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Economic tide incoming

Tauren Transit
#21 - 2016-09-03 18:08:54 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
Koniforous wrote:
When I first read the clone changes and even free to play idea, my immediate thought was PLEX price is headed for a crash. There are so many alt accounts that people PLEX just to have ganker, research, or trade alts and once the clone changes hit I'm guessing a lot of those accounts won't need to be PLEXed anymore, decreasing demand and driving down prices.

An Alpha Clone account's characters can only benefit from Alpha Clone skills, nothing more than the ~5m SP they're allowed will work.

Here are the lists:

Yep, looks like mining, salvaging, production, and trade alts will be manageable as alphas. If its free, there is nothing stopping someone now from creating and army of dedicated production only, trade only, or mining only free to play alpha alts. PLEX prices are headed down, whereas actual module, ship and mineral demands will increase. Id imagine those selling skillbooks in trade hubs might also see increased demand.
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#22 - 2016-09-03 18:49:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Elizabeth Norn
Sure, there's nothing stopping anyone from creating the accounts. It's likely that Alpha Clone accounts will have a, albeit easily bypassed, limit of one online per computer similar to what we have on current trial accounts. I don't think anyone will use them as miners due to the fact that they'll be more than 50% worse than a reasonably skilled Procurer. You'll be limited to four T1 production slots without the 15% time bonus from Advanced Industry, that'd get tedious real quick.

You can cover your PLEX and profit with SP extraction anyway, and if that ever changes you could just let your subs lapse and continue as an Alpha Clone. I don't think we'll have any problems with Alpha Clones that people aren't already using 51 day accounts for, as the latter are superior in most ways, except the fact you need to create new accounts/characters every two months.
Morgan Agrivar
#23 - 2016-09-04 23:12:33 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
Sure, there's nothing stopping anyone from creating the accounts. It's likely that Alpha Clone accounts will have a, albeit easily bypassed, limit of one per computer similar to what we have on current trial accounts. I don't think anyone will use them as miners due to the fact that they'll be more than 50% worse than a reasonably skilled Procurer. You'll be limited to four T1 production slots without the 15% time bonus from Advanced Industry, that'd get tedious real quick.

You can cover your PLEX and profit with SP extraction anyway, and if that ever changes you could just let your subs lapse and continue as an Alpha Clone. I don't think we'll have any problems with Alpha Clones that people aren't already using 51 day accounts for, as the latter are superior in most ways, except the fact you need to create new accounts/characters every two months.

If there is no limits on how many alpha chars I can have logged on, then I would make a couple of them myself to suppliment what I do. If there is a limit like trial accounts, then I won't even bother with it.
#24 - 2016-09-05 02:10:01 UTC
Good morning William Legrand Marx,

thank you for your meaningful forum post.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#25 - 2016-09-05 05:41:20 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
You'll be limited to four T1 production slots without the 15% time bonus from Advanced Industry, that'd get tedious real quick.

That doesn't seem like much of a limitation to me.

I'd happily add 12 of these to my production team to get 48 additional production slots for 30 day jobs and use the number of slots available to compensate for the missing 15% time bonus and the lack of a full 4% industrial implant. Since the launcher makes logging in various characters and accounts much smoother than it used to be, the only real downside will be having to switch off that terrible docking animation on all those accounts. Also, what will happen to the other 7 jobs on a character when it moves from Omega to Alpha?

I'd also be interested to know how pre-existing market orders behave when a clone changes from Omega to Alpha. Because if I unsub a character with 305 active orders at the moment, those orders remain on the market.
Lee Mealone
#26 - 2016-09-05 12:20:41 UTC
Elizabeth Norn wrote:
Sure, there's nothing stopping anyone from creating the accounts. It's likely that Alpha Clone accounts will have a, albeit easily bypassed, limit of one online per computer similar to what we have on current trial accounts. I don't think anyone will use them as miners due to the fact that they'll be more than 50% worse than a reasonably skilled Procurer. You'll be limited to four T1 production slots without the 15% time bonus from Advanced Industry, that'd get tedious real quick.

You can cover your PLEX and profit with SP extraction anyway, and if that ever changes you could just let your subs lapse and continue as an Alpha Clone. I don't think we'll have any problems with Alpha Clones that people aren't already using 51 day accounts for, as the latter are superior in most ways, except the fact you need to create new accounts/characters every two months.

So how would bypassing this limit be easily be done? If CCP think it can be limited, but players know otherwise, surely this is an exploit waiting to happen?
Elizabeth Norn
Nornir Research
Nornir Empire
#27 - 2016-09-05 14:04:43 UTC
I guess 12 production + 3 research slots per account isn't that bad, but it's still inferior to profitable SP farming accounts with 10 of each, full time bonus skills, and the ability to build/invent T2 items while only logging in once to install jobs.

I'm not going to tell you how to bypass the limit, but it is trivial and easily searched for. CCP know about it and a dev even stated in one of the Alpha Clone threads that it's would be difficult to prevent all methods of bypassing the limit. Bypassing the limit only really has one use at the moment due to the trial skill and feature limits, but I guess that could change with Alpha Clones.
Invisible Exchequer
#28 - 2016-09-05 14:24:11 UTC  |  Edited by: Rhivre
Lee Mealone wrote:

So how would bypassing this limit be easily be done? If CCP think it can be limited, but players know otherwise, surely this is an exploit waiting to happen?

Well, for example, more than 1 PC
Sabriz Adoudel
Move along there is nothing here
#29 - 2016-09-05 14:39:38 UTC
Koniforous wrote:
When I first read the clone changes and even free to play idea, my immediate thought was PLEX price is headed for a crash. There are so many alt accounts that people PLEX just to have ganker, research, or trade alts and once the clone changes hit I'm guessing a lot of those accounts won't need to be PLEXed anymore, decreasing demand and driving down prices.

I don't foresee a giant flood of new players joining EVE just because it's free now and actually sticking around. And, I imagine there will be a large initial influx that declines very rapidly. However, I do believe there will be a huuuuuge influx of new accounts created by veteran pilots to take advantage of the reasons for having an alt account mentioned above. I for one will be logging into my 2 deactivated accounts regularly after the changes.

PLEX demand will decrease, PLEX prices will crash, recover, and then quickly decline over the long term to a less than now value norm, after it stabilizes it will again begin to increase over the long term and eventually surpass its current prices.

Just my 2 cents...

I think the 'influx' will more be lapsed subscribers coming back.

We were chatting about these new accounts in the New Order's more public channel lately. Noone really thinks they will be useful for us - it's better just to PLEX an account, strip away the SP you earn in the month, and resell the injectors. I think most people will draw the same conclusions, unless injectors crash quite hard against PLEX.

I support the New Order and CODE. alliance.

Kerensky Initiatives
#30 - 2016-09-05 21:39:11 UTC
VonZeppelin wrote:
Good morning William Legrand Marx,

thank you for your meaningful forum post.

Bit sad that you created an alt just to thank yourself, William. What?Cry

Perfection is a dish best served like wasabi .

Bumble's Space Log

Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#31 - 2016-09-06 08:46:22 UTC
Lee Mealone wrote:
So how would bypassing this limit be easily be done? If CCP think it can be limited, but players know otherwise, surely this is an exploit waiting to happen?


I generally experience diminishing returns from each additional account, so I tend to find a number of accounts that is optimal for the isk/effort balance I'm looking for and just use that many. However, if there is no sub cost then that balance changes greatly. I will then only be limited by the number of characters I'm prepared to interact with each day.

As an example: Let's say I'm happy to log on 5 Alpha characters each day and queue up 4 jobs of 30 days duration. This will not be a lot of effort and I can easily do so either by logging on each character individually (if there is a simultaneous login limit), all of them at the same time (if there is no simultaneous login limit) or if I were so inclined I could trivially circumvent any limit. Now for that I get 4 jobs on 5 characters every day for 30 days, with a total of 150 characters, which is 600 industry jobs every 30 days. Getting that for free, when previously such an industrial farm would be somewhat expensive to maintain in PLEX terms, is a big change.
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