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Size/class Restricted beacons please

No strings attached foundation
#1 - 2016-09-05 08:18:30 UTC
I was listening to a podcast and they mentioned FW complexes, then an idea struck me.

Bit of reminising from "old" sisi.. we had theese beacons called FFA (free for all) then classed from capital down, BS down etc etc. ofc this was abused and carriers was sitting in the cruiser beacon and we couldnt really have a BH on all the time to enforce theese rules ofc.

My idea; why not get a few complexes in the main test system 6-C that are restricted to the same ship sizes that the FW complexes are.

I dont know if this is hard to accomplish or not, but im just guessing it'll work, the thing is that the neightbor system to 6-c that is supposed to be the subcap system is not being used, and ppl are not testing subcaps and such because there are too many old pilots just blowing up stuff in their supers and stuff, im not against that per say, but we arent testing all the ship sizes because new players dont get the chance to do so, the numbers in the 6-c system has gone down from what i used to be i think. i only want the final releases too be bugfree, and allso the more bugs we as players find, the more time devs and bh's have to find and refine other bugs and features.

other players; please come with other inputs and your thoughts about this.

Devs; im sry if this is a bad idea and im just making unnessecary discussion in the forums, but i would like your toughts and if its a bad idea i would like to know so that i dont sit and wonder if it got looked passt in the mass of questions and such :)

With regards
United Aggression
#2 - 2016-09-05 10:31:19 UTC
The entry points for the gates would be camped by the wrong size of ships.
The exit points for the gates would also be camped.
People would find a way to get capitals in there somehow.

The reduction in numbers on SISI just reflects the enormous decline in EVE's population in general.

The status quo is fine. The only minor changes I would like to see, would be the removal of all seeded citadels from the market and the removal of seeded shadow heavy fighters from the market, as both of these have lead to a situation that is absolutely distinct from the conditions on tranquility.
No strings attached foundation
#3 - 2016-09-05 12:18:03 UTC
Demolishar wrote:
The status quo is fine. The only minor changes I would like to see, would be the removal of all seeded citadels from the market and the removal of seeded shadow heavy fighters from the market, as both of these have lead to a situation that is absolutely distinct from the conditions on tranquility.

the seeded stuff is a problem too but i dont think the removal of theese would change too much, we pretty much just need a way for newbros to want to test stuff, citadels definitly needs to be in there so we can make sure that there are no bugs with them from patch to patch.

thanks for the insight man, you are right about the camped entry gates ofc, didnt really think too much about it, maybe if the gates was placed on grid with the station itself people wouldnt go ahead and actually camp them, but it would ofc raise the problem again of having to enforce the rules :\ i've had newbros in corp or just random ppl im trying to teach stuff too that allmost refuse to come on to sisi because of the capital ZERG going on there :P so those newbros then cant contribute to the bughunting eighter.

this is ofc not a priority subject at all, just kinda thinking out load on the forums of ways to do this :)

Christopher Mabata
Northern Accounts and Systems
#4 - 2016-09-11 16:36:08 UTC
Yeah these days the remaining player base is just too good at getting around every restriction CCP puts in place that isn't hard coded into the game. Even the forums arent as lively as they used to be and apparently reddit is where its at now

♣ Small Gang PVP, Large Fleet PVP, Black Ops, Incursions, Trade, and Industry ♣ 70% Lethal / 30% Super-Snuggly / 110% No idea what im doing ♣

This Message Brought to you by a sweet and sour bittervet

Romana Erebus
Syndicate Enterprise
Sigma Grindset
#5 - 2016-09-21 11:56:13 UTC
size beacons is unrealistic test environment. PVH is the subcap system though. Lol
Romana Erebus
Syndicate Enterprise
Sigma Grindset
#6 - 2016-09-21 11:58:27 UTC
Demolishar wrote:
The entry points for the gates would be camped by the wrong size of ships.
The exit points for the gates would also be camped.
People would find a way to get capitals in there somehow.

The reduction in numbers on SISI just reflects the enormous decline in EVE's population in general.

The status quo is fine. The only minor changes I would like to see, would be the removal of all seeded citadels from the market and the removal of seeded shadow heavy fighters from the market, as both of these have lead to a situation that is absolutely distinct from the conditions on tranquility.

in other words he is afraid of people suiciding fibos into his elite sisi pvp titan.