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118.8 - General feedback (PC)

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CCP Phantom
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2016-09-12 17:01:52 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
The release 118.8 has been deployed on September 13. Please use this thread for general feedback.

The 118.8 release brings us lots of high quality visual updates - redesign of several frigate sized hulls and new visual effects -, a rebalance of the mining barges/exhumers, and an exciting new Purity of the Throne event related to the coronation of the new Empress. We also will get a large amount of general improvements and bug fixes.

The full details of all changes and improvements are available in the patch notes.

To report issues, please use the thread 118.8 - Issues (PC).
For Mac users, we also have a dedicated thread available 118.8 - Feedback and Issues (Mac).

CCP Phantom - Senior Community Developer

Kongsberg Vaapenfabrikk Amarr branch.
Clever Use of Neutral Toons
#2 - 2016-09-13 11:41:21 UTC
What did you do to my malediction?
Amak Boma
Dragon Factory
#3 - 2016-09-13 11:50:12 UTC
yes , maeldiction now looks like he was chewed by giant ant. its ugly now and cant fit cyno on procurer ;o gotta clear cache
Anthar Thebess
#4 - 2016-09-13 11:51:11 UTC
Royaldo wrote:
What did you do to my malediction?

Ship tiercide - now it is compact version.
Goonswarm Federation
#5 - 2016-09-13 12:24:44 UTC
Can anyone explain to me what is up with the new SKINs for the mining barges? They appear in the fitting window, none of them are for sale on the NES, one of the skins doesn't even have a market entry and the other two skins aside from the Ore Development SKIN aren't for sale anywhere on the market either.

How does one acquire this SKINs?!

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Anubis Aureus
Aucaedu Unlimited
#6 - 2016-09-13 12:33:37 UTC
Is it intended, that you do get standing-hits if you do the eventsites (for killing the Amarr Empire's Purist Papal)? It's -2,4% every 5minutes...
Yngvar ayShorn
Einheit X-6
#7 - 2016-09-13 12:49:09 UTC
Anubis Aureus wrote:
Is it intended, that you do get standing-hits if you do the eventsites (for killing the Amarr Empire's Purist Papal)? It's -2,4% every 5minutes...

Quite happy i am in Minmatar-FW, gnihihi Big smileTwistedPirate

+250.000 Skillpunkte für neue Accounts mit meinem Link!  -->> Klick mich <<-- -- Minmatar FactionWar --

Leci Endor
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#8 - 2016-09-13 13:12:24 UTC
The Hulk CPU is just way to tight! I cannot fit my tank-fit anymore and the Hulk was already so fragile. Why did you take even more of its tank capability away? :( I understand that it is supposed to be fragile but now it isn't like paper anymore it is more like wet paper that dissolves from just sitting in a belt.
Corbulo Typhonius
#9 - 2016-09-13 13:13:33 UTC
Mack is now useless.

Hulk is'nt much better.

Skiff is King.

Skiff and Mack now mine the exact same, why both risking your ship over cargo capacity, Skiff has more PG and CPU to work with which just makes it better over all and even then the cargo capacity is'nt that bad on a Skiff.

Hulk is proberly still usefull in fleets but thats about it. Mack is now utterly obsolete. Also before patch I had my Mack cycle time to 63 seconds, now after patch it's up to 90... what's with that ? Same mods and everything are on it, was said after patch there would'nt be much diffrence...
Ralph King-Griffin
New Eden Tech Support
#10 - 2016-09-13 13:17:42 UTC
Anubis Aureus wrote:
Is it intended, that you do get standing-hits if you do the eventsites (for killing the Amarr Empire's Purist Papal)? It's -2,4% every 5minutes...

Whelp, there's a whole event I'm not touching with a barge pole.
At least not if this is intended.
Zoe Tenobu
Freedom of Exile
#11 - 2016-09-13 13:25:52 UTC
Can we get an official ruling on what's happening with the purity of the throne sites?
It looks like CCP stopped them from respawning or something due to the amarr standing penalty.
Can we get a dev update on this?
Thank you.
P.S.: Cool new ship models, at least most of them.
Corbulo Typhonius
#12 - 2016-09-13 13:26:51 UTC
Off to sell the Mack... Just noticed that when jumping through a gate and have cloak, the smoke can still be seen outside the cloak... Hope no one else can see that...
Goonswarm Federation
#13 - 2016-09-13 13:27:36 UTC
Corbulo Typhonius wrote:
Mack is now useless.

Hulk is'nt much better.

Skiff is King.

Skiff and Mack now mine the exact same, why both risking your ship over cargo capacity, Skiff has more PG and CPU to work with which just makes it better over all and even then the cargo capacity is'nt that bad on a Skiff.

Hulk is proberly still usefull in fleets but thats about it. Mack is now utterly obsolete. Also before patch I had my Mack cycle time to 63 seconds, now after patch it's up to 90... what's with that ? Same mods and everything are on it, was said after patch there would'nt be much diffrence...

Mack and Skiff are still exactly the same in yield. They were before the patch as well...

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Corbulo Typhonius
#14 - 2016-09-13 13:29:50 UTC
TigerXtrm wrote:
Corbulo Typhonius wrote:
Mack is now useless.

Hulk is'nt much better.

Skiff is King.

Skiff and Mack now mine the exact same, why both risking your ship over cargo capacity, Skiff has more PG and CPU to work with which just makes it better over all and even then the cargo capacity is'nt that bad on a Skiff.

Hulk is proberly still usefull in fleets but thats about it. Mack is now utterly obsolete. Also before patch I had my Mack cycle time to 63 seconds, now after patch it's up to 90... what's with that ? Same mods and everything are on it, was said after patch there would'nt be much diffrence...

Mack and Skiff are still exactly the same in yield. They were before the patch as well...

They were nearly the exact same, Mack, atleast in Ice mining could mine it slightly faster due to having two lasers were the skiff had 1, now they are the EXACT same.
Yarosara Ruil
#15 - 2016-09-13 13:29:57 UTC
Wish I hadn't squeezed out my mining skills for near perfect control of frigates...

At least the Bantam doesn't look like a vacuum cleaner now. Progress!
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#16 - 2016-09-13 13:33:48 UTC
Corbulo Typhonius wrote:
They were nearly the exact same, Mack, atleast in Ice mining could mine it slightly faster due to having two lasers were the skiff had 1, now they are the EXACT same.
I'm pretty sure mack and skiff were the same on ice too, just the skiff cycled twice for the macks one cycle on two lasers. What it actually meant is a mack could start cycling to get the last block and a skiff could race in and mine that block out before the mack finished cycling.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

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Julian DeCroix
Socialist Death Panel
#17 - 2016-09-13 13:36:19 UTC
Most of the ship visual redesigns, starting with the Moa and Condor, seem to lack soul and style, and maintain very few of the racial design cues that tie these civilizations' fleets together. There are a couple of successes (the redesigned Dominix and Maulus are quite nice), but for the most part the new models either don't appeal to me or just don't seem to fit in EVE.
Corbulo Typhonius
#18 - 2016-09-13 13:41:31 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Corbulo Typhonius wrote:
They were nearly the exact same, Mack, atleast in Ice mining could mine it slightly faster due to having two lasers were the skiff had 1, now they are the EXACT same.
I'm pretty sure mack and skiff were the same on ice too, just the skiff cycled twice for the macks one cycle on two lasers. What it actually meant is a mack could start cycling to get the last block and a skiff could race in and mine that block out before the mack finished cycling.

Affraid not, The Skiff cycle time was about 40 seconds were the mack had about 60, so in 5 minutes of mining for example the skiff would get just shy of 8 where as the Mack would get 10, The longer you mined the better the Mack was. Not sure about ore mining though, Pretty sure the Mack still had alittle extra because of the extra laser, your talking tiny amounts tho.

I don't mind that they mine the same, its more the fact that the Mack is useless as no one in the right mind would take something so weak in tank just to get alittle extra cargo. Atleast when it came to Ice mining the Mack had a slight edge over the Skiff but now there is no contest, Skiff is just better.

Nicola Arman
Deep Maw Salvage
#19 - 2016-09-13 14:03:10 UTC
Stargates disappearring during Jump Animation. :o
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#20 - 2016-09-13 14:04:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Corbulo Typhonius wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Corbulo Typhonius wrote:
They were nearly the exact same, Mack, atleast in Ice mining could mine it slightly faster due to having two lasers were the skiff had 1, now they are the EXACT same.
I'm pretty sure mack and skiff were the same on ice too, just the skiff cycled twice for the macks one cycle on two lasers. What it actually meant is a mack could start cycling to get the last block and a skiff could race in and mine that block out before the mack finished cycling.

Affraid not, The Skiff cycle time was about 40 seconds were the mack had about 60, so in 5 minutes of mining for example the skiff would get just shy of 8 where as the Mack would get 10, The longer you mined the better the Mack was. Not sure about ore mining though, Pretty sure the Mack still had alittle extra because of the extra laser, your talking tiny amounts tho.

I don't mind that they mine the same, its more the fact that the Mack is useless as no one in the right mind would take something so weak in tank just to get alittle extra cargo. Atleast when it came to Ice mining the Mack had a slight edge over the Skiff but now there is no contest, Skiff is just better.
All going from old memory right now, but I'm sure the skiffs bonuses made it exactly the same. Like i think they matched on all stats except the mackinaw had a 20% reduction while the skiff had a 60% reduction. That meant the mack had 2 harvesters at 80% of their native cycle time while skiff had one harvester at 40% of it's cycle time. And 8 v 10 is not a "slight edge", it's an extra 25% of the skiff yield. What you're suggesting here is that skiffs ice yield has been boosted by 25% of it's old maximum which I very much fail to believe.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

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