only the paying customers matter, and then you excuse EVE for the lack of avatar gameplay which would attract more paying players.

Let's not jump through too many hoops here. It's not so much a willful decision to put off avatar gameplay. They couldn't do it if they wanted (in EVE).
El Expedicion
Flames of Exile
#77 - 2016-09-29 03:58:20 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
Yo. PopeUrban, you can assume they believe in FPS in the EVE universe with DUST. I am going to say the reasons were almost purely technical, and Playstation 3 was much more viable than the EVE client. I'd say they made a pretty good bit of progress in how that game worked, wouldn't you?

I agree that there is probably no time spent on players who leave because of a lack of avatar gameplay. Why would there be

For me it's not so much a longing for WiS. I see it as a larger issue of keeping CCP based in Iceland as a matter of nationalism or such.

Overall I think you are making two conflicting arguments. You say only the paying customers matter, and then you excuse EVE for the lack of avatar gameplay which would attract more paying players.

Let's not jump through too many hoops here. It's not so much a willful decision to put off avatar gameplay. They couldn't do it if they wanted (in EVE).

The entire "avatar gameplay would attract more players" rationale is something I hear a lot.

The problem is that, given CCP's own statements regarding goals for that gameplay, it really wouldn't retain the people that come specifically for that element.

Avatar based play, if we ever see it in EVE, is not going to be developed to the complexity level of the rest of EVE. It's going to be a one off system meant to supplement, not replace the normal gameplay loop of EVE, and that normal gameplay loop means spending a lot of time in spaceships, training spaceship skills, losing spaceships, and so on.

While it's possible that investing EXTREMELY HEAVILY in to avatar play might achieve that goal, what I'm saying is that CCP has most certainly not shown a willingness to do so. Wanna be a turret gunner? Go play another CCP game. Wanna be a fighter pilot? Go play another CCP game. Wanna play a first person shooter? Go play another CCP game.

Unless CCP is prepared to abandon its efforts to expand in to other sectors of the market, it would make very little sense for them to attempt an undertaking like what something like star citizen is trying to do, with being able to get out, walk around inside everything, etc. etc.

If there's ever Avatar play, it's going to have the same impact on EVE as Odyssey's hacking revamp. It's going to be a small part of the overall larger system. Going much further than that in terms of scope would just be CCP shooting themselves in the foot.

The dream is a good one: Get out of your ship! board other vessels! Steal from that citadel! Drop from orbit and blow up that guy's PI farm!

However its just not a functional reality. CCP abandoned not only the idea of a fully integrated, single game, but the idea of integrating their SEPARATE games a while back because it constrains the desgin space. DUST was an actively worse game because of its EVE integration. Gunjack wouldn't even work with any kind of EVE integration, ditto for valkyrie.

WIS may come at some point down the line, but its not going to look like what people want out of it, and it's not going to happen before "the vision" of the supporting parts of the overall sandbox (player structures, module tiericide, Completely player owned space with player owned concords and player owned whatever else) are complete, and that vision is massive already.
Goonswarm Federation
#78 - 2016-09-29 05:15:32 UTC
PopeUrban wrote:
The entire "avatar gameplay would attract more players" rationale is something I hear a lot.

The problem is that, given CCP's own statements regarding goals for that gameplay, it really wouldn't retain the people that come specifically for that element.

Avatar based play, if we ever see it in EVE, is not going to be developed to the complexity level of the rest of EVE. It's going to be a one off system meant to supplement, not replace the normal gameplay loop of EVE, and that normal gameplay loop means spending a lot of time in spaceships, training spaceship skills, losing spaceships, and so on.

While it's possible that investing EXTREMELY HEAVILY in to avatar play might achieve that goal, what I'm saying is that CCP has most certainly not shown a willingness to do so. Wanna be a turret gunner? Go play another CCP game. Wanna be a fighter pilot? Go play another CCP game. Wanna play a first person shooter? Go play another CCP game.

Unless CCP is prepared to abandon its efforts to expand in to other sectors of the market, it would make very little sense for them to attempt an undertaking like what something like star citizen is trying to do, with being able to get out, walk around inside everything, etc. etc.

If there's ever Avatar play, it's going to have the same impact on EVE as Odyssey's hacking revamp. It's going to be a small part of the overall larger system. Going much further than that in terms of scope would just be CCP shooting themselves in the foot.

The dream is a good one: Get out of your ship! board other vessels! Steal from that citadel! Drop from orbit and blow up that guy's PI farm!

However its just not a functional reality. CCP abandoned not only the idea of a fully integrated, single game, but the idea of integrating their SEPARATE games a while back because it constrains the desgin space. DUST was an actively worse game because of its EVE integration. Gunjack wouldn't even work with any kind of EVE integration, ditto for valkyrie.

WIS may come at some point down the line, but its not going to look like what people want out of it, and it's not going to happen before "the vision" of the supporting parts of the overall sandbox (player structures, module tiericide, Completely player owned space with player owned concords and player owned whatever else) are complete, and that vision is massive already.

Well now I agree with you on this. I had more time to think about it over dinner, and for some reason right now WiS doesn't seem so important to have. Considering the cost and benefit. Such as the graphics engine problems (if you can call it one).

Maybe these schisms are the most appropriate after all, where different experiences within the EVE universe are on different platforms.

The problem is we might know this, but newer players won't.

I guess what I'm wondering now is What happened to Legion?
Nana Skalski
Taisaanat Kotei
#79 - 2016-09-29 06:40:21 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#80 - 2016-09-29 08:40:53 UTC
Rain6637 wrote:
What happened to Legion?

they dropped the copyright for "legion" for obvious reasons but kept the project going last i herd.

last article i read from someone who didn't work for ccp was to the effect that they have a functioning(but generic) arena shooter as working draught to hammer out fps mechanics.

i wouldnt worry too much about the silence as they have a **** tonn of work just to get that smoothed out and workable before even thinking about the bigger picture. no amount of depth, scope or eve integration can hide a garbage fps, no amount at all
so imho im delighted to have heard that this is the development approach they are taking.
i like my fps's and if it dose not play well in the basics im just not going to play it .<-------emphasis on the period

if they can find an interesting way to get it to feel like a real part of new eden then fantastic , but building a good tecnical fps takes time and theyre better off doing this right.