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Why do people assume how we play the game reflects us in real life?

First post
Valkin Mordirc
#61 - 2016-09-07 17:24:48 UTC  |  Edited by: Valkin Mordirc
I think it main concept is more along the lines of this, (I haven't read all the posts so if I'm repeating someone *shrug*)

It's all about social contracts, and the guidelines we put on ourselves as a society.

In real life you have things like, Don't Kill, Don't hurt, Don't cheat, Don't steal, so on and so forth. These socially accepted rules are generally agreed upon because it benefits everyone to follow them. I don't have to kill someone, because no one is trying to kill me. As long as the majority follow along with the ruleset, the majority will win. The Majority will police and push punishment on those who don't and the Majority won't fight itself.

Because in reality there is no such thing as Moral good, and Moral Evil. These are just ideals that people place on themselves. Good and Evil are just fabrications, something that pushes us as a society into a better place. But it's still something that is only an idea, almost a lie.

Now I'm not pro anarchy. These are good things to have. They benefit us hugely. Don't take this as anything but what I see.

In EVE you don't have to follow real life contracts, you follow the in-game contract, Major ones being the TOS and EULA, smaller ones being Alliance rule sets and Corp rule sets. What set's these apart are both punishment, and the Majorities acceptances. AWOXing, Spying, Ganking, Stealing, and farming, are in general considered to be a bad thing. But one of EVE's foundations has always been that "You can be the bad guy". Which in turn creates a conflicting party of people who think it's okay to be **** and do ***** things.

Also in EVE, the punishment that can be put towards by the majority is far less severe. Your not threaten with death, your not threaten with jail time. The worst that could happen is you lose a few ships and pods, and everybody moves on with there lives.

Same goes for the **** talking miners that were mentioned. Telling some that I'll **** your mother, doesn't really hold the cost it does if you where to tell it to someone in real life. In EVE saying something like that, might get popped again, but largely it'll be laughed at and shrugged away. In the real world you'll probably end up with a broken nose. Two different possible punishments with vastly different severities.

So you have two different system that function on different levels. So when people say that I am a psychopath for doing something that is considered bad. Like AWOXing or killing a noob, I don't really care because there's no really punishment that bothers me about it.

When the guy I kill send me a seven paragraphed mail, going in great detail what he'll do with a table leg, it doesn't matter because the punishment is less severe.

But I'm not going to kill real life, but real life is fundamentally different from eve. It carries more weight then EVE does. I'm not to scam someone in real life, because it carries more weight in real life.

If real life didn't have the social contracts like does now. We wouldn't be on a forum online debating this. The world be a far different place. Is it possible for someone like me to kill someone? Yes.

Am I capable of taking advantage of someone for personal gain? Yes.

Will I do any one of these things? No. Because I believe that it's not worth it. It's worth it to hurt someone, it's not worth it damage the system.

Do I need EVE-online to show that I am capable of these things? No. With or without a irrelevant MMORPG, I am a human being, and I will do what I can to make sure I can live. I have instincts that are hardwired, that I will follow whether I like it or not. Whether or not I want to accept it or not. Whether or not you want to accept or not.

EDIT: We also are capable of sympathy and empathy. Two traits that are part of our nature that help us work as a group. These are also less relevant in EVE. I gank some noobs mining ship. He has to pay for a new ship. Whatever.

I gank some dudes car, and I know that not only does he have to pay for a new, he'll have a harder time getting to work, he won't be able to support himself as well as before and so on,

But it's the same. EVE punishments carry far less weight then real-life does, so it not a 'bad' thing to be a bad guy.
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#62 - 2016-09-07 17:27:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Elenahina
Chopper Rollins wrote:
Elenahina wrote:
Just like I have a code of ethics that guides my real life, I would create a code of behavior and guidelines for my characters. Motivations, goals, things of that sort.?

The invented character turns to powder under pressure.
An easy test for people is to ask them questions you know the answer to.
A hard test is to stress them with responsibility, ridicule or limit their time or ability to do something.
Roleplaying is a posture people adopt, the core doesn't change.

You might be surprised. My wife tells me I role play a better girl than she does. That actually requires a fundamentally more dramatic shift in thinking than just trying to play someone evil.

@Lucas also
I get your points - I just think it's too broad a generalization to be useful in drawing conclusions. Do some people who play assholes in Eve really behave like assholes in RL? Without doubt. But saying that all of them behave that way is just silly over generalization. I don't do that sort of thing in real life because I have empathy. I don't find it enjoyable to hurt real people.

I give less than two fucks about your feelings about your space pixels, and I will quite happily violence them, steal them, or otherwise deprive you of them at my earliest opportunity. Because there are no consequences for me - and none for you. You aren't injured when I destroy your ship. You aren't really going to starve when I steal your last ISK. Your children won't really eat from a bin because you didn't pay my ransom and I destroyed your mining barge.

I do have limits - I won't steal from a corp mate. I wouldn't get to know someone in RL and then use that knowledge to scam or steal from them - because that does have real world consequences, and that is what separates a real world ******* from a pretend one. The latter cares about the RL consequences of RL actions. The former does not.

Edit: Fixed a sentence. Stupid english.

Eve is like an addiction; you can't quit it until it quits you. Also, iderno

Valkin Mordirc
#63 - 2016-09-07 17:27:33 UTC
Nalia White wrote:
i couldn't even bring it over me to sell the girl from little lamp light to the slavers in fallout 3... i tried to do it because i played a bad karma character but after i saw the slaver run off with the girl i ran to the slavercamp and killed everyone of them...

and that was a freaking single player game...

of course i like to murder people in this game and i wouldn't want to do that in real life but when people are asking me afterwards why or how i did it and they don't use insults i will comfort them and brief them what they could do differently. in the case of newer bros i will give them 5 times worth what they lost. and all in 0.0 where people should know that it's dangerous.

i also think that how you treat players in a harsh game like this reflects on who you are. the question i ask myself here is: do you kill or steal from other players because you like your wallet grow (or your statistics get better) or are you in for the reaction of your victim?

it's one thing to gank a miner but then to talk down to him (blabla, calm down miner, blabla mining permit) afterwards even if he shows no initial reaction is just trying to trigger the person...

Fallout 3 humanized the Lamp Light Characters, they had personalities.

A raider in Fallout 3 was a masked NPC with three maybe two different voice actors and no history given.

A Raider is made to be inhuman. The Lamp Light NPC's were made to seem human to elicit a response from a player. Video games do it a lot. It's a play on the psychology of human psych.
Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#64 - 2016-09-07 17:37:28 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
You say it's human nature. I disagree. I also say you have no proof that it is, you just satisfy yourself that it is...after gleaning what information you think "will suit your purposes."

This from the person who said that

Serene Repose wrote:
I contend capitalism produces socipaths through selective breeding.

Is kind of a joke... I mean seriously - I defy you to provide *proof* for that statement...

At least my contention that human nature is the explanation is a widely accepted explanation with many documented examples which, while they may not *prove* it, at least strongly support it.

You are the one just talking out your ***

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)

University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#65 - 2016-09-07 17:57:21 UTC
No how you act in a game doesn't reflect real life. I know this is just a game. I've scammed people, I've ganked, etc. It's just a game. Bringing it out of the game is a line you don't cross (bonus rooms, as one example).

I'm more than OK doing those things in game because it's acceptable within the laws and conventions of the EVE universe. IRL on the other hand, last year I played mini-golf with a group of friends and thought one of them was paying for me. I ended up playing for free and found out the next day. I felt like a piece of **** and stopped by to explain and gave them the $7.50 I didn't pay the day before.

tl/dr, I'm more than fine scamming in EVE, accidentally stealing $7.50 IRL kept me up at night from the guilt
Serene Repose
#66 - 2016-09-07 18:01:28 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
Dirty Forum Alt wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
You say it's human nature. I disagree. I also say you have no proof that it is, you just satisfy yourself that it is...after gleaning what information you think "will suit your purposes."
This from the person who said that
Serene Repose wrote:
I contend capitalism produces socipaths through selective breeding.
Is kind of a joke... I mean seriously - I defy you to provide *proof* for that statement...
At least my contention that human nature is the explanation is a widely accepted explanation with many documented examples which, while they may not *prove* it, at least strongly support it.
You are the one just talking out your ***
Well, if this is all you have as refutation, I'm not worried. From you it's par for the course.

The point was brought up about playing Call of Duty. Just because I shoot someone in Call of Duty, doesn't mean I'll shoot someone in real life. At first glance that's a simple enough assertion, but on closer examination is it really that simple? In COD the guy you shoot respawns and comes back after you with the same thing in mind. IRL that person doesn't respawn...needless to say...or is it?

I played BF2 for seven years (CAL/TWL) in the top 5% armor/engineer. I saw an APC. I blew up an APC. The goal was to one-shot it. (Me in my M1 Abrams). Just because I'd do that in a game, would I do it in real life. The answer there is, damn skippy I would. If my country is at war, and I'm active duty driving a tank, the enemy in my sights I pull the trigger. No question about it no way.

So, in truth my in-game behavior is reflective of my IRL behavior given that particular scenario.
COD? Sure, but I'd prefer the sniper role.

The idea of creating a fictionalized persona and role-playing is more difficult to refute. I write fiction and am accustomed to writing 300 pages of unadulterated fabrications not one word of which is true - however, for it to be plausible and hold the reader's interest, it has to be somewhat grounded in truth. I've written about murder for money - something I'd never do. I've written about murder from jealousy, again something I'd never do. For this I'm put in mind of what Picasso said about art,

"Art is the lie which reveals the truth."

I'm not doing art for personal entertainment, or to get my ya yas out. I'm trying to illuminate and reveal with it, so I can't say it's remotely the same thing as this so-called fictionalized role-playing, which may or may not be wholly invented fiction.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#67 - 2016-09-07 18:06:45 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Well, if this is all you have as refutation, I'm not worried. From you it's par for the course.

Par for the course from you as well - you offer even less, then change the subject in a big hurry because you know you've got nothing.

Plus of course the little insult - just to prove you do have a dark side yourself eh? Can't even have a simple theoretical debate without it becoming personal and negative.

Thank you for providing yet more evidence for what I've been saying (not that I needed any).

I'm not going to respond to the rest of your post, as it was both unrelated and utter Horse-****.

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)

Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#68 - 2016-09-07 18:13:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Dirty Forum Alt
OK OK I'll bite on the rest of your post too - at least a little:

#1 - Would you also fight for *both sides* of the conflict equally happily as you do in the war games, if your country was at war?

-If yes, obviously you are societally evil in RL
-If no, then I believe we've undermined your point that your behaviour in games is the same as RL...

#2 - Why do you believe murder for money is believable if there isn't some part of human nature that leans that way? Are you a fan of the shared memory theories? It seems strange, from someone who does not believe the average human to be capable of such a thing under any circumstance, as you do not believe it is within their nature.

edit: Oh and of course #3: You claim you would not only kill hundreds/thousands of people if your country went to war and asked you to - but would do it *happily* - just trying to become fast/efficient at it. Then you claim you would "never" kill someone for money or jealousy... So you'll kill because some authority figure tells you to - and take pleasure in it - regardless of their reasoning....but you wouldn't do it for a personal reward of some sort? This seems very suspiciously contradictive to me...

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#69 - 2016-09-07 18:33:14 UTC
Lacori wrote:
I've seen this countless times, and I've been playing for over a decade...

Which is probably why I draw the line at certain activities, even though I condone those activities by others who chose to do them. Case in point, scamming your own corp or being a long-term spy, and by that I mean not a couple of weeks here and there. I mean actually going to the trouble of befriending the people you intend to scam, including knowing them outside of the game, having meet-ups in real life, hell even driving across states and meeting their wives and kids. I've seen this happen, very rarely, but it does happen. I question the mental state of such people, but Eve is a sandbox, and who are we to judge?

Even though I wouldn't go that far, I've done my fair share of piracy, high sec ganking, made a few newbs cry when I used to FC, and I did run with CODE for a short spell. The smack talk I've received is far worse than any I've dished out, I've had miners whose ship I've just popped talking about raping my mom, whereas all I've done is engaged in perfectly legit tactics within an open world space sandbox. I question the mental state of these people even more, as clearly the line between fiction and reality is well and truly blurred.

People also make the assumption that if you have a leaning toward a PvP playstyle, then you must have no life outside of the game. I could say the same about industrialists, but why would I? I have a wife and kids, I do stuff with them, I play ball with my friends and I work (hard) to provide for my family....and in my spare time I occasionally grief pixel spaceships from my desk.

TL;DR Confused why so many people assume that pirates/griefers are assholes IRL.

Well OK I did shoot an RPG at a truck and then stuff as many of the goods as I could into my backpack this morning, but it's hardly an evey day thing. Once a week, tops.

PS PM me if you need some ipads, some smoke damage.

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Lady Ayeipsia
#70 - 2016-09-07 19:24:55 UTC
I have a problem with this debate in that it focuses mainly on the negative behavior. It does not try to look at an alternate point of view. Take myself, for example. I am the current head of RvB. Based on the comments in this discussion, I must be a leader in real life, enjoy managing, responsibility, and all the other interesting traits that goes with trying to herd such a unique collection of cats as RvB can be. And yet, I'm not. I am a shy introvert who would rather be a technical writer than a manager. I could easily get an MBA and work my way into management. I could even do so in such a way that I stay a writer, and yet I don't. It's not what I want to be, it's not what I enjoy. It may bring a higher income, but the added responsibilities, workload, demand to interact with more people, and such are not what i desire. And yet in game, it is a role I find myself in and I doubt I am unique in this sort of situation.

For me, becomig the head of RvB shortly after the past command declare the formal cession of operations was a bit about duty. I was one of the highest in command left. I felt that I owed it to my fellow members and friends to keep RvB alive as best as could and grow back. Have we succeeded (with a lot of help from great people who also stepped up), but that isn't my point or relevant to the discussion. What is, is that for feelings outside of my own pleasure, I took on a role I did not want nor enjoy. And yet when compared to my real life, this is not necessarily who I am. Yet by many here and the logic they claim, I must be a leader. I must want this role. My actions in game mirror my real life persona.

And it goes further than that. If you look at my killboard, I am a fighter. At one point, I was even 4th rank FC of RvB, leading fights often. That would indicate I am a very competitive person by nature, yet many of my friends in real life are amazed I even engage in PvP much less lead fleets. They never see this side of me and view me as one of the least competitive people around. Now again, in context of EVE, I stepped up to lead because others did not, it needed to be done, so I did it. Do I enjoy it? I would be lying if I said no. I like winning, we all do. Still, I would far rather be a scout or a dictor pilot than an FC. So again, my in game persona does not necessarily match my external one. Yes it could be argued that the key trait to all of this was a sense of duty and willingness to step up which are common in my real life and game character, and yet I could step up and do my duty to become a manager to better myself, my family, or even humanity of you wish to go crazy with interpretation. Still, that doesn't necessarily match who I really am.

And this all ties back to the argument here. When it's negative, everyone seems quick to jump to the conclusion oh he's an ass in game, he must be in real life. Yet, would you trust Chribba in real life to act as a 3rd party broker for your house? Do you expect the Lady who runs the Angel Project to help every homeless person she see on the streets every day? We are all human goverened by many traits and we should just assume because some one scammed in eve they must be a bad person in real life. For all you know, scamming could have been part of their duty to a past corp. Maybe they took the role of spy or scammer because their Corp needed one and that person stepped up. Because they became the scammer, pulled on the isk and turned their friend's corp from a no-name entity into Break-A-wish or more. Who knows, because the general truth is that there is far more to anyone than we see on the surface and we have no clue all the motivations and reasons behind the scenes. And to simply try to write off the complex behavior of people as an equation of they are X in game and must be X in real life is short sighted.
Serene Repose
#71 - 2016-09-07 19:25:33 UTC
Dirty Forum Alt wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Well, if this is all you have as refutation, I'm not worried. From you it's par for the course.

Par for the course from you as well - you offer even less, then change the subject in a big hurry because you know you've got nothing.

Plus of course the little insult - just to prove you do have a dark side yourself eh? Can't even have a simple theoretical debate without it becoming personal and negative.

Thank you for providing yet more evidence for what I've been saying (not that I needed any).

I'm not going to respond to the rest of your post, as it was both unrelated and utter Horse-****.
Don't flatter yourself. I don't respond to your pedestrian objections because they're just that, the knee-jerk "my brain is a faultless data processor" objections the uninitiated, and the in need of edification habitually raise. I'm not going to introduce you to Poly Sci 101 or to the history of your civilization to make a point that would ultimately be lost on you. Sorry. There it is. More vitriol if you please.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#72 - 2016-09-07 19:30:58 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Dirty Forum Alt wrote:
Serene Repose wrote:
Well, if this is all you have as refutation, I'm not worried. From you it's par for the course.

Par for the course from you as well - you offer even less, then change the subject in a big hurry because you know you've got nothing.

Plus of course the little insult - just to prove you do have a dark side yourself eh? Can't even have a simple theoretical debate without it becoming personal and negative.

Thank you for providing yet more evidence for what I've been saying (not that I needed any).

I'm not going to respond to the rest of your post, as it was both unrelated and utter Horse-****.
Don't flatter yourself. I don't respond to your pedestrian objections because they're just that, the knee-jerk "my brain is a faultless data processor" objections the uninitiated, and the in need of edification habitually raise. I'm not going to introduce you to Poly Sci 101 or to the history of your civilization to make a point that would ultimately be lost on you. Sorry. There it is. More vitriol if you please.

And yet we should simply take you at your word when you make an even more radical leap of logic with no evidence? Because your brain really is "a faultless data processor?"

Sounds like you are attempting to teach a Graduate level course in Hypocrisy to me...

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)

Pandora Carrollon
Provi Rapid Response
#73 - 2016-09-07 19:34:44 UTC
I've been a Roleplayer for over 4 decades. It's true you cannot confuse roleplaying character choices entirely with how the person is, but for the most part, the person created the character and you cannot separate the creation concept from whom a person is. If you create some dark anti-hero, that character comes from inside of you, period, if the character is anything other than a 2D stereotype (stereotypes actually are a large majority of what many roleplayers create).

So, ask yourself a simple question:

"Did I create a pilot that I like and put myself into or did I create a cardboard cut out?"

If it's the former, you can't claim there is no link, it's intrinsically linked to who you are.

If it's the latter, then sure, it COULD be just some paper thin toon, but are you being honest? Do you have fun making those 'bad' choices and hurting others? If the answer is yes, then that character is probably more of the put yourself into it than you want to admit. If not, if you feel a twinge of guilt when you make that 'roleplaying' choice of taking down an innocent then it's not reflective of you at all.

Solecist is correct for the most part, but one area that she's wrong is the part about Carebear's. You either feel guilty for taking someone down that's done nothing wrong to you or you don't. Everything else is justification frosting on the cake. People are experts at justifying actions, all our cultures are built upon the concept. That doesn't make it right or even realistic, just human nature.

We all have darkness inside us, if we didn't we would never play EVE. It's not a game for the faint of heart.
Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#74 - 2016-09-07 19:35:16 UTC
Honestly Serene I can't even attempt to take you seriously anymore... You either are actually so stupid you don't know how ridiculous you sound insulting everybody elses' intelligence while assuming we'll bow before your clearly superior wisdom based on no evidence whatsoever...or you are a half-way decent troll... but either way I'll leave you to your delusions and insane ramblings... You literally aren't worth any more of my time - and that is pretty sad considering some of the uses I've put it to. P

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)

Lady Ayeipsia
#75 - 2016-09-07 20:03:04 UTC
Pandora Carrollon wrote:
I've been a Roleplayer for over 4 decades. It's true you cannot confuse roleplaying character choices entirely with how the person is, but for the most part, the person created the character and you cannot separate the creation concept from whom a person is. If you create some dark anti-hero, that character comes from inside of you, period, if the character is anything other than a 2D stereotype (stereotypes actually are a large majority of what many roleplayers create).

So wait... Steven King really is a killer alien clown?
Black Pedro
#76 - 2016-09-07 20:21:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Black Pedro
Lacori wrote:
So at least CCP seem to be on my side (something I thought I'd never say lol), or else their actions would be wholeheartedly at odds with one another; caring about real life well-being of real life individuals and permitting ganking, scams and other, what might be described by some, deviant behaviour.

For the record I don't see it as deviant in the slightest. Maybe a bit meta at most. Eve, like any other game, is there to be played and I resent that people go away from it thinking that they are looking into the windows of the real life players' souls, rather than just the role their character is playing.

You and me both brother.

CCP has developed a game which they most recently describe as "Build Your Dreams; Wreck Their Dreams". They have designed a full-time PvP sandbox where players can interact with each other and create stories both of great compassion and cooperation, as well as betrayal and ruthless destruction. That means that we will always be able to mess with each other - it is literally the core idea of the game. CCP may nerf this and buff that but at the end of the day, there will always be a way for me to interact with you without your permission. CCP really has my back.

Eve is not the only game that involves deceit and trickery. That classic board Diplomacy is all about deceit and backstabbing and piling on a weak opponent. That game is all about setting up alliances, breaking those alliances when it best serves you and ganging up on a weak rival to eliminate them as a threat. Even more basic games, like poker, involve the same ideas. Does it reflect badly upon your character if you bluff your opponent into folding his straight to your pair? Is it wrong for the big stack to chip bully someone into folding when they normally wouldn't? Of course not. These are all expected and legal strategies used to win at the game.

In the end though Eve is just a video game. How you play it says very little about how you live your life outside of the game. That said, how you interact with the other humans inhabiting that virtual universe does provide some insight into your character. If you feel it appropriate to threaten to sexually assault another player's family member, or call them racial, sexist or homophobic slurs because of legal in-game activity, there is something dysfunctional in your character. That behaviour is not appropriate anywhere in human interaction, even if you are mad because the German Kaiser breaks your neutrality treaty and invades your borders, your opponent bluffs you into folding your top pair, or a space criminal blows up your Retriever.

CCP has produced a morally ambiguous game that takes some maturity to play but allows players to explore questions of good and evil. If you have at all watched how the devs present their game, they fully expect players to shoot their best friend in the face and then go have a beer and laugh over it. The understanding is that players treat other Eve players as friends would playing a competitive sport or board game. The fact that some players are unable to do this and treat Eve not as a game but as real-life and take being shot in the face or back-stabbed personally causes many of the problems alluded to in the OP.

This type of game isn't for everyone yet CCP has stayed committed to this core vision. Maybe someday they will waver, but so far they have shown remarkable perseverance to the original ideas of the game. Sticking to these ideals with such powerful headwinds like the changing MMO market and legions of whiny carebears goes a long way to earning my respect and makes it easy to overlook the missteps that they have made along this journey that is Eve Online.

Thanks CCP for having my back and producing such a compelling game where entertaining player-driven mischief routinely takes place. I look forward to many more years of chaos in your wonderful virtual playground. o7
Ministerstvo na otbranata
Ore No More
#77 - 2016-09-07 20:55:16 UTC  |  Edited by: u3pog
People are mean in real life, only thing stopping them from becoming like in The Purge movie are the laws. There are almost no laws in EVE, so...

I'd say people who refrain themselves in real life let it all go in games, whether its EVE or some other game.

Of course it doesn't apply to everyone, but a big percentage of these people are bullies and mean in real life. Your character in-game is a mirror of yourself, whether you admit it or not.

We have our own example for a mean EVE character...Just remember what that Goon leader said to another player live on TV and tell me that wasn't mean and that this person is nice irl...I will avoid using the proper words for him.
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#78 - 2016-09-07 21:04:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Scipio Artelius
What does it mean to 'reflect us in real life'?

In real life:

- i don't sit around in public with my feet up on tables, yet at home I regularly rest my feet on my coffee table.
- I don't use the same language in the office that I use when playing sport.
- I don't behave at work the same way I behave when I'm at the pub with mates.

There is no single 'who we are' in terms of our behaviour and each of us adjusts to match the expectations of the environment and setting we are in.

As a rugby player, the way I interact with other players on the field is not how I interact with those same players off the field and I certainly wouldn't take the rules of rugby and use them in any other environment.

Eve is no different. The rules that govern how we play the game allow certain in game behaviour, but that doesn't mean we all transfer that behaviour to other situations.

For the most part Eve players are as perfectly adjusted as the rest of society in being able to understand that what is allowable behaviour in game is different to how each of us behave out of game.
Serene Repose
#79 - 2016-09-07 21:12:05 UTC
Dirty Forum Alt wrote:
Honestly Serene I can't even attempt to take you seriously anymore... You either are actually so stupid you don't know how ridiculous you sound insulting everybody elses' intelligence while assuming we'll bow before your clearly superior wisdom based on no evidence whatsoever...or you are a half-way decent troll... but either way I'll leave you to your delusions and insane ramblings... You literally aren't worth any more of my time - and that is pretty sad considering some of the uses I've put it to. P
Every time you've responded to anything I've written you say the same things. Guess what. I don't take you seriously. Never have. Never will. And, I really don't care if you feel the same. You seem to enjoy digressing discussions to this sort of personal ad hominem anyway so find someone else to play with. This bores me.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Dirty Forum Alt
Forum Alts Anonymous
#80 - 2016-09-07 21:49:29 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
Every time you've responded to anything I've written you say the same things. Guess what. I don't take you seriously. Never have. Never will. And, I really don't care if you feel the same. You seem to enjoy digressing discussions to this sort of personal ad hominem anyway so find someone else to play with. This bores me.

You know, you are correct. Every time I've responded to one of your posts it has been pretty much the same.

And yet if you weren't illiterate you might have noted that it isn't the way I respond to *everybody's* posts - just you and a couple of others...

Perhaps it is because you are an insufferably pompous bag of hot air whose every post is full of the same hypocritical garbage trying to show off your supposed "thinking skills" while using all of the same lazy thinking processes and conversational techniques you constantly accuse others of using (as your excuse not to have to answer any of the points they raise poking holes in your fallacies).

But of course it bores you - because you don't have a good answer, and you don't like my pointing out that you are an empty-headed idiot and a hypocrite.

The dead swans lay in the stagnant pool. They lay. They rotted. They turned Around occasionally. Bits of flesh dropped off them from Time to time. And sank into the pool's mire. They also smelt a great deal.

Paula Nancy Millstone Jennings (Sussex)