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[Focus Group] Tactical Destroyers

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Genos Occidere
#281 - 2016-08-27 17:28:38 UTC
If there are spots open - id like to be considered for this group please. Flew the T3d for Warlords of the Deep exclusively last year, and being a small gang/solo Amamake pilot, have fought against it in about every small ship there is.

smack allowed in english only

Mr Hyde113
#282 - 2016-08-27 17:29:11 UTC
Le Mittani
Free Ritto
#283 - 2016-08-27 17:44:58 UTC
so what are the odds that fozzie actually listens to the group this time?
Shalashaska Adam
Snakes and Lasers
#284 - 2016-08-27 17:46:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Shalashaska Adam
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey folks. The summer vacation season is over, we've done enough internal planning here at CCP to get a good estimate of exactly when different things can fit into our roadmap. I've re-read all the logs from earlier in the year to make sure my memory of the earlier discussions is nice and fresh.

So we're officially restarting the T3D focus group, with a specific goal of preparing for a comprehensive rebalance in our big November release.

All the original focus group members have been invited to the new channel, and we may open up a search for new members depending on how many of the original members still have time to participate. CSM 11 members also have open invites to join.


Increase signature radius from 60m to 70m.

Propulsion Mode:

Change 66% bonus to base velocity, to a 66% bonus to microwarpdrive speed boost.

Change 33% bonus to ship inertia, to a 66% bonus to ship inertia.

Base velocity and mass would also need adjustment in order to make the propulsion mode changes balanced.

But in short, essentially replace the confessors propulsion mode with that of the hecates, including 2 second warp.

The svipul could use essentially the exact same general changes listed above, with perhaps a little something on top to address it's unique issues. It is far more dominant than the fessor, which by comparison needs only a very mild change.
Frigate Menace
Uncle Karl's Pinko Commie Dystopian Nightmare
#285 - 2016-08-27 17:52:54 UTC
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey folks. The summer vacation season is over, we've done enough internal planning here at CCP to get a good estimate of exactly when different things can fit into our roadmap. I've re-read all the logs from earlier in the year to make sure my memory of the earlier discussions is nice and fresh.

So we're officially restarting the T3D focus group, with a specific goal of preparing for a comprehensive rebalance in our big November release.

All the original focus group members have been invited to the new channel, and we may open up a search for new members depending on how many of the original members still have time to participate. CSM 11 members also have open invites to join.

Without the hated Tactical Destroyers to suffocate us, once more shall the Frigates roam free to beat down the hated Battleship oppressors. Truly, a glorious day for our kind.

An alternate character of a CSM member sympathetic to the persecuted Frigate race. Anyone taking this account seriously is a damnable fool.

Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#286 - 2016-08-27 17:52:55 UTC
the weapon tiericide sounds great. t2 ammo for all weapons, spec skill for all weapons. maybe make t2 ammo way less important and do falloff bonus/penalty on t1 ammo also so there's more than 2 ammo types for falloff weapons
Murkar Omaristos
The Alabaster Albatross
Unreasonable Bastards
#287 - 2016-08-27 18:33:14 UTC
I have hated the constant stream of ship nerfs coming in over the past year.

However in this case, IMO you should beat those ******* with the nerf bat until they're black and blue. They need significant nerfs to 1) Speed, 2) Scan Res (insta-svipul is cancer), and 3) Inertia (b/c wtf, instawarping T3Ds).
Moac Tor
Cyber Core
Immediate Destruction
#288 - 2016-08-27 18:40:55 UTC
It is only really the Svipul, and Confessor to a lesser degree, that need nerfing (mainly due to their high speed and low sig combination). The Jackdaw and Hecate are in a good place IMO.

Rather than a massive nerf hammer being bought down as some are suggesting, I'm hoping to see a sensible approach to balancing the T3 destroyers.
Mr Hyde113
#289 - 2016-08-27 18:52:00 UTC
Frigate Menace wrote:
CCP Fozzie wrote:
Hey folks. The summer vacation season is over, we've done enough internal planning here at CCP to get a good estimate of exactly when different things can fit into our roadmap. I've re-read all the logs from earlier in the year to make sure my memory of the earlier discussions is nice and fresh.

So we're officially restarting the T3D focus group, with a specific goal of preparing for a comprehensive rebalance in our big November release.

All the original focus group members have been invited to the new channel, and we may open up a search for new members depending on how many of the original members still have time to participate. CSM 11 members also have open invites to join.

Without the hated Tactical Destroyers to suffocate us, once more shall the Frigates roam free to beat down the hated Battleship oppressors. Truly, a glorious day for our kind.

T3Ds are part of the Frigate Menace. Soon Battleships will roam the skies again and smite your kind like the locusts you are. #MakeBattleshipsGreatAgain
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#290 - 2016-08-27 19:19:40 UTC
Moac Tor wrote:
It is only really the Svipul, and Confessor to a lesser degree, that need nerfing (mainly due to their high speed and low sig combination). The Jackdaw and Hecate are in a good place IMO.

Rather than a massive nerf hammer being bought down as some are suggesting, I'm hoping to see a sensible approach to balancing the T3 destroyers.

jackdaw can easily get way too much tank for a destroyer
Planet 6
New Eden Alliance 99013733
#291 - 2016-08-27 20:49:31 UTC
if there any spots open, id like to join :)
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#292 - 2016-08-27 22:06:16 UTC  |  Edited by: Lugia3
Give 'em the crow treatment.

"CCP Dolan is full of shit." - CCP Bettik

Miner Hottie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#293 - 2016-08-27 23:33:26 UTC
"Thousands of Oncologists protested in the streets of Reykjavik as CCP Fozzie tentatively announced a working trial for a cure for cancer involving the severe beating of a internet space ship with an odd shaped bat named nerf."

Seriously, all of the T3Ds need to have a bigger base sig radius and the Svipul needs less scan resolution in Sharpshooter. A few of the hulls probably need their base PG/CPU tweaked (lowered) so there is a bit more compromise going on in fitting them.

It's all about how hot my mining lasers get.

Xavier Azabu
Half Empty
#294 - 2016-08-27 23:43:03 UTC
I'd like to join this focus group. I have been involved in the discussion since post #22. I have experience with and against t3ds in the field.
Xavier Azabu
Half Empty
#295 - 2016-08-27 23:45:39 UTC
Miner Hottie wrote:
"Thousands of Oncologists protested in the streets of Reykjavik as CCP Fozzie tentatively announced a working trial for a cure for cancer involving the severe beating of a internet space ship with an odd shaped bat named nerf."

Seriously, all of the T3Ds need to have a bigger base sig radius and the Svipul needs less scan resolution in Sharpshooter. A few of the hulls probably need their base PG/CPU tweaked (lowered) so there is a bit more compromise going on in fitting them.

Svipul scan resolution is not an issue. In order to make it insta-lock it sacrifices almost all of its tank and can be defeated by a T1 frigate with a 1mn ab. It's alpha/dps is the real issue.
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#296 - 2016-08-28 00:01:44 UTC
more like remove all scan res bonuses from sharpshooter modes, and have a long think about what actual value scan res sensor boosting adds to the game
Dunk Dinkle
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#297 - 2016-08-28 00:02:44 UTC
Svipuls delenda est!
Roenok Baalnorn
Baalnorn Heavy Industries
#298 - 2016-08-28 00:13:49 UTC
I think the T3s are fine as they are. The most common reason given for a nerf is " look at zkill, the svipul is the top ship always". That is true. But its the top ship because it has a fast base lock and good range meaning it can KM whore easily. Just because it can KM whore doesnt mean it needs a nerf.

When i compared ships k:l ratios all of the T3Ds had a similar K:L ratio as most other pvp ships. Some faction ships have 3 times the average K:L ratio yet no one complains about these. Its not that T3Ds are hard to kill and dont die. They die in the same ratio as most other ships. They are popular because they are fast, have good scan res, and decent range. They are a balance between a frigate and a cruiser.

I dont understand what people find so difficult about killing one? Remove logi support and they are kind of squishy. And apparently the stats agree with me because they die just as much as the next pvp ship, ratio wise.

What this entire discussion on T3Ds is, is a knee jerk reaction .. Instead of figuring out how to counter a T3D, and their are many ways, its better to just whine about it until CCP swings the nerf bat at it. Then we dont have to make any effort to try to counter T3Ds.

Destroyers for a long time were the LOL of ships. They were so worthless i didnt even bother to train destroyers pass level 3 for nearly 8 years. Only dictors were of any use. Now destroyers are in a decent place and people want to swing the nerf bat at them because they are to lazy to make an effort to counter them.

You want to counter a svipul gang? Bring T2 cruisers. They will melt away from existence. If you want to balance T3Ds for solo play STFU and STFD ,Eve isnt about solo play its about fleet pvp.

Thats my two cents, flame on.
FT Cold
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#299 - 2016-08-28 01:35:26 UTC
Good news, pretty happy about this.

Make sure to nerf them hard enough so that in each role they're close enough to a t1 hull fit for that specific function. If you buy one, you should be buying versatility not just brute power.
Miner Hottie
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#300 - 2016-08-28 01:51:55 UTC
Xavier Azabu wrote:
Miner Hottie wrote:
"Thousands of Oncologists protested in the streets of Reykjavik as CCP Fozzie tentatively announced a working trial for a cure for cancer involving the severe beating of a internet space ship with an odd shaped bat named nerf."

Seriously, all of the T3Ds need to have a bigger base sig radius and the Svipul needs less scan resolution in Sharpshooter. A few of the hulls probably need their base PG/CPU tweaked (lowered) so there is a bit more compromise going on in fitting them.

Svipul scan resolution is not an issue. In order to make it insta-lock it sacrifices almost all of its tank and can be defeated by a T1 frigate with a 1mn ab. It's alpha/dps is the real issue.

Stick enough remote sebos on a Svipul in SS mode and it can tank gate guns for a while.

It's all about how hot my mining lasers get.