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Matari: Where are we now and where are we headed?

Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#101 - 2016-09-07 08:45:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Samira Kernher wrote:
"They will just have to find some other place to settle." Because that's so easy for families without any income, professional or even social contacts, living off tribal housing.

The Starkmanir and Nefantar Tribal Chiefs both hold the Amarr faith. As do countless of successful, integrated people. It is not impossible for a person to uphold both Faith and Tribe. Yes, the faith demands reclaiming people under God. That doesn't stop a person from being good to their neighbors and loyal to their family, no matter where they are. The faith demands that you make yourself a better person, that you uphold your word and the commitments you make, that you be honest.

And no, being with your Tribe does not mean you have to put God under Tribe. You can and should hold God before Tribe. Thousands of people in the Republic are already doing that, and not causing any fuss with anyone.

When's the last time you walk on the streets of an actual Republic population?

It's not as pretty as you think it is.

The Starkmanir, frankly, hasn't quite figured out who they are yet, though they are showing signs of having some ideas and are working on materialising them. If the Nefantar is still holding onto the entirety of the Amarr faith, they are very good at hiding it. Where I stand, they are still holding onto *elements* of the Faith, but are still more or less acting on the ideals of their First Elder.

Which also includes being bossy holier-than-thou pricks who say something offensive and start a fistfight.

There's still the Federation, remember? Though thinking about it they will need funds to get there.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#102 - 2016-09-07 08:55:08 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:
When's the last time you walk on the streets of an actual Republic city?

Three years ago. I moved back home to Amarr because I had the resources to and because people in the Republic made it very unsafe to live there if you held the faith. What with the coup putting extremists in charge who started a war and encouraged anti-Amarr anger, leading to murders of faithful minmatar who hadn't done anything to deserve it.

Did I say it was pretty? No, I didn't. It wasn't, at all. But you are doing what everyone else in the Republic does, placing all of the blame on the Faith. You're contributing to the problem.
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#103 - 2016-09-07 09:38:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Samira Kernher wrote:
Elmund Egivand wrote:
When's the last time you walk on the streets of an actual Republic city?

Three years ago. I moved back home to Amarr because I had the resources to and because people in the Republic made it very unsafe to live there if you held the faith. What with the coup putting extremists in charge who started a war and encouraged anti-Amarr anger, leading to murders of faithful minmatar who hadn't done anything to deserve it.

Did I say it was pretty? No, I didn't. It wasn't, at all. But you are doing what everyone else in the Republic does, placing all of the blame on the Faith. You're contributing to the problem.

I am pointing out very bluntly that the ways of the Tribe and the ways of the Faith are wholly incompatible. I'm sorry, but no, we do not hold God over Kin nor do we acknowledge the primacy of a single Deity over all. Not even spirits are above one or the other. We are all citizens of this plane of existence and are part of a cosmic community. We can interact, co-exist where possible, even cooperate for mutual benefits, argue with each other if we do not agree with each other. There is no primacy or supremacy in this relationship. You can see the obvious clash in the viewpoints of the Faith and the Tribe.

The difference is stark enough that a full reconciliation is likely impossible. The ways of the Faith demands obedience to one God. The ways of the Tribe promotes living with each other and dealing with each other as citizens with equal stakes in this plane of existence. To suggest that we should put one over the other is anathema to us. Even if we put aside our hatred for the Amarr, they will still not be one of ours by virtue of the difference in their viewpoint of their place in the universe and their way of life. The Faith and the Tribe are not just incompatible, they are diametrical opposites of each other. If reconciliation cannot be achieved, the only solution is for us to depart from each other.

If brothers come into blows and cannot put aside their difference, reconcile or come up with a satisfactory compromise the only solutions are to either war endlessly or separate.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Arkoth 24
#104 - 2016-09-07 10:06:51 UTC
Felise Selunix wrote:
Finally, I think that the Republic must normalize relations with the Empire...

Do you know how Vitoxin works? Every matari does.

Every minmatar slave injected with Vitoxin must get a daily dose of antidote - or die. Some of 'em may choose to put an end to their suffering, but death from Vitoxine is really slow and painfull. If someone will commit suicide - his family will be executed.

Vitoc - the only known antidote for Vitoxin produced by Empire - grants another day of life for slave. And a temporal euphoria with high addictive effect. Vitoc kills by itself - just slowly than Vitoxin. Even if slave will not die from toxin or it's unpredictable mutations - antidote will kill him as well, sooner or later.

I work for the Empire. I see thousands crates of Vitoc moved in hangars every week. Republic made me what i am, and, probably, would try to make worse if i ever return. And still - i see no way for Matari to "normalize relations" with the Empire.
Samira Kernher
Cail Avetatu
#105 - 2016-09-07 10:21:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Samira Kernher
Elmund Egivand wrote:
I am pointing out very bluntly that the ways of the Tribe and the ways of the Faith are wholly incompatible. I'm sorry, but no, we do not hold God over Kin nor do we acknowledge the primacy of a single Deity over all. Not even spirits are above one or the other. We are all citizens of this plane of existence and are part of a cosmic community. We can interact, co-exist where possible, even cooperate for mutual benefits, argue with each other if we do not agree with each other. There is no primacy or supremacy in this relationship. You can see the obvious clash in the viewpoints of the Faith and the Tribe.

The difference is stark enough that a full reconciliation is likely impossible. The ways of the Faith demands obedience to one God. The ways of the Tribe promotes living with each other and dealing with each other as citizens with equal stakes in this plane of existence. To suggest that we should put one over the other is anathema to us. Even if we put aside our hatred for the Amarr, they will still not be one of ours by virtue of the difference in their viewpoint of their place in the universe and their way of life. The Faith and the Tribe are not just incompatible, they are diametrical opposites of each other. If reconciliation cannot be achieved, the only solution is for us to depart from each other.

If brothers come into blows and cannot put aside their difference, reconcile or come up with a satisfactory compromise the only solutions are to either war endlessly or separate.

I'm aware of the clash. I grew up dealing with it. I have family that have different viewpoints. My clan had different viewpoints. We didn't always agree. That doesn't prevent us from being family.

The Republic wants freedom. Well, freedom leads to people having different viewpoints. It leads to dissenting opinions. It leads to clashes. If you're free, you have to learn to deal with the fact that not everyone is going to believe the same thing. You have to learn to live together and love each other despite that. Either that's what you want, or what you're looking for isn't freedom.

You do not hold God over kin. I do. Billions of minmatar in both the Empire and the Republic do. And if you actually believe people should interact, co-exist, and cooperate, then you wouldn't care that some people do.

And I don't know where you get this idea where the Tribes are about equality. The Tribes absolutely put people over the other. Clan and tribal chiefs, family elders. The new government is all about the chiefs holding complete authority over their tribes, appointing people to positions over others without any need to get consent of the people underneath. The Tribes aren't a democracy. If you're older, wiser, and accomplished, you get a say. If you aren't, then you obey the ones who are. It's a society of trust, not equality. Trust in your elders to lead right, because they have proven in the past they have the wisdom do. And it's a society of honor. Hold to the oaths you make. None of that is incompatible with Amarr.
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#106 - 2016-09-07 10:37:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Samira Kernher wrote:
Elmund Egivand wrote:
I am pointing out very bluntly that the ways of the Tribe and the ways of the Faith are wholly incompatible. I'm sorry, but no, we do not hold God over Kin nor do we acknowledge the primacy of a single Deity over all. Not even spirits are above one or the other. We are all citizens of this plane of existence and are part of a cosmic community. We can interact, co-exist where possible, even cooperate for mutual benefits, argue with each other if we do not agree with each other. There is no primacy or supremacy in this relationship. You can see the obvious clash in the viewpoints of the Faith and the Tribe.

The difference is stark enough that a full reconciliation is likely impossible. The ways of the Faith demands obedience to one God. The ways of the Tribe promotes living with each other and dealing with each other as citizens with equal stakes in this plane of existence. To suggest that we should put one over the other is anathema to us. Even if we put aside our hatred for the Amarr, they will still not be one of ours by virtue of the difference in their viewpoint of their place in the universe and their way of life. The Faith and the Tribe are not just incompatible, they are diametrical opposites of each other. If reconciliation cannot be achieved, the only solution is for us to depart from each other.

If brothers come into blows and cannot put aside their difference, reconcile or come up with a satisfactory compromise the only solutions are to either war endlessly or separate.

I'm aware of the clash. I grew up dealing with it. I have family that have different viewpoints. My clan had different viewpoints. We didn't always agree. That doesn't prevent us from being family.

The Republic wants freedom. Well, freedom leads to people having different viewpoints. It leads to dissenting opinions. It leads to clashes. If you're free, you have to learn to deal with the fact that not everyone is going to believe the same thing. You have to learn to live together and love each other despite that. Either that's what you want, or what you're looking for isn't freedom.

You do not hold God over kin. I do. Billions of minmatar in both the Empire and the Republic do. And if you actually believe people should interact, co-exist, and cooperate, then you wouldn't care that some people do.

And I don't know where you get this idea where the Tribes are about equality. The Tribes absolutely put people over the other. Clan and tribal chiefs, family elders. The new government is all about the chiefs holding complete authority over their tribes, appointing people to positions over others without any need to get consent of the people underneath. The Tribes aren't a democracy. If you're older, wiser, and accomplished, you get a say. If you aren't, then you obey the ones who are. It's a society of trust, not equality. Trust in your elders to lead right, because they have proven in the past they have the wisdom do. And it's a society of honor. Hold to the oaths you make. None of that is incompatible with Amarr.

The Tribes put PEOPLE over each other by virtue of their experience and seniority because they PROVE that they are fit for that position and can be trusted to perform for the good of their communities there. Even then we still argue with each other. In fact, our elders and chiefs still appoint people of lower position as executors and advisors for matters which they recognise they are out of their depths of.

We do not put BEINGS over one another. The primacy of BEINGS is the issue I'm putting forward. Fire is not above water. Wind isn't above earth. Machine is not above flesh. The dead is not above the living. The Nefantar is not above the Starkmanir (despite what they would have you believe).

That's very different from blind obedience to the One God, or to putting the True Amarr above the Udorians by virtue of being 'Chosen' (on the record, I welcome Empress Catiz as the new leader of the Empire solely because her presence on the top spot shakes up the whole idea of True Amarr being the chosen and thus above others).

Also, yes, they can have freedom. They have the freedom to live in the Federation. They have the freedom to return to the Amarr. However, if they are going to be one of us, to live among us as kin, then they will have to accept the ways of kin or be an outsider.

You mention billions of Minmatar do believe in the One God. I point out that they are among the Amarr, where they can practice their Faith amongst their kin who hold the same views.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

TK Corp
#107 - 2016-09-07 15:17:19 UTC
Samira Kernher wrote:
And it's a society of honor. Hold to the oaths you make.

And this, Elmund, is what makes me believe it is possible - it will simply be difficult. If they say they will be of the Tribes, and we deny them the chance to show that they can live up to their word... then how are we living up to ours? Samira's one of the most honorable people I've ever met. She's also of the Amarr faith. If she were to choose to live within the Republic, to take her place within our Tribe, she could only be a boon to our people. And there are many, many more like her - many more we should be welcoming, and trusting to hold to their own honor.
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#108 - 2016-09-07 15:45:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Arrendis wrote:
Samira Kernher wrote:
And it's a society of honor. Hold to the oaths you make.

And this, Elmund, is what makes me believe it is possible - it will simply be difficult. If they say they will be of the Tribes, and we deny them the chance to show that they can live up to their word... then how are we living up to ours? Samira's one of the most honorable people I've ever met. She's also of the Amarr faith. If she were to choose to live within the Republic, to take her place within our Tribe, she could only be a boon to our people. And there are many, many more like her - many more we should be welcoming, and trusting to hold to their own honor.

I suppose there's the option of having representatives from both parties to meet up and put out terms. Then we wait and hope that both the Faithful and the non-Faithful will keep their word.

However, I must warn. In highly impoverished areas, starving hounds care not for honour. This, I speak from experience.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

TK Corp
#109 - 2016-09-07 15:52:05 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:
I suppose there's the option of having representatives from both parties to meet up and put out terms. Then we wait and hope that both [parties] will keep their word.

Sounds pretty much like our normal politics, no?
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#110 - 2016-09-07 16:05:52 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Elmund Egivand wrote:
I suppose there's the option of having representatives from both parties to meet up and put out terms. Then we wait and hope that both [parties] will keep their word.

Sounds pretty much like our normal politics, no?

And those turn out terribly half the time (optimistic estimate).

Anyway, so on my cryptic warning about starving hounds, I am going to have to mention about the poorer regions of Minmatar space, especially out in the boonies. By boonies, I mean edges of high-sec and low-sec regions.

However, I am tired so I think I just leave it to someone else to get that ball rolling.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Arnulf Ogunkoya
Clan Ogunkoya
Electus Matari
#111 - 2016-09-07 21:55:02 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Arrendis wrote:
Elmund Egivand wrote:
I suppose there's the option of having representatives from both parties to meet up and put out terms. Then we wait and hope that both [parties] will keep their word.

Sounds pretty much like our normal politics, no?

And those turn out terribly half the time (optimistic estimate).

Anyway, so on my cryptic warning about starving hounds, I am going to have to mention about the poorer regions of Minmatar space, especially out in the boonies. By boonies, I mean edges of high-sec and low-sec regions.

However, I am tired so I think I just leave it to someone else to get that ball rolling.

Well. There is at least one cleric operating in the Republic that teaches a variant of the faith that doesn't seem to cause major problems. That said he isn't a Minmatar and his take on the faith is more than a little unorthodox. But he is an actual educated and officially ordained Amarr priest. Granted probably excommunicated from the mainstream by now but still.

His name is Father Goose. Used to be one of Evanda Char's circle back in the day & officiated at her marriage ceremony to Meklon.

Regards, Arnulf Ogunkoya.

Ashlar Vellum
Esquire Armaments
#112 - 2016-09-07 22:52:43 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
Ashlar Vellum wrote:
Also what system are you talking about, starkmanir rebellion was in 23052 AD and Yoiul Conference was in 23236 AD. There were no proper channels for resolving disputes diplomatically between big four before that. There wasn't even a big four before 23216 AD, so what system and who was trusting in that system.

The Amarr political and legal system.

We have no reason to trust you not to annihilate our people while CONCORD does its paperwork. We never have had any reason to trust you. We continue to have no reason to trust you. The slave raids continue, feeding the slave trade in Amarr space. Despite efforts to pretty it up, and a one-time proclamation by a now-dead ruler, the Divine Mandate of the Amarr remains: The Amarr way is right. All other ways are wrong. Eliminate all other ways. Convert those you can, that they will serve the Amarr. Those who will not convert are damned, and 'The Wrath of God is Immense. His Justice is Swift and Decisive. His Tolerance is Limited.'

What possible reason could we ever have to trust an empire whose reason for existence is to obliterate our self-determination and our way of life?

Republic jumped on board with CONCORD doing its paperwork before Empire ever did, but ok.
How do you see republic/empire relations in a couple hundred years from now, just space walls and people dying here and there or something a little bit more positive.

Also by "we" I assume you mean Republic?
Felise Selunix
Keyholder Investment Group
#113 - 2016-09-07 23:18:17 UTC
Arkoth 24 wrote:
Felise Selunix wrote:
Finally, I think that the Republic must normalize relations with the Empire...

Do you know how Vitoxin works? Every matari does.

Every minmatar slave injected with Vitoxin must get a daily dose of antidote - or die. Some of 'em may choose to put an end to their suffering, but death from Vitoxine is really slow and painfull. If someone will commit suicide - his family will be executed.

Vitoc - the only known antidote for Vitoxin produced by Empire - grants another day of life for slave. And a temporal euphoria with high addictive effect. Vitoc kills by itself - just slowly than Vitoxin. Even if slave will not die from toxin or it's unpredictable mutations - antidote will kill him as well, sooner or later.

I work for the Empire. I see thousands crates of Vitoc moved in hangars every week. Republic made me what i am, and, probably, would try to make worse if i ever return. And still - i see no way for Matari to "normalize relations" with the Empire.

Good point. As for me, I have several clan members who work for the Republic Fleet who have seen plenty of resources that should go towards greater innovation and logistic support being directed toward shadowy paramilitary efforts of hawkish admirals. I also sell plenty of goods to militia fighters. That means that I see countless human and economic resources wasted fighting with the Empire with little to show for it. With that in mind, I can't see how we can continue on as we are without more bureaucratic control over our relationship with the Amarr.

The brutality of Vitoc (which is undeniable) doesn't change my argument, Arkoth. To continue our success on the international stage, I believe that the Republic must normalize that relationship and all other international relationships and find a way to create and sustain international relationships with all parties that: a) further the interests and strengthens the position of the Republic in the Cluster, and b) that can be executed efficiently managed by the government.

I'm going to assume from your response and the quote from my previous post that you're arguing that because of the continued use of a brutal and dehumanizing tactic on Matari slaves, the Republic should not--or cannot normalize international relations with the Empire. If that's the case, I would disagree. In my opinion, continued hostilities with the Empire--particularly in it's current piecemeal form--doesn't pass either of those tests. Instead, I believe it weakens the Republic internationally by calling into question our military and diplomatic discipline, even amongst our allies.

It also a fosters a climate that opens the door to a cavalier attitude among military leaders that could lead to insubordination and an inability for the government to enforce any diplomatic terms. That's been a challenge that's been highlighted in Elder War, and Colelie and countless TLF battles victories that tend to be short-lived. So for example, let's say that by some miracle or another, Shakor got the Empire to actually crackdown or even outlaw Vitoc use in exchange for controlling militia incursions across the border. Do you think that he or the Tribal Council could enforce that right now? I certainly don't.

When I say 'normalization,' I don't mean 'like' or 'make friends' or even 'tolerate.' Normalization might mean a better version of the 'no diplomatic contact' policy that we have now. It could also mean outright war (though I don't think that tactic would be in our interest either). What I'm suggesting by normalization is an intentional, concerted policy who's number one objective is strengthening the Republic as an international power. I'm also suggesting that the current lassiez-faire approach of antagonism towards the Empire doesn't accomplish those goals. If it did, I would have no problems with it at all. I just don't see how this help us more than the hurt us as a nation.
TK Corp
#114 - 2016-09-08 01:03:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Arrendis
Ashlar Vellum wrote:
Republic jumped on board with CONCORD doing its paperwork before Empire ever did, but ok.
How do you see republic/empire relations in a couple hundred years from now, just space walls and people dying here and there or something a little bit more positive.

Also by "we" I assume you mean Republic?

The weaker party has more to gain from binding the stronger to an overseeing body. That doesn't mean the weaker party's always going to feel like they have the time to go through 'proper' channels, though. No system of rules will ever be perfect. Sometimes, you have to set them aside, break the rules, and then take responsibility for your actions.

As for how I see relations between the republic and the empire in a few centuries... (and what I mean by 'we')...

I sincerely hope that there will be no relations between the Republic and the Empire in a few centuries.

'The Republic', at its core, is a polite fiction, an idea of a central government for a people who traditionally have eschewed one. I would far prefer a 'Tribal Confederation', though I know that sounds far too similar to the Gallente Federation for many to stomach. Rather than a central federal government, though, I'd like to see just that: a confederation, where the leaders of each of the Tribes come together to agree upon a course of action. The Tribal Council brings us closer to that - in many ways, it achieves it - but I think that many, especially outside the Tribes, see the Tribal Council as a step backwards. They think it is a step we must take right now, to get our unruly Clans in order, and that when we are 'civilized' enough, we can then move back toward a stronger central authority.

We must reject that. We must reject that so clearly that we reject the very 'Republican' label. We are not governed by a legislative body of elected representatives. We are governed by a simple gathering where the leaders of each member-state, each autonomous Tribe, discuss matters, and come to a consensus on how the whole should proceed. This gathering is not needed to make rulings on who trades with who, or who holds what property rights where, or how any given member-group should deal with the issues that it grapples with. It is only needed for those times when we must act as one people. It is a confederation at best, not a Republic.

And when I say 'we', in terms of such broad strokes, I mean the Matari people, those who choose to be within the Tribes, whether they live within the space held by one of the Tribes, or within space held by another power entirely. I live in Delve. That does not prevent me from being mindful of the leadership of my Chief, or of doing my duty by my Clan.

Where will the relations between the Amarr people - the Empire, if it endures, or whatever form the collective assembly of the Amarr call themseves - and the Tribes be in a few centuries? I would hope we can find peace. I would hope that the Amarr can recognize the grave harm slavery does to both the slave and the slave-owner, and end the barbaric practice that poisons the souls of all it touches. I would hope that the Tribes can continue to define ourselves by who we are, and not simply who we oppose. And along the way, I would hope there can be a degree of healing. And I can do my part to work toward it. Even if I don't believe those efforts will succeed.

We'll probably still be at war, still slaughtering one another and claiming moral superiority on both sides. The slaving raids will continue. The reprisal raids will continue. The stigma against Matari who follow the Amarr faith will likely continue, despite all efforts to the contrary, simply because the Amarr will continue to hold our people in bondage and tell us they cannot even be allowed to decide for themselves just who they are. That is all... all too likely.

But I can still hope.
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#115 - 2016-09-08 02:11:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Truth be told, I had stopped putting any of my chips into the 'Hope' hat a very long time ago. Childhood spent in Skarkon had seen to that. Families split apart, the spirit of community gone, brother lifts his fist against brother, fighting over scraps of food that isn't even enough to alleviate the hunger for another hour. Those who have many scraps? They won't share either.

This was the situation Clan Egivand found herself when she crash-landed on Skarkon nearly four decades ago. In the spirit of clan and kin, we try to ingratiate ourselves into the Skarkon community, because we know we weren't going anywhere else for three or more generations. What we discovered was there was no community. Brother will cheat and steal from brother, not a finger lifted to aid one another.

We bought their scrap metal, and made robust enabling tools with them as supplement. We sold them them these tools with which they can use to make a living on a half-terraformed dusty world that is doing her best to kill our lungs, for a 3% profit once all manpower, utility and material costs were calculated in. We enabled them the ability to grow food as we did, to prospect and find their fortunes as we did. We even had our experts provide free education and educative support for survival in harsh environments, to make do with all these unused, barely usable land outside their population centers and make something of ourselves. We even spare them what surplus of our crops, crops that we grow from our hydroponics decks, crops that we rationed carefully to ward off starvation and malnutrition for another year.

And they imagined us hoarding fortunes that do not exist. They snarled and snapped at us, attack our caravans and prospector camps where they could. We protected ourselves and they accused us of being inclusive corporate overlords. To them, we might as well be the Ishukone who had signed the planet off as being a liability and only kept a token presence on the planet. It's as though they thought they were in the right to attack and burn our homes down and ransack our facilities, the facilities we brought with us when we crashed onto this planet and had improved on since then, and find hidden pots of treasure that do not exist!

We still do what we had always done, but we had long since learnt to expect them to cheat us of that 3% profit that we needed to keep our operations running so that they may keep being supplied with these tools that they will someday turn into weapons against us.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

TK Corp
#116 - 2016-09-08 03:18:01 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Truth be told, I had stopped putting any of my chips into the 'Hope' hat a very long time ago.

[. . .]

We still do what we had always done, but we had long since learnt to expect them to cheat us of that 3% profit that we needed to keep our operations running so that they may keep being supplied with these tools that they will someday turn into weapons against us.

We all do what we have to, man. What you've been through has shaped you, what I've been through has shaped me. There's just too much blood and death out there for me to not cling to hope, you know?

I mean, there's gotta be something more in this life. Something better we can do, something better we can be. Without even the hope for things to get better... what would be the point? Might as well just wallow in hedonistic excess with someone cute, right?
Felise Selunix
Keyholder Investment Group
#117 - 2016-09-08 03:27:15 UTC
Arrendis wrote:
I mean, there's gotta be something more in this life. Something better we can do, something better we can be. Without even the hope for things to get better... what would be the point? Might as well just wallow in hedonistic excess with someone cute, right?

Why not both? Hedonism with someone cute definitely fills me with hope. Blink
Elmund Egivand
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#118 - 2016-09-08 03:27:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Elmund Egivand
Arrendis wrote:
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Truth be told, I had stopped putting any of my chips into the 'Hope' hat a very long time ago.

[. . .]

We still do what we had always done, but we had long since learnt to expect them to cheat us of that 3% profit that we needed to keep our operations running so that they may keep being supplied with these tools that they will someday turn into weapons against us.

We all do what we have to, man. What you've been through has shaped you, what I've been through has shaped me. There's just too much blood and death out there for me to not cling to hope, you know?

I mean, there's gotta be something more in this life. Something better we can do, something better we can be. Without even the hope for things to get better... what would be the point? Might as well just wallow in hedonistic excess with someone cute, right?

These days I run on the grounds that there's alot of problems needing to be fixed. And well, Clan and Kin.

I suppose I had gotten inured to disappointment that I expect to be disappointed at every turn.

A Minmatar warship is like a rusting Beetle with 500 horsepower Cardillac engines in the rear, armour plating bolted to chassis and a M2 Browning stuck on top.

Felise Selunix
Keyholder Investment Group
#119 - 2016-09-08 04:17:39 UTC
Elmund Egivand wrote:
Truth be told, I had stopped putting any of my chips into the 'Hope' hat a very long time ago. Childhood spent in Skarkon had seen to that. Families split apart, the spirit of community gone, brother lifts his fist against brother, fighting over scraps of food that isn't even enough to alleviate the hunger for another hour. Those who have many scraps? They won't share either.

Yeah, I read ya on that. The more I look around, the more I see the long-term effects of hundreds of years of trauma. Not just the 'good times, bad times' stuff that has always happened to everyone, I mean a concerted, systemic, all-encompassing efforts to break the will and spirit of a people. Even within my clan, there's a distinct distrust of others that's somehow baked into who we are. Even amongst one another, there's a tendency to look for double-motives (and to indeed have double motives), all under the guise of 'good business discourse.'

My great-great-grandma is one of the last members alive who remembers our clan's flight from bondage in Miah to freedom in Gallente. The stories are filled with anecdotes of my ancestors overcoming all sorts of shady characters; corrupt refugee agents, shifty diplomats, greedy merchants, haughty neighbors, bigoted locals, all by being smarter than they were. When she talks about moving back to Matar, it's all the same type of thing. Doesn't matter that it was fellow Matari, fellow Vherokior, clans just like ours, we were still always succeeding despite an unfriendly world trying to take us down by getting us to buy a lemon. "The Loglur always bet twice" is what she says.

Thinking back to the 'educational experiences' that she talks about during her slavery days, you can kind of see where that thread begins and how it came to color us and how it stops us from truly unifying with other clans and tribes in a way that's healthy, even the shamans among us. I feel it when I'm doing dance circle with my siblings and cousins, or listening to the old stories; It's like there's this invisible wall that stops us from truly being together and there's definitely the sense that it somehow wasn't there before the Day of Darkness. I don't know how I could know such a thing, but that's the feeling that I get. When I look at other Matari, I sometimes see the same look in their eyes that I see in the mirror and that's when it's hardest to hope.

The good news is that right now, in these last couple of generations, ours especially, I also see a will to fight, to search, to accept something other than the options that we're given. More than strength, I think that people in our generation and those that come after us are more daring and willing to look at all the hopelessness and still say 'I'll make my own hope.' That's pretty cool when you think about it.
Arkoth 24
#120 - 2016-09-08 07:36:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Arkoth 24
Felise Selunix wrote:
When I say 'normalization,' I don't mean 'like' or 'make friends' or even 'tolerate.' Normalization might mean a better version of the 'no diplomatic contact' policy that we have now. It could also mean outright war (though I don't think that tactic would be in our interest either). What I'm suggesting by normalization is an intentional, concerted policy who's number one objective is strengthening the Republic as an international power. I'm also suggesting that the current lassiez-faire approach of antagonism towards the Empire doesn't accomplish those goals. If it did, I would have no problems with it at all. I just don't see how this help us more than the hurt us as a nation.

Good idea. But, like all of good ideas, it will face a lot of people who will do their best to make it not happen.

First of all - there are a lot of fanatics, hot-heads and those, who make money and fame from war. Every goverment needs an Enemy - to fight against, to blame for all loses, to point out for angry and suffering people, to hold own positions. If there will be no such enemy - people will turn on goverment itself. A lot of matari wants to keep fighting. A lot of amarr don't even consider matari like anything but animals. A lot of people from both sides make profit on this war.

Second - this warfare is pointless. CONCORD just gave a sandbox for main factions - a killing ground to let 'em weaken each other. To keep 'em busy. This war is endless, 'cause no one will ever prevail. The Empire is not allowed to crush the Republic. The Republic is not allowed to crush the Empire. There's a power which don't want to see neither Republic nor Empire get strong.

And at last - capsuleers. These brain-washed puppets, who's life will last for month or two, if they will be lucky. They were told they're immortal. Gods of this new reality. Allmighty preborn killers. These fools will fight each other no-matter-what. Some of them just like to kill or can't do anything else. Others - feed from the table of war. War consumes minerals, weapons, hulls, fuel and ammo, and gives ISKs in return. Capsuleers need to be busy. If not - these monsters with no fear of death and no reason to live will go frenzy.

I like your idea and respect your motives, but there will be others who don't.