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10 Billion isk

Morgan Agrivar
#41 - 2016-09-15 02:47:30 UTC
Ralph King-Griffin wrote:
pay newbros to flee screaming before me wherever i go.

Pay me 10b isk and I will flee screaming from you even on the forums...
Jinjing Tsung
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#42 - 2016-09-15 04:56:23 UTC
BUY ALL THE PLEXES!!! Then put them all in a shuttle and go get blown up...... Cause no one ever did that before...
Robot Robot
Plate of Beans Incorporated
#43 - 2016-09-26 20:39:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Robot Robot
Interestingly, I currently have almost exactly 10b isk, so I know exactly what I would do with it: Decide that I can entirely stop trying to make ISK in this game and instead just spend all my time PVPing.

When I eventually drop back below 5 billion, my tune may change, but that's months away at least.
Project Fruit House
#44 - 2016-09-27 06:25:40 UTC
I'll throw out some random ideas.

1. Buy a few capital ship BPOs, spend 2-5b on them

2. Find someone to research those BPOs for a fee, while you hold his ISK as collateral (use third party where necessary)

3. Now you should have a bit leas than 10b to play with, while your BPOs are being researched by someone else

4. Use about 3~5b on materials/products you think will rise in price in 1~2 months. Hold on to them till the target price

5. Use the rest if liquid ISK for station trading, active trading is good for this amount of budget

6. Unless something went horribly wrong, by the time the 'researcher' has finished reaearching, you should be able to give his ISK back + research fees

7. At this point you would have something close to the original 10b, plus researched cap BPOs

8. Your NAV has increased \o/

You can then use the fully researched BPOs as collateral for bigger loan/bond, and progress from there with bigger ISK pool to trade with

I'm not a good business person, so take my comments with pinch of salt. ;)

Just a random idea that popped up in my head when I read it heh

Cheers Love! The cavalry's here!

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