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EVE New Citizens Q&A

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Otago Dogwalker
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#1 - 2016-09-15 14:05:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Otago Dogwalker

I'm a perma docked up newbro doing the SOE arc but and all of a sudden, my laptop couldn't handle the graphics so I am stuck whilst buying bits for a decent PC, i'm enjoying youtube vids and reading the forums.

I'm itching to get back into New Eden as cannon fodder but I'm starting to wonder just how much time the game may consume. I know EvE isn't your ordinary run of the mill MMO but is it possible to do well and learn good skills at perhaps 2-3 hours a day? My main pastime is astronomy but my main time is family and shift work etc.. Anyone else doing it and doing well?

Not too bothered about doing well, just the "enjoying it" is all I want...I loved beating the Serpentis and Dagan etc and getting gate camped was fun!

Anyone else on small EvE time per day? What are your experiences?

(45 year old train driver in NZ!)
Skyler Mind
Yutu Mover
Random Violence.
#2 - 2016-09-15 14:10:45 UTC
I have family and job, and still handle time to play eve.

See eve as a hobby, you learn, learn and have fun.
Memphis Baas
#3 - 2016-09-15 14:13:25 UTC
Average playerbase age is 30-35, so most of us have families etc.

Solo activities, esp. in high sec, are certainly doable in small chunks of time. For the group activities, esp. the more involved wars, wormhole living, etc., find a group / corp that operates in your time zone and caters to "casual" play, there should be plenty.
Tsukino Stareine
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#4 - 2016-09-15 14:18:16 UTC
I reside in a mid size Corp ( 30 active warm bodies, over 100 accounts between us) in wormhole space.

Quite a few of us have children and full time jobs and we still manage to blow people up and have fun.

Eve is what you make of it in the end. There's no arbitrary carrots you need to spend x hours a week chasingg to keep up with the rest of the playerbase (think wow dailies that unlocked certain gear or parts of the game)
Otago Dogwalker
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#5 - 2016-09-15 14:26:53 UTC
I guessed that having a corp or "EvE family" was the way to go and it's so good to see that i'm not alone!

Thanks for the tips. I guess at the end of the day "you pays yer money" and can do whatever you please, something many capsuleers seem to have forgotten according to the forums!

Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#6 - 2016-09-15 14:28:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Ralph King-Griffin
Any Corp that even pretending to be halfway decent will be absolutely fine with whatever time you see fit to offer.
Any that don't should be forwarded to myself with any Intel on their preferred locations and times of activities so that I and my fellow Corp mates may jump up and down upon them to unwind after we all get our kids off to bed.
Otago Dogwalker
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#7 - 2016-09-15 14:34:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Otago Dogwalker
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
Any Corp that even pretending to be halfway decent will be absolutely fine with whatever time you see fit to offer.
Any that don't should be forwarded to myself with any Intel on their preferred locations and times of activities so that I and my fellow Corp mates may jump up and down upon them to unwind after we all get our kids off to bed.

Big smile
Understood Ralph. A superbly loaded answer sir!
After putting my daughter to bed, I will one day promise you to fry their cap off, and then die a horrid death into my hi-sec bolthole lol! Lol
Ethan Zoromir
Tempest Theory
#8 - 2016-09-16 13:07:22 UTC
Eve can definitely be enjoyed with balancing in real life commitments too.

What I would recommend is find a corp that does not have mandatory CTAs (Call to Arms) - that is typically a sign they are not going to have any issues if you can't attend fleet ops.

Just so you know, there are a lot of corporations and alliances out there like. Eve's main player base is actually slightly older from what I have seen, so most people have jobs / families / kids etc.

Voxis Accord | Mixed sov null alliance with a strong focus on building a great community

Drago Shouna
#9 - 2016-09-16 13:21:17 UTC
Otago Dogwalker wrote:

I'm currently docked up in Arnon. I'm a newbro doing the SOE arc and all of a sudden, my laptop couldn't handle the graphics so I am "hanging fire" as us railwaymen say..Whilst buying bits for a decent PC, i'm enjoying youtube vids and reading the forums.

I'm itching to get back into New Eden as cannon fodder but I'm starting to wonder just how much time the game may consume. I know EvE isn't your ordinary run of the mill MMO but is it possible to do well and learn good skills (at a keyboard/brain level) at perhaps 2-3 hours a day? My main pastime is astronomy but my main time is family and shift work etc? Anyone else doing it and doing well?

Not too bothered about doing well, just the "enjoying it" is all I want...I loved beating the Serpentis and Dagan etc and getting gate camped was fun!

Anyone else on small EvE time per day? What are your experiences?

(45 year old train driver in NZ!)

It's easily enough time mate.

You can do whatever you want in 2-3 hours a day (it can add up to a lot)

Don't be too hasty trying to join a corp either, you have plenty of time to find one. As someone just said, try to avoid one's with mandatory cta's, try to find one that doesn't demand team speak as well, because trust me, as a shift worker your family WON'T be impressed with you screaming down a mic at 3 in the morning, and i'll tll you why.....

A 57 year old train driver, UK :)

Solecist Project...." They refuse to play by the rules and laws of the game and use it as excuse ..." " They don't care about how you play as long as they get to play how they want."

Welcome to EVE.

Otago Dogwalker
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#10 - 2016-09-17 10:56:02 UTC
It's a relief to know i'm not alone in only being able to put an hour or two in every day. Great replies everyone and thanks for the corp tips etc. This is a superb game and wonderful forum Smile

Drago Shouna wrote:

A 57 year old train driver, UK :)

Good to hear a fellow driver here mate. I left DB Schenker to come to NZ in 2011. Can see why the teamspeak thing wouldn't be great at 3 a.m!

Ginger Naari
#11 - 2016-09-17 11:41:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Ginger Naari
Drago Shouna
#12 - 2016-09-17 11:45:09 UTC
Otago Dogwalker wrote:
It's a relief to know i'm not alone in only being able to put an hour or two in every day. Great replies everyone and thanks for the corp tips etc. This is a superb game and wonderful forum Smile

Drago Shouna wrote:

A 57 year old train driver, UK :)

Good to hear a fellow driver here mate. I left DB Schenker to come to NZ in 2011. Can see why the teamspeak thing wouldn't be great at 3 a.m!

Sounds like a great move, TPE York here.

Solecist Project...." They refuse to play by the rules and laws of the game and use it as excuse ..." " They don't care about how you play as long as they get to play how they want."

Welcome to EVE.

Cherri Minoa
Serendipity Technologies Inc
#13 - 2016-09-18 09:54:08 UTC
If EVE "grabs" you, you'll probably find the main problem is not your corp, but your own immersion in the game. "EVE the Widow Maker, the Great Thief of Time."

Seriously, find yourself a corp where you can relax and enjoy, put in the hours you want, do the things in New Eden you like. Every corp that's worth being part of will adopt the maxim "real life comes first."

"If I had been censured every time I have run my ship, or fleets under my command, into great danger, I should have long ago been out of the Service" - Horatio Nelson

Otago Dogwalker
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#14 - 2016-09-18 10:25:05 UTC
Cherri Minoa wrote:
If EVE "grabs" you, you'll probably find the main problem is not your corp, but your own immersion in the game. "EVE the Widow Maker, the Great Thief of Time."

Seriously, find yourself a corp where you can relax and enjoy, put in the hours you want, do the things in New Eden you like. Every corp that's worth being part of will adopt the maxim "real life comes first."

That to me is what online gaming is all about Cherri. It is a game, a bolt away from life for an hour or two.
Common sense really to find a corp which suits the gamer and play how he/she wants to play, not dictated to by a faceless wonder.

I've already been grabbed but the game and played for a few months but EvE overtook my hardware. I'm getting a decent PC together as funds allow. Sad

Cheers Smile

Tao Dolcino
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2016-09-18 10:25:44 UTC
In EVE-University, we make an intensive use of the in game calendar to advertise our activities within the corpo (fleets, classes, events...).
It makes really easier to plan your game time, especially when you have a busy real life.
Otago Dogwalker
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#16 - 2016-09-18 11:01:24 UTC
Thanks for the heads up Tao,
EvE Uni is on the "must do" list!
Project Fruit House
#17 - 2016-09-22 08:49:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Toobo
During the span of my EVE career, I did national service, went through a period in life where I was juggling multiple jobs every day (9-6 job, evening part time job, freelance job), got married, had a baby, got full time employment, quit and freelanced, got re-employed, got promoted, all sorts of life changing stuff happened.

And through out all these years and changes, I've always enjoyed EVE, although my log-in time varied greatly, I never unsubbed, at least on this Toobo account.

So yes, you can enjoy EVE in many many ways. The best description I heard is that EVE is a 'life style'. There's so much EVE related stuff you can do even when you are not logged on (e.g. spreadsheets!).

It's awesome. Stay subbed and I wish you will enjoy a decade long adventure. o7

NOTE: I have pretty serious gaming addiction history though. I've been playing every Football Manager (Championship Manager back then) since 1999 and still addicted to Civilization 4, while also having had serious Sims 2 phase where I owned entire expansion packs collection and downloaded almost all contents from Mod The Sims site (because I like hoarding...).

These are really really evil games that often result in broken families and divorce (especially Football Manager in UK lol).

No pissing contest intended, but my longest gaming session was over 36 hours straight without eating or sleeping. Only getting up to go grab a Coke from the fridge and bio breaks. Ugh

EVE is not like that. You can enjoy at your own pace and you can plan and do things over the period of weeks and months and even years. You don't need to 'grind' non-stop to 'progress' in the game. It is a special game indeed.

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#18 - 2016-09-22 23:30:55 UTC
Yup juggling family, work and EVE is hard. I have about 3-6 hours a week I can give the game. It varies when I can log in and for how long.

My spouse complains when I'm doing fleet work because I'm usually late to bed and tired the next day. I do the best I can and try never to let my family, my corporation or alliance down.

It's not easy. Seems like half the challenge of playing the game is finding the time to play it!
Deck Cadelanne
#19 - 2016-09-23 08:10:02 UTC
Otago Dogwalker wrote:
I guessed that having a corp or "EvE family" was the way to go and it's so good to see that i'm not alone!

Thanks for the tips. I guess at the end of the day "you pays yer money" and can do whatever you please, something many capsuleers seem to have forgotten according to the forums!

FWIW, I spend my in-game time with a null-sec group of mostly fairly casual players who primarily do PVP with a side-line in PVE to fund that terrible habit. I don't play every day, when I do it is rarely for more than 2-3 hours. Not an issue with this group, kind of fits the play-style of most of the regular members actually.

We do try to do some more structured things (like field a team for the AT every year) but that is admittedly something that takes more commitment in-game - but even players not able to invest that amount of time in-game can still participate and help out (by participating in practice sessions, donating some ISK, etc.)

I am still enjoying the game 3 and a bit years into it, I think the key is find the right balance so it doesn't start to feel to "grindy" while you still feel you are learning new elements and keeping it fresh. Don't be afraid to put family and work and real life first, if you find yourself in a group that is pressuring you to put more of your time into the game than you are comfortable with, rest assured there are plenty of other groups that will be more amenable to your preferred style and pace of play.

"When the going gets weird, the weird turn professional."

- Hunter S. Thompson

Aurelius Oshidashi
The Initiative.
#20 - 2016-09-23 16:13:25 UTC
Yeah no worries man. I only play eve a few hours a week, but spend some more time plotting and reading guides while traveling. It's never ever been a problem )
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