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War dec recurrence

Taishi Combine
Astral Alliance
#21 - 2016-09-19 20:15:15 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Dracvlad wrote:

only option is to drop corp.

^^ shortcut to thinking right there.

What lazy posting, I had two questions ahead of that, seeing as you decided to mis-quote me which is the action of a cad and a scoundrel, I will take the opportunity to add another one which is a question on whether the corp he is in keeps bleeding kills to the war deckers.

But if some one has war decked the OP's corp for three weeks, dropping corp is the best option, the next part is to keep rolling over new corps with the same name, drives them nuts.

nothing lazy about my response.

if you're as interested in helping the guy as you claim to be then pm him.

you said his only option was to drop corp and that's just,, well,,,, bollox talk and you know it.

But I never said just drop corp, you did, I asked a couple of questions and if they were met then suggested he drop corp.

When the going gets tough the Gankers get their CSM rep to change mechanics in their favour.

Blocked: Teckos Pech, Sonya Corvinus, baltec1, Shae Tadaruwa, Wander Prian, Daichi Yamato, Jonah Gravenstein, Merin Ryskin, Linus Gorp

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#22 - 2016-09-19 20:40:55 UTC
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Maybe.. I don't know.. play the game and fight back? I know, not really obvious that idea.
Depends on if he likes PvP combat. If you don't, why play a sandbox game in a way you don;t like when there are plenty of other options?

xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
what flavour of poppy **** is that?

and you wonder why retention is down on new players when vets like you deal out advice like this. ffs lucas.
Sorry, I forgot that if you don't get involved in PvP combat you're playing the sandbox wrong.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Galactic Rangers
#23 - 2016-09-19 22:02:22 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

Sorry, I forgot that if you don't get involved in PvP combat you're playing the sandbox wrong.

every single player in EVE takes part in PVP directly and indirectly so give it a rest with your bleeding heart routine lucas, there isn't a single player that isn't part of the sandbox. so play as you want but don't act surprised if someone for whatever reason targets a players ship and shoots them.

yes lucas a sandbox where there is always more then one way to skin a cat. Roll

miners supply the tools that destroy them, it's the players responsibility to learn how to deal with threats while in space, or at least have the smarts to pay others to do it for them.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#24 - 2016-09-19 22:22:22 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Sorry, I forgot that if you don't get involved in PvP combat you're playing the sandbox wrong.
every single player in EVE takes part in PVP directly and indirectly so give it a rest with your bleeding heart routine lucas
Note the word "combat". Yes, everyone is involved in PvP, but you by no means have to be involved in shooting each other in the face. There's no bleeding heart routine, I simply presented an option and you exploded into a fit of rage because it's an option you don't like. vOv, get over it.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#25 - 2016-09-19 22:38:19 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Ima Wreckyou wrote:
Maybe.. I don't know.. play the game and fight back? I know, not really obvious that idea.
Depends on if he likes PvP combat. If you don't, why play a sandbox game in a way you don;t like when there are plenty of other options?

Because... half the point of being in the sandbox is to be able to throw sand at other players?
I've seen what happens when small-time piracy is squeezed too hard. So have you. That's what gave us CODE., Archetype, Marmite, and PIRAT.
I've seen what happens to it in other sandbox games. It looks a lot like this.

Would you prefer piracy to be nerfed so hard even an organized group can't pirate? Cause that's pretty much what you're asking for.
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
what flavour of poppy **** is that?

and you wonder why retention is down on new players when vets like you deal out advice like this. ffs lucas.
Sorry, I forgot that if you don't get involved in PvP combat you're playing the sandbox wrong.

Except PvP of some flavor is at the core of this game. It's not all super-twitchy ship-to-ship PvP.
Some of it is PvP in the same sense as progression raiding: one team is going to be first to clear nightmare.

Some people like the idea of a no-holds-barred open world sandbox, and will fight tooth and nail to keep it a no-holds-barred open world sandbox.

If people don't want to worry about getting shot while they carebear, they can go play on Sisi. If they're smart, they'll figure out really fast how little their product means when it never gets blown up, and how boring the game is when nobody ever does anything bad.

A signature :o

Tyberius Franklin
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#26 - 2016-09-19 22:59:50 UTC  |  Edited by: Tyberius Franklin
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
Because... half the point of being in the sandbox is to be able to throw sand at other players?
Ironically that more accurately describes most games centered around typical instanced PvP. A sandbox really shouldn't have a particular point to which one should be expected to gravitate or have one specific goal.

Either way though, preferring not to engage in combat PvP and needing it nerfed are 2 separate things and you do the conversation a disservice by going straight from "no fighting isn't always the obvious solution" to "you're asking for more PvP nerfs."
Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#27 - 2016-09-19 23:38:57 UTC
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:

I've seen what happens when small-time piracy is squeezed too hard. So have you. That's what gave us CODE., Archetype, Marmite, and PIRAT.
I've seen what happens to it in other sandbox games. It looks a lot like this.

No, what gave us CODE & the like is vets getting bored and having too much isk and not being prepared to actually throw it at large scale wars in null because it would involve unblueing people and lots of organisation work, and potentially red KB's.
The high sec gank groups were going to happen regardless of anything else because of peoples desire for the best 'stats' with the least work.

Back on the Ops topic, don't reroll with the same name. that will just make them try and steal the name when you fold it at some stage. If you do roll corp, do a new name also.
Shallanna Yassavi
qwertz corp
#28 - 2016-09-19 23:45:30 UTC
Tyberius Franklin wrote:
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
Because... half the point of being in the sandbox is to be able to throw sand at other players?
Ironically that more accurately describes most games centered around typical instanced PvP. A sandbox really shouldn't have a particular point to which one should be expected to gravitate or have one specific goal.

Either way though, preferring not to engage in combat PvP and needing it nerfed are 2 separate things and you do the conversation a disservice by going straight from "no fighting isn't always the obvious solution" to "you're asking for more PvP nerfs."

When he's involved, it always comes up.

There are ways to play with these mercs which don't involve dropping corp or shooting at them, even if they're the small types who will come out and kill you.

Fly a shuttle or fast frigate out to a L4 hub in the middle of nowhere.
Have someone (alt or otherwise) fly a (cheaply!) PvE-fit battleship to said L4 hub in the middle of nowhere and contract it to your guy in the wardecced corp and run a mission with it. Scout will say "Oh, look, target!"
As long as you've got the nightmare back in dock by the time the killing force shows up, you will have made them waste their time coming out to kill you.
Or, instead of making them waste their time doing that, set up an ambush on a choke into your system and a scout a few systems in the direction. If you throw enough firepower at the gatecamp, they're not going to get away with everything intact.
See who shows up to try to kill you, write their names down. Now you have something you can use locator agents on.

Once they figure that out, fly your frigate to a new L4 agent, set up instawarp undock bookmarks, and stay there for a little while. Then fly off in the frigate once the locator agent says you have company. If they're in local, use the instawarp. As long as you're quick to warp away from the instawarp, they're not going to get you.
And all the while, you're doing other stuff on an alt. Maybe.

A signature :o

Serene Repose
#29 - 2016-09-20 00:36:26 UTC
Hilti Enaka wrote:
How long does this go on for?

I am under constant war dec on one of my mains and wondered if there is actually a cool off period?

If not this is exactly my point towards war decs being a lost mechanic.
lol..."cool off period" ... for them or you? Cool

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Lady Ayeipsia
#30 - 2016-09-20 00:48:51 UTC
One thing to check... Make sure the war against your alt is not set as mutual. I've seen stranger things happen.

As for war decs being a lost mechanic, I disagree. It adds value to the sandbox in a variety of ways. For example, there would be no other way to kill a POS, POCO, or Citadel in hi sec without war decs. In fact, given citadel defense timers, you almost have to have a two week war to make it work. A war dec eliminates lost sec standings if you go try to claim a Low sec moon. Even just harass a rival Indy corp into decreasing their mining output by making them keep an orca docked out of fear of attack.

Yes they do have flaws. It is easy to avoid a dec in an individual or even corp basis unless you have hard assets in space like a POCO or POS. Having multiple wars open let's a group quickly claim a small POCO empire but also leads to hub campers the ability to cast a wide net in the hopes of a steady stream of kills.

It makes it dangerous to grow too big or you become an easy target, but in the other hand the challenge of working around a dec as a Corp makes you grow. It can be a pain but it also helps separate the wheat from the chaff and makes EVE what it is. Without it, who knows what eve would be. But instead of arguing if it should be, why not work towards fixing it?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#31 - 2016-09-20 07:11:21 UTC
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
Because... half the point of being in the sandbox is to be able to throw sand at other players?
I've seen what happens when small-time piracy is squeezed too hard. So have you. That's what gave us CODE., Archetype, Marmite, and PIRAT.
I've seen what happens to it in other sandbox games. It looks a lot like this.
That's irrelevant. If hte player doesn;t like the combat part he ddoesn;t have to take part in it, just like if you don't like mining, you don't have to do it, even though it's part of the game.

Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
Would you prefer piracy to be nerfed so hard even an organized group can't pirate? Cause that's pretty much what you're asking for.
How the hell did you manage to leap to that conclusion? I simply stated that he can choose to opt out of the war if he wishes as he gains nothing really from being in a highsec corp.

Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
Except PvP of some flavor is at the core of this game. It's not all super-twitchy ship-to-ship PvP.
Some of it is PvP in the same sense as progression raiding: one team is going to be first to clear nightmare.
Sure, and at absolutely no point are you forced to have to shoot other players. You know what a sandbox is right? I'll give you a hint, it's not a type of game that forces everyone to play in the same way.

Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
If people don't want to worry about getting shot while they carebear, they can go play on Sisi. If they're smart, they'll figure out really fast how little their product means when it never gets blown up, and how boring the game is when nobody ever does anything bad.
Sure. Alternatively they can stay right here and ignore the people trying to enforce a playstyle on them. whether you like it or not, the choice of playstyle for other players is not dictated by you.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#32 - 2016-09-20 07:19:48 UTC
Shallanna Yassavi wrote:
Fly a shuttle or fast frigate out to a L4 hub in the middle of nowhere.
Have someone (alt or otherwise) fly a (cheaply!) PvE-fit battleship to said L4 hub in the middle of nowhere and contract it to your guy in the wardecced corp and run a mission with it. Scout will say "Oh, look, target!"
As long as you've got the nightmare back in dock by the time the killing force shows up, you will have made them waste their time coming out to kill you.
Or, instead of making them waste their time doing that, set up an ambush on a choke into your system and a scout a few systems in the direction. If you throw enough firepower at the gatecamp, they're not going to get away with everything intact.

Once they figure that out, fly your frigate to a new L4 agent, set up instawarp undock bookmarks, and stay there for a little while. Then fly off in the frigate once the locator agent says you have company. If they're in local, use the instawarp. As long as you're quick to warp away from the instawarp, they're not going to get you.
And all the while, you're doing other stuff on an alt. Maybe.
Alternatively he could drop corp and play the game however he wants safe from the wardeccers. If he doesn't enjoy fighting with them or trying to bait them into wasting their time, suggesting he comes up with some elaborate plan is pointless.

Lady Ayeipsia wrote:
As for war decs being a lost mechanic, I disagree. It adds value to the sandbox in a variety of ways. For example, there would be no other way to kill a POS, POCO, or Citadel in hi sec without war decs. In fact, given citadel defense timers, you almost have to have a two week war to make it work. A war dec eliminates lost sec standings if you go try to claim a Low sec moon. Even just harass a rival Indy corp into decreasing their mining output by making them keep an orca docked out of fear of attack.
That's nice, but the majority of wardecs are just a big wardec group attacking a small group of players who have no interest in fighting back and usually no ability to do the same. Wardecs are generally used to farm easy kills, which is why I advise most people playing in highsec to just drop corp and work from NPC corps as they allow you to play how you want without the disruption of people seeking easy kills. There's absolutely no point in having a highsec corp that is anything more than a shell.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Galactic Rangers
#33 - 2016-09-20 07:30:28 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Sorry, I forgot that if you don't get involved in PvP combat you're playing the sandbox wrong.
every single player in EVE takes part in PVP directly and indirectly so give it a rest with your bleeding heart routine lucas
Note the word "combat". Yes, everyone is involved in PvP, but you by no means have to be involved in shooting each other in the face. There's no bleeding heart routine, I simply presented an option and you exploded into a fit of rage because it's an option you don't like. vOv, get over it.

what rage?

EVE is a PVP game. you think combat is restricted to pew pew when i do not.

get over what? lucas maybe you should read these posts on here at least twice before you respond.

Algarion Getz
Aideron Corp
#34 - 2016-09-20 08:09:03 UTC
Hilti Enaka wrote:
How long does this go on for?

I am under constant war dec on one of my mains and wondered if there is actually a cool off period?

If not this is exactly my point towards war decs being a lost mechanic.

1. Leave corp
2. Make new one
3. Repeat until the war decers stop

Of course you could also try to fight them and set up traps etc, but that is usually a waste of time because the majority of war decers never show up. They just want to extort some money from unaware newbs and noobs.
Do Little
Bluenose Trading
#35 - 2016-09-20 08:40:54 UTC
In an asymmetric conflict you win by not losing. Deny your opponent their victory conditions until they get fed up and go home - think Vietnam.

Wardecs are about "profit" which can be measured in ISK, killmails or tears. If you are being continuously wardecced it's a safe bet you are supplying your opponent one or more of those rewards.

The alliance I was part of during my first year in Eve was wardecced 20 times during that year - they actually had an out of alliance corporation setup that you could switch to during a war with 0% tax rate.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#36 - 2016-09-20 09:21:51 UTC
xxxTRUSTxxx wrote:
get over what? lucas maybe you should read these posts on here at least twice before you respond.
You should probably take your own advice. I simply suggested he avoid the wardec if he doesn't want to get involved in fighting them, you then acted like that was a bad option, like his only option should be fighting back. At no point did I stated PvP is restriected to shooting each other, that's why I used the phrase "PvP combat" to make it completely clear that I was talking about just one aspect of PvP.

Now quit raging out because people give completely valid advice you don't agree with.

OP, drop corp and enjoy the freedom from wardecs. NPC corps are the way to go for most highsec players.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Ava Kurvora
#37 - 2016-09-20 13:22:06 UTC
First, don't ask for help on these forums. Almost everyone here is an elitist piece of **** with a bigger hard on for themselves than your most hardcore Souls player.

Two, wardeccers are lazy pricks who just blanket wardec corps they think will be easy prey. Then they chill in the trade hubs or pipes and pick people off. It's really easy to avoid them.
Drago Shouna
#38 - 2016-09-20 13:39:58 UTC
Hilti Enaka wrote:
How long does this go on for?

I am under constant war dec on one of my mains and wondered if there is actually a cool off period?

If not this is exactly my point towards war decs being a lost mechanic.

You could ignore all the advice in this thread, ok some are trying to help, most aren't though and will give you all kinds of **** comments for even thinking about dropping corp etc, when there's really no need to..

Do what I used to do, always have an alt trained at least in the basics of what you like to do whether it's mining/indy/hauling/exploration etc and leave it in an NPC corp.

When a wardec hits you just chuckle to yourself about the 50m they just spent and carry on earning and enjoying what you do on said alt, that pisses them off as well :)

Solecist Project...." They refuse to play by the rules and laws of the game and use it as excuse ..." " They don't care about how you play as long as they get to play how they want."

Welcome to EVE.

Ava Kurvora
#39 - 2016-09-20 14:03:16 UTC
One other thing I forgot to add. If you need to sell stuff, set up an alt. It can even be on the same account. You just need the alt to be able to fly a basic T1 industrial, so not much training is required.

Contract whatever you want to sell to your alt (keep the alt in an NPC corp,) than have the alt sell stuff at a hub. You still get access to the market, wardeccers get nothing. There is no point in trying to fight a wardecer; you'll just feed their killboards and lose isk.
Lady Ayeipsia
#40 - 2016-09-20 15:20:05 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

Lady Ayeipsia wrote:
As for war decs being a lost mechanic, I disagree. It adds value to the sandbox in a variety of ways. For example, there would be no other way to kill a POS, POCO, or Citadel in hi sec without war decs. In fact, given citadel defense timers, you almost have to have a two week war to make it work. A war dec eliminates lost sec standings if you go try to claim a Low sec moon. Even just harass a rival Indy corp into decreasing their mining output by making them keep an orca docked out of fear of attack.

That's nice, but the majority of wardecs are just a big wardec group attacking a small group of players who have no interest in fighting back and usually no ability to do the same. Wardecs are generally used to farm easy kills, which is why I advise most people playing in highsec to just drop corp and work from NPC corps as they allow you to play how you want without the disruption of people seeking easy kills. There's absolutely no point in having a highsec corp that is anything more than a shell.

Agreed, but how do you did this? Or is it simply how the sandbox plays out because of the rules? To make a bad sports analogy, in many games teams will attempt to play out the clock if there is limited time left and the team is ahead. This isn't enjoyable to watch, it usually isn't what people would consider playing the game, and yet it is the result of the mechanic of the game. Perhaps, in order to enable the value add of war dec mechanics, there has to be some accepted meta gaming and drawbacks.

In which case, perhaps the better advocacy would be to remind people what actions to take and all options that are available instead of just uttering the stale old "never make or join a Corp".

And honestly , the main reason to make a Corp is to eliminate the 11% Income tax that is lost in an NPC corp. Plus there are the advantages of sharing Corp assets and spaces in a more convienient manner than contracts and trade mechanics. Oh and the increased capacity of Corp hangars. It's not an increase in m^3 space but rather max item count without having to subdivide using containers. Plus there is owning assets in space and the advantages those may bring. So the reality is, people must decide for themselves when the balance of those options match or outweigh the chance of being war decced. And perhaps that is what should be stressed, the point where advantages of running and being in a Corp out weigh the risk of being decced.