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Nerfing Caldari?

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Val MeR
W12 Corp
#1 - 2012-01-17 17:42:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Val MeR

It seems like CCP is favoring Minmatar, while CSM is made up of Gallente... well, of course its all made in the name of "balance", but see for yourself if you like those small changes:

“CCP and the CSM discussed the new Tier 3 battlecruisers. CCP noted that the Talos needs adjustment upwards; the CSM noted that the Naga is too powerful compared to the Talos. CCP acknowledged this, citing the difficulty of finding a role for blasters as well as the power of passive shield tanking.”

Naga is overpowered? Power of passive shield tanking on a Naga?

“CCP and the CSM agreed that remote sensor dampeners have been rendered useless and need rebalancing. CCP wants to look into this, as well as the damping ships themselves. The CSM also discussed the merits (or lack thereof) of ECM.”

Yeah, Caldari are unworthy of ECM magic…

“The CSM and CCP both acknowledged the need to rebalance Drake, which ‘does everything too too well’. CCP is considering giving it a more offensive role like Raven or Caracal where it would lose the shield resistance bonus and the 5% Kinetic damage bonus and instead gain a rate of fire bonus and a missile velocity bonus. The CSM vehemently approved of this idea. CCP and the CSM also agreed that this possible change to the Drake would help add more uniqueness to the Nighthawk, which is presently overshadowed entirely by the Drake.”

Nerf Drake, so it can become as “desirable” as “offensive Raven or Caracal”… NightHawk will finally “shine”… at least when compared to a NEW "offensive Drake."
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-01-17 17:44:59 UTC
Hoorah. Down with the swelling masses of those dirty caldarians
#3 - 2012-01-17 17:54:59 UTC
It's about time to make Drake rebalance.
It is ridiculously frustrating when FC tells to you: "Leave your Arty Cane on station and take Drake instead for another boring blobbing".
Nerf Drake to the ground! Twisted
Alara IonStorm
#4 - 2012-01-17 17:58:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Alara IonStorm
Finally with the Drake gone Battlecruisers will be balanced as intended.

60% Hurricane
25% Tornado
15% Dregs

Edit: I am left hopeful though that this is part of a bigger Balance effort on the part of Battlecruisers.
Isumi Industries
#5 - 2012-01-17 17:58:50 UTC
Tier 3 BCs seem to be some sort of Bizarro-world. My impressions was that the Talos was superior to the Naga already.

ECM: I don't see any changes mentioned yet, just discussion. Hooray for Sensor Damp boost, though!

I wouldn't mind a range bonus on the Drake in place of the shield resist bonus. It might open up some fun fits like a SeBo Drake with range rigs which makes 150km warps around the target. Or it could just be a HAM gankboat.
My Neutral Toon
#6 - 2012-01-17 18:02:11 UTC
Training gallente is one of my biggest regrets.

I however love my drones and for this reason still fly gallente regularly. It's hard to get top damage dealer when you are in a fleet of missile/laser/projectile fit ships and they all have 5x the range.

I've switched to train caldari instead.

...Can't. Tell. If ...Troll? Or Serious....

Butt Hurt about Harrasment? Read first GM post:

Gypsio III
Questionable Ethics.
Ministry of Inappropriate Footwork
#7 - 2012-01-17 18:07:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Gypsio III
Val MeR wrote:

“The CSM and CCP both acknowledged the need to rebalance tier 2 BCs, which ‘do everything too too well’.

Fixed tbh.

Although complete lol at the thought of a ROF bonus on a Drake. That would be a hilarious boost. 870 DPS HAM Drake, lolz.

Oh, I misread that, ROF and missile velocity. 716 DPS I think.
Deviana Sevidon
Jades Falcon Guards
#8 - 2012-01-17 18:13:03 UTC
The Myrmidon was crippled by the nerfbat a few years ago, because CCP felt that having 5 heavy drones, same as the Ishtar btw. was overpowered. Personally I think passive shield tanking is overpowered, but since 70% of EVE is flying Caldari CCP will certainly not doing something against this. if 10,058 Goon voices cried out and were suddenly silenced.

Hoskoal Ricks
#9 - 2012-01-17 18:15:31 UTC
This is a long time coming and I truely hope caldari ships are never flown post-facto. Once that reality sets in, CCP will finally be forced to face the music and realize they created a race entirely reliant on one overpowered BC and an ewar mechanic that is op in small gangs.

I look forward to the range quits in the interrim aswell.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#10 - 2012-01-17 18:15:39 UTC
Val MeR wrote:

“The CSM and CCP both acknowledged the need to rebalance Drake, which ‘does everything too too well’. CCP is considering giving it a more offensive role like Raven or Caracal where it would lose the shield resistance bonus and the 5% Kinetic damage bonus and instead gain a rate of fire bonus and a missile velocity bonus. The CSM vehemently approved of this idea. CCP and the CSM also agreed that this possible change to the Drake would help add more uniqueness to the Nighthawk, which is presently overshadowed entirely by the Drake.”

Nerf Drake, so it can become as “desirable” as “offensive Raven or Caracal”… NightHawk will finally “shine”… at least when compared to a NEW "offensive Drake."

Yeah, I had to read that several times and it still boggles my mind.

At first I thought it was a typo and where they said Drake, they meant Tengu.

Then I realized it was just garbage when they talk of making the NH better by nerfing
one other ship.

Ask anyone which is the better ship, Nighthawk, Drake or Tengu. The answer is awlays
as with so many other ships, Tengu.

"what do you think of my [insert ship] fit?"
"why isn't it a Tengu?"

All T3's need the nerf stick imo, and the Tengu is the top of the list. These ships were
designed to be "versitile" jack of all trade ships and should not do ANY job better than
a specialized ship, they shouldn't even come close.

Now I will agree the Drake is a little to easy to fly, and could be toned down, however,
if you want to make the Nighthawk better, make the Nighthawk better. Duh?
Shaalira D'arc
Gallente Federation
#11 - 2012-01-17 18:16:50 UTC
Tier one BCs really do need a boost.

Drake really does tank too well.

ECM really is overpowered, particularly light ECM drones.

I'm ambivalent about the Talos and Naga comparison. I like the Talos better, myself.
Nocturnal Romance
Cynosural Field Theory.
#12 - 2012-01-17 18:47:14 UTC  |  Edited by: leich
Caldari are overpowered (For ratting)

The Tengu is the most over powered ship in game.

Based on the two above facts i think a caldari nerf is well overdue.

If you only fly Caldari i recomend you cross train now.

Oh I forgot about how REALLY overpowered ECM is.

Stop moaning faildari pilots.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2012-01-17 19:14:59 UTC
Well of course the CSM is going to be for a Drake nerf. The CSM Chair's main fleet concept is a concept that gets decimated by Drakes. Rock beats scissors, so instead of using paper we'll just replace the rock with paper.
Alara IonStorm
#14 - 2012-01-17 19:24:49 UTC
Not-Apsalar wrote:
The CSM Chair's main fleet concept is a concept that gets decimated by Drakes.

Goons use Maelstroms which are pretty much considered the Counter Drake, they literally eat Drake Fleets. Roll

The CSM conspiracy theories were cute at first, a few crazy folks in Tinfoil Diapers waving cardboard signs... =/

Now though, I think everyone has realized that they are still standing on the corner outside the apartment block.

Property Values are falling.
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#15 - 2012-01-17 19:52:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Not-Apsalar
Alara IonStorm wrote:
Not-Apsalar wrote:
The CSM Chair's main fleet concept is a concept that gets decimated by Drakes.

Goons use Maelstroms which are pretty much considered the Counter Drake, they literally eat Drake Fleets. Roll

The CSM conspiracy theories were cute at first, a few crazy folks in Tinfoil Diapers waving cardboard signs... =/

Now though, I think everyone has realized that they are still standing on the corner outside the apartment block.

Property Values are falling.

More Canes than Maels(you know, welpfleet), particularly for fights where Drakes would be a primary ship(otherwise it would be Hellcats, Rokhs, etc). When Goons were sieging Delve with Test, it was welpfleet almost invariably, Maels only for certain fights.

edit: And I believe that rather than nerfing Drakes, you use a concept that beats it, because there are concepts out there that accomplish these things. Just like AHACs against Maels
Alara IonStorm
#16 - 2012-01-17 19:54:11 UTC
Not-Apsalar wrote:

More Canes than Maels(you know, welpfleet), particularly for fights where Drakes would be a primary ship(otherwise it would be Hellcats, Rokhs, etc). When Goons were sieging Delve with Test, it was welpfleet almost invariably, Maels only for certain fights.

Their Record Shows otherwise.

Whelp Canes are also giving way to Nado Fleets and the Goons are not to light on the drakes ether.
Tactical Narcotics Team
#17 - 2012-01-17 19:55:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Kingwood
Drake gonna be so much better for small gang PvP.
edit: nvm, didn't see kinetic dmg bonus is getting removed. Still liking it tho.

Can't believe Talos is getting a buff, but I'll take it.
Alistair Cononach
The Legion of Spoon
Curatores Veritatis Alliance
#18 - 2012-01-17 19:56:49 UTC
Seems Minmatar are the predominant PvP Ship in most cases still. Drakes are close of late, but the GTFO-and-Speed of Matar seems to always have them or their factional variants always the most common ships around.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-01-17 20:07:02 UTC
Drakes are in dire need of a nerfbat. When I can easily build a drake that has almost 100k EHP against omni damage.... something is wrong.

The Tengu, while it is OP, has its roles. It can be a bit OP in certain fleet compositions, though.

As for the other ships needing a nerf/buff - I'd love to see Tier 1 BC get a slight buff to make them relevant in PvP.
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2012-01-17 20:18:13 UTC
Drakes are ridiculously OP. Stupid DPS and stupid tank on a ridiculous speed nanodrake.

ECM is completely overpowered as well.

They're right, sensor dampeners are useless except for bombers that nearly get caught warping off.

The Naga was far more powerful than the Talos. Besides, calamari couldn't have a dedicated torpedo boat because of bombers - I think you pulled the short straw on this one in retribution for the too much drake.

Dodixie > Hek

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